Portfolio 2016 Simon LECLERCQ

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ÂŤStrive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design itÂť Sir Henry Royce

Summary. • Presentation • Stylo Caps • Rowenta Hair Dryer • The Cardboard Seat • Shoes Bike Concept • Lightlocks • Skate Shoes Concept • Golf Driver Concept • Digital Painting • Curriculum Vitae

a n a ly s e Brief Environnement Ta r g e t

Development Te c h n i q u e s , M a t ĂŠ r i a l s , Vo l u m e s

Work Method

creativity Sketchs & Mock ups


Hello and welcome to my portfolio ! My name is Simon LECLERCQ, I’m in second year of Insdustrial Product Design at ISD RUBIKA of Valenciennes. Here is some works in team and personnal work I have done during my two years at ISD. I hope you enjoy !


Individual Short Project / Fo

2 we

Brief : ÂŤ Present Yourself throu

Precision Leak Caps Blocked Difficulty to have a good pressure


Followed by Julien Dacmine


ugh an object and improve it Âť.

Finish quality Price Impact resistance Opacity

Ideation. Leak Solution


Precision Pressure System

Clean system for caps Ergonomy


Final Concept

Maniability and precision for all

Stylo Caps

Refinement. At the end, the concept is composed with two container. One for the color, which is on the pen and an other for the pressurized air which is fixed on the arm.

Formal research, dynamism, fluidity

Air supply under the handle: less embarrassing




Key sketch

Stylo Caps

Hair Dryer

Followed by Re

Brief : ÂŤImagine what could be

r Concept.

enaud Pecheur

e the next Rowenta hair dryer.Âť


Hole in the biggest part


I wanted to have a hair dryer which feels lighter and simple.

t to enhance the lightness

Brushed Aluminum


There are two different materials to enhance the feeling of simplicity.

Final Render.

The Cardbo

Individual Long Project / F

4 we

Brief : ÂŤ Imagine a cardboard seat for homeless p

Loneliness Healty Depression Public square Pedestrian street

oard Seat.

Followed by Caroline Ogez


person which helps him to refind a social touchÂť

Economic materials Possibilyty of a large production The seat can be free

Ideation. The seat becomes a bed

2 seat Table 1 seat

Fabric which surroun cardboard to create a s

nd seat

Final Concept


Different way to seat

Create links with others

Scenario. Th e s eat wi l l be bro ug ht to ho meless peo ple th ro ug h o ut a n s o c i a l e ve nt whi c h h a s th e goal to crea te links betweeen ho meless pe o pl e a nd o t he r pe o pl e i n t he s tre e t .

Clothes collect + Letter Advertisement Donation request

Event announcement Advertisement Donation request




Meeting betw

Clothes choi

homeless chooses what h

y of the Event

ween homeless people and the others


he needs

The seat allows ho mel es s p eop le to tidy th ei r cl othes i n an or gan ize space. A l s o, the s eat can «rise h im» a cco rdi ng to hi s t r us t de gree. The homel es s guy can also invite so meo ne to s hare a mome nt with h i m, he j us t has t o t r a nsform th e s eat i nto a «liv ing space» .

S to r a g e S pa c e

Fi r s t wa y to s e a t


T h ird way to s eat

L a st wa y t o se a t

S eco n d w a y t o s eat

Tra n sp o rt wit h a b a g

Graphic C o m m u n i ca t i o n

Shoes Bike

Followed by Re

Brief : ÂŤ Imagine a new bike shoe with t

e Concept.

enaud Pecheur

the aesthetic codes of a football shoe Âť

Sketch Research.

Sock to protect the foot of the rain

Heel support

Fluorescent part to ride the night

Aeration with hydrophobic fabric

Final render. Neoprene

Heel support in bright plastic

Fluorescent plastic

Fluorescent laces

Fluorescent plastic

Aeration with Silic fabric

Service Desi

Group Project / Inès Giraud and Maxen

4 we

Brief : ÂŤ Offer a new experience, which substit love makes Paris beautiful and


Let your

On this project we wanted to crea

The idea is to adapt the intensity of each

This phenomenon enhance the feeling of th

Symbolically, The Love illu

ign Project.

nce Fournier / Followed by Clare Green


tute the Love-Locks phenomenon, where the d Paris put this love forward Âť

ghtlocks Love shine

ate something more personal for Paris.

h street light to a love relation of a couple.

he most romantic city of the world for Paris.

uminates the city of Paris

Scenario Event.

Scenario Light intensity.

Scenario lockmessages and


Scenario tourist.


Let your Love shine


2 we

Brief : ÂŤ Create the pro model of Nyja

Heel Control Flexibility Breaking fast

l Project.


ah Huston for Nike Skateboarding Âť.

Heel Support Choc Light shape Durability

Ideation. Gum on the upper

Heel control on sides

rough part on the sole


Elastomer rods inside the sole for a better reception

Condensed fabric with silicon Suede upper

Lunarlon insole technology

Final render.


Golf Driver

Followed by Re

Brief : ÂŤ Imagine what could be a Golf Dr

r Concept.

enaud Pecheur

river with the aesthetic codes of Ducati Âť

Sketch and final shape.

Red tubes to remember the frame

White aluminum to remenber the fairing


Digital Drawings.


Product de

profil Simon Leclercq 18 years old Product Design Student Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Music, Cinema, Friends, Skateboarding, Sneakers Culture, Table Tennis, Art

contact Mail: simon.leclercq59551@gmail.com Phone: Adress: 3 rue de la cerisaie 59551 ATTICHES








esign student

Education 2015-2016: 2nd year of Bachelor Industrial Design at the Institut Superior of Design RUBIKA 2014-2015: 1st year of Bachelor Industrial Design at the Institut Superior of Design RUBIKA 2011-2012: Drawing lesson at Beaux-Art of Lille 2011-2014: A-Level at Charlotte Perriand High School at Genech

work Experience Auchan Group: Assistant Product Designer (2 months) CREAVI: Digital printing and screen printing

Professional skills Photoshop InDesign Illustrator

Linguistic visit: 3 weeks in Oxford LG Art Expression: Interior architecture



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