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a rc h i t e c t




a rc h i t e c t

33 years old Born in Terni, Italy ad1 11 Via Molenano, Stroncone, Italy ad2 206 Hohlstrasse, Zürich, Swiss 6 years’ experience

PROFILE Nature, football and outdoor sports lover. Curious and impatient to discover, I spent last years of University studies around Europe by collecting workshops and practical experiences both. Back in Italy in 2010 I team up with a local Young Architects Association in Terni, participating in the realization of two editions of FestARCH Umbria, a relevant Architectural chermesse in Italy. Since 2011, I’ve been also working with the DDA architects firm in Terni . Along with some colleagues, I was one of the founder of a “Econologico” start-up, for the design, study and distribution of passive buildings made out of wood structure and strawbales envelop. Today I’m just seeking for new experiences that could improve my knowldege over architecture and improve my skills with new opportunities.

E D U C AT I O N Graduated in June 2011 La Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Architecture +110/110 Thesis: Refurbishment of an ancient military building in Timisoara (Romania) Erasmus at San Pablo Ceu University of Madrid in 2007/2008.


EXPERIENCEs Nov 2011 - Nov 2017 DDA architects architecture competition - interior design - estimates - details and images school, residential and retail Project manager - Client and Site coordinator (http://www.ddastudio.net) Jun 2014 - Jen 2017 Econologico strawbale timber structure buildings structural design - energy efficiency design - “site worker” Construction supervisor (http://www.econologico.it) Jul 2011 - Sep 2011 Fabio Pitoni architect technical drawings - 3d models and renders - international competitions Collaborator

AWARDS May 2014 / DDA architects 1st prize - Refurbishment of “Palazzo Montani Leoni”, project rehabilitation of headquarters and exhibit spaces in Terni July 2015 / DDA architects 1st prize - international call - “Ex Stabilimenti Papigno” , proposals for the retrofit and the deep transformation of an ex industrial plant in Umbria November 2017 / DDA architects + Semillas Peru 1st prize - competition sponsor by italian government “#scuoleinnovative” architecture proposal for the refurbishment and extension of a secondary school

JURY Sep 2016 Jury member with S. Boeri - FORESTA competition - open call for the making of 5 TREE HOUSES that will temporarily host artist-in residences, CAOS civic art centre




corious - work/life balance - resilient follow instructions and rules problem solving - perseverance motivating - honest - emphatic facilitating - listening - punctual critical observer

Italian: Mother Tongue Spanish: Professional English: Colloquial French: Basic

OS: Windows 7 / Mac OS X Drafting: CAD Models: Rhinoceros Render engine: Vray/Maxwell Graphics: Adobe Creative Suite BIM: Archicad - entry level fast in learning new softwares



C O M P E T I T I O N S During my work experience mainly with DDA and also with other colleagues I had the opportunity to take part on working team experiences made mainly of human exchange and of course of different working approchaes. We got three memorables first prizes on different projects and no one of them got realized. That’s why i’m looking other reality, that works better, where to feel the importance of what we think and about what we spend a lot of time for.



Oberdan secondary school - Terni - Italy 2016 From an idea of the Italian Government, in 2016 #scuoleinnovative borned as a national call for both renovate and in some case extense 52 schools across the country. For the project we have chose to collaborate with “Semillas”, a Peru based firm, that focus his work on building schools in poor areas of the amazzonian territory. Due to our proximity with the site we together decide for the proposal on the extension of the “Oberdan secondary school” in Terni. The concept was focused on the relation between the school and the neighbourood. The public space as took part of the project with a decisive role. It has to get inside the building without becoming just property of the school, it has to beeing permeable from inside to outdside and vice versa . Other point it’s to manage all those activities that the school can hosts especially in the afternoon’s hours. Forms follow functions without becoming a limit for those activities whom can be allowed in the same place but in different time of the day.



CONCEPT - HALL Italy is the country where fewer children get to school by them selfs: we are at 7%, Germany and England at 40%. Roads are seen as an unsafety space invaded by cars, thus contributing to increase the feeling of danger. Yet, 70% of urban travel is contained in about 3 km on urban roads that represent 80% of public space. #sharethestreet



bio climatic section

STRUCTURE The structure of the extended part will consist of prefabricated laminated wood producted as modules and composed of 4 components: vertical and horizontal elements, wall and ceiling completion. This type of “frame� constructions, together with the type of natural padding made with dry straw bales, makes assembly quick and facilitates the construction, besides reducing labor and safety costs, making the structure elastic and therefore effective during seismic events. In the existing building there will be structural consolidation and adjustment works aimed at a general improvement by means of seismic devices such as hoops and chains at the level of the floors.

new sport furniture


axonometryc floor plans



Palazzo Montani Leoni - Terni - Italy 2014 The considerations that led to the main design choices have been constrained by the desire to play with the role and the communication of an important private institution in respect of its territory. Everything starting from the analysis of the characteristics of the historic building located in the busiest street of the city, which is the main meeting and citizenship exchanges place. We are experiencing a revolution, the world of information technology is forever changing the relationship between citizens and the physical environment of the city. These will increasingly have to know how to communicate, welcome and return the flow of data and information concerning their business. Increasingly active and protagonists, users will participate in the virtual square of the city and the institutions that represent it.



The HALL Inspired by the connexions existing in the ground floor between the permanent exposition and the polyfuncitonal space. The interior design of the entrance hall was basicly designed by using as principal element a new metal perforated skin. All the door’s splay are covered by a gold metal sheet.

hall view plan - HALL 16

THE EXIBIT The most important goal of the competition was to re-think the biggest room of the entire building to make it become something not only related with the art’s exibitions. Our concept is to use all the windows as a big LED panel. We have propose to create tall and narrow panels coverd by gold metal sheets in one side and with Led panel in the other one. The user, depending on use, can decide wich configuration to use.

exibit setup 17




Here some of the works in which I’ve participate and where I’ve been fundamental in the design and construction process. From the relation with client to the concept’s choise untill the first draftings and the technical drawings passing throught all the authorization aspects of each.



City center - Terni - Italy 2016 Children’s library and creative cultural space. Kioko is an independent bookcase that houses spaces and environments designed to host educational and creative activities aimed to developing experimentation. The space is characterized by a natural, contemporary, clear and open environment. A space where the child is free to explore, to know, in full creative freedom. A space where the child feels good and in harmony with himself. Natural and recyclable materials, such as wood and cardboard, have been used. Central element of the KIOKO’s space is the Tree of Fantasy, symbolic fulcrum of the project, around which there are the cultural and creative space and the children’s bookcase


P4 M2


16 G1


44 51



80 53 21

before FURNITURE & GRAPHICS Natural and recyclable materials were used fo all the furnitures and than treated for fire security. Bookshelfs, tables and play areas were defined thinking to the children safety without limitate their freedom and stimulating them on the usage possibilities that simple materials offers as wood and cardoard are.The graphic design of KIOKO was realized by Bellistrami Design in a minimal, clear style and contemporary. Lines, colors and symbolic forms refers to the idea of creativity that starts from the idea and active thought.


cardboard ceiling


HOLY FOOD Terni - Italy 2017

Holy food is a project from an idea of two girls. Selling ingredients or serving food it’s not a metter of two different places, not necessarily. Warm environments and familiar forniture from the past characterize the spaces of the new meeting point dedicated to healthy eating peopole and to the sale of local and artisanal products. Located in the city center of Terni, the restaurant has been completely renovated following a line of friendly and young language. Bright colors grant the recovery furniture to create cheerful and pleasant spaces that combine togetherness and cordiality.




FURNITURE & ATMOSPHERE Shelves, tables, chairs and furniture comes from a vintage shop in town and makes people feel at grandmother home. Colours and lighting creates a welcome in feeling. All the shelves are usually full of vegetables, bottles of wine and jam from local productions.


the new living room


Loft A

city center - Terni - Italy 2015 Started with a low budget project with the aim of an interior renovation, the design of Anna’s house was entirly foused on the connection between the two apartment’s floors. The project consist mainly in getting a contemporary touch to the house, listening and making considerations with the client. Due to the budget, the project became an exercise on how to modify and give the furniture a sense between the two floors. Using plexiglass, metal and wood we reached an high quality of project and a big satisfaction of the client.



loft plan

LOFT Most relevance in the renovation project was rapresented by the loft. Starting of its old appearence the project tried to add some new elements with a clear appearence and a simple design. The old metal railing has be sobsituted with a new one in plexiglass and the wooden roof treated with clear colors. The lamps and the furniture made all the rest. a 30



E C O N O L O G I C O I worked for the creation of Econologico’s start-up and decided to leave it after five yaers of efforts, satisfatcions, client changing mood and pure pioneering. For them I worked as Architect mainly with design task and production & building supervising.



startup - Italy 2017 Econologico is becoming a start-up and it’s adventure began in 2015 for the design, the production and the construction of low ecological footprint buildings. Mainly Econologico is a prefabricated building system with high energy and seismic efficiency, composed of certified wooden modules, assembled to form the supporting structure who’s fully filled with straw bales and finished with a blend of earth-lime plaster, according to thermal issues. The market of this construction type it’s living an increasing of request. In response of that it’s also increased the quality level of production and prototypation. Econologico aims to create it’s own spinneret managing all the aspects that affects a building from the design until it’s construction without forget the client satisfaction and the solution of all the issuses that a new construction method has.



ECN - Umbria 180.000 â‚Ź 175 m2 Designer and Building supervisor Extension and deep renovation of a rural building. First it has be reinforced the old structure basement and created a new up standing floor with bricks. From the other side it has been extended by a new wooden structure with a strawbale envelop and earth plaster.


ECN - Toscana 150.000 â‚Ź 110 m2 Designer and Building supervisor Buen retiro villa for a couple of ederly people. They had participate in the building process and collaborated for the creation of their dream. Situated at 600 m of altitude, the house has no climate system installed due to the power of straw bale insulation. Îť =0.05 W/mK



Località - Città - Italy 2017 ECN_ring is a fully modular building system based on the ECONOLOGICO structural engineering. Its 25 ring stock can be shaped to form one or multiple buildings freely scattered to reach different design possibilities. Modular forniture allows many functional setups. Any ring can be assembled to be a roofed and fully closed habitat or to define an outside space. ECN_ring is collapsible and can be moved in partially unassembled elements. Its small disassembled volume allows to be shipped using small vehicles and can be delivered in small or crowded places without much effort. All the joints in the structure are engineered to be as simple as possible to be able to build each ring quikly in a few steps. Assembly doesn’t require specialized builder and can be done by simple workers with just a little training using basic equipement.

one size fits all





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