Architecture Portfolio | Simone Broglia architect

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I graduated in interior architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, in December 2018, with a thesis about the refugee camp of Minawao (Far-North, Cameroon). Afterward, I had the opportunity to gain work experience in different realities, participated in several competitions, and collaborated with professionals in various fields of architecture and beyond. My approach to architecture has always been influenced by my passions and interests. I like freehand drawing and the use of traditional techniques. During my university years was also interested in graphics and digital illustrations. I have always tried to have social interests and activities, I have had the opportunity to do various volunteer experiences. I was, therefore, able to learn teamwork and to manage different situations independently, but in constant confrontation with each other.

the drawings shown in the portfolio were made by myself or in collaboration with other. Except where specified.

CONTENTS work experience


angus fiori architects | SELECTED PROJECTS


SDARCH Trivelli & associati | SELECTED PROJECTS



One village one family | Archstorming competition

04 STEP_HaI_STEP | ARCHsharing student competition 05

Rwanda Chapel | Young Architects Competitions

academic works


Minawao | MSc thesis


A.B.C school | Design and Construction Lab. of Architecture

08 Forte di Fuentes | Restoration design Laboratory

angus fiori Architects SELECTED PROJECTS Milano | May 2020 - December 2020

Privet appartamet

Location: Milano Phase: Planning Team: Angus Fiori, Daniele Magliacano, Simone Broglia Tasks: collaboration to design development, technical drawings, Drafting drawings for permits (CILA) Renovation of an apartment in the center of Milan of 140 square meters. The project distorts the layout of the current state in order to respond to the needs of the customer.



Living room




Section AA

Section CC


Section BB







SR63 corte di Santa Rita

Location: Milano, Italy Phase: Private competition Team: Angus Fiori, Daniele Magliacano, Simone Broglia Tasks: Graphic design, 2D drawings The design intention was to create an urban micro-village in the Barona district, given the strong attraction that this type of intervention can have in the inhabitants of the contemporary city, who increasingly want to have more protected, more ecological and livable places to live. even outside and where the possibility of socializing is favored, especially following the latest events that have led to the isolation of many people. The project involves the creation of 22 real estate units on two levels, all with private gardens, for the most part with the living area on the ground floor and two bedrooms on the first floor. The residences feature high-performance envelopes with external insulation, cladding in recycled glass fiber panels and finishes with mesh and light-colored plaster, as well as inserts in the façades in composite or pre-treated wood, pre-painted aluminum for the jambs projecting around the windows and sheet metal galvanized.


Court elevations

Court entrance




Elevetion | view from the street

SDARCH Trivelli & associati SELECTED PROJECTS Milano | October 2019 - March 2020

Piazza della Pieve

Location: San Donato Milanese, MI, Italy Phase: Competition Team: Alessandro Trivelli, SIlvia Calatroni, Simone Broglia and GIulia De Negri Tasks: collaboration to design development, graphic design, 3D and 2D drawings


Piazza della Pieve is a large pedestrian area without a true identity. The municipal announcement wants to make it a meeting and aggregation point that can host various functions. San Donato has large green spaces and the intention is to relate them to the square, creating a single vehicle area “zone 30” favoring the pedestrian. The project distorts the square. The choice is to intervene by reducing the paved areas keeping only the route of the “Via Crucis” and the churchyard. Spaces are defined by limits and shapes that define the public space. There is no longer the classic idea of a square, but a large ring that encloses a park.

30 zone | isometric diagrams | by G. De Negri


Fabbbrica del vapore

Location: Milano, Italy Phase: Concept Team: Alessandro Trivelli, SIlvia Calatroni, Simone Broglia Tasks: collaboration to design development, graphic design, 2D drawings Today the square of the Fabbrica del Vapore is a large indefinite space. The project aims to make the experience inside the factory space more enjoyable and attract new activities that can involve different social, artistic, and educational realities. The project of the new identity is characterized by a graphic created on the ground that identifies different spaces that can be used flexibly, according to the surface needs, by different operators, and by small cultural realities. The circular shape of the individual areas makes the space non-hierarchical and easily identifiable in a hypothetical sharing of various activities even in Contemporary.









One village one family Archstorming competition Team: Simone Broglia, Giulia Pannella ,Andrea Maniscalco, Lapo Soldano Year: 2020



The realization of the project is thought in three different phases in order not to upset the existing habits and make the perception of the change softer and more gradual over time. The first phase consists of the construction of the two-bedroom areas intended for a large part of the family, in the southwest area of the lot. These are designed so that they can be used as flexibly as possible. Each module is ideally thought of as divided into three environments without rigid internal divisions. The second phase focuses instead on the construction of the new living area, the core of the family’s social life. The third phase definitively integrates the living room through the construction of the covered kitchen, the showers, and an intermediate covered space intended for the daily manual works of maize processing. Nico’s house will be maintained, and for this, we decided to collocate the common area in the middle between the old building and the new rooms From the construction point of view, efforts have been made to minimize the use of expensive and hard-to-find materials; we tried to focus on local ones such as bricks made by the local furnace. Cement is only used for foundations and screeds. Focusing on the technological aspect, the recovery of rainwater is guaranteed, which is conveyed into two 4000 liters tanks. In the kitchen, instead, is designed the creation of a wood-burning stove.

Planimetry cattle

outdoor kitchen

kitchen & showers


Nico’s house



Rendering image by Luca Marani

1 _ family yard. Protected and easily controllable outdoor space


Plan | Bedooms

Section AA

2 _ Centrality. Living room, kitchen and services centrally located in the project site. Connection between Nico’s house and the new rooms

3 _ functionality. Direct relationship between outdoor and indoor kitchen. Toilets distant from everyday spaces to prevent odors.


Social area

STEP_HaI_STEP ARCHsharing student competition | FINALISTS Team: Simone Broglia and Marcella Camaggio Year: 2019



The project stands in a tropical rural area without references. The choice was to locate the building in the site away from the driveway and take advantage of the vegetation on the border whit the aim to ensure a better contribution of shade and protection from the sun. The guidelines that give life to the rural school project are simplicity and modularity, this approach allows the building to be built in stages and make the various parts to be independent and correlated to each other. The structure is designed with a regular and repeatable module which consists of a series of load-bearing masonry walls eclosed by a punctual wooden frame that supports the cover. The entire structure of the roof is independent of the masonry, which is reinforced to ensure a greater anti-seismic performance of the building. For better natural ventilation, which establishes a good level of internal comfort, the enclosed spaces are arranged in a displacement manner. Similarly, the short sides of the module are made up of frames that make the rooms extremely flexible and allow greater control of thermal comfort.










Rwanda Chapel Young Architects Competitions Team: Simone Broglia and Nicola Brembilla | HYPNOS studio Year: 2019



The design of the Rwanda Chapel is based on formal essentiality and constructive simplicity. The technical difficulties and the scarcity of resources of the African context have guided us towards a primordial architecture, made up of blocks laid one on top of the other. Earth bricks dried in a furnace for the outside facade and raw earth bricks dried at the sun for the inside walls. Above a reinforced concrete frame along the ground floor, all the masses work only by compression, discharging the weights towards the ground. The figure of the Trinitarian triangle slope upwards spontaneously. An archetype is always present in the Catholic churches of Africa. The church has a basilica plan of absolute rarefaction: central nave and two side aisles, with a narrower and raised presbytery, which is naturally illuminated by deep lateral cuts. The bell tower is incorporated into the facade. Together with the entrance portal in bronze, they are the only external elements that act as a material counterpoint to the earth facade.

Rendering image by N. Brembilla




Earth | Raw material

Drying | Natural


Drying | Furnace

Minawao Final thesis, MSc in Architecture, Politecnico di Milano Supervisor: Marco Baccarelli Advisor: Beatrice Galimberti Year: 2018 More images:



The average time a refugee stays in a refugee camp today is 17 years. Entire generations are born, grow up, and will probably die inside the site. It is no longer possible to speak of emergency, but it becomes necessary to think of refugee camps as a reality that over the years acquires an identity of sedentariness. Once the moment of crisis has passed, the return to normalization becomes fundamental. On 2 July 2013, UNHCR opened the Minawao refugee camp to deal with the growing number of Nigerian displaced people fleeing the anger of Boko Haram. Located in the Far-North region of Cameroon, it today hosts a total of 52,987 refugees. UNHCR, together with NGOs and local governments, seeks to ensure primary needs, provision of food and water, ensure the safety and protection of those at risk, health care, and education. The project begins with the redesign of the site plan from satellite images, analyzing the data and the problems of the camp. The goal is to create spaces for socialization, such as the market, places of prayer, and training, trying to develop the services and infrastructure of the camp. The idea is to use poor materials available locally and simple construction techniques to involve refugees in the construction of the structures and create a sense of belonging to the community.

PLANIMETRY | extract

A.B.C. school POLITECNICO DI MILANO Design and Construction Laboratory of Architecture Team: Simone Broglia, Valentina Mariana, Martina Dozio, Riccardo Frigerio Year: 2018



The cost-benefit analysis of the Cairoli middle school highlighted that the structure has a serious structural deterioration. There is, therefore, no advantage in restructuring, as the costs would outweigh the advantages, so the demolition becomes necessary. The new structure must comply with energy and quality standards to ensure healthy spaces and comply with current regulations. The new school complex is characterized by the union of four different buildings connected by the atrium, which acts as a multifunctional space. The two bodies facing south house the classrooms, the third block is occupied by the gym, and the last, in the southern part of the lot, by the auditorium and administrative offices. The school was designed to host extracurricular activities, to become a cultural and social center for the community. Some spaces have been designed with independent access, such as a gym and auditorium. It becomes possible to access it directly from the outside without going through the central atrium. The structure was designed to have natural ventilation thanks to the double exposure of the individual volumes. Green roofs and the choice to create a central patio, like the ventilated facade, have advantages in bioclimatic terms and the well-being of the users.



Identification of a new center

Plan | Ground floor

The functions are attracted by the connection core



Identification of the main functions










The central distribution core manages the flows towards the pavilions ...


West elevation

South elevation



... which maintain autonomy at different times of the day

conceptual scheme of the new school complex

Library | Axonometry

Library | Detail | scale 1:15

Bench | Detail | scale 1:10

Bench | Detail | scale 1:10

LEGEND 01_Legno di larice lamellare 02_Vite autofilettante 03_Guida a “U” in tecnopolimero 04_Bullone M6 05_Struttura secondaria in alluminio vernciato 06_Struttura principale in alluminio vernciato 07_Bullone M6 08_Getto in CLS 09_Terreno naturale 14_Bullone M6

15_Ghiaia 16_Grigliato salvaghiaia a nido d’ape 17_Strato di livellamento 18_Geotessile tessuto non tessuto 19_Sottofondo drenante 20_Bordura Ecolat 21_EPDM vergine colato in opera sp 15mm 22_Sottofondo in SBR in granuli sp 30mm 23_Telo antiradici 24_Argilla espansa

Forte di Fuentes POLITECNICO DI MILANO Restoration design Laboratory Team: Simone Broglia, Marcella Camaggio, Alessio Canna Year: 2016

Colico (LC)


the Fort of Fuentes, built in the 17th century, is one of the few surviving examples of Spanish domination in the Lecco area. Destroyed by the Napoleonic forces in 1796, it no longer had any function. There are two main objectives of the intervention, the first is to ensure that the restoration is not invasive and that the new structures remain hidden by the ruins. The second instead wants to make the Fort a new cultural center where different activities can coexist. Therefore, not only a tourist destination but a cultural center. The project is developed on two different paths, the first traces the history of the Fort of Fuentes, and the second provides a learning path on the traditional culture of buckwheat, a typical product of Valtellina. The idea is to create an interactive exhibition that, through the five senses, tells the production cycle of buckwheat. The new structures are elements dropped from above that do not compromise the structure of the Fort, leaving the ruins in their current state. Except for the necessary structural reinforcement interventions, already occurred in the early 2000s.

Palazzo del Governatore | sections

Exhibition details Chiesa S. Barbara


1 exhibitor | Box


2 exhibitor | Theca

3 exhibitor | Helmet

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