18 minute read
DNA: Behind the scenes with spoonie
Meet the team Behind the scenes
The team behind the D.N.A requests consists of LissyKins one of the founding members, and other super talents such as illusie, cevans1962 - masajo, bree_miles and airis6962. Each one of these creators bring something different but special to the team and you can see each member has a serious passion for creating within the Sims, The Simming Spoonie chats with each of them as we get to know whats behind D.N.A
We’d love to get to know you a little better, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to play The Sims? What was your favourite request?

I’ve been enamoured with The Sims since the first iteration. I love architecture and design, and The Sims offered me all of that, and a secret bonus; I’m on the autism spectrum so playing with and witnessing the interactions between Sims actually helped me better gauge others’ real-life reactions and emotions.
Can you explain what d.n.a requests are all about? How does it work?
DNA Requests is a service to our Sims community to create CC free and play ready Residential Lots, Community Lots, Sims, and Pets. When someone can’t create their Simself to play with, or can’t make that dream home, that’s where we come in.
When and how did you come to be involved?
I began creating for DNA and completed my first request in November 2011. There was an ad from Zooprofessor3 in the forums calling for creators and I thought it seemed like a lot of fun. I was so excited and surprised when they selected me! Oh wow, this is a super tough question; for Sims 3, I think it’s a tie between Crowe Country Charmer, Goodrich Castle, and Sullivan Jupiter House. For Sims 4, it’s a tie between Growing Dreams, Abandoned Mystery Cottage and Lost Falls.

Have you had any weird requests?
How many creators do you have in the team at the moment?
Currently, we have six active creators. It depends on your definition of weird…lol I haven’t had any that were too wild, but sometimes I wish to be a fly on the wall for the requesters’ playtime. People play so incredibly differently with different creations.
What is your own favourite building style?
I’d have to say Modern and Victorian.
When creating for yourself, do you use CC or just use in-game content if you get the time?
I never use CC, it gets too complicated for me, but I think there are some incredible creations that tempt me endlessly.
Do you prefer creating for build requests or Sim requests?
There isn’t a preference necessarily, but if I’m tight on time I prefer Sims, if I have loads of time, I prefer to build. I also really enjoy making pets.
Is it nerve-wracking building for others?
Not always, but it can be! People have an idea in their head that they want to be created, but getting that idea across to me can be a careful communication process. I always appreciate my requesters taking the time to discuss the project with me and being able to share pics of what they've imagined. I also share WIP pics to be sure we’re on the same page.
How long does an average request take to build?
Build times vary based on the complexity of the request. A Sim would take perhaps two or three days, but a build can take a few weeks if it’s large.
How would our readers go about requesting a creation?
To find DNA, navigate to the Sims Forums and find us in the Creative Corner under The Sims 4 Lots.
What is the weirdest request you have undertaken as part of the team?
I’ve not had anything particularly weird, but the most unusual were usually my own designs. I enjoy an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ sort of topsy turvy element to my Victorian builds, Sims 3 really let me go crazy with that aesthetic.
Did you play any previous Sims games? What tools do you miss in TS4?
I’ve played them all, and my most beloved tool was the colour wheel in S3. I could change anything to look like anything, which was very helpful in creating cohesive looks. It’s far more difficult to achieve that in S4.
If someone wanted to join the d.n.a team, how would they go about this?
Contact me at Lissykin@gmail, @Lissykin on discord, or via My Page on the S4 forums.

We’d love to get to know you a little better, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to play The Sims.
I’m Lusie and I’m from the Netherlands. I have been playing the Sims since The Sims 1. My best friend told me about a new game she thought was awesome and invited me to play it at her house. I was hooked ever since. At first, I was mainly playing and didn’t know how to make a pretty house. During Sims 2, I learned to build, but it wasn’t until Sims 3 that I got really good at it and started doing requests for others. Now with the Sims 4, I do a combination of building and playing. For the first time, I was able to play past generation 3 and even did a legacy challenge with 24 generations. I was so surprised by that!
When and how did you come to be involved with the d.n.a team?
I was invited into the team several years ago. I can’t remember when it was. One of the DNA members asked me if I’d be interested in joining. I felt honoured by the invitation and accepted it. I enjoyed doing requests for others.
Which requested creation is your favourite?
It’s hard to choose because there are many that I love. I’ve done many look-a-like sims or pets of which I am proud how close they look to the provided photographs. Making someone’s pet always feels special. Though I think my favourite creation is Denford Victorian Mansion because I had a lot of fun with that project. I love how the garden turned out.
What is your own favourite building style?

Victorian houses, both Queen Anne style and Second Empire. I love the elegance of the buildings.
When creating for yourself, if you get time, do you use CC or just use in-game content?
I don’t like using CC, so I use just in-game content.
Do you prefer build requests or Sim requests?
I don’t really prefer any, since I enjoy both. I can spend hours on either a house, a sim or a pet. Those are projects I enjoy. I think it depends on my mood. Sometimes I am really inspired and want to start building, while at other times I feel more like playing around in CAS.
Is it nerve-wracking creating for others?
No, it’s not nerve-wracking. As I work on a request I like to send WIP pictures, so I give my requester the chance to give me suggestions or let me know if they don’t like something. That way I can be sure the
requester loves what I create. I think it is very rewarding to create something for others. I love seeing the reactions. I especially like it if someone shares in-game screenshots of something another DNA member or me created.
How long does an average request take to build?
It depends on how big the requested project is and what kind of style it is. For instance, a Victorian house usually takes me a month, sometimes longer. It also depends on how inspired you are.
What is the weirdest request you have undertaken as part of the team?

We don’t get many weird requests. I do remember we once got a request for a house with 20 bedrooms and 20 bathrooms. That sounded insane! It was one of the few requests that got rejected.
Did you play any previous Sims games? What tools do you miss in TS4?
I played all of them. I miss the ability to adjust colours and patterns in Sims 4. It was so much easier to match things in Sims 3. Yet, when I rebuild one of my Sims 3 creations in the Sims 4 they always turn out more elegant. So despite missing things from Sims 3 I am quite happy with Sims 4.
What is your EAID


We’d love to get to know you a little better, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to play The Sims.
Hello, my name is Christine aka masajo and Cevans1962 in Simland. Been married for years and have three grown-up sons (Matt, Sam and Joshua) which is how masajo came to be. We were also blessed with a beautiful granddaughter earlier this year. Apart from Granny duty, I work part-time for a small architectural practice. Greatest passions are yoga which I practice daily and gardening. Really enjoy treat days out at the theatre and spa and of course shopping. After completing all the Tomb Raider missions I discovered Sims. Sims 2 was about to be launched so I made a start on Sims 1 and have never looked back.
When and how did you come to be involved with the d.n.a team?
During Sims 3 I always admired the work of the DNA team and really liked the fact they all kindly supported each other. After creating for many challenges I felt I needed something more so I applied in the summer of 2018 and have totally enjoyed creating for many people since.
Which requested creation is your favourite?
Not sure if I have a favourite as such but I did enjoy building Sunnydale High and Stonegate Castle. Wolfstone Heights was fun and I am revamping this one at the moment as a further request. Beware, I think the original really has a haunted room!
What is your own favourite building style?
I really like trying all different styles, it depends on my mood of the time or a place I’ve visited and gained inspiration from. If I had to choose it would probably be French country.
When creating for yourself, if you get time, do you use CC or just use in-game content?
I used CC in Sims 3 and it messed my game up so badly I swore never to use it again so it’s in-game content only for me.
Do you prefer build requests or Sim requests?
Definitely build requests.

Is it nerve-wracking creating for others?
Not at all, it’s lovely getting to know the requester, communication is key in order to get it right. No weird requests really but Hotel Dusk which is based on a Nintendo DS game was different. It’s an old motel which is dingy, dirty and dated and in need of great repair.
How long does an average request take to build?
I only play Sims in the evenings so an average build would take around 2 weeks.
Did you play any previous Sims games? What tools do you miss in TS4?
I’ve played all of them and don’t miss any tools, quite happy with what we’ve got at the moment.
What is the weirdest request you have undertaken as part of the team? What is your EAID

Bree Miles

We’d love to get to know you a little better, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to play The Sims.
My daughter talked me into playing The Sims on Console back in 2011, we had so much fun together with it! Even though it wasn't a multiplayer game we would talk with each other as we played and try to do similar things, it was super awesome. By Fall I was so in love with the Sims, my niece had told me about the PC version of Sims 3 but warned it took a pretty good PC to run, so I ran out and got myself a huge gaming desktop PC and my love for She Sims had started all over again, it was like a brand new version of Sims 3 but on PC. I was totally in awe with the game from then on!
When and how did you come to be involved with the d.n.a team?
After playing on the console Sims 3 version I knew I would love building but the console version was limited to what you could add to your home, but the PC version wasn't and soon after I got the PC version I started building and never looked back. I wanted to do more though and that soon caught the eye of a wonderful and very amazing builder TarynTempestWind she introduced to me the DNA team. The founder of DNA was ZooProfessor3. She would hold classes to learn more about building and things, after joining a class of hers she had TarynTempestWind ask if I was interested in joining the DNA team. I was so honoured that they would even give a newbie builder like me a second glance. I put in my application and was again surprised that they chose me to join their team. It was such a great and wonderful honour to be part of and amongst some of the grandest builders around at that time. I still look back in awe of how far the team has come and continues to go forward.
Which requested creation is your favourite?
I have done a few that still catch my eye when I look at them The Sims 3 Ally Kats Grocery h t t p s : / / w w w . t h e s i m s 3 . c o m / assetDetail.html?assetId=8791116 The Sims 3 Free Weeds Community Garden h t t p s : / / w w w . t h e s i m s 3 . c o m / assetDetail.html?assetId=8986091 The Sims 3 Le Belle Scale

h t t p s : / / w w w . t h e s i m s 3 . c o m / assetDetail.html?assetId=8782904 The Sims 3 Honey Dew Resort h t t p s : / / w w w . t h e s i m s 3 . c o m / assetDetail.html?assetId=8466296 The Sims 3 Philander's Rest h t t p s : / / w w w . t h e s i m s 3 . c o m / assetDetail.html?assetId=7894151 The Sims 3 Palace Vanderburg h t t p s : / / w w w . t h e s i m s 3 . c o m / assetDetail.html?assetId=8382396 There really too many to list here The sims 4 Windmire Way https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/ t h e - s i m s - 4 / p c / g a l l e r y / BD8543900A6F11E781E3C842D0CEE8B2 The Sims 4 Ole Time Wedding Venue https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/ t h e - s i m s - 4 / p c / g a l l e r y / 08F5F38F40D111E48784236AAAF0D2BC The Sims 4 SpringDale House https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/ t h e - s i m s - 4 / p c / g a l l e r y / 001D110B830011E98C992D54BEA86DDE
What is your own favourite building style?
Not sure I have a favourite building style. I really enjoy all of them.
When creating for yourself, if you get time, do you use CC or just use in-game content?
I build with game items almost all the time. It’s a very rare occasion that I add CC to my game builds
Do you prefer build requests or Sim requests?
I prefer building rather than sim making. I feel I'm not the best at creating look-alikes and most of our sim requests are for look-alike sims
Is it nerve-wracking creating for others?
No, I would say it is not, most of our requesters are returners so they are pretty easy to work with and know the limits to building with the game and are understanding when we just can't make it happen.
How long does an average request take to build?
Depending on the time that the builder has in Real Life. It could take anywhere from a day or two to three weeks.
What is the weirdest request you have undertaken as part of the team?
Can't think of any right off the top of my head, not really even sure if I've had a weird request before.
Did you play any previous Sims games?
What tools do you miss in TS4? I have played Sims 2, 3, and 4 so far, and some of the Sims city games Mobile: I've played Sims Free Play and The Sims Mobile
What is your EAID
We’d love to get to know you a little better, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to play The Sims.
I am a retired teacher due to an illness, called lupus. I have a son and a daughter and I lost my husband last July to sudden death. I knew about the Sims from my children and my pupils. But I started to play and build with The Sims 2. I gifted them to my daughter but, since I spent more and more time at home due to medical leave, I took possession of them or better I should say that they took possession of me. And so it continued with The Sims 3 and now with The Sims 4.
Which requested creation is your favourite?
Dr Spencer Reid CAS Request https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/ t h e - s i m s - 4 / p c / g a l l e r y / E0429704C0AB11E88040B573E4FD424D
When and how did you come to be involved with the d.n.a team?
If my memory doesn't fail, I think it was 2003 when I joined the DNA Request Team. I admired and followed them for their brilliant and outstanding creations. I wanted to be like them. I wanted to be one of them. To be admitted you had to show high skills in building and/or in CAS. So when they thought I was ready and I could fit, they sent an invitation to me to join. The team is great because we teach and learn with one another. And now I am very proud to have twice been one of the top Spark’s Builders last year.
What is your own favourite building style?
I could not say. I try almost everything. Some friends say that I am very good at Spanish houses. "Logically, I was born and live in Spain LOL" I used to answer. But if I have to pick one I should say I love tiny houses or starter homes in any style.

When creating for yourself, if you get time, do you use CC or just use in-game content?
I never use CC, although I love and admire many CC content that other players create or use. I had very bad experiences with them in The Sims 3 and, although I really know it's not the same in Sims 4, I still prefer to use just ingame content.
Do you prefer build requests or Sim requests?
I like both but lately I prefer building requests, as long as I see one that it's "calling" me.
Is it nerve-wracking creating for others?
It is not, in general. I used to get nervous when I felt it's taking too much time for me to complete, usually huge lots. But most of the requesters are very kind and patient.
What is the weirdest request you have undertaken as part of the team?
Usually I don't claim a request if I don't see it clearly. Once a claim a request and I start to work on it, it's not just a request but I feel it like my own creation. So maybe the weirdest one I ever completed was one for which I never had news from the requester. And we had no news from them anymore. I went ahead and finished it.
Did you play any previous Sims games?
What tools do you miss in TS4? As I said before I started to play and build when The Sims 2 was released. Nowadays I think I don't miss any tool from another before Sims version since they have been improved. But I still miss some stuff like spiral stairs.
How long does an average request take to build? What is your EAID
It depends on many factors: spare time, inspiration and the complexity/size of the building.
My EA ID is Airis6962