15 minute read
SimmedUp Mag Snippets
If you are part of the Sims community, you have undoubtedly heard of RGR Gaming. His amazing community lots are innovative and always functional. RGR Gaming aims to enhance your gameplay in ways you never imagined, and he succeeds in his goal. From detailed prisons to operational hair salons, RGR Gaming's creative ideas will have you questioning how you have been playing the Sims this whole time. Outside of his incredible creative talent, RGR Gaming provides some muchneeded positivity that is always refreshing.
I sat down with RGR Gaming to discuss his astonishing builds and his always optimistic attitude. K8: How long have you been playing the Sims? And which version is your favorite if you have played more than one?
RGR: Well, I am only at the age of 28, but that question takes me back in time. The first time I played one of the Sims games was way back when I was 11 or 12 (something like that) at a friend's house. We were playing Sims 2, and I was hooked by the building options in that game. For its time, it was just mind-blowing - the possibilities!
If I need to pick my favorite version, it will be Sims 3, the open world, the cars (I am a car enthusiast, hehe), and many more other things that are just soooo much better than even Sims 4 in its current stage.

By K8Simsley

K8: What inspired you to start sharing your builds on YouTube?
RGR: Interesting question! Well, not many know this, but I learned interior design. However, after graduating, I still could not say that this was the thing I wanted to do in life, FOR life.
Now, as a long-time "GAMER" (as you can call it) with that LOVE of playing many games, I was wondering, maybe I should share my real passion with others. So, I started a general gaming channel.
Sims 4 builds was only one thing I shared in that channel.
With time I noticed that many people really really loved those builds. I decided to remake the channel for only Sims content and try and inspire others to build in the game. I wanted to show what you can do in the game without CC, to show that anything is possible with a bit of imagination! So actually, in the end, the inspiration for the channel was to combined 2 things that I LOVE to do, creating designs and gaming, into a Sims building channel as a way to inspire others.
K8: You are known for many things. Your positive attitude is one of those things, your great personality, and your creative builds. I have two questions here, what keeps you so positive, and where do you find your inspiration?
RGR:- First of all, thank you so much and Well, I was always a positive person, if you see a glass of wine that is half empty, I will always look at the half-full part and not the empty one.
Maybe it's because of my childhood, but I learned the hard way that it can always be worse.
Be happy with the things you do have and not the things you don't, but I don't want to bum out all the readers
A Beginners Guide.

Written By MaddyCatts
Part II: Your First Recolor!
Sul Sul Simmers! Maddycatts here and welcome to Part II of our Absolutely Beginner series. Today your preparation pays off and I will walk you through your first object recolor! I’m excited! So. I hope you all got a chance to review the first part of the series - if not or if you’re new you can grab the tutorial here. Let’s get started shall we?
Make sure you have completely closed out The Sims 4 and open Sims 4 Studio (S4S). Once the program loads the first thing you want to do is give yourself a creator name. Type this name in the empty box in the lower right corner. This will be the name S4S assigns to all of your creations. Cool huh? Note: You can
change this ID anytime and as many times as you need to.
Our t-shirt, of course, is a CAS clothing item so locate the heading labeled CAS. We only want to change the appearance of the shirt therefore we will select: CAS
Standalone Recolor. There is no “ok” or
“select” button so after you click Standalone just click the CAS heading again to tell the program ok. S4S will now load every CAS item in the game so don’t be alarmed if it takes a few seconds to load. When it does you will see all of the items neatly displayed you’re now officially a game insider!! After you bask in the warm glow of superiority notice the variety of selection drop downs to narrow down your choices. You can sort by game pack, gender, body part etc. So quickly look through the categories and become familiar with them while I go grab a coffee. (Soothing instrumental music)

Amelie: My main inspiration.. hmm..
life? Haha. I mean I primarily am a
casual gameplay/story blog and so
everything that I put into my story is
things that either someone close to me or I myself have experienced in one

way or another.I don't try to fancy
things up in my story - I try to make
everything as damn realistic as I can
given my limitations within the Sims.
Izzy: Do you have a favorite sim?
Either your own or that's already in
Amelie: Yuli, who I chose for my edit,
will forever be my favorite Sim. Before I
made her and her brother Jun, I would
just blaze through generations so
quickly and get burnt out. But I have
somehow managed to play only one
a huge welcome to Sarcastic Brit who has joined our team. We look forward to more Snippets from the Sims2 on PSP as they take you on a trip down memory lane.
The Sims has been a long standing title within the gaming community now since its conception in the year 2000, and has since then grown through numerous titles, expansions, concepts and directions. For those of you who have recently joined the family of Simmers you may not remember the strange and now retro games of The Sims past.
When it comes to abnormality within the series, few stand out to me as
much as some of the console and
handheld-console games. In 2004 I would learn this the hard way with the addition of the PlayStation portable version of The Sims 2, a game unlike what we see now with later additions
like The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 that are
more about the creation and
simulation of virtual lives and a virtual
How might one ask? The Sims 2 on PlayStation Portable was focused upon a single character that you as the player would control in third-person, rather opposed to the usual gameplay of being able to control multiple Sims within a household from a free camera. This style of gameplay and storytelling is not the only unique game within The Sims series, and can be found within; The Urbz,
The Sims Bustin Out, The Sims 2 on DS,
and The Sims 2 Castaway. The latter being a personal favorite.
But the focus of this article will be upon the introduction of the
world, gameplay and storytelling ability of The Sims 2 on the
PlayStation Portable through briefly looking at the games manual, so without further
introduction let’s head
right in and begin the adventure together.
As some will remember,
there was a time when
people read the manuals that came with
the case and game, it had been a while since
I have personally played something without a digital download so checking out the manual was a


Hi Ardi, thank you again for agreeing to this interview and allowing us, our readers and your fans to get to know you a little more as a person behind the simstagram, that is @rd.ptra. It is a pleasure having you with us today! You are known in the Sims community as a creator, who takes the Sims game and does something with it – that just blows everyone’s mind. We are extremely eager to find out what goes on in that mind of yours that turns the game upside down and thinks outside of the box. Your pop-up build change which we had pleasure featuring in our past issue and your portal challenge are just some of the awesome examples of your creativity. Your more realistic creations also give another meaning to the game for many people, for example the Opticians Shop or the All-day Buffet restaurant.
So, without keeping everyone waiting any longer, let us know a little about yourself. What do you do when you are not playing the sims? What inspires you on a daily basis?
Hello, my name is Ardi and I’m from
Indonesia. I’m a freelance illustrator
and voice dubber. What inspires me?
Movies, TV shows, music videos and
memes. Back when I was younger I
didn’t really go out a lot because of
my disability, so, I have a significant
knowledge about pop cultures, and
that’s what inspires me most of the
In this May issue we are highlighting the front-line workers that risk their lives every day to keep us safe, therefore, I’d like to ask you what inspired you to create the Opticians Shop? I can only imagine how much attention to detail and work went into that piece.
Before I answer this question, I’d like to
thank the cc maker for this build:
Simscredible! And Righthearted Haha! It’s actually a simple story, I recently broke my prescription glasses and I just got a new pair from the optic. And if you are a glasses user, you know how exciting it is to go to optic stores and get new glasses.
How have you coped during the pandemic? Did you fully throw yourself into the Sims or are there any other hobbies you are focusing on?
Yeah! That’s exactly it! I’m fully throwing myself in the Sims, I’m on the bottom of Sims sea! And I’m 100%
happy about it! I didn’t do much for the past eight months other than playing the Sims and eating snacks. I bloated like hot balloon, I can’t even see my neck anymore, so I’m starting to exercise nowadays, ooh and I started to play other game too.
Why did you decide to create a simstagram account for your work? What are some of the big goals you would love to achieve using the skills you have? I have a commitments issues and I

Ask The Mom Cave: TW/Sensitive Content - Grooming, Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Sex
Q: Hi Mom Cave I am a little worried but excited at the same time, that I might finally get an answer to my problem. I have a crush, it is getting really serious and they responded back to me many times. Do you think online love can work? I am so tired of being alone and you can never tell who is real anymore. What if I jump in and they are not who they say they are? Am I overthinking it?
Thank you
A: These are all excellent questions. The first thing that comes to mind is safety. So, before addressing the other questions, it is important to remember that it takes time to really get to know someone. This can create several challenges when we talk about relationships that start online. A few things you can do to keep yourself safe are:
• Never give out your personal information, address or phone number. Use Discord or another voice app. • Meet via video first before meeting in person. And even after you’ve done this, it’s best if you take safety precautions before meeting them. For example, letting someone know the location you’re going and when. Even better, take them with you. • You can find some other great safety tips on sites like https://www.safety.com/10-onlinedating-safety-tips/
That being said, my short answer is that I truly believe relationships can work if we take time to make them work. I would imagine a relationship that remains online poses significant challenges.
Most important in any relationship is to assess how you feel in the relationship. How authentic can you be with your partner? How authentic are they with you? How much mutual intimacy is felt between the two of you? How free and safe do you feel communicating with each other about difficult topics? How satisfied are you being in a digital relationship? I would encourage you to talk these questions through with a trusted friend or counselor. I wish you all of the love you deserve.
Q: I am worried about what to do. There is a [person] in the community that has been messaging me sexual messages. I asked them to stop and they said if I tell anyone they would cancel me. Do you think they could cancel me? Nobody believes me even though I have proof, they just get their friends to DM me and post comments on my timeline.
A: I want to thank you for having the courage to reach out. I can only imagine how terrifying this must be for you. Most important is for you to know that this is not appropriate behavior on their end. It is especially important to understand that, if you are under the age of 18, this is not only inappropriate it is also a crime. If this is true for you, it would be important for you to talk to a trusted adult right away and tell them what has been happening.
No one is allowed to make sexual advances towards you without your consent, whether it be in person or online. In fact, even as an
With Minraed

Hi, I am Linday, your nurse and hostess for today’s lesson. It has been a wildly emotional roller coaster for those of us In health care this past year so for this lesson we are going to focus on some tips for capturing emotions in your pics without the use of mods or poses.

Sim by iamlinday - Nurse
The multitude of in-game animations provides an almost endless range of opportunies for capturing still shot pics of facial expressions that can be used to create specific emotions in your stories. The key is to be patient with the process, to be prepared to take a lot of images, and to slow down and really see what each frame of the animation has to offer. By using pause/play to slowly click through each frame of the animation you are capturing you will discover so many different expressions.

For this month’s Making a Simmer, we sat down with Miss Unfortunate to find out how she made it to where she is now.
Tell us more about yourself and how you came upon deciding on your name, Miss Unfortunate.
My name is Starlynn, but I go by Star! I chose the nickname Miss Unfortunate mostly because I use this name as almost all of my gamer handles! I play a lot of different games like League of Legends, Vailhem, Pokémon, Ark Survival, Elder Scrolls, Fall Out, the list goes on! The name Miss Unfortunate is a play on words, the name derived from a champion in the League of Legends universe. That champion's name is Miss Fortune, so I took her name and changed it to Miss Unfortunate, as it would seem a lot of unfortunate things tend to happen to me, but I embrace it as it is. I started my game obsession long ago when my step mom introduced the NES to me. Next was the N64, Then finally the first ever PlayStation, to which we played Sims on for the first time! I was addicted!
The Simming Spoonie
I am a 40 something gamer, who lives in the UK, I have been playing The Sims since the very first game in the series. I am a builder at heart and part of the DNA Request team on the forums. DNA consists of a group of Simmers who take on requests for both builds and Sims, which is how this build came into being. I also help to admin The Sims 4 Challenges on Facebook, where we create a whole host of challenges from creating Sims to builds and rooms, alongside some game-play challenges. I am a proud furbaby mum of three adorable cats, each of whom has me wrapped around their tiny paws.
Indigo Manor