One & All Magazine

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Issue 2 January 2013

One &All Royal Cornwall Hospitals

NHS Trust

Guide to Men’s Health

What you should know Good nutrition is a




Extra Mile Excellence and Innovation Awards




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One &All Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

One and All is published quarterly every January, April, July and October. Copy date for each issue is approximately six weeks before publication.



IN FOCUS Men’s Health




VOLUNTEERING Local honours, local donations


GRAPEVINE Improving Working Lives news and initiatives


CHARITABLE FUNDS Phoenix Appeal update and donations


DID YOU KNOW? Maxillofacial work - a careful balance between art and engineering 26

FEATURE Good Nutrition is a MUST


PATIENT STORY Life Saving Care


ACHIEVEMENTS Awards and honours


INSIDE OUT Adventurers and marathon hopes


OUR PARTNERS CFT Chief Executive

Advertsing Zara Media 01392 201227

Happy New Year to One & All!


News and views

Design Edgemoor Design 01837 659224

PRINTING FourwayPrinting 01566 771950

DISCLAIMER Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that adverts and articles appear correctly. Edgemoor Publishing cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of its publisher or editor.

Jo Gibbs, Chief Operating Officer

Editorial Communications, Bedruthan House 01872 253216

2013 promises much for RCHT – it is our 21st anniversary in April and we have an opportunity as an aspiring NHS Foundation Trust to strengthen our engagement with the local community. In this edition we have a special feature on the Council of Governor elections now underway. If you are a Foundation Trust member please use your vote. The Council of Governors will have a significant influence on the future of RCHT and this is your opportunity to have your say. Full details are on page 15. Also in this edition we have a special feature on male health. The new year is a great time to turn over a new leaf and with continued concern about the way some men access health services we have the lowdown on our key services and tips for keeping well in 2013. The cover story is about one of our young volunteers helping out as a mealtime companion. There are many negative stories told today about youth apathy and the personal care offered within the NHS. This story reminds us that there remains much to be proud of within our local community and the extraordinary range of people who volunteer and work within RCHT. I hope you enjoy reading our quarterly magazine and welcome all feedback. Thank you for your continued support. Garth Davies Associate Director, Communications at RCHT.


WHAT’S ON Diary dates, competition and art


COVER PHOTOGRAPH Mealtime Companion Ciaran Barlow and Extra Mile winner Mike Pearson assist a patient One and All 3


Jo Gibbs, Chief Operating Officer Happy New Year to all our patients, staff and members

Jo Gibbs gets an update on patient activity from Emergency Department Nurse Manager Kim Emmett


013 promises to be a significant year for RCHT as we celebrate our 21st anniversary in April and have an opportunity to become an NHS Foundation Trust - with all the extra freedom and opportunity to innovate that will bring. As Chief Operating Officer, my focus throughout the year will be to ensure we continue to meet the high expectations of our patients, staff and colleagues across healthcare. I am passionate about the NHS and care deeply about the quality of service we provide. The NHS is currently changing at an unprecedented rate with expectations growing all the time and I think it is a testament to our fantastic, dedicated staff that we made such rapid progress in 2012. RCHT is now in the top 10 performing acute and ambulance Trusts who aspire to be an NHS Foundation

4 One and All

Trust across a wide range of measures. This matters because good performance means our patients are safe, well cared for, have low infection rates, receive fast access to treatment in areas such as stroke, cancer and in an emergency. And it means that the overall experience of our patients is positive. One of our greatest achievements in the past 18 months is that we have gone from one the worst performing Trusts in the country for surgery waiting times to one of the best - rivalling any regional NHS or private provider. In the Emergency Department, we have continued our good performance so far this winter – in terms of the time patients wait for treatment - when many other hospitals have struggled. With work now underway to expand and refurbish our Emergency Department, we are confident that we can continue

to improve the patient experience in this critical area. Another area where we have made great progress is in the treatment of stroke patients. RCHT is grateful to BBC Radio Cornwall and the entire community for their contribution to the Phoenix Stroke Appeal and our ambition to offer gold standard stroke services. For our part, we now provide one of the very best stroke services in the country with patients getting swift access to CT scans, clot-busting treatments and our special stroke unit all of which make a big difference to survival and recovery. In a changing NHS, patients quite rightly want fast, effective, compassionate care. I am keen that in the years ahead we utilise our NHS Foundation Trust status to innovate, work smarter and properly invest in the staff we need to make RCHT a success. It is clear to me that if our staff feel happy and valued at work that will be reflected in the experience of our patients. In 2013, one of the major projects for my team is to put into practice a strategy that focuses on ‘Our People’ – a programme of work that will ensure our staff have access to all the equipment, training, skills and support they need to provide the very best care to our patients. I am proud to work at RCHT and of the progress we have made in the past 12 months. As we begin a new year we know that there will be new challenges ahead but I know that if we continue to work together – staff, patients, members and the wider community – we will achieve the first class healthcare service we all want to see in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. n


Emergency Department consultant Robert Taylor and Hepatologist Hyder Hussaini talk alcohol and its effects on their services and patients Emergency Department (ED) staff at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro deal with the effects of alcohol intoxication on a daily basis. Robert Taylor, ED Consultant, said: “We deal with a wide range of incidents where alcohol plays a part - from those suffering with long term alcohol problems such as liver disease to domestic incidents, bone breaks, collapses and assaults. Then there are the more serious road accidents or cliff falls.” Perhaps the most emotive impact alcohol has on the NHS is that it affects the ability of staff to care for those people who really need medical help. Rob said: “There is no doubt that the effects of alcohol are a massive drain on NHS resources and limits our ability to look after other patients requiring urgent medical input. A number of those who come to ED because of alcohol intoxication, end up in one of our beds sleeping it off.” It’s not just ED which can have valuable beds filled by those who have overdone the booze. Rob said: “In some cases, patients are so drunk they are unable to protect their own air ways and therefore have to be looked after in a critical care setting.” Rob says the influx of alcohol cases are not limited to Friday and Saturday nights either but happen on a daily basis throughout the year. “The summer is certainly a challenging time. Perhaps most notable are the children who are brought in intoxicated while on holiday without their parents, having finished their school exams. These children often have to be admitted and once they have sobered up, we insist they are collected by a responsible adult. This often involves a parent driving from out of county.” It isn’t just the youngsters the department sees either. “We see people from right across the spectrum from the underage drinkers and students to professional people to alcoholics and right through to the elderly. Some are here week after week. Even people who don’t count themselves as problem drinkers are coming in. “The message from my department really has to be stick within the recommended limits.” The Trust’s Hepatology team provides a service for the whole of Cornwall holding clinics in West Cornwall Hospital, St Michael’s Hospital, Redruth and Camborne Hospital, Truro, St Austell and Bodmin.

Hyder Hussaini, Consultant Hepatologist, said:”Liver disease is a growing issue. Many of the people we see in our clinics with alcohol related liver disease are not alcohol dependent, they are social drinkers who don’t have a ‘drink problem’. We are just as likely to treat the professional person who has a couple of pints or glasses of wine on a weekday evening, a bottle of wine on a Friday/ Saturday night. There are nine units of alcohol in your average 12% bottle of wine. If you have two bottles over the course of a week and you are a woman you are over your recommended weekly consumption. Anyone who drinks heavily will get fat in their liver. A third of these people will get Cirrhosis of the liver and there are complications with cirrhosis including liver failure, liver tumours, jaundice, fluid retention in the abdomen or they bleed from varicose veins in the gullet. “The problem with liver disease is that you have to destroy about 90 per cent of your liver before you show symptoms. Thus you can go from being relatively well to having a lot of serious problems and possibly dying, sometimes in a very short time span. “When I started in this job 20 years ago we treated people who were mainly in their 40s, ten years ago it was people in their 30s and now we are treating people in their 20s. Those who are losing their lives because of this are still mostly in their 40s, 50s and 60s. However we have had to admit young adults to the Critical Care Unit and we have had people in their 20s die from liver disease.” For those patients referred to the team via their GP or the Emergency Department, there are a number of options. The Hepatology team work closely with the Alcohol Liaison Nurse Andy Brooking as well as other agencies such as the Cornwall Alcohol and Drugs Agency (CADA), Addaction and local GPs. Hyder said: “For the social drinker, a 15-minute window of alcohol education usually works and they reduce their intake. For those with more needs, we refer to the outside agencies for longer term help in terms of rehabilitation programmes, counselling, or in-patient detox treatment.” n

One and All 5


new starters Women, Children and Sexual

Theatres and Anaesthesia Division

Patient Facilities and Estates Services Division

Health Division

R Chevill (Practitioner), Clare Moser (Specialty Doctor), Elizabeth Marlow (Staff Nurse), A Williams (porter), Catherine Lillis (Porter), Michael Devine (Assistant), Anne Black (Assistant), C Holloway (Assistant), Calron Hall (Assistant), J Baggs (Assistant), P John (Assistant), Cilla Averiss (Assistant), P Sockett (Assistant), Philip Franklin (Assistant).

Graham Jenkins (Assistant), Maureen McKenna (Assistant), Alan Price (Assistant), Marta Farias (Assistant), C Gilbert (Assistant), Damian Yelland (Manager), Ruth Pearce (Assistant), C Wellman (Assistant), Geraldine Richards (Assistant), J Brooks (Assistant), A Stewart (Assistant), Graham Milne (Porter), Nigel Oates (Porter), A Bryant (Assistant).

Farah Lone (Consultant), Aderonke Awe (consultant), Marianne Stephen (consultant), Laura Reddin (consultant), Nicola Long (consultant), Elhami Ebeid (consultant), Dr Khadra Galaal (Consultant), Gemma Yates (Sister/Charge Nurse), Harriet Aughey (Specialty Registrar), Oliver Cuthell (Specialty Registrar), Emily Bell (Specialty Registrar), Laura Guilder (Specialty Registrar), Sarah Sladden (Specialty Registrar), Shama Goyal (Specialty Registrar), Katie Gilbert (Sister/ Charge Nurse), Tanya Wenden (Healthcare Assistant), Mairead Archard (midwife). Surgery, Trauma and Orthopaedics Julia Hale (Consultant ophthalmology), Salem Murjaneh (Consultant in Ophthalmology), Sarah Hutchinson (Doctor), Jonathan Rowell (Healthcare Assistant), Samantha Bruce (Healthcare Assistant), Marie Dyer (Staff Nurse), Amanda Eggleton (Clerical), Terri-Leigh Berrington (Healthcare Assistant), Jake Mills (Technician), Thomas Hanna (Specialty Registrar), Alex ReeceSmith (Specialty Registrar), Thomas Dutton (Specialty Registrar), Alice Tsai (Specialty Registrar), Simon Hawkins (Specialty Registrar), Llinos Jones (Staff Nurse), Alison Gadd (Staff Nurse), Beverley Maund (Staff Nurse), Michaela Morris (Healthcare Support Worker), Russell Hawkins (consultant), B Roberts (Healthcare Assistant), Filip Frohlich (doctor). 6 One and All

Medicine and Emergency Division Lynda Hopwood (Health Care Support Worker), Cassandra Newman (Clerical), Mark Busbby (Staff Nurse), Tarik Qandil (Trainee Scientist), Alice Boatfield (Healthcare Assistant), Ellenna Barton (Staff Nurse), Molly Yeo (Healthcare Support Worker), Alison Collins (Staff Nurse), Nina Penkethman (Nurse Manager), Mandy Cummins (Clerical), Sarah Norman (Staff Nurse), D Stamp (Staff Nurse), Alison Collins (Staff Nurse), Deirdre Foley (Staff Nurse), Kathryn Davies (doctor). Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Cancer Division Linda Dunn (Clerical), Tommy Salmon (Helper/ Assistant), Siobhan Hunter (Staff Nurse), Caroline Temlett (Technician), Kerry Wilson (Occupational Therapist), Harriet Atkinson (Helper/Assistant), Jayne Lander (Radiographer), Nina Worrin (Specialist Nurse Practitioner), Helen Crews (Clerical), Lisa Trembath (Sister/ Charge Nurse), Amy Jordan (Helper/ Assistant), Jen Mantle (Occupational Therapist), Helen Donovan (Physiotherapist), Stella Wallis (Medical Laboratory Assistant), Laura Paterson (Technician), Kristy Garton (Technician), Lucy Williams (Physiotherapist), Laura Proud (Helper/ Assistant), Felicity MacQueen (Helper/ Assistant).

The Acute Liaison Nurse

Corporate Services P Curnow (Senior Manager), Julio Martos (Clerical), Daniella Rubio-Mayer (Sister/ Charge Nurse), Amy Luxton (Clerical), Viv Long (Clerical). Voluntary Services RCH: James Chapman, Steve Patterson (Hospital Radio), Aileen Bratton, Sarah Pascoe, Sandra Tregidgo, Amy Myatt (Critical Care), Annabel Coot, Sue Thomas (Headland), Mingjur Dolma Rainbow (Mermaid), Lesley Ibbotson, Catherine Williams (Breastfeeding Support), Natalee Johns (Maternity), Diane Lucas (Sunrise), David Pyke, Judy Pyke (Pastoral Visitor), Sheila Reed (Tower Reception), James Robinson, Robert Sturland (Gardener), Stacey Rolling (Play Specialist), Victoria Curry, Verity Ford (Emergency Dept), Susie Cokes (Hospital Guide), Kerry Liddington (Polkerris Ward), Christine Vaughan (Mealtime Companion). WCH: Maddie Cormie (Memory Café/Reception), Lynne Essam (Physiotherapy & Outpatients). SMH: Sandra Biggs, Maureen Ward (St Eia’s Tea Bar), Petra Murray (Physiotherapy, Marie Therese House). Retired: Shirley Sweeney, John Arrow.

Daniella Rubio-Mayer began her role in October having previously worked as an acute liaison nurse for Learning Disabilities in Nottingham. Daniella joins Zoe McLean and Ruth Kimberley and it means the team are now able to provide help and assistance to children and adults with a learning disability or autism when they visit the Trust’s hospitals. Anyone wanting to contact the team can do so by emailing learning. or calling: Ruth Kimberley - 07765221848 (bleep 3053), Daniella RubioMayer - 07827903729 (bleep 3054), Zoe McLean - 0782789752 (bleep 3095). There is an out of hours answer machine. The team accepts referrals from individuals, families and staff.


£2m Grant for Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Study Researchers from the University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS) and RCHT have secured £2m in grant funding from the National Institute for Health Research to develop and evaluate a nurse-supported heart failure manual designed to be used by patients in their homes. Around 900,000 people are affected by heart failure in the UK, at a cost to the NHS of £1bn each year, but only a very small percentage receives cardiac rehabilitation. Previous studies have shown an improvement in quality of life and a reduction in hospital admission for those who have suffered heart failure and received cardiac rehabilitation compared with those who did not. The uptake of cardiac rehabilitation by heart failure patients could improve if individuals are offered a choice of clinic-based or homebased programmes. However, there is an absence of evidence-based home-based programmes for heart failure available to clinicians and their patients, which is why there is now an urgent need to develop, evaluate and introduce such a programme to the NHS. Joint lead for the project, Dr Hayes Dalal said “Our aim is that, by the end of this five-year study, we will be able to make recommendations for an evidence-based cardiac rehabilitation programme that can be used by patients in their homes with the support of their cardiac nurse, and which can be implemented across the NHS to the benefit of all eligible patients with heart failure and which will as a consequence see savings for the NHS itself.”

Fairytales and Magic brighten youngsters’ hospital stays The Young patients at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, were entertained by storytellers, magicians and face painters as part of Play in Hospital Week. Organised by the Play Specialist Team, Story Teller Deborah Averill from Cornwall Council’s Library Service, Magician Harry Kezam and body paint artist Jenny Marquis filled the children’s wards with fairytales and magic. Play in Hospital Week is an annual event which takes place across the country organised by Starlight Children’s Foundation and the National Association of Health Play Specialists. Gill Caddy, part of the Trust’s Play Specialist Team, said: “National Play in Hospital Week is an excellent opportunity for us to raise awareness of the benefits of play, while organising a really fun week of activities, games and entertainment for our patients. Being unwell can be distressing for children and play really does help to distract them from any pain and anxiety they might be feeling, which in turn can help them to better engage with their treatment.”

Listening into Action at RCHT In the summer of 2012, RCHT started work on a programme called Listening into Action. The idea is simple. Listen and act on the ideas of frontline staff. Six months on and the programme is making a difference to staff engagement and patient care. Two headline projects include ‘Changing Places’ and the ’12 Days of Christmas’. The Changing Places programme is about job swaps – senior managers working alongside frontline staff for the day and vice versa. This was a popular request by our staff and a great opportunity for greater understanding across the organisation and ultimately improved decision making. Pictured above Chief Executive Lezli Boswell helping out in the renal unit and below, Director of Finance Karl Simkins helping out in the kitchens. The ’12 Days of Christmas’ idea was born out of staff requests for small sums of money that can make a big difference to patient care e.g. special equipment or furnishings. Thankfully, the generosity of our local community gives RCHT access to Charitable Funds which are perfect to provide the little extras. We held a competition with staff able to bid for up to £1000 and announced one winner every day in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. You can see all our winners on our facebook page: RoyalCornwallHospitalsTrust

One and All 7


Simulation Training

Breast Cancer pain trial

Women undergoing surgery for breast cancer in Cornwall are taking part in a trial investigating the benefits of a new pain relief technique. A team from the Trust have been awarded a £250,000 grant from the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) to undertake the SUBLIME study. It is being led by RCHT Consultant Anaesthetist Dr Roger Langford and managed by the Peninsula Clinical Trials Unit at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry. Patients will be recruited over two years. The aim of the study involving 100 women in Cornwall and 60 in Devon is to assess the effectiveness of the new technique which involves providing continuous infusion of local anaesthetic directly beneath the operation site. The technique was introduced by RCHT Consultant Breast Surgeon Iain Brown, who felt it might provide more effective pain relief than the traditional methods. It is the only centre currently using the technique.

Stroke care improvements


uring September, medics from the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust teamed up with RNAS Culdrose for a simulation training programme aimed at improving transfers for critically ill patients. The CoAAST (Cornwall Ambulance and Aeromedical Simulated Transfer) course is the first of its kind in the South West Peninsula and involves staff, including doctors, nurses and RNAS Culdrose Aircrew, moving an advanced simulation “patient” - from a land ambulance onto a Royal Navy helicopter from 771 Naval Air Squadron Search and Rescue and then dealing with various scenarios with that patient in the aircraft. During the programme, RCHT and RNAS Culdrose personnel take part in tutorials and workshops in the morning followed by the practical sessions in the afternoon. As well as the Navy helicopter, there is also the opportunity to look around the Air Ambulance and a land ambulance. * Look out for more news on the Trust’s simulation training programme in the next One and All magazine n

8 One and All

Since September stroke patients have had greater access to thrombolysis treatment at RCHT with the extension of the service to include all patients who arrive within three hours and up to six hours for younger patients. Frances Harrington, Stroke Consultant at RCHT, says: “The extension of the service reflects a change in eligibility criteria based on new research studies and will lead to similar changes in all the other South West hospitals. However, it is still important that if you suspect someone has had a stroke that you dial 999 immediately because fast treatment is vital.” She added: “With Thrombolysis, the number of patients able to walk out of the hospital and return to their lives dramatically increases.”

Time to Change - making our pledge to stamp out the stigma of mental illness...

To mark World Mental Health Day in October, RCHT Chief Executive Lezli Boswell signed the Time To Change pledge on behalf of the Trust. Staff from across the Trust were able to hear presentations by HR manager Paul Hargreaves, CFT Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist Adrian Flynn and representatives from Cornwall Mental and Rethink. Lezli said: “This event helps us as a Trust to look at the Mental Health awareness in RCHT and what we are offering our staff in terms of help and advice. It seems a good opportunity in our 20th year to make this pledge to show we as an organisation are committed to this cause.”

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Men risk health by failing to seek NHS help Heart Disease – Alison Brown, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist


any men in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are leaving their health and wellbeing to chance, according to RCHT clinicians. Recent national research suggests many men do not go to a doctor unless they think it’s a serious problem and so are missing opportunities for tests, advice and support that would certainly improve their wellbeing and could potentially save their life. Men’s reluctance to consult health experts will have wide-ranging implications for healthcare in the future because a number of treatable conditions will go unaddressed. Heart disease, stroke, suicide, cancers of the bowel, prostate, testicles and lungs are just some of the most common conditions which affect men in the UK today. Most are preventable and could be treated if caught early enough. Speaking to One & All magazine, medical professionals from the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust and patients give their views and advice………

10 One and All

Coronary heart disease can lead to angina and heart attack. Arteries become gradually blocked by a build up of fatty waste. They can become so narrow they cannot deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to your heart and this can cause Angina. A heart attack is caused when the coronary arteries become completely blocked. If this happens it can stop the blood flow to part of your heart muscle and cause permanent damage unless you seek help immediately by calling 999. The Royal Cornwall Hospital’s Cardiac Catheter lab provides a 24/7 service to treat people who are having a heart attack to restore the blood flow through the affected coronary artery. This needs to be done as soon as possible.

Symptoms of angina: Pain in the central chest (usually comes on with activity and eases with rest) A dull ache, heaviness, tightness or uncomfortable feeling within the chest and can radiate up to the neck, jaw, shoulders and down one or both arms (It can be mistaken for indigestion pain as it can occasionally come on after heavy meals).

Symptoms of a heart attack Similar to angina however the pain will NOT ease with rest, will not go away and may well increase in intensity but not always. Sometimes described as a dull persistent ache. Often but not always accompanied by other symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, sweating and pale pallor.


Prostate Cancer – Debbie Victor, Uro-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist In Cornwall an average of 25 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each month, the youngest being in their early 40s and the oldest nearly 100. Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer found in men and second leading type of cancer death in men after lung cancer. The disease is treatable if found in its early stages, although there are unlikely to be symptoms at this point. Having regular checks is vital particularly if you are in a high risk group – whether that’s due to age, nationality or diet. Those who eat a high fat diet with lots of red meat and dairy, few vegetables and fruit, men of AfroCaribbean descent, men with a close relative (father, brother) diagnosed with prostate cancer below the age of 65 and those over 60 are all considered to be more at risk. However, it would be wrong to think of Prostate Cancer as an old man’s disease. 30 per cent of cases are in men under 65 and very often the younger the man, the more aggressive the tumour.

Symptoms: Changes to the flow rate of urine Getting up at night to pass urine l Difficulty passing urine l Difficulty starting/ stopping urine l Bone pain l Blood in the semen l l

There are simple checks which can be carried out by a GP so don’t delay!

Patient Case Study – John Sharpe John Sharpe, 68, from Porthleven is currently undergoing radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer. John said: “It all started when I went to my GP for a Wellman check. When the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) results came back he recommended further investigation. I came to Treliske and after more tests was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had no symptoms. It was a complete shock and unexpected. I knew it can be life threatening so it was very frightening.” John underwent keyhole surgery to remove as much of the cancer as possible. “The surgery was remarkable. It was much easier than I had imagined. But after the op I was told it had not been possible to remove all the cancer cells. After a talk with doctors about what to do next I decided that I would do nothing other than recover from the surgery.”

For the next 18 months John had regular PSA checks which showed nothing significant but when his levels started to go up he had an MRI scan. “The MRI showed no cancer but the PSA checks highlighted something. So we sat down with the oncology people and talked about what to do next. It was the decision making process which was difficult because there is no simple course of treatment suitable for everyone. I agreed to radiotherapy and that’s where we are now.” John has to attend the hospital every day until his treatment finishes at the end of January. He is be treated on the linear accelerator and so far has not experienced any side effects. “It’s not a scary machine at all. It’s not an intimidating creature. It’s calming and the people working here are very professional and I have every confidence in them.” John is keen to encourage others to get checked. “If I hadn’t gone for the Wellman check when I did we would probably have been looking at a far more serious situation in the future. The advice I would give is get it done – sooner rather than later. I think what holds men back is fear of finding out there is a problem and then needing treatment. They fear the consequences, especially the possibility of side effects relating to incontinence or sexual difficulties. These issues are difficult to come to terms with and to discuss. I can’t believe I am talking about all this but it’s important because it is a factor in deciding whether to seek treatment or not. It really comes down to men facing up to their fear. Fear of discussing intimate and detailed personal information and fear of the consequences or side effects of treatment. However, the greatest danger is when this fear overwhelms common sense which says the consequences and side effects of not being checked can be far greater. I found these concerns can be talked about with helpful and understanding hospital staff who offer excellent support and advice to help minimize any negative effects of the condition and treatment.” John is a member of a local male voice choir and he says his experiences have encouraged others to think about prostate cancer. “It’s interesting because since this has happened some of the other singers’ wives have talked to me about their concerns for their husbands and asked if I’d have a word with their other halves and try to persuade them to have a check.”

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IN FOCUS Stroke – Frances Harrington, Stroke consultant Testicular Cancer This is the most common cancer in men aged between 15 and 35, but is still relatively rare. On average there are 1020 men diagnosed in Cornwall each year. It is treatable, but the earlier it is found the less intense the treatment. Men in this age group should be encouraged to check themselves monthly, themselves monthly, best done after a bath or shower. Simply cradle the scrotum in the palm of both hands and using the fingers and thumb gently squeeze the testicle, one at a time. There are different structures within the scrotum so it is important to differentiate between the epididymis (the skin) and the main body of the testicle. Lumps, changes in consistency and areas of hardening/ swelling within the body of the testicle should be checked by your doctor as should any change of sensation or if jeans/ trousers become more uncomfortable around the scrotum. If the GP feels it is necessary you may be referred for an ultrasound.

Sexual Health – Dr Kathryn Eccleston

The Sexual Health Hub on the Treliske site offers a confidential service to ANYONE who is sexually active or concerned about a genital problem. The majority of infections tested for are symptom free, so a person wouldn’t know they had picked something up or were carrying it without a test. So if you have had unprotected sex, get a check-up. The hub provides non-invasive screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections, so for those old enough to remember, you will not have a metal umbrella inserted into your penis. It’s not something that is done anymore. Urine samples, blood tests and occasionally scans are now used. The Hub has its own computer system which is not accessible by GPs. This can be important for those youngsters who use the family GP. While GPs provide a confidential service, some youngsters who have seen that same doctor with mum throughout their childhood feel self-conscious or worried about talking to them about these kind of issues. It’s always worth getting checked if you have any urinary conditions. Most are nothing to worry about and easily treated. Where it is something more serious, the quicker it is found, the better the outcomes.

12 One and All

Every year an estimated 150,000 people in the UK have a stroke and last year 814 of them were in Cornwall. Most people affected are over 65, but anyone can have a stroke, including children and even babies. About 40 per cent of Cornish patients went on to make a full or near full recovery. Recognising the symptoms is vital. A stroke is a brain attack. For your brain to function, it needs a constant blood supply, which provides vital nutrients and oxygen to the brain cells. A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off and brain cells are damaged or die.

Symptoms of Stroke FACIAL weakness: Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped? Some people lose their sight or have blurred vision, others become confused or unsteady. ARM weakness: Can the person raise both arms? They may become numb, weak or paralysed on one side of the body. SPEECH problems: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say? There may be slurred speech, difficulty finding words or understand speech. Time to call 999. A speedy response can help reduce the damage to a person’s brain and improve their chances of recovery.

Lung Cancer – Sue Pascoe and Paul Kneller, Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists Last year in Cornwall, 164 men were diagnosed with lung cancer with the majority looking at a life expectancy of just 12 months. It is potentially curable if caught early enough. So it is important that if you have any of the symptoms listed below you make an appointment with a GP. Whilst lung cancer predominantly affects older people aged 60 and above, younger age groups can and do develop the disease. Staggeringly, 90 per cent of people diagnosed with lung cancer are smokers or former smokers. The key to survival with lung cancer is early diagnosis and gives the opportunity for surgery. Other treatments include Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer: Unexplained or persistent cough (often ignored by smokers who may be used to having a regular cough) l Coughing up blood l Chest or Shoulder pain (unexplained or persistent) l Shortness of breath l Weight loss l


Bowel Cancer – Clare Ferris, Colorectal Nurse Specialist In Cornwall more than 400 people were diagnosed with Colorectal or Bowel Cancer in 2011 with more than 40 being found via the Bowel Screening Programme. The two yearly checks use stool samples provided by patients aged 60 to 75 years via their GP surgery. Results are back within a fortnight. As with all cancers, early diagnosis is the key to recovery.

Symptoms: Rectal bleeding (that persists with no anal symptoms) Change in Bowel Habit to looser, diarrhoea motions (for six weeks or more) l Abdominal swelling or persistent pain l l

Patient Case Study – David Lord David Lord from Roche, near St Austell, knows how important it is to see a GP with changes in bowel habit. David was just a month away from turning 67 when he first noticed he had a problem. He said: “I had a couple of occasions when there was blood and I thought ‘right I can’t leave it’ so I went to my GP.” During his appointment, David’s GP did a rectal examination. David said: “I then had an investigation at the hospital and they found a growth in the bowel and they said it looked cancerous. They removed the lump and that section of bowel and I had a bag fitted and then I started eight sessions of chemotherapy. “I have to be honest and say that Chemo is not nice. For the first couple of weeks it was two weeks on, one week off and I had ten pills a day to take. I didn’t even know where I was and that’s when I went back to Clare and said ‘that’s it, I can’t do this’. She was very good and she gave me time off and a rest and then when we started again it was on a lower dose and that was better and by the last two or three sessions it wasn’t that bad.” David, 68, is thankful he acted when he did. “I really think if I had left it another couple of months it could have been much worse. My advice to others is, if you have any problems down there, get it checked. You know what is normal for you. If you have a change in your bowel movements, are going to the toilet more or less or there is blood, go and get checked by a doctor, there could be something wrong.” As for the future, David has just had his ileostomy bag removed during a reversal operation at the Royal Cornwall Hospital and is hopeful of hearing good news at his next appointment with Clare. “I just want to thank all the people who have been involved in my care from the colorectal cancer and stoma nurses and surgeon to the nurses on the ward. They were always ready to answer any questions we had and put my mind at rest.”

Suicide and depression Cornwall has a higher than average suicide rate compared to the rest of the UK with around 50 to 70 people taking their own lives in the county each year. Suicide is the biggest killer of men aged 15-35 in the UK, claiming more young male lives than road traffic accidents or cancer. Men are four times more likely to commit suicide compared to women, with part of the blame being put on under-diagnosed depression in men. Men are thought to be more prone to suicide because they’re less likely to openly show depression and have somebody else recognize it early enough to treat it, or to have themselves recognize that they’re in trouble. The number of males with depression could be even greater since men may show signs of depression in a manner different from many women.

Symptoms: Instead of sadness, depression may play out in the following ways in men: l Anger l Aggression l Work “burnout” l Risk-taking behaviour l Midlife crisis l Alcohol and substance abuse If you have concerns about your own wellbeing or the wellbeing of a man in your life please contact your GP. The Samaritans are also available to talk and can be contacted on 08457 90 90 90, email or visit the website

Helping yourself

The great news is that there is a good deal you can do to stay healthy. Stop smoking! Keep active – cardiovascular activity is best such as walking, swimming, cycling, dancing l Have your blood pressure checked regularly l Have your weight measured and assessed by your practice nurse. l If you are diabetic keep it under control. Seek advice from your diabetes nurse and follow it! l Eat sensibly – lots of vegetables, limit your intake of processed meat and red meat l Drink alcohol moderately and sensibly l l

Useful Contacts: National Bowel Screening Centre: 0800 7076060. Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90 Sexual Health Hub: 01872 255044, One and All 13


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West End hit Yes, Prime Minister comes to HfC FOLLOWING three sell out performances and rave reviews, Yes, Prime Minister comes to Hall for Cornwall next February. The original writers of the classic BBC TV series, Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay, have reunited for this anniversary production with a new satirical take on Whitehall. For a chance to win Two tickets to see Yes, Prime Minister just answer this simple question:

Name the actor who played the original Prime Minister in the TV series Yes Prime Minister in the 1980s? To enter, please send your answer along with your name, home address, or Department and extension number to or send it to: One & All Magazine, c/o Press Office, Bedruthan House, RCH There will be just one winner, no cash equivalent prizes. The competition is open to RCHT staff only, excluding those associated with the competition. The prize is non-transferable and is available to entrants aged 18 and above. Al entries must be made by 31st January 2013. The decision of the Press Office is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Membership News


Council of Governor Elections RCHT is now in the third and final stage of its application to become an NHS Foundation Trust. A significant change when we become an NHS Foundation Trust is that we will have a Council of Governors who represent our members and have a big say on the future of RCHT. We are delighted by the numbers of people who have shown an interest in becoming a Governor at RCHT and thank all those who came to the information sessions towards the end of 2012.

Election time Our first ever elections at RCHT for our Council of Governors is between January 14th and February 4th 2013. All members will have received a ballot paper which they must return by post to the independent Electoral Reform Service. We have 37 candidates standing for 16 seats and urge all our members to make their vote count. It is a great opportunity for our local community and our staff to elect a high quality Council of Governors to help us provide high quality care. The election results will be announced on Tuesday February 5th 2013. If you would like further information about the elections, please call our Membership Manager – Emma Cannaby – on 01872 252858 or email

Health talks We are looking to set up a series of health talks for members to understand our services, their health condition or how the Trust works during 2013. If you have a topic you would like to hear about, please let our membership manager know by contacting 01872 252858 or emailing

Introducing Richard Schofield has joined the executive team to support the Foundation Trust application, working as the Trust Secretary. Richard has come from Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Foundation Trust where he was Deputy Company Executive. He is looking forward to supporting the Trust reach authorisation in 2013. Emma Cannaby has joined the communications team as the Foundation Trust Membership Manager to develop the membership and support the Council of Governors. Emma is keen to engage the members in Trust activities so look out for anything you can get involved in.

Readers’ Panel ‘We are setting up a readers’ panel which we would like our members to join. A readers’ panel is a group of people who will help us to ensure our patient information is accessible and easy to understand.’ You do not need to have any qualifications other than being a member of the Trust. If you would like to become a member, you can sign up by contacting the executive’s office by calling 01872 252858 or emailing

Emails Email is the most cost effective way of staying in touch with our members. If we don’t currently have your email address and you would be happy to receive information by email in future please let us know by contacting rcht.membership@

One and All 15




Friends’ £100,000 donation kicks off WCH reception work

Val Barnes, Health Volunteer of the Year and Cornwall Volunteer of the Year

Val Barnes, who many will know as the tea hostess in Haematology, the Sunrise Centre, the Headland Unit and from the Friends’ Coffee Shop picked up her award at the Atlantic Hotel in Newquay in October accompanied by Chairman of the RCH Friends, Beatrice Dyer. Val is pictured receiving her framed certificate for Cornwall Volunteer of the Year from the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, Edward Bolitho. Val, who lives in Threemilestone, said: “I really didn’t expect to win! If I’m honest I was hoping for the runner’s up spot as I don’t like to make a fuss and I do this because I like keeping busy and I enjoy it. You do benefit as much as those you help by volunteering and it has been such a privilege. It’s also a social thing. I have made some lovely friends and the patients are super. I think everyone should give volunteering a try even if you only have an hour a week or month to spare.” Val, who spent 36 years as an office worker and then another seven years as a Cornwall Council Community Carer, has given her time to the Friends of the Royal Cornwall Hospital for the last four years and has been involved in raising money for the Sunrise Centre with her homemade cards for nine years. Last year she also added knitting chicks to her fundraising activities. Val said: “I like craft work and I have found I can use that in my volunteering. I have a lot of friends who help me with the projects I do like knitting the chicks to raise funds.” As well as volunteering at the hospital, Val also helps out at the Truro Homeless Action Group, buying and cooking breakfasts for the homeless and vulnerable in the city, something she has done for over five years and she has volunteered for Cornwall Wildlife Trust for over six years organising and running sales tables at different venues. Chairman of the Friends Beatrice Dyer said: “This is a great tribute to a very humble and dedicated lady who works hard and gives so much to other people. We are delighted the Friends have been so well represented by Val and very proud that this is the second year in a row that one of our members has been named as Health Volunteer of the Year.” n 16 One and All

Simon Vickery, Mansell Senior Site Manager with Carolyn Rowe, Chair of the Friends and Gill Prodger, Friends Secretary

The League of Friends donated £102,000 for the renovation of the reception area at West Cornwall Hospital, Penzance. Simon Vickery, Mansell’s Senior Site Manager, said: “The work has involved laying new flooring, new signage and general decoration on one side and a remodelling of the reception desk area on the other side. To avoid as much disruption as possible to visitors and staff we did a lot of the work in the evenings.” The money for the reception revamp is the latest in a line of generous donations by the Friends of West Cornwall which totalled over £400,000 in the last 12 months. Carolyn Rowe, Chairman of the Friends, said: “We are thrilled to be able to give this


money towards rejuvenating the reception area. It’s been a key aim of ours for some time. We know it will give those visiting the hospital, a warm welcome and also set the right impression for their time in a vibrant, vital facility.” Garth Weaver, Associate Director Projects and Planning for RCHT, said: “We are very thankful to the League of Friends for their continued support in helping us improve the facilities available to patients at West Cornwall Hospital. The project will give the front entrance a bright, fresh and welcoming feel and we have taken the opportunity to improve the signage, incorporate new information screens and provide a coffee pod so that refreshments are available for those using the waiting area.”

For more information or advice about volunteering at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, or to get in touch with the Friends of Royal Cornwall Hospital, St Michael’s Hospital or West Cornwall Hospital please contact the Volunteer Services Office on 01872 253737 or email RCHT.

Volunteer Friends provide £126,000 of equipment to Truro hospital The Friends of the Royal Cornwall Hospital spent over £126,000 in 2012 on items to benefit staff and patients at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro. The £126,709 went to a wide range of departments for everything from breastfeeding chairs and staff room cupboards to specialist storage cabinets and Endoscopes. Dermatology was one of the most recent departments to benefit receiving four high seat chairs, one bariatric chair and a Hyfrecator and Surgical Smoke Extractor. Julie Knowles, Dermatology Lead Nurse, said: “We are so pleased with the items we received. It has been fantastic and made a huge difference. Our patients had requested the higher chairs and we can now say we have done that.” The donation of the Hyfrecator machine has meant the Dermatology team are able to put all three of their treatment rooms into action at the same time. Julie said: “We had two Hyfrecator machines but with the donation of the third it means we can now treat more patients here.” The Hyfrecator machine is used to cauterize wounds when a patient is having an area of skin removed and it removes any odours that may occur during the process. The Wheal Prosper team have also greatly benefited from a Friends donation. During a visit to their ward earlier in the year, Friends Chairman Beatrice Dyer and President Michael Galsworthy pledged to provide funds to upgrade the staff room. Now, with new furniture in place, staff are able to relax during breaks in comfortable and bright surroundings. The Friends have provided a new blind, fridge, chairs, dining table and a coffee table as well as a new kitchen worktop. Wheal Prosper is an infection control ward and once on duty staff, must remain on the unit even during breaks. Ward manager Rebecca Shuttleworth said: “It has made a huge difference to the department. Just being able to sit at a table and eat is

Dermatology department’s Ward Manager Julie Knowles and Staff Nurse Bonnie Collier with the Hyfrecator machine

fantastic and it’s so much brighter. The Friends have made such a difference to the ward as a whole. They even provided pictures, televisions and clocks for the patients’ rooms.” In the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department, the Friends provided an Endoscope Storage Cabinet at a cost of £13,000 plus two endoscopes costing £6,000 each. Endoscopes are used to investigate the digestive system. Karen Yelland, Endoscopy Staff Nurse, said: “The cabinet has made a huge difference to our day-to-day work. Now the endoscopes can be cleaned and put into the cabinet which has positive air going through it and this keeps them sterile for 31 days. It means if we need to use one in an emergency we can just grab one and go. The cabinet has helped us to achieve gold

Karen Yelland, Endoscopy Staff Nurse with the new endoscope storage cabinet and one of the endoscopes

standard in the service we can provide so we are very grateful to the Friends especially as they also provided the money for chairs and new covers for others in the department.” Maternity was another area to benefit, through the donation of eight breastfeeding chairs and a fridge. One and All 17




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A New Year brings a new programme of events for CHSRF members. Besides our usual lunch dates, we shall be enjoying mystery tours and day trips as diverse as Lanhydrock and the Falmouth Coastguard Station. It’s always lots of fun so, if you have retired or are about to retire from the NHS or any of its related professions, as a member of staff or a volunteer, do get in touch for more details. You would be very welcome to come to lunch or join us on one of our trips just to try us out. Our Fellowship is Cornwall-wide and all our money is spent for our members. We do not pay a fee from your subscriptions to a National body.

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IWL – Sign up now!! If you are interested in finding out more about Improving Working Lives (IWL) and taking part in the group please contact IWL via Groupwise - iwl@ IWL organise and run lots of initiatives for RCHT staff – lottery, photography competition, thank you awards, reading group, sports classes, cyclescheme and much more…. We meet every month and always welcome new members!

IWL Staff Lottery Would you like to join the Improving Working Lives Staff Lottery? The top prize is £3,800 with four runners up prizes of £950. To have a chance at winning, join the IWL Staff Lottery by emailing iwl@ for an application form. Every month the IWL staff lottery draw takes place in the Payroll Department when the winning numbers are randomly generated. Following the draw the winners are contacted by telephone by the payroll team. Sign up now, it could be you!!

IWL Thank You The IWL group received a good number of nominations for the IWL Thank Yous over the last quarter and selected the winners below. Thank You Gift - July 2012 - Midwives Bethan Gilbert and Rosemary Strong. The pair were nominated by colleague Sally Dimmick. “Last year was a truly awful year for me personally and Beth and Rosemary helped me through by being extremely flexible with their working hours to ease my burden. I consider myself very lucky to work with such excellent people.”

Her team work and leadership is always consistent, inspirational and delivered with kindness.” October’s IWL gift went to Wheal Prosper Senior Staff Nurse Laura Spargo. November’s Thank you went to Health Care Assistant Joanna Pope (West Cornwall Hospital) who was nominated by colleague Catherine McDonnell.

Sarah Eddy, who works in the Emergency Gynaecology Unit (EGU) was chosen for September’s gift. Sarah was nominated by Lin Francis, Midwife EGU. “Sarah simply is the most unselfish, dedicated practitioner I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Her work and expertise in early pregnancy loss and breaking bad news is always gentle, caring and sensitive. She goes above and beyond the call of duty offering reassurance to those women who have experienced miscarriage and require reassurance early in a new pregnancy.

“Joanna is a valued member of Medical Ward 1. She has given her own time to organise things for the Memory Cafe and helps run the cafe for the patients with other staff members. She is a dedicated member of the team and has a real rapport with the patients. She is notorious for her bubbly personality and good sense of humour and receiving a little bit of recognition would go a long way.” Do you have a colleague you would like to thank for all their hard work? If so, IWL want to hear from you! Email and tell us why we should send the nominated individual a bunch of flowers or gift voucher (value of £15). The IWL group will review the nominations at their monthly meetings and decide who the lucky person will be!

Cycle To Work Scheme Thinking Of Buying A New Bike…. Any RCHT member of staff who receives a regular salary (minimum 12 month contract) can take part in the cycle to work scheme. Savings depend upon salary and tax bracket. Pay over 12 months. To find out further details and whether you are able to take part contact IWL via email or x 2297

One and All 19

Grapevine VI

IWL Christmas Di





Staff Photography Competition The categories for the 2013 IWL Staff Photography competition have now been set! The four categories are: • Life • Celebration • Black & White • Seaside The deadline for this competition is 15th February 2013. If you would like to enter, please contact iwl@rcht. for copies of the rules and an entry form. All winning entries will be enlarged, framed and exhibited at WCH and RCH later in 2013. Works will then be offered to departments to bid for so that the artwork will remain in the Trust.

20 One and All


inner and Dance proves popular The Improving Working Lives annual Christmas Dinner and Dance at Tregenna Castle, St Ives, again proved hugely popular with over 300 enjoying the food, dancing and company. The IWL group are keen to pass on their thanks to all who worked so hard to make the evening such a success and ensure a fantastic night was had by all. The IWL raffle raised the record amount of £645 this year with fantastic prizes coming from a wide range of companies. Following on the tradition of recent years, the Hotel Services “dance troupe” provided their unique and much anticipated brand of entertainment. Their interpretation of the Christmas theme really got everyone in the festive spirit. As well as providing a visual feast, the troupe also managed to raise £231 for the Trust’s Colorectal Cancer Department. So a big Thank you to all who donated. This year professional photographer Paul A’ Barrow was available to take professional shots of the guests as they arrived.

IWL Thanks: IWL would like to take the opportunity to say A GREAT BIG THANK YOU for all the support and generous prizes received. Rachel Harcom Tregenna Castle Estate, St Ives Hotel Services Select Vending Pure Blue Hall for Cornwall Berrymans Bakery

Malletts Home Hardware Cornish Coffee National Maritime Museum Hendra Hair & Beauty National Seal Sanctuary Marzipan Hair Newquay Zoo Coca-Cola Skinners Brewery Trewithen Dairy Cornwall & Devon Media SLS Catering Eden Project

Ecolab St Austell Brewery Callestick Farm William IV Monkey Sanctuary West Country Fruit Sales Crealy Adventure Park A2B Paul A Barrow Bodmin & Wenford Railway Isles of Scilly Travel 20/20 Lifestar

Cornish Seal Sanctuary Rosedown Farm Crusader Brakes If you are interested in attending next year’s Dinner and Dance please contact IWL via email iwl@rcht. or ext 2297. One and All 21

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Golfer presents over £2,080 to CHUF A St Austell golfer has handed over a cheque for £2,080 to Cornwall Heart Unit Fund (CHUF) as a thank you for the care he received at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, following a heart attack.

Trevor Johnston, RCHT Specialty Lead for Coronary Care, receives the CHUF donation from Kevin Rowett at the Coronary Care Unit LEFT TO RIGHT Sophie Clarke, Toni Grimshaw, consultant Iain Brown, Heather Syme, Katherine Holland, nurse specialist Josephine Brand, Laura Syme and Oli Basham


challenging cycle from the London Eye to the Eiffel Tower in Paris has resulted in a donation of over £3,000 to the Mermaid Centre at the Royal Cornwall Hospital. Inspired by her mother’s recent experience of breast cancer and the care

given to her by the Mermaid Centre team, 22 year old Laura Syme got together with friends to organise the fundraising trip. With eight cycling and four, including Laura’s mum Heather, following along in a support vehicle, the ‘Biking for Boobs’, team made the journey in just four days.

£500 donation for new breast pump on maternity ward

Helen Shanahan, RCHT Infant Feeding Co-ordinator, Caryll Beck from Bounty, Suzie Drew from supplier ARDO and Wheal Fortune ward manager Mairead Archard and the new pump

A donation of £500 has helped to provide a new breast pump for the Wheal Fortune ward at the Princess Alexandra Wing at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro. The donation from Bounty, which

provides the pregnancy and new baby packs for mums-to-be and new mums at the hospital, provided the £500 from their charitable funds after a request from Helen Shanahan, Infant Feeding Co-ordinator. The rest of the £1,350 total came from the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust. Helen said: “The breast pumps we have on the ward are quite old now and in need of replacement. This new pump is on wheels so it can be moved easily to where it is needed. “Breast milk is the natural food for babies and it really helps those babies who are small or unwell. Breast pumps are good for mums who have pre-term or poorly babies as it means even when baby is unable to feed directly from Mum, her milk can still be collected and used. 80 per cent of our mums start breastfeeding and we want to support them to continue.”

Kevin Rowett was a patient on the Coronary Care Unit five years ago and for the last four years he has organised a charity golf day at Carlyon Bay Golf Club to raise money for the charity. Over the years the events have raised an impressive £10,000. Kevin said: “I remember when I left the ward I’d said I’d like to give a donation. Knowing that the money I give to CHUF stays in Cornwall is important to me. I wanted to give something back to the CCU because I was looked after so well when I was here.” Consultant Cardiologist Trevor Johnston, Specialty Lead for Coronary Care at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust and Chairman of CHUF, said: “We are always pleased to receive these donations and appreciate how hard people work to raise the money. CHUF supports equipment, developments in Coronary Services within Cornwall and last year spent over £150,000 in the county on three major cardiology developments as well as providing funds for lots of small projects.” One and All 23


Family donate two iPADs to children’s departments

CENTRE Kieron (ten) with mum Marie and his Grandma Jacky Hamber, play specialist Gill Caddy and Ward Manager Rachel Balls with staff from Gwithian Ward

Following a fundraising event, a family from St Newlyn East have donated two iPADs to the Royal Cornwall Hospital as a thank you for the care given to their son. Marie Griffin along with her mum Jacky Hamber and ten-year-old son Kieron handed over the iPADs to the Child Development Centre at Dolphin House and to the Gwithian Unit. Kieron was born with an extremely rare genetic condition which affects the heart, face and skin called Cardio facio Cutaneous (CFC) Syndrome. The condition only affects around 400 children world wide and there is no cure. Kieron has been a patient at both the Gwithian Unit and the Child Development Centre throughout his life and Marie decided to raise the money for the hospital during her annual charity event. Marie said: “For the last three years we have been doing a charity evening at Fistral Beach Bar. During the evening we hold a raffle and aim to raise money for my son’s condition. This year we decided to also include Cornwall Hospice Care and I wanted to buy an iPAD for here because I know how much it helps the kids when they have their procedures. The event was so successful that I was able to get two iPADs.” Senior Play Specialist Gill Caddy said: “The iPADs are brilliant at keeping children distracted. It means that procedures like blood tests are less traumatic for them and they are less anxious about what is happening around them. We’ve been using iPADs in other areas with great success and having two more will help ensure even more children can benefit from the iPADs magical effect. We are truly grateful to Maria, Kieron and all who have made the donation possible.” Marie added: “We really want to thank everyone who has been involved in the fundraising and for donating raffle prizes. Without them we couldn’t do this.”

24 One and All

Make a Donation The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Charitable Fund was set up in 1996 to benefit the patients and staff of the Trust. The fund is a registered charity which manages the money donated for the benefit of the patients and staff of the Royal Cornwall Hospital, St Michael’s Hospital and West Cornwall Hospital. Healthcare provision at the Trust is funded by the NHS and is tightly controlled to provide the highest level of care for patients. However voluntary donations help to provide the extras that can make life a little better for patients and staff and also aid future diagnosis and treatment. This help includes additional medical equipment, specialist training, medical research and improvements to facilities for both staff and patients. To make a request for Charitable Funds (Staff only): A full list of funds and the fund manager contact details along with an electronic copy of the form can be found at WorkingWithUs/FundraisingAndVolunteers/ FundListAndForm.aspx Send the completed form to Stephen Hocking, Finance, Carlyon House, Penventinnie Lane, RCH, Truro, TR1 3LJ or via email to stephen.hocking@ To make a donation: The charity is grateful for the support of all its donors, no matter how small the donation. If you would like to make a donation towards good work in the future, you can do so in a number of ways: Online: Using your debit or credit card at Cheque: Payable to RCH NHS Trust Charitable Fund Telephone: Using your debit or credit card on 01872 252690 Cash: Via the General Office in the Trelawny building (RCH), General Office (WCH) or General Office (St Michael’s) Standing Orders: Please contact the Charitable Funds Officer for more information on ext 8015 or by email . Standing Orders provide a reliable source of support for the Charitable Fund. Legacy and Bequests: A legacy or bequest is a tax free gift left to a charity in a Will. Charitable bequests are of enormous importance to our work. Please contact the Charitable Funds Officer for more information. Money donated to the Charitable Funds is used to benefit all departments unless a donor states they wish it to go to a particular area. Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Charitable Fund Registered charity number: 1049687


The Phoenix Stroke Appeal has kicked into high gear to raise the final £100,000 needed to meet its target of £500,000 to bring gold standard stroke services to Cornwall.

Kate Schroeder, the Phoenix ward manager at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, said that new equipment was making life better for patients and easier for staff. “We have received helpful equipment such as a portable suction machine and a ‘cough assist’ to help people with swallowing difficulties, and more moveable hoists to help move people out of bed safely,” she said. “There are also

Stroke survivor Keith Platton and his wife Meg at the BBC Radio Cornwall concert in December (photo courtesy of BBC Radio Cornwall)

Sir Roger Boyle and Phoenix Stroke Appeal Chairman Rik Evans

“We have been so moved by the response to our appeal,” said Phoenix chairman Rik Evans. “Raising £400,000 in today’s economic climate is testimony to how important this cause is to the people of Cornwall. We have also recently received the endorsement of Sir Roger Boyle, who served as the country’s NHS National Director for Heart Disease and Stroke before retiring to Cornwall.” Money raised by the Phoenix Stroke Appeal is spent at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Bodmin and Camborne Redruth Community Hospitals, and for stroke carers in the community. Much of it has come through BBC Radio Cornwall listeners, who have supported the charity from its inception. Keith Platton from Cubert had a stroke in August. “I got up in the night and had no feeling at all down one side. We got an ambulance – they did a check and fast tracked me into hospital. Within a couple of hours I was on the Phoenix Ward at Treliske, and after two days there I was sent to Bodmin where I was in rehab for five weeks. “I couldn’t stand or walk at first, or use my right side, and my face was drooping. I To move around I used a machine called a Sara Stedy [corr] a lot – that was donated by the Phoenix Stroke Appeal, and it was in constant use. I’m thankful for the treatment I’ve received.”

smaller things that really help patients’ comfort – such as an inflatable bathing aid to wash their hair in bed, and bedside vanity mirrors. These have been useful particularly to men who want to shave themselves but have limited ability.” Recent fundraisers for the Phoenix Stroke Appeal have included musical events, theatre nights, bucket shaking, athletic challenges, parties, “in lieu of” donations and a special concert broadcast by BBC Radio Cornwall whose charity collection surpassed £2,000. “We have been so moved by people’s generosity,” said committee member Gillian Molesworth. “We’re in the final mile now, so we’re asking everyone to dig a little bit deeper and contribute just one more thing!” For more information, see or call 01872 253 737. n

Phoenix ward clerk Emma Cuthbert with a new drugs trolley donated by the Phoenix Stroke Appeal


Maxillofacial work - a careful balance between art and engineering

The Team - Phil Brewer, Shirley Pryor, Terry Goodman and Tracey Sobey


he Maxillofacial and Orthodontic Laboratory is tucked away behind an unassuming door near the Audiology and Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro. Opening the door unveils what at first might look like a weird world of teeth, eyes and noses. However, in reality, this small department with just four staff is the gateway to confidence and normality for many patients in Cornwall.

laboratory service is available 365 days a year with one of them always within a 30-minute radius of the hospital. The pair are highly experienced Maxillofacial and Orthodontic specialists able to work wonders on complex cases. Joining them is Shirley Prior, a senior technologist who has worked at the Trust for over 30 years and Tracey Sobey, a dental technologist who did work experience in the laboratory before joining as a trainee 20 years ago. Most of the department’s work comes from the Oral Surgery and Orthodontic Department and there are close ties between the two teams. The department also provides a service for the county wide network of Community Dental Service clinics and private patients.

Changing faces

Advanced Technologist Phil Brewer casting impressions

Laboratory Manager Terry Goodman, an Advanced Technologist who has spent 36 years at RCHT, takes One and All on a tour of his working world. ‘Working in the Maxillofacial Laboratory is to provide a careful balance between art and precision engineering. Although artistic flair is needed, it certainly isn’t an art career and there’s a heavy science basis to it. For those looking to get it into it today, there’s a four year intensive degree to navigate first’. There’s also a need for a love of the work – Terry and Philip Brewer, the other advanced Technologist, ensure the 26 One and All

On the day One and All comes to visit, Philip who recently joined the Trust, is sitting at his desk trimming the last rough edges off a plastic retainer. It’s taken him less than an hour to take the impression of the mouth and teeth made by one of the Orthodontic team and turn it into the finished article ready to be fitted and taken home on the same day. The retainer is just one of many made on any given day. Terry said: “Our team is very skilled and versatile – ears, eyes, teeth, noses we never know what’s coming through the door and we can make everything from eyes to fingers and toes.” The team also assists in a growing number of oncology (cancer) cases making facial prosthetics for patients who have battled orbital and oral cancers and lost part of their face and/or mouths as a result. “Patients who have had oral

Splints are created to reduce scarring on ears

cancers can be left with problems eating and talking. Some have a lot removed and we make complex devices to help them with this. Then there are those who have had orbital cancers and have lost an eye and sometimes half their face. We live in a visual society and so we are able to make eyes and sculpture faces out of wax before conversion to silicone coloured to match their existing features. It gives them back their face and their confidence.” While retainers and mouth guards can be created within an hour, for those patients needing a facial prosthesis it can involve three to six appointments and around two days solid work for the team. Among the more unusual items that have been made are eyelid weights and then there are also Orthodontic appliances, full and partial dentures, crowns and splints. Everything from pressure splints, worn to reduce scarring caused by ear piercings and burns, finger and toe splints for sports injuries and trauma splints for people who have suffered breaks. The team are innovative and creative, willing to turn their hands to anything. Terry said “We help to design things that make people’s lives better. We have designed and made pointers for tetraplegic patients, we’ve taken back impressions for back supports and we also make devices to stop people snoring. We’ll have a go at anything, we have even made gum shields for the entire Cornish rugby team during our time.” n

Words can go horizontally and vertically

See word search solution on page 37


What do we mean by malnutrition? Malnutrition is a serious condition that occurs when a person’s diet does not contain enough nutrients to meet the demands of their body. This can affect growth, physical health, mood, behaviour and many of the functions of the body, as well as putting you at increased risk of infection. It is also possible to become malnourished if your diet does not contain the right balance of nutrients. Being malnourished does not always mean that you are thin or underweight. It is possible to eat a diet high in calories but containing few vitamins and minerals. This means you can become malnourished, even though you might also be overweight or obese. The common signs of malnutrition include: l Loss of appetite l Weight loss – clothes, rings, jewellery, dentures may become loose l Tiredness, loss of energy l Reduced ability to perform normal tasks l Reduced physical performance – for example, not being able to walk as far or as fast as usual l Altered mood – malnutrition can be associated with lethargy and depression l Poor concentration l Poor growth in children

28 One and All

Good nutrition, it’s a MUST history of recent weight loss and takes into account medical conditions that may have an added affect on this. Patients already malnourished or at risk of becoming so, can be quickly identified and diet plans put in place. Another part of the challenge is to provide food to tempt patients whose appetites may be poor. “That’s why we work closely with our catering team to make sure we have a range of dishes that can provide the calories and nutrients undernourished patients need, even in small portions,” adds Tracey.

Nutrition experts promote patient screening


t’s no surprise that being wellnourished is an important factor in wellbeing and recovery from illness, but perhaps what might be, is the fact that up to a third of all patients admitted to hospital are already undernourished. Add to that being unwell, loss of appetite, and unfamiliar surroundings and there are large numbers who can be at risk of malnutrition in hospital. That’s why RCHT now has a dedicated nutrition team with input from doctors, nurses, dietitians and pharmacists. This team champion nutrition screening for all patients and for the most seriously undernourished, provides expert care as well as support artificial nutrition through intravenous feeding. Specalist nurse, Tracy Lee explains, “Malnutrition often goes unrecognised and untreated and can lead to longer stays in hospital for patients, slowing their recovery. If though, we can make sure we spot the early signs we can prevent more serious intervention, improve clinical outcomes and help save money by getting patients home sooner.” There has been renewed focus across RCHT hopsitals to make sure every patient is properly assessed when admitted to hopsital. Using five simple steps the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) measures body mass index, any

From produce to plate … striving for excellence RCHT has a long standing reputation as a leader in the provision of high quality, locally sourced food, which has been acknowledged at national level and endorsed by HRH The Prince of Wales and the Soil Association. There are a number of elements that come together to bring about the reputation earned by Head of Hotel Services, Mike Pearson, and his team. Among them are the quality of local produce, the relationships with local suppliers and the specialist advice of hospital dietitians. Top of the list though has to be the team of chefs and staff at the Cornwall Food Unit. Their undoubted passion for creating wholesome, well-presented dishes that appeal to local appetites shows through in the care they take with their menus. It’s this striving for the best that prompted the team take up a chance to work with Plymouth-based celebrity chefs Chris and James Tanner as part of BBC3’s Operation Hospital Food (due to air in February). The series is on a mission to improve hospital food around the UK. Acknowledging the good work already done in Cornwall, the production team became interested in working with Mike and the Cornwall Food Unit team to take one element of the meal service to the next level.


While most teenagers are out with their mates, Truro School Sixth Form student Ciaran Barlow is helping to feed a frail gentleman on the Eldercare ward.

Chris and James Tanner serving their new dishes on Phoenix Ward

Mike says, “We’ve put a lot into our regular diets but knew that one area where we wanted to do better was the specialist soft diets for patients with swallowing difficulties. Our Phoenix Stroke Appeal is working towards gold standard care for stroke patients and making sure they are able eat well is a vital element of their recovery.” Together, and with the involvement of former stroke patients, hospital dietitians and staff on Phoenix Ward they have developed a range of new dishes. It is hoped they will ultimately lead the way in the development of better soft diet menus across the NHS.

A stroke patient tucks into a balanced meal

Displaying a mature and calm attitude belying his 18 years, Mealtime Companion Ciaran gently asks the patient if he is ready to eat. Having been given the thumbs up, Ciaran carefully cuts up the meal and offers the man a forkful of food. Ciaran, who lives in Mylor, has high hopes of studying medicine later this year and sees his voluntary role as a perfect opportunity to gain valuable hospital experience and help others at the same time. Ciaran said: “There is a lot of competition to study medicine now and universities like it when you can show experience of caring for people. I’d done work experience at the hospital but volunteering gives a better insight. “I have personal family experience of Dementia and Alzheimers’ and know how challenging it can be. I figured that it probably wasn’t a popular area for volunteering so felt it was the place I could make the biggest difference and I have really enjoyed it so far.” With a mountain of work to do as he gears up for his A-Level exams in the spring, Ciaran gives one hour once a week to Wheal Agar ward. During that time he helps one to three patients with their evening meal, encouraging them and cutting up food and feeding those that need it. “Some of the patients manage better than others so sometimes it can take the whole hour just to feed one patient but that is the benefit of my role. I am only here to do this so have the time to spend with that person.” Before starting as a Mealtime Companion Ciaran had training sessions organised by the Trust’s Voluntary Services department and he also shadowed another Mealtime Companion. Ciaran said: “Volunteering is so easy to get involved with anyone aged 17 or over can do it. You get a very real experience volunteering because a lot of it is the less glamorous roles but they are still important parts. When I first started it was a lot to take in. The hardest part was the emotional aspect of it but once you get past that, it is very rewarding. Some of the patients I see have very advanced illnesses and you are caring for someone who might not have long left. What you are doing is making a positive difference to them.” If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Voluntary Services Office on 01872 253737. One and All 29



story Janine and Dan share their patient story with One and All….


Janine, Dan and Layla-May (6 months) with Janine’s other children. Photograph West Briton

ooking forward to the arrival of their first child together, Truro couple Dan and Janine Rowland were excitedly planning for the future when life took an unexpected twist. “I sailed through my pregnancy and Dan and I had planned on a home birth with the help of two midwives Layla-May was born weighing a very healthy 10lbs 5oz and we were

thrilled. I didn’t have any problems. “Bank Holiday Monday was when everything changed. I remember thinking I must have sat funny because I suddenly had an excruciating pain in my right side and was feeling really hot. I don’t remember a lot after that.” Dan picks up the story. “I found Janine on the floor in the bathroom.” Dan called an ambulance and a paramedic car arrived. Her BP was very low and she was in and out of consciousness. Janine said: “I remember saying I couldn’t see and I remember getting to the Emergency Department and the doctor, Tom Smith-Walker, talking to me.” Dan said: “They put loads of IV lines into her and Tom said they’d move her over to Maternity because I think everyone thought it must be related to the birth. Layla-May was only four-days-old. Tom did an ultrasound the department was happy Janine’s womb was ok but then he found something else. After getting a second opinion from a sonographer, they got Consultant Rob Holmes to come and he said there appeared to be a large haematoma (an abnormal collection of blood) but it wasn’t anything to do with her womb. That’s when we were moved from Maternity to the Critical Care Unit because Janine was really poorly. Janine was then handed over to Graham Riding’s Cardio Vascular team. Janine said: “He was really good and explained 30 One and All

everything all the way through. They did an angiogram which involved putting dye in and that’s when we were then told what the problem was – I had a damaged vessel growing on my aorta and that had ruptured. They didn’t know whether it was a weak spot which gave out because of the pregnancy or whether it was something I was born with. But I was told it was serious and it was amazing I was still alive. “They then started preparing me for surgery, a rare luxury in cases like mine apparently. Normally in these sorts of situations there’s no time but because no more blood was able to leak out I was relatively stable. I had around three litres of blood collected there.” Janine was transferred back to the Maternity department while other preparations were made for her surgery. It meant Dan and Layla-May could join her. Dan said: “Critical Care Unit Anaesthetist Thys De Beer was brilliant. He was happy with how everything had stabilised and wanted to get Janine back with Layla-May as soon as possible. Mr Holmes got a place on Maternity for us as everyone felt it was important. “We can’t thank them enough really. The midwives had set up a bed for me in Janine’s room and it meant I could stay and help with Layla-May and we could be together with our new baby.” Throughout their stay there were regular visits from everyone involved. Janine said: “The midwives who had visited us at home were regular visitors and those on the ward were just brilliant. Tom popped in regularly as did Graham Riding.”

“I’m grateful to Treliske. Everyone was fantastic” Janine was taken to the new Donald Gregory Interventional Radiography Suite for her procedure on the Friday which was carried out by Andrew Edwards and his team. She said: “I was conscious throughout the procedure and was able to watch it on the screens as they did it. It was fascinating and it all went really well. I was in surgery for three hours and then had to lie flat for a further two hours.” Janine was discharged home the following morning. Janine said: “Looking back, it was amazing how fast it all went really. For such a life-threatening thing I was only in the hospital for six days and I am all fixed up now. We’ve been told it was just one of those things but my chances of it happening again are no higher than anyone else’s, probably less in fact.” Dan added: “I am definitely grateful to Treliske. Everyone from start to finish was fantastic, from the paramedics that first morning, to the various teams at Treliske, to the GPs at the Trelander Surgery who looked after Janine afterwards. Even the car parking team at Treliske bent over backwards to help us. “It’s not until you experience it that you realise how fantastic it all is. Where else in the world could you walk into a hospital, have what Janine had done, get fed, a roof over your head and walk out fixed for free? If it wasn’t for them Janine wouldn’t be here.” Janine finished: “We’re just sorry we interrupted all their Bank Holidays! A lot of people were called back into work to help me and I am very grateful.” n


Patient Story – Medics view Dr Thys de Beer Consultant in Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine “Janine was incredibly lucky to have survived this episode. Although we certainly played a part in her treatment, most of the credit should go to the obstetric team and the radiology team, specifically Dr Andrew Edwards, for treating and saving this young lady’s life.”

Thank you


On behalf of my family and others like us, I’d like to thank you and your staff for implementing the new Paediatric insulin pump therapy service. It means a great deal to us. My daughter has just started using her pump and we look forward to better blood glucose control and greater lifestyle flexibility in the years ahead. I am certain her long term health will greatly benefit. The paediatric diabetes consultants and nurses team at RCHT have been wonderful throughout this process and I cannot praise them highly enough. Jane, Falmouth

Amy and Martha were the first two children in Cornwall to have pumps through RCHT. They are also carrying kangaroos given to them as part of the pump package for bedtime - they can cuddle the kangaroos in bed and put their pumps in the pouch!

The IR team including Andrew Edwards (2nd from right)

Andrew Edwards (On call Radiologist, Interventional Radiology Suite) “Janine’s situation is very rare and it was an unusual case. It is well recognised that people in pregnancy have a risk of bleeding but I have never treated anyone with this before and I think it is probably a once in a career type thing. “We are extremely fortunate that our Trust has been forward thinking and invested in the most state-of-theart Interventional Radiology Unit in the South West, possibly the country. This allows us to perform delicate image guided procedures on patients’ blood vessels in a dedicated theatre environment. We were able to block off or “embolise” Janine’s vessel by carefully placing ‘coils’ inside it. “Janine was a pleasure to treat especially when you consider she had a life threatening problem. I’m really glad we were able to make a difference.”

Tom Smith-Walker (On duty Obstetric and Gynaecology Registrar) “Janine’s case was really interesting. She was very lucky. It is nice for us to hear the end results of our work and it certainly highlighted to me the importance of working effectively as a team across departments. It was a good team effort with a good outcome.”

The Diabetic Team

Carnkie Ward I have been in hospital for almost two weeks and after being transferred to Carnkie Ward several days ago I feel the need to congratulate all the staff. There is a wonderful feeling of team spirit on the ward and all members of staff seem happy and cheerful which is noticed by patients. There are three members of staff (Zoe, Bianca and Adam) who are not medically trained but are making such a difference to my recovery and the way I feel. West Cornwall Hospital To all the delightful staff at West Cornwall Hospital who had the work of coping with my needs while I was in residence. I thank you all most sincerely for all you have done for me during my stay. Poldark Ward At last I have the opportunity to thank you and the nursing staff for the exceptional care and attention I received while a patient on your ward. I’m most grateful and appreciative.

One and All 31


Awards evening celebrates outst The Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust held its third annual Extra Mile Excellence and Innovation Awards in November 2012.

ley,Scott Gilbert,Valerie

Martin,Kathryn Breas LEFT TO RIGHT Barbara Smith,Myra ul & Carol Davis Denham,Karl Simkins,Susan Blamey,Pa


Bolitho, Sister Louise Rich

ards, Lezli Boswell

Over 100 staff and guests gathered in November for the 2012 Extra Mile Excellence and Innovation Awards. Fortytwo teams and individuals were recognised for their outstanding contribution to patient care and delivery of RCHT services over the last 12 months. Each received an award from guest of honour, Colonel Edward Bolitho, Lord Lieutenant for Cornwall. RCHT Chairman, Martin Watts, said, “Our ‘Extra Mile’, Excellence and Innovation Awards give us the opportunity to celebrate those who have gone out of their way to provide or support the delivery of the highest standards of patient care. Our hospitals have made very good progress over the last three years. None of this is possible without tremendous commitment, exceptional effort and innovation.” This year’s winner of our Community Award, voted on by patients, staff and members of the public, was Mary Parrett, Epilepsy Nurse Specialist. Winner’s of the Chairman and Chief Executive’s Award were the Mermaid Centre Team.

Chrissie Eade ted by Liz Tremayne-Ward, The Stroke Team represen and Allyson James

Leoni Glinski, Senior Biomedical Scientist and Alec Bartle, IT Specialist

32 One and All


anding contribution of RCHT staff Individual Award Winners Janet Rafferty, admin lead, medical admissions unit; Myra Martin, recovery manager, theatres; Carol Davis, clinical trials co-ordinator, haematology and oncology; Anna Sperring, volunteer co-ordinator; Colin Reeves, biomedical scientist, clinical chemistry; Peter Oldfield, catering assistant, hotel Mermaid Centre

services; Dr Yaplapali Kumar, consultant paediatrician; Louise

Team - Mr Sheik

h Ahmad, Dr Do

nna Christensen

Richards, sister, outpatient department, West Cornwall; Gary Sinclair, domestic team leader, Knowledge Spa, Melanie Moncrieff, staff nurse, surgical unit, RCH; Steve Harris, simulation technician, anaesthetics and theatres. Excellence – Beverly Tarbox, assistant practitioner, Poldark Ward; Phil Dale, paediatric pharmacist; Mike Pearson, head of hotel services; Dr Donna Christensen, consultant breast clinician, Mermaid Centre; Cathy Sidebotham, lead nurse, unplanned pregnancy service; Sally Shipley, quality improvement manager, quality, safety and compliance; Sally Dale, ward sister, surgical receiving unit; Gail Wilson, senior

ar, Lezli Boswell, Martin Watts

Edward Bolitho, Dr Yadlapali Kum

specialist nurse, rheumatology. Innovation – Louisa Forbes, surgical site surveillance co-ordinator, infection prevention and control; Melanie Feldman, consultant surgeon; Michael Stone, finance trainee; Louise Wilson, medical staff co-ordinator, medicine and emergency department division.

Team Award Winners Renal secretaries Donna Steward, Sally Miners, Kathy Eldridge; Harlyn Ward, Women, Children & Sexual Health Division; Mullions Team, Hotel Services; Paediatric Pain Team, Anaesthetics & Theatres Division; Cytology scientists, Cytology dept; Clinical Imaging CT Team; Wheal Rose Ward Domestics, Women, Children & Sexual Health Division; Louisa Forbes, Infection Prevention

& Control Specialist

Information Services Team; Audiology and Hearing Therapy; Theatre 3 Team, St Michael’s; Surgical Admissions Lounge, Surgery, Trauma & Orthopaedics Division; Palliative Care Discharge Team; The Stroke Care Team. Excellence – Violence & Aggression Training Team, Training & Development Department; Orthopaedic Surgical Team, St Michael’s. Innovation – Nuclear Medicine Team; Cornwall Food Production Unit, Patient Facilities & Estate Services Division. n

tte n,Shaun Sexton,Charlo Ellie and Mike Pearso ves,Rik Evans Dale,Colin & Rita Ree

Angel,Kevin & Sally

A full list of winners is available on our website at: NewsArticles/AwardsEvening CelebratesSuccess.aspx

One and All 33


STUDENT AWARDS The annual Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry prize giving evening took place at the Eden Project in November with over 90 awards presented during the course of the event. Current students and those who have newly graduated travelled from far and wide to attend the popular ceremony, which was compered by Dr Nicki Saulsbury. Two notable awards went to Dr Ben Whittaker and Dr Sanjeev Gupta. Dr Whittaker, a former PCMD student and now a newly qualified doctor at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust won the Dr Ken MacLeod Undergraduate Achievement Award for outstanding academic

Diabetic Foot Clinic team wins Silver medal for research recruitment

progress. The award was created in memory of the late Dr Ken MacLeod, an inspirational physician and educator who was formerly the director of Clinical Studies and Associate Dean (Exeter) for Peninsula Medical School. Dr Gupta, a consultant at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, was voted winner of the Educational inspirator/ motivator award by students from the medical school. This category rewards those who go beyond their normal role in order to teach students and to motivate and inspire. It was felt Dr Gupta had “gone out of his way to inspire and promote enthusiasm within the student body”.

the benefits of using lightweight fibreglass heel casts for the management of heel ulcers in patients with diabetes. Around 15 people in every 100 with diabetes develop foot ulcers and they can cause considerable suffering. Ulcers in this location are especially difficult to heal. he Diabetic Foot Clinic Where heel casts have been received a silver medal for introduced there have been recruiting Cornish patients improvements shown in pain to a national research study. LEFT TO RIGHT Diabetes Specialist Research Nurses Terri Chant and and healing, hence the need The team is led by Harvey Chant, Helen Chenoweth (receiving medal), Susan Durkin, Diabetes Specialist for a study now. Research Nurse, Harvey Chant, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Tania Consultant Vascular Surgeon, and Helen Chenoweth, RCHT Woodrow, Specialist Podiatrist and Viv Turtle-Savage, Trial Manager for the HEELS Study supported by Cornwall Diabetes Diabetes Research Nurse Research Team and Podiatrist Tania Specialist, said: “The study is being Woodrow. they receive and are happy to commit measured on how many patients have The aim is to recruit 20 patients over to doing this. We ask quite a lot from their heel ulcers heal up within six two years and RCHT’s team is currently them. They have to come in every two months. It’s very interesting for us to see ahead of target with 15 signed up in weeks and when you consider the if something as simple and cost effective just 15 months. The Silver medal award geography of Cornwall that’s sometimes as a heel cast could help make a big came after the research team leading an undertaking. difference to our patients lives.” the study in Nottingham set an Olympic “Plus we have come together as Heather Johns, 65, from the Roseland target for centres taking part. a multi-disciplinary team, not just at has taken part in the study. “This is the Mr Chant said: “The study is RCHT but across the community as well, first time I have had a heel ulcer despite working for us here because our and committed to it. We have Podiatry being a Type 2 Diabetic since 1989. I patients are pleased with the experience support and the Diabetes Research team decided to join the study after Tania they have with us. The fact they are are working very hard for us.” (Woodrow) asked me how I felt about willing to take part in this study shows Nationally 30 centres are taking part research. I felt it had to be done. My heel how much they appreciate the care in the HEELS study which is investigating has almost completely healed up.” n


34 One and All


Marathon bid in memory of friend


radiographer from the Royal Cornwall Hospital will be running the London Marathon in April in memory of a Cornish Doctor who passed away aged just 32. Carly Thomas from St Austell will be aiming to complete the 26.2 mile distance to raise £1,500

for Cornwall Hospice Care. Family friend Dr Lisa Bawden received care from Mount Edgecombe Hospice until she passed away in 2008 from stomach cancer. Carly, who is a member of St Austell Running Club, has worked for the Trust for two years. Carly said: “I always wanted to run the marathon. When I found out there was a place available for Cornwall Hospice Care I jumped at the chance because it was a good opportunity to raise some money for the charity that had cared for Lisa.” Lisa’s parents Dave and Maureen said: “We think it’s a fantastic thing Carly is doing and we will support her all the way.” Carly has a justgiving page for anyone who would like to donate. Just log on to www.

The Adventurers A team of intrepid adventurers from the Trust headed to Borneo in November to trek through the jungle and raise £13,000 for Beating Bowel Cancer. Consultant Adam Widdison said: “It was an amazing adventure and an unforgettable experience trekking in the jungle and staying with the locals. The jungle was incredible if challenging: clambering up and down steep muddy slopes, along unstable narrow paths, across rivers on tree trunks and bamboo bridges and along river beds. The accommodation was primitive and we and our clothes were permanently damp and smelly! We really appreciated the hotel when we returned to “civilisation”. It was a great experience but not one we want to repeat in a hurry!”

Student talks Staff from the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust have been helping to inspire medics of the future during a series of talks taking place at Truro College. Students from the Health and Social Care and Health Access courses have been able to learn about a wide variety of roles and experiences during the hour long sessions, which were organised by the Communications Team at RCHT and Michael Cudlipp, Truro College lecturer. So far there have been talks from Clare Ferris, Colorectal Nurse Specialist, consultant Mr Robin Kincaid, and blood conservation co-ordinator John Faulds. There will be more talks this term from specialists in sexual health, cardiac rehab, breast cancer, uro-oncology, histopathology and gynaecological oncology. Mr Cudlipp said: “The talks so far have been fascinating and I think we have all learnt a lot. Those giving the talks have made quite an impression.”

Eden ice skating Over 120 young cancer patients enjoyed ice skating and a tea party at the Eden Project in October at an event organised by Play Specialist Deborah Charles, the Eden team and the Starlight Foundation. The 125 youngsters joined family, friends, doctors and nurses for tea in the Eden Bakery before being one of the first groups to enjoy the eco attraction’s annual ice skating rink on its opening day. The group included youngsters aged two to 18 who all use or have been patients of the oncology department at RCH. The young patients, some of whom are still receiving treatment and others in remission, used the day to catch up with friends they had made during their stays and treatment at the hospital. Doctors and nurses from the department also joined in the fun. Deborah Charles, play specialist, said: “It was fantastic to see the children and their families, friends and doctors and nurses have such a great time together.” One and All 35


Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group (KCCG) New Appointments at Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group: The Governing Body, chaired by GP Colin Philip, comprises Dr Tamsyn Anderson (North Cornwall), Dr Mike Ellis (mid-Cornwall), Dr Andy May (mid-Cornwall), Dr Tom Edmunds (west Cornwall), and Dr Francis Old (west Cornwall). Joining Managing Director Joy Youart and Chief Finance Officer Barbara Gregory in the executives are: Natalie Jones (Director of Clinical and Corporate Affairs), Andrew Abbott (Director of Operations). The three new nonexecutives are: Maggie Scott, (nurse lead), Chris Blong (governance and audit lead and vice chair), Barbara Pendleton (patient and public involvement lead).

Getting the Runaround! Cornwall Air Ambulance’s Runway Runaround will take place on Sunday, March 24. Runners are being invited to “Go behind the wire at RAF St Mawgan and Newquay Cornwall Airport to run either 10K or a more gently 4K in aid of the air ambulance. Entries are open to all, from fun runners to serious club runners, but spaces are limited. To book a spot on this unique run simply download an entry form, apply online or pop in to your local Cornwall Air Ambulance shop. www. 36 One and All

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

We spoke to Phil Confue, Chief Executive at CFT. Our healthcare partners are integral to the success of RCHT. In each edition we bring you their news and an in-depth interview. This time we focus on Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust who provide community health services to children and young people and mental health and learning disability services to people of all ages. What are your aims and ambitions for Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust? High quality care and an excellent patient experience remain the bedrock of our aims and ambitions for the future. Developing further our preventative work, enhancing the children’s services to ensure Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapists and other professionals can really make a difference to Cornish children. Considerable investment is being made into our hospitals to improve the environments where care is delivered to people with mental health problems. In 2013, we will divide Bay, one of our psychiatric wards, into two distinct 15 bed units. These smaller units will allow staff and patients to develop stronger therapeutic relationships and encourage recovery. Patients are at the heart of the design. They are working with staff and architects to develop the plans. We are also implementing a full electronic record for our children’s services to enable Health Visitors and other children’s professionals to have real time access to clinical notes.

What do you think are the priorities for the NHS in Cornwall in the next five years? The NHS locally, like elsewhere is facing a challenging economic climate. Everyone in the NHS from the cleaners and healthcare assistants through to senior management must ensure we maximise the benefits from every penny we spend. We need to plan now for the future demands we know will be placed on our services. For example, the number of people with dementia is set to rise – and with Cornwall’s higher than average older population, we need to plan and act now to ensure our services can meet the needs of people in future. We are currently talking to people about our plans to allow more dementia care to be delivered to people in their own homes and to improve early diagnosis rates. For more information visit our website: Do you welcome more competition in the health service? Competition offers the NHS the opportunity to demonstrate the quality of our services. Access and confidence in the quality of care and services provided, alongside value for money will see people continue to choose NHS services. We need to ensure however competition is developed that supports employment in Cornwall. What changes do you think RCHT should make in the next few years? We look forward to working with RCHT to improve the support for people with dementia. Our aim is to work together to help prevent patients with dementia staying in hospital for long periods of time. Our specialists will support RCHT with expert clinical advice on how to care for dementia patients and will ensure care and support is available on discharge. Your Trust is already an NHS Foundation Trust. What do you think has changed for patients and staff as a result? Going through the process to be approved as a Foundation Trust, really strengthens the focus on service quality, improvement and development. Through Foundation Trust membership and our Council of Governors, patients and staff have a much stronger voice in the way we plan and develop services. For example we have developed an innovative resource for secondary schools. The aim of this resource is to help teachers and their students to discuss mental health openly and freely in the classroom to reduce the stigma and raise awareness.

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Autumn Art Exhibition A new set of exhibitions have started at the Royal Cornwall Hospital. Running until April, photographer Zachary Craft from Truro and artists Daniel Cowell from St Agnes and Lorraine Field from St Ives will show their work at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro. Zachary Craft is a medical student currently working at RCH. “Since moving to Cornwall, I’ve developed a passion for trying to pay tribute to the delicacy that the Cornish Coastline has to offer through photography. I try to capture the beauty of our coastline by spending time in the water with my camera.”

Competition Spot the Difference!

WIN a £50 voucher for The Barbican Kitchen, Plymouth (

Can you spot six differences from the below photos, taken from this year’s Improving Working Lives Dinner and Dance? For a chance to win, circle the six differences and send your entries to Spot the Difference Competition, Communications Department, Bedruthan House, RCH – Good Luck!

Zach’s image are on sale for £30 with 50 per cent of the profits going to Surfers Against Sewage. Anyone interested in buying an image can contact Zach on Artist Daniel Cowell paints skies, coastlines, horizons and light dancing on the sea. “I’m constantly inspired by the scenery that I’ve grown up with here in Cornwall whether it’s an awesome summer sunset or a wild and windy winter sky.” Lorraine Field from St Ives has a long standing love affair with art. “For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to draw and paint. My motivation can be a beautiful day, a walk, a breathtaking view, a joyful scene, a memory, a holiday and happy times.” 38 One and All

Name………………………………....................... Department (if applicable)………………….............. Contact Number ……………………................... All correct entries will be entered into a draw and a winner picked at random. There will be just one winner, no cash equivalent prizes. The competition is open to all, excluding those associated with the competition. The prize is non-transferable and is available to entrants aged 18 and above. All entries must be made by February 29, 2012. The decision of the Communications Team is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Spot the Difference Issue 1 winner: Emma Duley Hall for Cornwall Aladdin Winner: Susan Heazelton The last edition’s Answers Page 29: What magic object plays an important role in introducing Aladdin to the genie? Answer: Lamp Page 38: 1. Chimney stack, flag on T-Shirt, hoola hoop, tree, trouser leg stripe, inflatable colour strip

What’s On January Love Your Liver Awareness Month 14 RCHT Foundation Trust governor election voting opens 21-27 Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 31 National Bug Busting Day February National Heart Month 4 RCHT Foundation Trust governor election voting closes 4-10 Tinnitus Awareness Week 4 World Cancer Day 5 Results of RCHT Foundation Trust elections announced 9 Hayle Rugby Club - QUIZ NIGHT 0800 - 1030 14 “Baked with Love” Phoenix Cake Day: Show them you care with this tasty fundraiser for the Phoenix Stroke Appeal. Enter a fun competition for the best cake, cupcake, biscuit or “wild card” entry to win a prize. Or, just have a few friends round and eat cake for charity! Check for updates about this and other Phoenix Stroke Appeal events and the latest total. March National Bed Month Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 4-10 Endometriosis Awareness Week 16 Hayle Rugby Club DISCO with SHAKEY! 0800 - 1200 24 Runway Runaround, Newquay Cornwall Airport April Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 2 Friends of RCH AGM

The University of Plymouth is developing brand new accommodation at Treliske hospital in Truro and managed by Sanctuary Management Services, to offer doctors and nursing and medical students affordable accommodation. Starting a new job or course can be stressful enough without the added burden of trying to find suitable accommodation. Sanctuary Management Services (SMS) can help make the process as easy and cost effective as possible.

We manage over 9,000 bed spaces nationwide and are in partnership with the Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust and Plymouth University to manage new keyworker accommodation on the Treliske Hospital site in Truro. This exciting partnership means we can bring state-of-the-art accommodation to nursing and medical students from Plymouth University who are completing work placements at the hospital and doctors who already work or are about to start work at the hospital. Applications are being accepted now. All applications are on a nomination basis through Plymouth University and the Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust.

If you are looking for secure, affordable accommodation close to your place of work or study, this brand new accommodation can offer the perfect solution. Our affordable rents include a range of services and facilities including: ● Contents insurance ● Broadband service ● Utilities ● Site security ● Waste management ● Repairs and maintenance Ensuite rooms

Nursing and medical student ensuite room Per week Rent £135.14*

Non ensuite rooms

Nursing and medical student ensuite room Per week Rent £116.67*

Ensuite rooms

Doctors ensuite room Per week Rent £135.14*

Non ensuite rooms

Doctors non ensuite room Per week Rent £116.67*

The following on-site facilities are also available at an additional cost: ● Car parking ● Laundrette ● Cycle and surfboard stores. *All prices stated apply from September 2013

For more details contact: Sanctuary Group, Dinwiddy House, 189-205 Pentonville Road London N1 9NF Email: Tel: 01207 812 0022

Sanctuary Management Services Limited is a subsidiary of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity

The University of Plymouth is developing brand new accommodation at Treliske hospital in Truro and managed by Sanctuary Management Services, to offer doctors and nursing and medical students affordable accommodation. (See inside back cover for more details)

Sanctuary Management Services Limited is a subsidiary of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity

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