CONGRATULATIONS TO SIM KOREA KEY ENTITY CELEBRATES 25 YEARS IN OUR GLOBAL FAMILY BY JOSHUA BOGUNJOKO, SIM INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR him at the time. So, Igbaja unites us as the special place where my salvation journey began and the place where mission workers from SIM Korea began their journey. The governing council of SIM Korea was first formed in 1997. Then, in 2000, as a new century was ushered in, SIM Korea became a joint owner of the whole mission. I would like to mention SIM Korea’s first director, Mrs Sarah Kang (above). Both historically and
Korea 25th anniversay
It is a great honour for me to congratulate the SIM Korea office on the 25th anniversary of their joining the SIM family. The first SIM Korea mission workers, Rev. Sam and Sarah Kang, were commissioned in 1981. They were sent not only to my home country of Nigeria, but to my home region! As many of you know, I was raised in a village in southern Nigeria. When I started high school, I moved to Igbaja town and attended the SIM school there, which shared a campus with the Igbaja Seminary. Rev. Sam Kang served for many years as a professor at Igbaja Seminary, though I did not know
Kyoung-Hwan Oh helps out on a school building site in Pretoria, South Africa
today, our mission teams everywhere have depended on the contributions of godly women. Sarah’s gifts in administration and leadership helped establish the Korea office on a good foundation. All of SIM is grateful to Mrs Kang, to her successor, Rev. Yong Sung, to the SIM Korea board members, and to the SIM Korea directors and staff, who have faithfully shepherded the affairs of SIM Korea; and for the care of SIM Korea workers that has made their entity one of the leading offices in SIM. Korean mission workers today are known for many qualities. I can only mention a few of those, but they include their devotion to prayer, their emphasis on church planting and theological education, and their resilience while serving in some very challenging locations. These characteristics not only harmonise with our SIM purpose, ethos and core values, they enrich our teams in ways we would not achieve without them. The first church in Korea was planted in 1893 and ushered in more than 100 years of church growth and outreach. The SIM Korea office was established just before the turn of the 21st century, ushering in, we pray, 100 more years of continued growth and outreach. We look forward with great anticipation to what the next 25 WWW.SIM.ORG