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Attitudinal shift needed in Australia’s dairy industry
Tim Williams and his daughter, Klara, with some Fleckvieh Simmental dairy cows in Austria July 2022. PHOTO: Supplied
By Jacinta Cummins
TIM Williams is the Bega based director of Agri Milk Consulting Pty Ltd and Genetic Austria’s Australian representative who imported Fleckvieh genetics for the Templetons’ AI program as they transitioned to the breed.
His aim was simple.
“You want good udders obviously and quick milking speed but we really focused on putting more body and curves back on the animals to improve their overall fitness,” Tim said.
“The milk is already there in a dairy breed, but the Fleckvieh’s metabolism being dual purpose is very different from pure dairy breeds because it’s more consistent over the day.
“They don’t have peaks and troughs in metabolic hormones which in turn supports health and reduces a lot of common issues such as digestive upsets and mastitis”.
Semen from Willie was a strong influence in the Templetons’ herd with semen from other sires Rumgo, Rau and Evergreen also used over the years.
Tim’s extensive experience in the dairy industry in the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa and the USA has shown him there is an environmental benefit to Fleckvieh as well as the increased profit margin.
“A dual purpose cow answers environmental concerns because you get twice the product: quality protein from milk and meat for the same amount of emissions as you do with a straight dairy or a beef cow,” Tim said.
“What Greg and Vikki have done in going to Fleckvieh is hopefully the start of a long overdue cultural shift in the Australian dairy industry.
“In continental Europe, the breed truly is a dual purpose animal but Australians have a real separation between beef and dairy.
“It’s a bit of an ‘us and them’ mentality which needs to change because we should be united in dealing with the challenges facing our industry.
“A lot of people thought Greg and Vikki were mad when they made the switch but some of those same critics have seen the results and are now doing the same thing themselves.
“Fleckvieh Simmentals also address the significant welfare issue of bull calves because while most dairy producers now rear their bull calves due to the beef price surge, it is a bigger workload and is only viable when the beef market is very strong.
“In contrast, my Fleckvieh clients have been raising their bull calves for years because they gain weight super efficiently but other dairy breeds like Holsteins need to go into a specialist feedlot if you want to on feed them.”
Tim said Greg and Vikki’s herd is a good base for them to establish their Simmental beef operation from.
“These cows really are dual purpose and Greg and Vikki’s forward thinking has given them the flexibility to change their farm’s direction so it can work for them as things change in their lives rather than them basing their lives around the business.”
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