SIM Core Values
Core Values
For most of this year, a small team has been looking at SIM’s Core Values and working out how we can make them more memorable.
Under our governing articles, we are supposed to re-examine our Core Values every decade and this is the first time we have done it since 2006, so it was long overdue. The Board and the International Leadership Team realised from the start that our Core Values do not need to change. They lie at the heart of what binds us together and are held very dearly by many of us. But what we also realised is that very few of us can bring all 10 Core Values to mind when we’re put on the spot and asked what they are! So the central challenge of the Review Team was to come up with a new way of expressing our Core Values which would be more memorable. We want these values to underpin everything we do; we want to see them referred to often, not just in orientation meetings for new workers; we want to see them used as starting points for discussions in meetings. We believe it is important that all our workers - be they members, associates, trustees or staff - know our Core Values and feel inspired by them. We very much hope that what we have arrived at helps us all do exactly that. Those of us who read and understand English, have been calling this summary ‘Three Ds and Three Cs’ – the graphic alongside demonstrates why we came up with that! We recognise that title will not work in all languages, although it does in some! However, we hope that this new way of summarising our Core Values is short enough to be memorable in for everyone, no matter what your first language is. You should have received an email with this Core Value summary, with translations in French, Spanish and Portuguese. It was emailed to the whole of SIM in early November. Because the summary is much shorter than the 10 Core Values, some people may feel that we have lost something. That is not the intention, the summary is intimately linked to the 10, and is just that - a summary, to make the 10 more accessible and memorable. If you prefer using the full 10 Core Values, you are very welcome to do so. However, we hope you will find much to celebrate in this new summary. We pray you will enjoy learning the Three Ds and Three Cs and living out our values in your daily relationships with others.
Dependent on God
isciples who make disciples
Church centred
THREE DS 3AND... 3 Ds and Cs
We are:
ependent on God – We are people of prayer. We trust in our faithful God and affirm the truth of the Bible.
iverse – We are one in Christ. We embrace, and are strengthened by, the international, interdenominational and multi-ethnic diversity of His church.
Disciples of Jesus who make
disciples – We cross barriers to fulfil God’s global, urgent and unfinished mission.