Simon Vipond
Simon Vipond
Mobile: 07944357515 Email:
Address: Fairhill Layer Breton Colchester Essex CO2 0PP
Education: BA - Architecture 2010-2013 University of Kent 2:1 Honours
Software Skills:
Advanced Computer Modelling
Restaurant Day Perspective - 3DS Max, Photoshop .1 Restaurant Night Perspective - 3DS Max, Photoshop .2 Connection Detail Perspective - 3DS Max, Photoshop .3
Year: 2nd (2011) Brief: Using 3DS Max and Photoshop visualise a space within the Adapt and Extend project in both the day and night. For this I chose the restaurant as it allowed me to spend time on a larger number of objects to increase my 3D modelling skills. We were also asked to create a computer model detail of a construction joint within our design. For this detail I decided to create the connection between the extension and the existing building meet.
Solar Shading
Roof Structure
Year: 2nd (2011)
Year: 2nd (2011)
Location: Kent University campus Brief: To design a solar shading device for the ground floor window of the Architecture departments windows, facing West. When designing the solar shade I was looking to give it extra environmental benefits. This lead to me designing solar panels into the fins, so that the blocked light was absorbed. Due to the angle of the window the solar shade had to be retractable so enough light could penetrate in the winter, adding another problem to overcome.
Brief: To design a roof and its supports, which covered an area of 400m2, with no internal columns and had a maximum height of 15m. The usage of the area below the roof was unspecified and did not require heating. The design aim for my roof was to achieve the requirements using as few materials as possible. To do this Tention and Compression Members I experimented with cantilevers and tensional structures, to reduce the need for heavy compressional columns.
Section 1:250
Section: Summer
Development Process - Hand Drawn .1 Tension and Compression Diagram - CAD, Photoshop .2 Physical Model - Hand Made .3
Front elevation 1:250
Tention Tention & Compression (Bending) Compresion
Back elevation 1:250
Gravity Load-path Diagram’s
1 Front elevation 1:250
Section 1:250 Back elevation 1:250 Action Reaction
Section: Winter 2
AR531 - Roof
June 21st
1 pm
3 pm
Simon Vipond
5 pm
Landscape Year: 2nd (2012) Location: Canterbury, Kent
Plant Mechanics - Hand drawn Building Elevation (West) - CAD, Photoshop Building Elevation (East) - CAD, Photoshop Building Section 1 - CAD, Photoshop Building Section 2 - CAD, Photoshop Building Elevation (South) - CAD, Photoshop Site Plan - CAD, Hand Drawn, Photoshop
Brief: To redesign an under utilised area of land, in the centre of Canterbury, into another garden for the city, with particular focus on creating an interesting route from the coach park, in the North, to the city centre, in the South. We were also asked to design a gallery and cafe for the promotion of “green� energy. In my project the focus was to create a park that would allow people to escape the city around it, through creating a landscape to encourage the imagination, transporting people to another place.
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7
Story Board - 3DS Max, Photoshop, Hand Drawn Site Detail - CAD Photoshop Story Board Continued - 3DS Max, Photoshop, Hand Drawn Section A - CAD, Photoshop Section B - CAD, Photoshop Building Plan - CAD, Hand Drawn, Photoshop Section C - CAD, Photoshop
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7
Sections - Summer Section A - Gallery, Kitchen, Office
Towers provide stack ventilation, due to its height and convection hot air rises up and out of the building natural, without mechanical help.
North window to allow indirect light into the gallery. Window is small to reduce heat loss as not heat is gained but direct sun light.
Solar panels and plants collect light that falls on the roof, this reduces the heat the building gains as well as using it to Roof made up of batons of aluminium which allow air to flow though into a cavity were it is then drawn produce something. to the tower. The aluminium also helps reflect light further into the building.
As the fresh air becomes hot it rises due to convection.
Air drawn over the surface evaporates water cooling it. Then the air is pulled up into the Kitchen placed in the centre of the building with no building. external windows to reduce heat gain. Stack ventilation tower above it draws hot air and smells out of the kitchen.
Section B - Gallery, Bedroom, Flat Kitchen
Sun has higher angle in summer. Solar shading stops direct sun light entering the building minimising heat gain. Glazed corridor in ventilated separately, this creates a buffer zone reducing the amount of heat getting to the office.
Screed floors and limecrete walls provide thermal massing to store heat gained in the day. This heat is then released at night when cool air moving through the building can remove it.
Leaves grow on the willow in the summer providing solar shading.
Key Bedroom is placed in the centre of the building as natural light is not necessary.
Air Movement (cold to hot) Indirect sun light Direct sun light Window Heat absorbed by thermal mass
Rain water collection.
AR515: Climate, Assignment 2
Thermal massing
Simon Vipond
Modular Year: 3rd (2012)
Site Plan - CAD, Photoshop, 3DS Max Perspectives - Photoshop, 3DS Max Module Plans - Photoshop, CAD Building Plans - Photoshop, CAD
.1 .2 .3 .4
Location: Margate, Kent Brief: To create a master plan for the redevelopment of a brown field site in Margate, into a housing complex, as a group. From this we were to select a plot and design modular housing. Currently Margate is undergoing changes from a seaside resort to a commuter town and cultural hub. Due to this my design theme was to have a building that could change with Margate. Due to this my design involves a structural metal grid with infilling panels, which can easily be removed or put in, allowing for the internal use of the building to be adaptable. The graded facade is designed to hide the changes to the buildings internal use, but still allow a view out and light in.
1 Bed Flat
3 Bed Flat
2 Bed Flat
Perspective Section of Module - Photoshop, 3DS Max Perspectives - 3DS Max Perspective Section of Building - Photoshop 3DS Max, CAD Site Elevation - Photoshop, 3DS Max, CAD Building Details - CAD, Photoshop
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Kings Cross Construction Process
The original building (King’s Cross Station) with clear site infront. The basement is put in first by digging out the required area and putting pile foundations in first.
Next the shopping core goes in. This structure is seperate to the roof that goes in over the top of it, but is put in first as it allows the use of a crane in its construction.
The scaffolding is then put in and built to the shape of the roof, like a cast. On top of this the stucture of the roof can be built so that the scaffolding can support the weight until the structure is complete and it can support its own weight.
From the central core the primary members are built out in pairs with secondary members holding them together. Each pair of primary members is done one by one, placing secondary members in as they work down.
Next, using the scaffolding for support, the central core and the columns are built.
Unlike most arches this structure is built from the top of the arch working down towards the bottom to its columns. Like most arch structures it was still nessersery to build temporary form work to build the structure on top. This process can be seen on the web page where National rail have posted a time laps video of the new concorce being built.
Once the primary members are complete with the first Finally the roof layer and glass is layed onto the structure to secondary members the arms are joined together with more make it secondary members. Completing the web of members making weatherproof. the main structure of the building.
AR531:Form and Structure
Simon Vipond
NEFF cooker advert - Photoshop .1 Tropicana juice advert - Photoshop .2 Majestic wine advert - Photoshop .3
Year: 3rd (2012) Brief: The aim of this module was to allow us to conceptualise design and architecture in a related art or design discipline within a cultural and social context. My project looked into how architecture could affect an advert, and if any knowledge used in advertising could be used in my architectural designs. To do this I researched advertising techniques and analysed adverts where architecture plays a prominent role. From this I created 3 adverts using the same background, so it could be seen that the techniques I learnt worked. I feel this project has helped me with my presentation skills, as a large part of advertising is to get a person to look at a certain point in an image and make certain things stand out.
Night Perspective - Photoshop, 3DS Max .1 Perspective - Photoshop, 3DS Max .2 Aerial Perspective- Photoshop, 3DS Max .3
Year: 3rd (2013) Location: Lille, France Brief: To design an Urban Hip Hop centre for the development of professional artists. The project is based in the heart of Lille, creating an exciting and unfamiliar backdrop. Through my concept I plan to tackle the social split in Lille and create a building that invites users from every part of the city to partake and develop their skills in the many aspects of the Hip Hop culture. This has involved the splitting of the building into two, grouping the uses of Hip Hop specific and non-specific but encouraging visual and physical interaction between the two sides. This was to allow each side to have their own space and their own expressions, yet allow them to communicate there ideas and work together to create shows and final pieces of art work.
Atrium Cloakroom
Flat Small Studio
Small Studio
Large Studio Conference Room Advertising + Printing
Graffiti Space 2 Cafe
Male Changing
Services / Storage
Ladys Changing
Mixing Room / PC Lab Toilets
Graffiti Space 1
Large Studio
Ground Floor
Rec Studio
First Floor
Second Floor
Green Room
Changing Toilets
Basement 1
Auditorium Backstage Storage
Basement 2
Basement 3 1:500
Cooling Strategy Fresh air drawn in from the direction of prevailing wind
Mechanically Ventilated Heat Recovery (MVHR) unit pushes cool air into the building on each floor
Environment Ceiling height 2.8m
Hot air drawn out by air rising in the courtyard (stack effect), caused by solar gain let in by the glass roof automated vents control opening
Hot air drawn into the courtyard
10m -15m
Gap max 5m
Heating strategy
At night windows are left open to carry on the draw of air to cool the thermal mass of the building Ceiling height 2.8m
Floor depth Fresh warm air is dispersed into the 360mm building though trenches, running along the exterior wall of the building.
Floor depth 360mm Vents open to let hot air out of auditorium
Cool air pumped out under seating to provide a comfortable temperature for the audience Stagnant air is drawn out of building
In summer ground source through pipesthe running along the heat pump is use reverseThe interior facade of theinbuilding. air isused drawntoback the Mechanically and taketoheat from the Ventilated Heat Recovery (MVHR) MVHR unit and disperse it into unit where its heat is transferred to the ground bringing up colder fresh air from outside. water to cool the building with.
AR 533 Urban 2: T & E Heating Strategy
Heat from stale air is transferred to the fresh incoming air then pumped out to the rest of the building
MVHR unit allows for the envelope of the building to the air tight, reducing heat loss
Warm air pumped out under seating to provide a comfortable temperature for the audience Ground source heat pump collects thermal energy though the buildings pile foundations. It is then used to heat water as well as boost the heat sent out from the MVHR unit.
AR 533 Urban 2: T & E
Rain water collection, to be used in toilets Stale air
Warm fresh air in courtyard drawn out to MVHR unit
Passive solar gain
Simon Vipond Fresh air is drawn into the courtyard
Air in courtyard heated by passive solar gain Vents open to let hot air out of auditorium Stale air drawn out and sent back to the MVHR unit Rain water collection, to be used in toilets
Simon Vipond
Current Work Location: b3 architects b3 architects is a small architecture practice based in Colchester, which has a focus in medium scale residential and commercial projects. I am currently involved in the drawing and updating of plans, the building of sketchup models and the creation of presentation documents. This project was the first I was soaly working on with only a small amount of supervision from my more experianced collages. The project was the development of an office block into residential flats, though permitted development. I was given sketched plans of the changes to be made to the building and asked to develop them, confirm they complied with the Mayor of London’s Standards and create a proposal for the client and the quantity surveyor.
• All windows to be replaced • Brick facade modifications to provide appropriate fenestration to the residential accommodation • Entrance of the residential accommodation to be renovated • Existing hard landscaping to be removed and replaced with paviors and soft landscape as proposed on site plan
6. Proposed Site Plan
(scale 1:200 @ A3)
Airways House, Langley
b3 arc
T: (01206) 562946 E: www.b3-ar ©This drawing is Copyright of b3 architects llp and should only be
7. Proposed Exterior Changes
Airways House, Langley
b3 architects llp
Audley House Berechurch Hall Road Colchester Essex CO2 9NW
T: (01206) 562946 E:
b3 architects
©This drawing is Copyright of b3 architects llp and should only be reproduced with their express permission.
6.0 Sca
The ma and Oc image degrad
6.0 Scale
6.1 Scale - Proposed Elevations Location: River Lodge Colchester
The massing of the building has been developed to obscure the carpark and Octagon from North Station Road. This helps to improve the image of the road as well as to ensure that the buildings do not have a degrading visual effect on the development.
6.1 Scale - Proposed Elevations
b3 architects llp
Audley House Berechurch Hall Road Colchester Essex CO2 9NW
River Lodge Hotel, Colchester
T: (01206) 562946 E:
b3 architects
©This drawing is Copyright of b3 architects llp and should only be reproduced with their express permission. Ǥ Ƥ .
b3 architects llp
Audley House
River Lodg
One of the main projects I have been working on, for most of the time I have been with the practice, is the design for a 56 bed boutique hotel, restarant and bar. The hotel is based in the town of Colchester directily between the main station and the town centre, making it a prime loction. I was particulary keen on doing this project as, in my degree, I had not had the chance to design a hotel or be taught how to. Though I was not leading this project I was heavly involved in the developemnt process and the creation of pre appliction documents and finally the Design and Access statement. This has given me a real insite into the design of a commertial property based in a town center, as well as how to design a hotel. Another learning point for this project was the process of application to planning. I joined this project at a later date though its long pre application process, but was given an insite into the descussions going on with the planners and the conflicting interests and directions that each party had for the building. It was nessersery for me to add my imput to the design and my interpritation to what the planners were asking of us. Out of all the projects I have been inolved with at b3 architects I feel this has been the most benificial to me.
Location: Pembridge Road, Notting Hill London The brief for this project was to come up with a comertialy viable scheme for a collection of inner London town houses. When I joined the team the decision had been made to place 6 high end town house on the siteand they were currectly under design development. One of the first jobs I was ask to do was the help in the preperation of documents for pre application meetings and meeting with The Pembridge Road Sociity. With the feed back from these meetings I helped with the developemtn prossess of the design. My main involvemnt on this project, which is still on going, is the creation of the Design and Access document. Due to the sites location, close proimity with other buildings and the partys involved this document is larger than other design and access documents I have been involved in as it has been nessersery to explain our design desisions to a grater extent. Again like the previous project i felt like I have learnt a lot from this project as in my degree I never had the opportunity to design houses. Though the Modular project, where I designed a number of flats, has helped with my design desisions on this project and I have refered back to it on mainy occations.
bridge Road, South Facing Image 02
Pembridge Road, Notting Hill
b3 architects llp
Pembridge Road, North Facing Image 02 Audley House Berechurch Hall Road Colchester Essex CO2 9NW
T: (01206) 562946 E:
ŠThis drawing is Copyright of b3 architects llp and should only be reproduced with their express permission.
Pembridge Road, Notting Hill
b3 architects
Audley Ho Berechurch Hall R Colche Es CO2 9
T: (01206) 562946 E: ŠThis drawing is Copyright of b3 architects llp and should only be reproduced
Proposed Area Schedule
Area m2
Unit 1 Kitchen/Living/Dinning WC 1 WC 2 Bathroom Bedroom 1 Ensuit ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 Garden
40.1 3.0 3.1 6.1 13.4 3.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 87.2
431.6 32.3 33.4 65.7 144.2 38.8 17.2 12.9 18.3 938.6
Unit 2 Kitchen/Living/Dinning WC 1 WC 2 Bathroom Bedroom 1 Ensuit ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 Garden
40.1 3.0 3.1 6.1 13.4 3.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 55.0
431.6 32.3 33.4 65.7 144.2 38.8 17.2 12.9 18.3 592.0
Unit 3 Kitchen/Living/Dinning WC 1 WC 2 Bathroom Bedroom 1 Ensuit ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 Garden
40.1 3.0 3.1 6.1 13.4 3.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 53.7
431.6 32.3 33.4 65.7 144.2 38.8 17.2 12.9 18.3 578.0
Unit 4 Kitchen/Living/Dinning WC 1 WC 2 Bathroom Bedroom 1 Ensuit ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 Garden
40.1 3.0 3.1 6.1 13.4 3.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 54.3
431.6 32.3 33.4 65.7 144.2 38.8 17.2 12.9 18.3 584.5
Unit 5 Kitchen/Living/Dinning WC 1 WC 2 Bathroom Bedroom 1 Ensuit ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 Garden
40.1 3.0 3.1 6.1 13.4 3.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 77.6
431.6 32.3 33.4 65.7 144.2 38.8 17.2 12.9 18.3 835.6
Location: Haybridge Basin, Maldon, Essex The brief was to come up with a scheme to convert half a boat yard into a comertially viable housing project. The scheme was for a developer interested in buying the site, but needed to be assured he would get planning permition for a profitable scheme. From some ruff sketchs giving to me I was asked to draw up the project, astablish that the designes worked and were achievable, and present it to a standared that a pre application could be made. This was one of the first projects I have followed from the begining and have, appart from the boss, been the sole worker on. These are just a few examples of the work I have been doing at my current practice, selected to show the veriaty of work I have been doing. I feel I have learnt a lot whilst working at b3 architects, as well as at Raphial Vinoley’s the previous two summers, and that it has improved my understanding and skills in architecture dramatically, even over the relitivly short period of time I have been working in practice. Though it was a steep learning curve, I feel I have responded to it well and taken on information quickly.
Simon Vipond A graduate student of the school of architecture at Kent University, Canterbury, 2:1 BA (Hons) in Architecture.
Fairhill Layer Breton Colchester CO2 0PP T: 07944357515 E:
Skills • • • • •
Analytical and conceptual architectural thinking Ability to manage own time and priorities workload Strong presentation skills Conscientious approach to work load, team player and self-motivated Confident user of ICT including Architectural specific programmes, such as: Photoshop Premier Pro Rhino
InDesign Auto CAD Sketchup
Illustrator 3DS Max Microstation
Education University of Kent, Canterbury BA (Hons) Architecture - Upper 2:1 (2010 - 2013) As well as providing me with a thorough grounding in the skills required in Architecture my degree studies have also taught me how to analytically assess projects and to conceptualise ideas. I am naturally good at verbal reasoning and my work has developed my presentation and communication skills. Always hard working, the structure of my course has helped me define my approach to time management and prioritisation. Colchester Sixth Form Collage (2008 - 2010) A Levels: Photography Geology Art Physics AS Levels: Pure Mathematics and Mechanics D Colchester High School (2003 - 2008) 10 GCSE’s Grades A-C including English, Maths, Art, Electronics, Geography and Sciences.
Work Experience Architectural Assistant, b3 architects llp, Colchester - October 2013 I am currently working as an architectural assistant in a small and relativly new company, of where a mumber of specific design tasks have been deligated for my specific attention. Office Assistant, Rafael Viñoly Architects, London - Summer 2012 and Summer 2011 This role involved computer work, such as the updating of drawings and computer models, as well as some design work, model building and a substantial amount of printing, on a number of different projects. It also required commitment to the office regime and a team approach to getting the job done. Swimming teacher, First Strokes, Colchester - 2008 – 2010 This part-time role involved me in teaching children aged 4-8 to learn to swim unaided. Swimming teacher, Colchester Swimming Club - 2006 – 2010 This job was voluntary; I help my local club by teaching a class of swimmers. This helped me develop coaching skills as well as forward thinking, though lesson plans. School work experience, Stanley and Bragg Architects, Colchester - 2006 This first opportunity to work within an architectural practice inspired my choice of A-level subjects and gave me an insight into a career in architecture.
Additional Skills and Interests I have a keen interest in swimming and have been both Captain and President of the University team, where I have led a committee in organising competition events, training sessions and socials. The club has successfully achieved a number of its goals in my time and membership has grown consistently. I have achieved my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award. This allowed me to improve my team player skills and required significant self-motivation. When I get a chance I enjoy touring cities and taking adventure holidays involving surfing, kayaking and mountain biking. Other interests are listening to music, playing the drums, reading and visiting the gym.
References 1. Academic Reference Mr David Haney – Design Tutor Email: Telephone: 01227824702
2. Work Experience Reference Ms Jeannie Lee – Project Director London Office Email: Telephone: 02082066200
2. Job Reference Liam Boyd - Director b3 architects Email: Telephone: 01206 562946