5 minute read
Alpha Challenge
Challenges with AlphalsT Sur vivor s Jour nal
Survivors’ Camp
Chapter 1
It was a peaceful Saturday morning when Vincent, his brother Billy, and some friends went on a camping trip in the woods of Windenburg. The weather was still cold even though winter was about to end. As all of them arrived on the campground, Mrs. Robinson, Jefferson’s mother asked, “Could you set the tents and campfire up while I park the car somewhere further?”
She drove the car off and the seven youngsters entered the woods, setting the camp up.
They set up the tents, thanks to their scout’s years in grade school. After that, the teenagers left into the woods to look for firewood, asking the children to stay around the tents. Hours had passed since the camp was set up. Now the teenagers returned to the camp with loads of firewood, but the children were gone. Worried about them, they thought that it was a bad idea to leave the camp, so they decided to start a fire while waiting for them. After about half an hour, the children returned to the camp with terror in their faces and a gun in Jefferson’s hands, but he trembled in fear.
Confused on what happened, the teenagers scolded the children for leaving the tents, but they were just too terrified to say a word. A shady figure appeared from the woods, a familiar sim they knew, who was no other than Mrs. Robinson.
Pale skin, wounds all over her body, dead eyes, Mrs. Robinson wasn’t the same person they once knew. She slowly walked toward the tents. Panicked, Patricia, another teenager, grabbed the gun and pointed at her direction, but she had no power to shoot the once nice lady. As Mrs. Robinson got close, Billy had no choice but to grab the gun and shot her head before any casualties happened. Jefferson finally fell on his knees and burst into tears as his mother’s fate was rather unfortunate.

Challenges with AlphalsTi mz Sur vivor s Jour nal
“It’ll be fine, Jeff. You’re not alone here.” Terrence tried to calm Jefferson down near the fire camp as it got late. Luckily, it didn’t rain that night. Vincent, Billy, Patricia, Emily, and Chelsea just returned with some wild fruits and more firewood.
“We have to eat now. Let’s not starve here. After that, we have to build fences around this place. We need a peaceful sleep here”, Vincent said.
“I’ll help too!” Jefferson insisted.
“Are you alright, Jeff? We never force you to, you hear?” asked Billy.
“I can’t be sad over my mother all the time. I don’t want to lose any of you guys.”
Hours had passed and it was 8PM already. Right after they were done with the fences, they had supper and they started discussing on what to do next. “Well, it seems that we’re stuck here. These zombies are really something”, said Vincent.
“About that, I think you should be our leader, Vincent”, said Patricia.
“She’s got a point. I also vote you”, said Chelsea.
“I agree”, said Terrence.
“Billy should be the vice-leader. I think you both will rock together”, said Emily.
“I’ve never thought about that, but I’m in!” said Billy.
“Well, Billy is my vice leader. I’ll give it a go then”, said Vincent.
“Before we sleep, I wonder if those zombies can be cured”, asked Jefferson.
“I don’t see a possibility in that”, said

“She’s got a point in that. Remember that once they’re zombies, there’s no turning back. Kill them no matter how close you are to them”, insisted Vincent.
“Oh, mom… Sorry that we had to kill you earlier. We had no choice. I’ll miss you”, said Jefferson.
“Guys, don’t you think it’s better if we focus on a role? I know that everyone here’s good at different things”, said Billy.
“That’s a wonderful idea! Let’s see… I’m great at woodworking so I should try to build a shelter for us. Hopefully, we have enough materials for that”, said Vincent, “I must admit that you’re the bravest sim here, so could we entrust you with the gun?”
“That’s probably for the best”, Billy said.
“I’ve been an athlete since childhood. I think I’ll focus on gathering wood for us. It’s a staple need in a place like this”, Patricia said.
“I’ll help you too, Patricia”, said Jefferson.
“My family runs a farm in Henford-onBagley. I can help you catching animals. I’m especially good with chickens!” said Chelsea.
“I can see where this is going, Chelsea. No wonder that you’ve bullied me so much for years. Anyway, I’m good at fishing”, said Emily.
“It’s the right time to put my scouting experience into action. I’ll find edible plants for us to eat out there”, said Terrence.
“You children should stay here until you start adapting to the surroundings. We can’t afford to lose any of you. We teenagers can take care of your needs early on, but please help us when you’re ready”, closed Vincent.
With their meeting concluded, the seven of them finally could sleep for the night. It was around 11PM at that time and they were exhausted. They finally retired for the night, hoping to get no nightmares. As they slept, more zombies started spawning in the woods. It became very dangerous to leave at night.
They might not be grown-ups. However, they had no choice but to survive the zombie-infested world. The future of sims was up to them now.
To be continued…
Link to rules:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1rBRE2kWbvBRV7slblCOawaGV2EvngqrLLhM7JMvmK0
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