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INTRODUCING Bailey Cheshire

Introducing Bailey Cheshire Bailey Cheshire


By Ivana

In this issue, we’re going to introduce you to a Simmer who’s somewhat new to the community, and just recently joined our team, Bailey Cheshire. She started her YouTube last 2021, where she mostly do LPs and Build videos. A gamer by heart, she also plays other RPG games in addition to The Sims, and loves photography, makeup, and cosplays. Get to know her more in this article.

Hey baes! I’m Bailey, a gamer, SimTuber, variety streamer, chaotic bisexual, and adoring cat mom from the United States. I’ve always been creative and sought any outlet possible to express that creativity. In the summer of 2021, I took a chance on myself and started my YouTube channel, and I’m slowly growing and finding my place.

I’ve been playing The Sims on and off since the original, and I’ve dabbled in all aspects of the game, though I spend most of my time in Live Mode. For me, The Sims has always been the height of escapism and wish fulfillment, so I imbue that into my content by creating stories and scenarios that combine my favorite things and people with lofty aspirations and the unhinged chaos and energy that only The Sims can deliver.

Since diving into the Sims community, I’ve learned so much from my fellow creators, from tips to improve my building to the best mods and custom content to breathe new life into my game. Being part of this community has been so important for me as a creator and as a person as I’m constantly inspired and challenged to be my best.

When I’m not making Sims content, I’m playing other simulators, story-based RPGs, tabletop RPGs, and trying to improve my sewing, make-up, and photography skills so I can cosplay all my favorite game characters.

I’m currently developing some exciting Sims 4 projects for my channel, including a new let’s play series, the Esposito Legacy, and a Mass Effect-themed save file. I post new videos every Wednesday and Friday, and I stream other games on Twitch every Tuesday and Thursday. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram @baileyxcheshire and on the Gallery as BaileyCheshire. Take care of yourselves, baes!

Follow Bailey for more Sims and Gaming content!

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