Annual report and strategic plan (2) orangebleed

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O F F I C E R S 2015 Chair of the Board Michelle Foster Simi Valley Hospital Foundation Chairman-Elect Jim Vigdor Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings

On the Road to Success It is an honor to serve as the Chair of the Board for the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce. It is an exciting time for our organization as we have developed a clear pathway to our continued success with the new 2015-2017 Strategic Plan. The Strategic Planning Committee put a lot of time and energy into the production of this plan and even more effort will be needed to ensure the actions are fully implemented and completed. The Strategic Plan addresses both the Chamber’s current and future needs beginning in 2015. The goals of this plan are specific, measurable and attainable within the next three years, but can be adjusted if economic and environmental changes dictate revisions to our direction. The Chamber Board and Staff will be responsible to ensure the strategies and goals are completed to move the chamber forward. However, we can not achieve the success without the assistance of our members. We will need you to identify areas where you are willing to provide assistance and support. As you review the document, our hope is that each action item was developed with the intent of providing our members an even greater value in their chamber investment. We exist to further the interests of our business community by listening to their needs and engaging them in a vital network of community and business leaders who strive to provide an exceptional quality of life for our residents and businesses.

Past Chair & VC of Economic Development Dan Jaeger Simi Valley Family YMCA Chief Financial Officer Celina Zacarias CSU Channel Islands Vice Chair, Legislative Action Forum Michael McCaffrey McCaffrey Insurance Services Vice Chair, Health & Wellness Maggie Kestly Mid Valley Properties Board Advisor Tim Shannon The Shannon Agency, Farmers Ins. President & CEO Leigh Nixon Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce

DIRECTORS Pat Abruzzese PCC Network Solutions Barbara Frova The Maids Jill Haney Union Bank Thomas Herdering 99.1 The Ranch Lisa Hemenway Waste Management Michael Hoffman Gather Distill Present

Michelle Foster Board Chair 2015-2016

Larry Hibbler Simi Valley Ford Phil Isbell Simi Valley Buick, GMC Gina Mazzapica Time Warner Cable Scott Newbern AeroVironment, Inc. Mike Nolan AFLAC Insurance

The Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce promotes business in Simi Valley through leadership, political action, and services to increase opportunities for our members


A Look in the Rear-View Mirror The 2014 Annual Report is the year -in-review and a glance back at the great year 2014 was. While we


Strengthening the Local Economy     

launched several new exciting

programs, we remained focused on

our core programs and flagship

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events. 

Participated in the City of Simi Valley in the Small Business Forum Coordinated monthly “Business Programs” for members and their employees Published a monthly Mid-Month informational newsletter and flyer program Continued support of the Shop Simi Valley First Program & Shop Local Expo Hosted the State of the City in partnership with the City of Simi Valley Produced the annual Community Guide and Business Directory Offered business counseling through SCORE to strengthen new business Web site enhancement program drew visitors to chamber/community website Economic Development: Conducted 8 C-Level corporate visits. Launched TMD contract Workforce Training: Student industry tours and teacher externships

After a yearlong process, the Tourism Marketing District was passed by the City Council to begin operations in October

Representing the Interests of Business to Government

2014. We have hired the Director, established the operating

documents and Steering Committee which are well underway. The creation of the Tourism Marketing District with the City

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and the Hotels will produce a tourist revenue stream to assist

with the marketing of Simi Valley sports venues and


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The addition of the Economic Development Committee who

are performing C-Level Visits and Workforce Development programs enhances the economy. In 2014, the Chamber board voted to create a 501(c)(3) Corporation for Workforce Development and education programs. The new organization has received the designation from the IRS and it is now The Workforce Education Coalition, which works exclusively in workforce development with students,

Promoting the Community    

teachers and the job and career center. As we took time to pause and review the past year, it was very rewarding to see these programs come about and grow.

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WE are strong because you, our members, invest in us. WE are relevant to the businesses we serve because you share with us

your challenges., WE are influential because you lend us your name and reputation. For that we are grateful and humbled. Please take a moment to review our collective accomplishments; the credit is all yours!

Over 370 Leadership Simi Valley Alumni have learned about the community and promote it daily More than 500 visitors and tourists receive information about city through the Chamber offices each month Launched the Tourism Marketing District, now known as the Simi Valley Chamber Tourism Alliance Web site visits and publication distribution remained the number one place in which residents and visitors are finding information about our community Produced annual events that promote the community such as Street Fair, Shop Local Expo and Leadership events The Simi Valley Chamber assisted thousands of visitors, businesses, organizations and local residents who call, email or come by the office seeking information about Simi Valley. Each day the Chamber provides referrals to our member businesses, adding up to thousands of referrals annually Restaurant Week: The Chamber recruited over 30 restaurants to participate in the National event

Providing Networking and Business Exposure    

Leigh Nixon, President & CEO April 1999–May 2015

Organized the annual State of the City Address. Led business visits with Congressman Buck McKeon Hosted Town Hall Meetingswith Assemblyman Wilk Participated in weekly legislative calls with CalChamber Participated in the regional legislative Alliance of Chamber of Commerce Attended the annual CalChamber Legislative Summit in Sacramento Washington DC Fly-in to meet with US Chamber and Legislators Published the voting records of our local and state officials Took positions on ballot initiatives and published them for members to use at the polls Took positions on more than 70 job killer bills and mandated health laws, workforce issues, minimum wage and tax increases

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Ribbon Cuttings were staged for more than 57 member businesses Produced 12 well attended Networking Breakfasts with an average of 130-150 businesses in attendance Organized 4 After Hours Mixers Held monthly Leadership “Socials” for LSV alumni Organized the annual “Street Fair” in May Organized the Shop Local Expo in November Hosted 6 “Coffee with the CEO” for new members to connect Held 4 Business Forums throughout the year

To be “The Heartbeat of Business,” to remain passionate about the success of our members and to make Simi Valley a destination for visitors, for commerce, history, culture, recreation and to help foster a better quality of life





The 2014 Committees were key to the success of the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce’s programs and strategic planning. They combined the talents of Chamber members, Board liaisons and staff to effectively execute the Chamber’s various events and programs. Chamber Ambassadors 2014 Chair: Trudi Friedman The Ambassadors are members who are the welcoming arm of the Chamber and are the volunteer force behind our special events, ribbon cuttings, grand openings and Mixers.

Communications Committee 2014 Chair: Michael Hoffman The committee evaluated, reviewed and produced chamber communications: Newsletter, The Guide Magazine and Directory, Chamber Website, Flyer Program, E-News and reviewed and updated the overall Marketing Plan of the Chamber.

Economic Development Committee 2014 Chair: Michael McCaffrey The Economic Development Committee worked on business attraction and retention with the City. The group received information from speakers regarding business resources through speakers and materials. Workforce Development, Shop Simi Valley First and a Business Forum are also programs of the EDC.

Leadership Simi Valley Steering Committee 2014 Chair: Gerry Smith The group Identified and prepared future community leaders. They prepared, plans and coordinated curriculum for Leadership classes, provided alumni directory, hosted monthly socials, participated in graduation ceremonies and coordinated the program.

Legislative Action Forum 2014 Chair: Jim Vigdor Reviewed City, County, State and Federal legislation and analyzed its impact on business. Legislative Representatives gave updates at meetings. The Chamber sent a delegation to Sacramento and to Washington DC in 2014 to lobby for business. The committee hosted the Candidates forums for local, state and federal offices.

Street Fair Committee: 2014 Chair: Mike Nolan Produced, planned and coordinated the successful annual Simi Valley Street Fair, which saw over 330 vendors and 16,000 in attendance.

Tourism Alliance 2014 Chair: Caroline Gibson The new SVCTA worked to get their marketing district approved in 2014. The group works on stimulating the local economy by attracting visitors to Simi Valley, through sporting events and weddings.

Young Professionals Network (YPN) 2014 Chair: Danielle June The Committee worked on planning academy style training for emerging leaders for 2015. They produced events and activities for the YPN, the Young Professionals, ages 21-39.

2015-2017 Strategic Planning Committee: Chair, Pat Abruzzese, PCC Network Solutions; Jill Haney, Union Bank; Larry Hibbler, Simi Valley Ford; Dan Jaeger, Simi Valley Family YMCA; Eric Levitt, City Manager-City of Simi Valley; Leigh Nixon, Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce; Brian Ruditsky, Simi Valley Hospital

Top Six GoalS

1. Grow, nurture and retain the membership 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Establish target of 2/3 of income to be non-dues revenue Strive to achieve a reserve fund that reflects 50% of the current operating budget Influence Public Policy and forge community alliances Create public/private partnerships that result in long term widespread private investment (Economic Development) Maintain the integrity of core programs and flagship events

Goal ONE: Grow, nurture and retain the membership Strategies:  Retain at least 80% of current membership  Retain 70% of First Year Members  Recruit 120 new members per year for the next three years  Improve perception of membership value and communicate value without involvement  Target under represented and untapped markets Tactics:  Continue rewards programs and incentives for members to recruit new members  Continue sending the Certificate of Membership with # years as a member  Continue monthly note cards by Board Members to members up for renewal in six months  Offer two year membership package with discount  Continue Coffee with the CEO  Host Networking 101 event or seminar on how to present an elevator speech  Continually streamline Chamber’s Benefits List and add to website

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Present Chamber benefits and how to use them at Chamber New Member orientations and Ambassador trainings Post on website, in electronic newsletters the Benefits materials and membership recruitment brochures the current value added benefits Evaluate and enhance the Executive Membership benefits, annually Grow and embrace the Young Professionals Network’s programs and activities, launch the Emerging Leaders Academy in 2015 Explore the possibility of reaching out to more culturally diverse businesses

GOAL TWO: Establish target of 2/3 of income to be non -dues revenue Strategies:  Develop revenue enhancement opportunities  Explore strategies for each event to increase revenues Tactics:  Continually enhance Website, Directory and Publications ad sales  

opportunities Explore and implement Chamber discount travel opportunities Continue to investigate and implement fundraising special events

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Evaluate Street Fair booth pricing annually Update the marketing brochure that includes chamber events and upcoming programs



GOAL THREE: Strive to achieve a reserve fund that reflects 50% of the current operations budget Strategies:  Strive to set aside 5% of every revenue activity into the reserve account  Continue strategy for financial economic down turns or natural disasters Tactics:  Evaluate annually special event sponsorship offerings  Produce fiscal recap statements for all events  Increase dues annually based on CPI  Seek in-kind or discounts on costs

Maintain an ad-hoc financial group for budgetary action that requires cuts in expenses  Evaluate revenues and expenditures on an annual basis  Finance Committee to review progress or changes in the finances on a quarterly basis

GOAL FOUR: Influence public policy Strategies  Establish policy for chamber positions and a reporting mechanism to members and the community  Collaborate/Support organizations working to improve the business climate in Simi Valley  Continue partnership with the City of Simi Valley Tactics:  Determine top five business issues for chamber to take lead or supporting role  Publish positions on legislation in newsletter and press  Review and revise Policy Guidelines annually  Publish civic report card on legislator votes  Provide members with updates on candidate races and communicate the candidate’s positions  Continue participation in the Chambers of Commerce Alliance of Ventura County.

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Continue participation with the weekly California Chamber conference calls Invite outside volunteers to participate in Strategic Planning process Attendance at City Council Meetings reported back at board meetings Recommend Chamber members for appointments to City Commissions and Committees

GOAL FIVE: Economic Development: Creation of public/private partnerships that result in long term widespread private investment Strategies:   

Business Attraction: Identify needs, assist in strategy development and economic growth Business Retention: Be a facilitator bringing players to the table and become a private sector champion to link employers to service providers Represent business sector with various education initiatives and address work force needs & development

Tactics:  Promote Shop Simi Valley First Program, Host Shop Local Expo  Work to determine if City is positioned to meet future housing needs of employers demands  Work with City to maximize new City Marketing Plan  Address City Council every six weeks on ED Committee updates  Information sharing with presenters at EDC Meetings  Resource sharing from County, State and City staff  Regular updates from City staff  Assist City with Business Forum to bring all economic partners together

1. We put members first 2. We live our brand 3. Innovation and risk-taking drive our growth 4. Infusing economic impact by promoting shopping locally

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Continue “C” level visits to determine needs and impart information Interact with the Tourism Alliance to monitor guest visitations for statistical information Workforce Education Coalition:  High school student exposure to SV Career Institute  Host student career tours of local machine shops  Host healthcare career tour; EMT, PT, Nursing, radiology  Host environmental science tour, water treatment and waste disposal  Expand teacher externships

5. Finding innovative ways to connect our members 6. We conduct business with the highest ethical standards 7. We identify legislative burdens on business and work to provide relief



GOAL SIX: Maintain the integrity of core programs and flagship events Strategies:  Preserve the integrity and enhance the operations of Chamber Core Programs  Preserve the integrity and enhance the operations of Chamber flagship events Tactics:  Provide quality member programs and networking opportunities: Leadership Simi Valley Program Ambassador Program Networking Programs (Ribbon Cuttings, Monthly Networking Breakfasts and Luncheons and Mixers)  Provide business counseling through SCORE

Continue to operate flagship events: Simi Valley Street Fair, Shop Local Expo, Business Achievement Luncheon State of the City Luncheon, Expos and table top events and Chamber Ambassadors Continue to explore and implement fundraising special events

C H A M B E R S W O T A N A LY S I S STRENGTHS Chamber Staff Board of Directors 5-Star Accredited Chamber Chamber Mission & Vision Business Assistance Business Promotion Business Advocacy Tourism Marketing Relationship With City

OPPORTUNITIES Better support from Media Partners Support from Sponsors and donors Grow the Membership Enhance Fundraisers to increase Revenues Increase Business Advocacy and Economic Development for our members Implement a Technology Fund/Fundraiser Good Reputation

WEAKNESSES Trying to be all things to all people Underfunded Understaffed Membership Driven Keeping up with Technology Reliance on Fundraising Attendance at Events

THREATS Competition from Leads Groups/ Cultural Chambers Loss of Government Funding Loss of members Failed Programs Staff recruited by outside companies High Monthly Expenses Low Revenue Recession

SUMMARY Previous Plan 2011-2014  Incorporated recommendations from 2010 Accrediting Board.  Kept the integrity of existing core and flagship programs which was the theme for the three year period.  Improved utilization of existing programs/events  Continued to grow the Chamber  Tapped into new markets (Young Professionals, Gen XY, Entrepreneurs)  Maintained Chamber influence locally, regionally and statewide  Investigated new types of revenue, establishing more chamber travel and a new expo event  Communicated Chamber positions on legislation in newsletter and website Updated Plan 2015-2017  Added Economic Development Programs and components (Workforce Development, C-Level Visitations, Education)  Complete Re-Accreditation (last quarter of 2014)  Implement Tourism Marketing District (TMD) with City and Hotels  Establish Workforce Education Foundation (501c3 ) Under the Chamber’s umbrella, enabling grant solicitations  Involve outside volunteers in the Strategic Planning process  Perception of value of chamber membership will be key in 2015-2017  Maintain Chamber influence with government agencies

The Voice of Business

The Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce 40 W. Cochran Street, Suite 100, Simi Valley, CA 93065 Tel: 805.526.3900

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