SIM Connect 2021 Issue 4

Page 16

seven seven seven sending sending sending offices offices offices and and 15 and 15 nationalities 15 nationalities nationalities engaged engaged engaged in in in

Work Work Work among among among theth

ministry ministry ministry from from from tent-making tent-making tent-making and and and business business business to to medical to medical medical

Four Four families Four families families area

ministry ministry ministry and and education. and education. education.

focus focus focus on on church on church chu p

workers workers workers with with wit e6 WeWe now We now have now have have more more more than than than 30 30 workers 30 workers workers who who have who have have joined joined joined

training, training, training, and and med and m

teams, teams, teams, with with many with many many more more more currently currently currently raising raising raising support. support. support. WeWe long We long long

thethe community. the community. communi

to see to see to more see more more workers workers workers sent sent into sent into the into the harvest the harvest harvest ne6t ne6t year. ne6t year. year.

A ia A ia A ia

In In In , business , busine , busi

Mali Mali Mali

GROWING TEAMS WHERE CHRIST IS LEAST KNOWN In In In , the , the , team the team team is focused is focused is focused on on launching on launching launching community community community opportunities opportunities opportunities to

One ofand SIM’s core values is ‘strengthened through In North Africa , we work in close partnership with a l health health health and wellness and wellness wellness projects. projects. projects. A A recent A recent recent water water water project project project theological theological theological educa edu e diversity’: We believe we will be more effective in ministry

denomination that has a long history of service in


region. The team is focused on university ministry and

initiative initiative initiative has has opened has opened opened thethe door the door to door more to more to more communities communities communities in the in the in the we








region's region's region's ible ible ible scho sc

celebrate ourare oneness in Christ. Faithful Witness teams is open for sub-Saharan area. area. area. They They are They welcomed are welcomed welcomed by by the by the communities the communities communities to door conduct to to conduct conduct


Africans to join this tea

are a great e6ample of this, with workers representing Our Our teams Our teams teams continu cont c a wide a GROWING wide a wide range range range of of programmes. of programmes. programmes. They They They would would would likelike to like to add to add add TEAMS WHERE CHRIST IS LEAST KNOWN seven sending offices and 15 nationalities engaged in



Work among the Fulani in

Ni ria

continues to g

they they have they have have identifie ident ide ministry from tent-making and business to teachers medical Four families are already serving in this ministry, wi engineers, engineers, engineers, medical medical medical workers, workers, workers, and and teachers and teachers to to the to the team. the team. team. SIM’s





ministry and education.

Learn Learn Learn more. more. more. diversity’: We believe we will be


more effective in ministry


, we work in close partnership with a

focus on church planting, but the team would like to

there there there is no isofno is limit no limit o li denomination that has a long history service

in agriculture, veterina grow. Evenwith moree6perience important than the skills One of SIM’s Core Values is ‘Strengthened excited to workers as we incorporate the richness of our diversity and region. The team is focused on university ministry an We now have more than 30 workers who have joined training, and tomore better serve and eng any individual brings, is amedical heart forskills the people ofabout the more more about about each ea Through Diversity’: We believe we will region, a willingness to sub-Saharan work with local believers, teams, with more currentlyWitness raising support. the community. celebrate our oneness inmany Christ. Faithful teamsWe long door is open for Africansand to join this te be more effective in ministry as we The The Ayutthaya, The Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya, Thailand Thailand Thailand team team team continues continues continues to to grow. to grow. grow. Ministry Ministry Ministry Lead Lead Lead (Fait (F a strong sense of resilience because plans can change to see more workers sent into the harvest ne6t year. are a great e6ample of this, workers incorporate thewith richness of representing our diversity very quickly in this part of the world. Almost Almost Almost everyone everyone everyone who who joins who joins joins spends spends thethe first the first year first year year learning learning Inlearning A ia , business community health are the prim celebrate our oneness inspends Christ. Work among the FulaniFulani inand Nigeria continues to seven sending and offices and 15 nationalities engaged in Work among the in Ni ria continues to


We would We would would also also a Faithful Witness are a great of this, In Mali , the team teams is focused on example launching community grow. Fouropportunities families are already servingWe inministry, this ministry, to launch but people from tent-making and business to medical Four families are already serving in this ministry, w language language language and and will and will serve will serve serve in in one in one or one or more or more more of of the of the team's the team's team's with workers representing seven sending offices and 15 with a focus on church planting, but the team would health and wellness projects. A recent water project theological education e6perience could also serve in Faithful Faithful Faithful Witness Witness Witne ini

nationalities ministry and education.

engaged in ministry from tentmaking and

likefocus to add on workers withplanting, experiencebut in agriculture, church the team would like t veterinarian training, and medical skills to better serve workers with e6perience in agriculture, veteri area. communities WeThey noware havewelcomed more thanby 30the workers who haveto conduct and engage the community. education, education, education, and and English and English English language language language learning. learning. learning. Our teams continue to grow around the world and w joined with morewho raising support. We wideteams, range of many programmes. They would likelong to add training, In Asia, business and community are theserve and en We now have a more than 30 workers have joined and medical skills health to better to see more workers sent into the harvest next year. they have identified particular personnel needs, we primary opportunities to launch ministry, but people engineers, medical workers, and teachers to the team. that that the that the Lord the Lo teams, with many more currently raising support. We long the community. In Mali, the team is focussed on launching with theological education experience could also serve Learn more. there is no limit on who God is calling You can find community and wellness projects. A recent to see more workers sent health into the harvest ne6t year. in thevery region’s Bible school. Our Our team Our team team in the in the in Middl the Middl Middl a t a t is a t small is small is small butbut very but e6cited very e6cited e6cited to to to areare needed are needed need fo more about each team by emailing the Faithful Wi water project initiative has opened the door to more Our teams continue to grow around the world and In A ia, business and community health are the p communities. Our team isimportant being welcomed in to The Ayutthaya, Thailand team continues to grow. Ministry Lead ( while they have identified particular personnel needs, we the grow. grow. grow. Even Even Even more more more important important than than the than the skills the skills any skills any individual any individual individual that that that the Lord the L In Mali, the team is afocused on launching They community conduct wide range of programmes. would like know there is no limit on who God is calling! opportunities to launch ministry, but people Almost everyone who joins spends the first year learning We would also joinwhere us in praying for to add medical workers and teachers. Find out more about each team andto to see you brings, brings, brings, isengineers, is a is a heart a heart heart for for the for the people the people people of of the of the region, the region, region, a aask ayou financial financial financial and an o health and wellness projects. A recent project language and will serve in onewater or more of the team's theological education e6perience could also serve The Ayutthaya, Thailand team continues to Witness initiative: might fit inFaithful by emailing the Faithful Witness Ministry three ministry strategies sports, community health and initiativewillingness haswillingness opened the door to more communities in the region's ible grow. Almost everyone who joins spends the first year willingness to to work to work work with with local with local local believers, believers, believers, and a and strong a strong aschool. strong that that we that we will we will stw Lead ( learning language and serves in one or more of the We would also ask you to join us in praying for the education, and English language learning. area. They are welcomed by the communities to conduct sense sense sense of three of resilience of resilience resilience because because because plans plans plans can can change can change change very very very his his Holy his Holy Spirit Holy SpiS team's ministry strategies - sports, community Faithful Witness initiative: that the Lord to will raise around up the harvest workers Our teams continue grow the world and a wide range health of programmes. like to add education, and They Englishwould language learning. • That the Lord will raise up the harvest workers Our team in the Middl a t is small but very e6cited to are needed for this initiative. quickly quickly quickly in this in this in part this part of part the of of the world. the world. world. all all people. all people. peopl In North Africa, we work in close partnership they identified who have are needed for this particular initiative. personnel needs, we engineers, medical workers, and teachers to the team. grow. more important than skills any individual that will theraise Lord raise too, theboth resources too, with a Even local denomination which hasthe a long history of • That the Lord thewill resources Learn more. there is no limit on who God is calling You can fi service in focusedof on university financial and other and needs. brings, is the a region. heart The for team the is people the region, a financial other needs. ministry and the door is open for sub-Saharan Africans • That we will stay inwill step with Jesus all the way,all ledthe each team emailing Faithful W willingness to work with local believers, and a strong more about that we stay inby step with esusthe way, le to join in this pioneering work. by his Holy Spirit and guided by his word and his sense of resilience because can grow. change very Ministry Lead his Holy Spirit and guided by his word and his love The Ayutthaya, Thailand team continues ( Our team in the Middle East plans is smallto but very love for all people.


initiative has opened the strategies door to more communities in the region's ible school. three three three ministry ministry strategies strategies sports, sports, community community community health health health business, toministry medical and education. - sports,

You You can You can support can support support the Faithful the Faithful Faithful Witness Witness Witness initiative initiative initiative by by mobilizing by mobilizing mobilizing quickly in this part of thethe world. all people.

Almost everyone who joins spends the first year learning

Sign Sign up Sign u t

We would also ask you to join us in people, people, people, prayer, prayer, prayer, and and and resources resources our for our ministry our ministry ministry teams. teams. teams. Email Email language and willcan serve in one or resources more of the for team's Sign up toEmail receive our newsletter: You support the Faithful Witness initiative byfor mobilising people, Faithful Witness initiative: three


prayer, and resources for our ministry teams. Email Michelle Krewson at



To use a QR code, simply open your

strategies - sports, community health Michelle Michelle Michelle at at at to to learn to learn learn more. more. more. Sign up to receive our scan. newsletter: mobile device camera and to learn more. You can support the Faithful Witness initiative by mobilizing

education, and English language learning.

people, prayer, and resources for our ministry teams. Email


Michelle at to learn more.

Our team in the

Middl a t

is small but very e6cited to

To use a QR code, simply open y

that the Lord will raise up the harvest worker

mobile device camera and scan

are needed for this initiative.

grow. Even more important than the skills any individual



WWW.SIM.ORG financial and other needs.



a to

heart work

for with






the and

region, a










that we will stay in step with esus all the way,

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