Dr Sounthy Perinpanayagam MBBS, MRCPsych, DPM
Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist Areas of Expertise:
Dr Sounthy Perinpanayagam is a consultant psychiatrist and has been a specialist advisor in adolescent psychiatry to the NE Thames region. He has undertaken extensive training in psychodynamics and has experience in residential work with adolescents, psychoanalytical psychotherapy, family therapy, small group therapy and forensic psychiatry. Dr Perinpanayagam can act as an expert witness, including the preparation of medico legal reports and appearing in court, in cases involving all of these areas of expertise. He can take instructions on behalf of either claimant or defendant.
Dr Sounthy Perinpanayagam MBBS, MRCPsych, DPM Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist 020 8452 3489 020 7813 5723 07774 235005 sounthyperin@aol.com
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Expert witnesses Forensic Forensic & Expert&witnesses