GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software GuardPoint Pro is Sensor Access’s powerful yet user friendly online access control and alarm monitoring software. Packed with sophisticated features it perfectly fits the strict requirements of high security sites with several hundred thousand users. For small size installations, GuardPoint Pro Light is available. The limited version of GuardPoint Pro combines cost effectiveness, ease of use and high performance. The GuardPoint Pro software has a large system ca‐ pacity which enables an almost unlimited number of doors, controllers, cardholders, readers, supervised alarms, outputs, video servers, operators, access groups and security levels. The user‐friendly software is easy to configure and use, with predefined parameters for fast installation, automatic actions and reflexes, as well as personal‐ ized reports wizard. Full information on real time alarms, card holder transactions and events is pro‐ vided on the active alarm window, event log, diag‐ nostic screens and live interactive graphical maps.
To provide the best return on investment, Guard‐ Point Pro is rich with features as standard. This can easily be expanded with optional modules that per‐ fectly fit the evolving customer needs. The powerful communication environment allows redundant communication, alarm event mode, com‐ munication encryption and reflexes for emergency and routine operations. Several integration gateways ease the interface with third party products. API, OPC server and Modbus IP protocol are used for exporting alarms and events to building automation, process control systems or hu‐ man resources software. GuardPoint Pro efficiency and security is based on 32 bit key communication encryption, database mir‐ roring, redundancy DB architecture, data archival & back‐up and bi‐directional data exchange. GuardPoint Pro is compatible with: Windows© Vista, Windows© Server 2003, Windows© 2000‐ PRO, Windows© XP‐PRO, MS© SQL server 2000 and 2005
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software To best cover all the security needs in a flexible way, GuardPoint Pro is organised in modules. They are classified according to access control, alarm monitoring, time & attendance and integrations ca‐ pabilities. GuardPoint Pro offers as standard a very large pal‐ ette of features which include access groups, daily and weekly programs, holidays, access criteria, park‐ ing control, lift control, security levels, interlock man‐ agement, RTX, escort, local / global / timed anti‐ passback and local and global reflexes. The system supports most card technologies such as proximity, magnetic ISO1 and 2, Wiegand with pro‐ grammable format, barcode 39 and interleave, touch, smart card and biometric. Specific customised technology or format can be de‐ veloped on demand. The dual confirmation feature offers the possibility for a supervisor to approve the modifications of card holders configuration carried out by the users before they are implemented by the system.
Multi‐workstation Several users can work simultaneously on several workstations with this module. Each user receives the appropriate authorisations allowing them to do their specific tasks. GuardPoint Pro uses the software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spread© toolkit.
Reports The user‐friendly report wizard allows the creation and modification of personalized reports. The report wizard guides the users step by step through the se‐ lection of reports and data, to the data visualisation, filtering and organisation. Modification possibilities are multiple and adapted to the novice, as well as to the confirmed user. Reports are compiled from the journal or from any other information included in the database (parameter, event or module). Reports are gener‐ ated in the language of the application. They can be consulted on screen, designed, printed or exported.
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software Parking
Badge design & printing
The parking module allows simple capacity control for multiple parking lots. Cars belonging to a com‐ pany are granted access as long as the company allo‐ cated spaces are not fully occupied. For each parking zone a counter displays the number of available lots in real time. Vehicles movements within each parking zone can be followed in a dedicated screen. Prede‐ fined process responses can be triggered when maxi‐ mum capacity is reached.
Personalised badges are easily created, designed, modified and printed on a badge printer with Guard‐ Point Pro. The Active Report® tool assists the user in moving or adding fields, changing the background colour and inserting logos and pictures. Several masks of personalised badges can be saved simulta‐ neously for the same database.
Guard patrol This module checks that the guards reach a circuit of predefined checkpoints within specific deadlines. The arrival at a control point is notified via badge reading or input activation. If the arrival at a checkpoint has not been validated on time, the system will auto‐ matically trigger predefined processes informing the security personnel. Several patrols can be defined and run in parallel. The patrol status is available in real time in the log, in the reports and in a dedicated screen.
Lift The lift module controls access to specific floors. The card holder presents his badge to the reader mounted inside the lift cabin. Only the floor buttons corresponding to the user profile will be activated. The lift program defines the combination of floor buttons available to a user group in the different lifts of the site. Each lift controller can manage up to 64 different floors. In the case of buildings shared by different compa‐ nies each person lift program only enables the selec‐ tion of the floors allocated to his company and of those leading to the common areas (entrance, park‐ ing, restaurant…)
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software Multi‐site This module answers the needs of large corpora‐ tions. Each site is managed individually, while at the same time, centralised supervision of the access con‐ trol system is easily implemented. The autonomy of the sites is ensured. Each site runs its own separate security system. It is managed and polled independently, communicates with its own controllers, and operates with or without communi‐ cation with the central server. The central database continuously updates the data‐ base of each site independently. When a site modi‐ fies its database, the central server is automatically informed of the changes. Only the relevant parts of the database are replicated at each site. After communication failure, the system is able to update the database changes that had occurred dur‐ ing the system breakdown.
Multi‐Site WITH Multi‐Polling
The multi‐site module works with or without multi‐ polling. In multi‐polling configurations, data is auto‐ matically transmitted to the local server, providing an advantage in case of communication failure. When there is no concern for system failure, it is pos‐ sible to implement the multi‐site module without multi‐polling, enabling a lighter infrastructure.
Multi‐company In buildings shared by different companies, one com‐ mon security system can serve the needs of several entities. The central database gathers data of all the companies while each company works in an inde‐ pendent way. When a user enters the system he will only be able to create, view or modify the section of the database (card holders, controllers…) relating to his own company, without influence on other enti‐ ties data. No user will be able to consult or impact other entities data, unless he has been attributed the proper authorization.
Multi‐Site WITHOUT Multi‐Polling
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software Database import This feature allows the import of new card holders and the modification of existing holders originating from external databases which are usually managed by the human resources department. GuardPoint Pro data can be synchronized automati‐ cally with the external database. GuardPoint Pro simplifies the import of information by filtering in an intelligent way only the portion off the database relevant for the purpose of access con‐ trol. A SQL query can define the fields to import from the external database even when the corresponding fields labels differ between the two card holders da‐ tabases. To ease the import two filters or databases profiles (HrAccess and HrExcel) are provided. Experienced users can create new import profiles by drawing up DSN (Data Source Name) from the automatic ODBC wizard. All table formats are easily adapted to Guard‐ Point Pro
The software uses the standard tool ODBC (Open Da‐ taBase Connectivity), so that all databases compati‐ ble with ODBC (MS‐SQL, Oracle, MS‐Access, MS‐ Excel, CVS format, etc.) are easily transferred to GuardPoint Pro. In addition GuardPoint Pro can create, modify and delete card holders via a web interface by receiving a HTTP command from the external application.
SQL database This module gives support to MS SQL offering flexibil‐ ity and robustness to larger applications in terms of card holders, doors secured and workstations, open‐ ing possibilities by far superior to the capacity of the default Access database of GuardPoint Pro. Applications for multi‐sites and for multi‐server, with several layers of redundancies built into, require the GuardPoint Pro SQL module and MS‐SQL Server soft‐ ware. GuardPoint Pro is compatible with MS‐SQL 2000 & 2005 software. Possible replication of SQL databases enables the definition of backup GuardPoint Pro server.
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software Time & Attendance Creation of comprehensive reports and smooth data export to external T&A application are more user friendly than ever. The T+ module eases payroll calculation by editing and exporting a wide range of reports with a high level of sophistication. The reports compute employees working hours, as recorded by selected entrance and exit readers and takes into account break times and late arrivals. The module enables the implementation of a system with fixed and flexible working hours. Missing access time information can be added manually. Custom made reports can easily be created to fit spe‐ cific needs. "Personal Contracts" can be defined in which the card holder regular, extra and missing hours are calculated in comparison to the expected normal hours specified in the contract. The reports can be sorted by employee or department.
The module can be used for job costing applications; it computes time spent on specific jobs such as main‐ tenance, training, etc. It also works out time spent in particular places (meeting room, parking, library, out of the office, etc.) which will ease separate billing of those hours. Reports can be exported to an external file. Several export formats are available (text, Excel, etc.). Seamless integration with external Time & Atten‐ dance and payroll applications is carried out in a mat‐ ter of minutes. With this new utility program, users merely define and parameter the data transmitted to the T&A software and GuardPoint Pro prepares a re‐ port of data organised according to the specifications of the external application. The utility, an 'exe' file, can be launched automati‐ cally at any time (every day, week, etc) and only re‐ quires that the external program accepts text files as its events data source.
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software Alarm Monitoring The alarm module is intended for alarms and intru‐ sion management. Arming / disarming of alarms and alarm zones, according to weekly programs or manu‐ ally and creation of actions, processes and global re‐ flexes are easily implemented via this module. Through third party software, GuardPoint Pro is linked to an extensive list of alarm systems including intrusion detection systems (Galaxy of Honeywell, Aritech, Bosch, Siemens, etc.), fire detection systems (Notifier, Aritech, Bosch, Siemens, Tyco, etc.), and many others.
The wide range of responses includes sending e‐ mails, printing reports, viewing video, playing sounds, saving databases, opening screens, arming zones and activating outputs etc.
Examples •
Alarm Zones All the inputs linked to the protection devices of a specific zone (detectors of movement, of doors and windows opening, etc.) are gathered in a zone. This zone can be armed or disarmed according to time zones or through a single command.
Reflexes The system can trigger automatic sophisticated reac‐ tions ('reflex') in answer to specific circumstances (access, alarm or scheduled events). Network re‐ flexes can exist even without communication inter‐ vention.
Transmission of alarms or other system reac‐ tions though triggering of network reflex with or without PC intervention. The number of persons in a room will be counted up in order to signal the room empti‐ ness or the excess of a maximal capacity, in or‐ der to automatically switch off lighting and air conditioning systems when the last person va‐ cates a zone, to arm the corresponding alarm zone when everybody has left the office, etc.
Keep track of the remaining credit on club cards, decrement the credit after each passage and turn down access when the credit is nil.
Signal the arrival of specific persons and turn on the light on their way.
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software Graphic Alarm
With the user‐friendly Graphic+ module, doors, alarm zones and outputs etc as well as processes, actions, cameras and other maps are presented graphically on the various site maps.
To offer a layer of biometric security without com‐ promising user convenience, Sensor Access offer a range of biometric readers based on Suprema tech‐ nology. GuardPoint Pro offers a simple approach to template management (enrolment & distribution) and reader configuration. From the software point of view, the management of fingerprints is similar to the manage‐ ment of other types of badges. Sensor Access presents 2 biometric readers: BIO‐PLUS‐SP: IP based fingerprint reader with inter‐ nal SensorProx card reader. Optical technology. Com‐ patible with SensorProx readers & cards. 5000 user capacity BIO‐PLUS‐MF: IP based fingerprint reader with inter‐ nal Mifare card reader. Optical technology. Compati‐ ble with SensorProxSF & Mifare readers & cards. 5000 user capacity
Graphic+ module screens •
Symbol builder screen, for displaying, creating or importing graphical symbols, and allocating states of animations Position screen, for positioning the symbols on the maps, for linking the symbol to its appro‐ priate component, for panning & zooming Active alarm screen, for supervising alarms and events in real time
The G+ module offers the expected capacities for sites requesting top edge security: • The doors are shown in a dynamic way, with symbol updating according to door status (open, closed, locked, in alarm, etc.) • A "double‐click" on any symbol defines the viewing of a camera stream or the triggering of an action or a process. • Zooming in a map or skipping from one map to the next is easy.
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software OPC ‐ Modbus IP ‐ API
Answering the need for global security solutions with a unique interface, Sensor Access has created part‐ nerships with some of the leading developers of su‐ pervision software (Scada), building management systems (BMS) or human resources software. Guard‐ Point Pro communicates with the external applica‐ tions via API, OPC server or Modbus IP. The elaborate supervisors command, control and graphical capacities of the building management software are thus coupled with the power and flexi‐ bility of Sensor Access security system. The external application can receive online events information from GuardPoint Pro and act on the ac‐ cess control system by creating / deleting card hold‐ ers, managing doors, outputs and alarm status, exe‐ cuting existing actions and processes, logging in and off, downloading configuration to controllers, etc. The evolving list of integrated applications includes: Fortis, Magal ‐ OPC Wizcon, Axeda Systems ‐ Wizcon Telemaque, Safeware ‐ API Contactless Data, Islog ‐ API PCView, Square Systems ‐ Modbus IP and many more to come
Thanks to the CCTV module, a unique piece of soft‐ ware monitors access control and CCTV as Guard‐ Point Pro retrieves data from the DVR and IP cam‐ eras and displays them. The user defines the DVRs and the attributed cam‐ eras. Then he can configure, manage, administer and view live or recorded video from any linked cameras on any workstation. Event, alarm or specific timing can trigger the camera automatically. For instance a life video is automatically displayed on a control screen when a person enters a forbidden area. Recorded videos linked to specific events or times are easily retrieved by clicking on the camera icon located next to the specific event on the Guard‐ Point Pro log and/or journal. Many DVRs have already been integrated into GuardPoint Pro: Avigilon, Dedicated Micros, Geute‐ brück, Hikvision, Digitale Video Sicherheit, Pelco, Da‐ hua, Geovision, Onssi, Milestone and POS‐Watch. Other DVRs will follow. Through third party software, GuardPoint Pro is linked to an extensive list of systems: video (Bosch, Cieffe, GE, Hitachi, JVC, Nice, Panasonic, Siemens, Vicon, etc.), IP cameras (Axis, JVC, Nobotix, Sony, etc.)
GuardPoint Pro Access Control Software GuardPoint Pro ‐ Light
Part Numbers
Number of Controllers Number of Readers Number of Cardholders
8 16 2000
ID Card Badge Production Module
Additional Workstation Licence
16 16 2000
Guard Tour Module
Multi Company Database
Number of Controllers Number of Readers Number of Cardholders Alarm Control & Graphics
16 16 5000
CCTV integration module for DVRs
OPC Server Interface
SQL Database for GuardPoint Pro
Improved Time & Attendance
Multi‐Site Module
GuardPoint Pro ‐ 64
64 64 5000
GuardPoint Pro ‐ 128 128 128 10,000
GuardPoint Pro ‐ 256 Number of Controllers Number of Readers Number of Cardholders
Lift Control Module
Number of Controllers Number of Readers Number of Cardholders
Parking Control Module
GuardPoint Pro ‐ 16/ACM
Number of Controllers Number of Readers Number of Cardholders
Alarm Control and Graphics Module
GuardPoint Pro ‐ 16 Number of Controllers Number of Readers Number of Cardholders
256 256 40,000
Contact us Today Sensor Access Technology Ltd + 44 (0)1273 242355
Enhanced Graphical Module