7 minute read

Sue Ann Cordell


WOW Magazine was introduced to Sue Ann Cordell by a friend of ours and she did not disappoint. We found all aspects of Sue Ann Cordell fascinating and grateful for the new relationship. We were eager to share with you the incredible skill set, faith and wisdom this woman possesses. We thoroughly enjoyed our interview with her.


Happy why limit to an hour

Please share how you began your career with William Morris Endeavor Entertainment and what was the last position you held?

Shortly after relocating to Nashville, Tennessee in 1991, I accepted a job at Charles Dorris & Associates, a talent agency that focused primarily on the representation of Contemporary Christian Music artists. The company was extraordinarily successful, and a larger company approached the owner about purchasing his company. He accepted their offer and became Co-Head of the Christian Music Department at William Morris Agency (now known as WME) and I came on board as his assistant. A year later, I moved from the Christian Music Department to the Administration Department as Head of Human Resources/Office Manager. The following year, I was named Vice President, joined the Global Management Team for Los Angeles, New York, London, Miami, and Shanghai, served as an advisor for the Philanthropic Foundation, and continued to train and mentor young professionals. The last position I held was Head of Human Resources/Office Manager & Advisor for the newly formed office in Dallas, Texas with a primary goal to bridge two entities together for the purpose of building live events for a select group of high-profile clients.

How can our readers build characteristics that will get them to the next level in their job or business?

It starts with an appreciation for the opportunity that has been given to you. Taking a positive approach each day not only helps with your mindset, but it can also lift the spirits of others and improve the overall attitude of your coworkers and customers. Quite frankly, it is critical to the financial and operational success of the company you work for. When supervisors and upper management see this characteristic in you, it opens doors for future opportunities. Here is my simple formula for success:

Do work hard—it will get noticed. Do form relationships—they are everything in business. Do take advantage of every opportunity.

Don’t complain. Don’t take it personally. Don’t tear others down.

Treat everyone with dignity and respect even if they don’t do the same for you and find humor in each day.

Your position was secure with an internationally known, prosperous company and you could have stayed there for the rest of your career, yet you did not You started SHINEWORTHY Lifestyles – shineworthylifestyles.com, a speaking & coaching career, and a tea company. What advice would you give someone who wants to change careers yet has a lot of fear or financial challenges in making that change?

Have a goal. I often say, “A Goal without a plan is just a wish.” A well thought out plan can diminish fears. Start by harnessing your passion, then on your off time, be relentless in pursuing every possibility surrounding it. Be realistic about what it will take financially and make sure you prepare in advance. Just starting the process can motivate you and allow your current job to be more enjoyable.

Your husband Randy Cordell is the senior pastor of a large church called Lakeshore Christian Church. It is known to be a church of diversity. You also began Shineworthy Tea in a location known for diversity. You speak a lot about the importance of this issue. How would you describe a business that is succeeding with diversity and why is it important?

It is a welcoming and loving culture where people from all levels of society are treated with dignity and respect and are given opportunities to excel without bias. When a business is conducted in this way, it allows everyone to thrive.

You are described as a role model for being a successful entrepreneur as well as a person who stands strong in your principles of faith. You speak at Universities and mentor young women. Did you have a mentor in your career and if so, how did it influence your career path?

I’ve had several mentors who walked beside me and opened doors for me. You see, the key element of influence with each of my mentors was this: They believed in me and wanted to set me up for success. They were my biggest cheerleaders and as a result, I have tried to pattern my leadership after them. When asked what I love most about my jobs, my answer is always the same: “I love to train and equip people and help them rise to the top and shine like a star.” That comes from the mentorships I was fortunate enough to have along the way.

How does your faith influence you as a mentor?

My faith influences every aspect of my life. I start each day in my “prayer chair” seeking wisdom from above. I believe wholeheartedly that above everything else in life our purpose is to love God and then to love others. These key elements influence me as a mentor.

Would you be willing to share a memorable moment of disappointment that occurred in your business?

We built out the space for SHINEWORTHY TEA with upscale design and opened our store with great anticipation of other businesses opening soon per our contractual agreement. At our Grand Opening, we had over 900 people show up. We continued to grow, all the while anticipating other businesses would be coming soon. Without any advance notice, we discovered through an outside source that the property owner had decided to go a different direction. As a result, we were now an upscale tea business that was in the middle of a charter school parking lot. We made the decision to get out of our lease and reinvent our business model. We experienced great disappointment, however we learned so many valuable lessons that have equipped us to continue to grow. We are smarter and more cautious when making decisions that will affect the future of our business. Instead of setting us back, it set us up for greater success. This past year, SHINEWORTHY TEA celebrated our 10th year in business, and we continue to grow! I look for successful people who have been where I am and have aligned themselves with the same values that I hold near and dear to my heart.

There are many tea companies, yet you chose to start Shineworthy Teas amongst fierce competition. What makes your tea company different and how have you thrived with these unique economic times?

Tea is the number one drink in most parts of the world, and many wonderful conversations and business deals have been conducted while sipping tea. We offer our customers the absolute best in flavor, quality, and value. During these unique economic times we have continued to serve our customers online offering free shipping on all orders. We also partner with six other businesses who offer SHINEWORTHY TEA exclusively in their establishments. shineworthytea.com

You authored a book called Simplify: A Life Anchored in Purpose. I read this book and it made me take a closer look as to what is important in my life. If you were to finish this sentence… “My hope is that when someone reads my book, they will…”

begin to focus on the things that matter most and take a positive approach to life!

Last question. You were featured in a podcast where you said, “I choose to be happy.” Some will say that circumstances can take our choice away to be happy. A spouse dies, a child has an addiction, health issues, you lose your job, bills can’t be paid, more family chaos, etc. The challenges of life can steal our joy and our faith. What can you share that can help our readers choose happiness and faith during times of trouble and still live a life of purpose?

The struggles of this life are real and hard to deal with. In times of trouble, I try to take a positive approach and trust God for the outcome. When I slow down and look back on my life, I can see how God has carried me through time and time again. This enables my faith to become greater than my fear, and the joy of the Lord to truly be my strength. Happiness is a choice—let’s choose to be happy!

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