2 minute read
Professor Kidsbrary – Miracle Muffins
DECEMBER 2021 Kids Miracle Muffins
By Professor Kidsbrary
It was the most magical time of the year, When people smiled, Greeting all with good cheer!
The stores were busy With customers bustling, As salesclerks, fast paced Now were hustling...
Lines to see Santa And sit on his lap, Were winding and long For children needing a nap!
With presents to wrap This holiday season… Those with family and friends, Were blessed with good reason
But not all were fortunate Many had a great need, Like money for bills, And tummies to feed!
The Cole's had a car That no longer ran, Mr. Logan lost his job, Doing odd jobs when he can. Mrs. Jones kid's shoes Had so many holes, They stuffed them with paper, To make cardboard soles!
At the Langley house There was a family of six, Food was quite scarce, A major problem to fix!
And old Mr. Clemons Who lived down the street, Lacked the money he owed, For his furnace to heat!
All were in great need During this holiday, Too poor to change things, They could... only pray
Not too far away... Their voices were heard, By an elderly lady, Whose emotions were stirred...
Mrs. Moor you see Was baker by trade, But only one item Had she ever made! Miracle Muffins… No place were they sold, Because this recipe, Was a secret and old!
Every muffin was made Of the finest milled flour, Fresh eggs, real butter And cooked for an hour…
But what made them special? Each one, filled a need… Inside every center, A real mustard seed!
Faith as small as a mustard seed? I know this to be true, With God’s help nothing, Will be impossible… for you!
So, Mrs. Moor baked All through the night, Praying into the batter… Making each one just right!
Then off to those who Would receive her baking A basket full of miracles, Were now in the making... A few days later... More prayers came to bear, But these were of gratitude, Of which I'd like to share...
Mr. Coles next store neighbor, Was moving out of state, To costly now, to ship his car A gift to the Coles to celebrate!
Mr. Logan with no job… Searched for work every day, When a friend called unexpectedly, Of a job offer… with great pay!
Mrs. Jones children With shoes now falling apart, Were given gift cards to use, From a stranger with a heart!
The Langley family, With little vegetables and meat, Found food on their porch… For a whole month to eat! Last Old Mr. Clemons, Who tried hard to keep warm, Had his furnace turn on suddenly From a strange electrical storm!
Were the Miracle Muffins responsible? Too hard for you to conceive? Try faith as small as a mustard seed, And the impossible… you will believe!
The End

WORD SEARCH FOR KIDS FROM A KID Can you find all of the words that have to do with Hope from djr
optimism endurance wish dream aspire promise
faith reward goal believe destiny beyond