9 minute read
Apostle Shirley Ferguson
This is no ordinary article; it is a Story of a Minister. Entrepreneur. Author. Mentor. Humanitarian and a Story of God, His People, Their Faith and Their Finance
Shirley Ferguson is a woman of many parts. Being a person with a multiplicity of interests and divinely-endowed creative pursuits, she is what is intellectually referred to as a multipotentiality. She is a devoted minister of the Word of God, an accomplished realtor, a consummate entrepreneur, a respected motivator, a revered mentor, a sensitive humanitarian, and a serial philanthropist. Her story is a classic study in total commitment to the Will and guidance of God in a quest to fulfill her ordained destiny. Additionally, and to all intents and purposes, she seeks to impact positively on the lives of others through the dual instrumentality of preaching the Word of God and Christ-centered entrepreneurship. This is her remarkable story.
Her Journey
Apostle Shirley Ferguson is the Founding President of Living Waters Deliverance Ministries, Inc., whose goal is to expand the Kingdom of God by fulfilling His purpose for Man on earth; and by developing Living Waters Deliverance Ministries globally, in the process providing servers built to equip and strengthen Christians, Churches, and various ministries through the facilitation of conferences, support systems, workshops, and health programs.
The aim is to ensure enablement for effective stewardship of God’s resources. Living Waters Deliverance Ministries Inc., in real terms, is a faith-based behemoth that serves as the umbrella organization under which she runs Women of Faith Ministries, Young Women of Purpose, Kid With A Purpose (KWAP), Ambassadors For Christ, Women of Wisdom, My Brother’s Keeper, Marvelous, and ACTS Pastoral Alliance, all of which operate out of the city of Fairfield, California. Her ecclesiastical journey, which has spanned all of thirty five years, began at Emmanuel Christian Center, in San Francisco, California, where she served under the supervision of Pastor R. Miller, and later Pastor C.M Haynie. Her work at Emmanuel Christian Center was nothing short of a celebration of total dedication to ministry as was evident in her commitment as a Sunday school teacher, choir director and devoted assistant to Pastor Haynie. She further deployed her boundless energy to enormously effective urban outreaches in an enthusiastic evangelical mission that has remained one of the outstanding hallmarks of her work in Christian ministry.
If Apostle Ferguson’s devotion and commitment to the development of her own ministry has been total, then her support for other churches and ministries can only be accurately qualified as selfless and self-relinquishing. She has not only been keynote speaker at several churches, and at multiple women conferences, her fervent desire to fulfill and totally exploit her God-given potentials for edifying the body of Christ has seen her untiringly teaching people the keys to deliverance and righteous living. A preacher who unapologetically believes in the omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence of God in the affairs of Man, Apostle Ferguson, in her unflagging mission to guide people to a place of righteous change, deliverance, freedom and healing, never tires of boldly proclaiming the need for people to unshackle themselves from the tentacles placed on them by people, and get closer to God.
Married to a loving and devoted husband of thirty six years, and mother to two wonderful children, Shirley Ferguson’s preparation for life in the service of God has been thorough and intensive, if not both exhaustive and all-inclusive. She graduated from pastoral training at World Harvest Bible College, and she is currently pursuing studies for a Master’s degree in Theology at Friends International Christian University. Her involvement, both in organizing and attending, seminars, workshops and conferences, is nothing short of formidable. She has held conferences that include ‘Unity Prayer,’ Radical Anointed Women (RAW), Motivation Momentum Women Empowerment Summit and Empowerment Business Expo. She is also an affiliate of Chitwood and Chitwood, the Tennessee-based organization that is specialized in providing value-driven, comprehensive financial service packages to Christian ministries.
Widely known and acclaimed for her bottomless magnanimity and philanthropic works, which include aiding the poor and homeless, Apostle Ferguson is author of the Book, “No Longer Bound.” She has authored her second book, “Knowing Your Spiritual Authority.”
Her Ministry
Her ministry is a place “where the Spirit of the Lord dwells.” That salient fact is incontrovertible, if only for the fact that Living Waters Deliverance Ministries Inc., is compassionately fulfilling the Great Commission of God on earth. At the ministry, Gods’ Word is taught by well-trained indigenous pastors, resulting in remarkable transformations in the lives of people. A potent platform on which the Divine mandate is deployed is that each member of the ministry is inspired to aim for a total submission to the Supreme Will of God. It therefore comes as little or no surprise that, in encouraging hitherto unreached people to repose total and unalloyed trust in Jesus Christ, the ministry is employing the most potent spiritual tools possible to fully equip them to become disciples, leaders, missionaries and pastors.
In Apostle Shirley Ferguson’s own words, “We see nations being overturned by the love of Christ. Our aim is to continue being the church that will touch humanity through miracles, signs and wonders. We are proud to be part of a generation that is witnessing the planting of churches at the ends of the earth, and to the treasured glory of Christ. We are beginning to see things that are, so far, so wondrous that words of mouth are inadequate in explaining them. As the scripture in Habakkuk 1:5 says, “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you.”
The Entrepreneur
Shirley Ferguson has been an active practitioner in the financial arena since 1988. In an exciting career as a Licensed Real Estate Agent that has spanned the last twenty years, she started out in the Title and Escrow Business sector, before migrating to the Mortgage Broker sector of the Realtor business. In truth, Shirley and her husband have been more focused on the business of Buying and Selling of Homes, an entrepreneurial odyssey that saw them starting out in San Francisco, from where they moved to Oakland, and then on to
Sacramento, all major towns in California. After a stint in Texas, they moved back to Fairfield in California. Shirley and her husband obviously repose a fondness for buying and remodeling houses, in all probability because of the tremendous thrill, satisfaction and fulfillment they derive from helping several individuals and families to establish themselves in safe, secure and comfortable environments. In achieving this objective, they have also assisted a lot of people who had hitherto felt sidetracked and marginalized in repositioning and reorganizing lives that were previously quite dysfunctional.
The phenomenal success of their realtor business was merely a precursor to other fulfilling business ventures. They soon inaugurated a new business called SF Global Financial Services through which they assist people with the crucial elements of the sound financial education that can both help them re-order their financial life and put them back on viable financial footing. Relatedly, they have also established a company called Transitions 2 Life LLC which actively runs programs that helps society’s displaced to transition back to supportive environments in which they can have adequate and appropriate resources that will enable them to both exploit and create opportunities that will equip them to evolve into peak performing members of society, with the potential of contributing meaningfully to their world. Such resources include resume skills positioning, budgeting skills and sound financial methods. The company also locates homes for unwed mothers, so as to make the prospect of single parenthood less daunting for them.
Touching Lives
In poignantly touching the lives of people in ways too numerous to mention, it is clear that Apostle Ferguson is eloquently proving herself to be one of an emerging brand of Ministers of the Living Word of God that are fervently committed to revolutionizing impartation in many more ways than one, all with the singular purpose of breathing new life into what authentic and impactful ministration is all about. A few personal testimonies of the tremendous impact she is making will suffice.
GOD’S GIFT TO ME – My Testimony, Tamela Gospel
“I had just lost my mother when I met Apostle Shirley Ferguson for the first time. I was feeling lost, alone, and depressed. I wanted nothing more than to give up on life. When I told her about my loss, she helped me by being there for me. She attended my mother’s funeral and offered me badly-needed spiritual advice. She truly embraced me with open arms, and took me in as one of her own, becoming my spiritual mother from then on. She not only took me in as one of her own, but also took in my kids, encouraging them, and helping me mold them into the beautiful young ladies that they are today. Apostle Ferguson is an exuberant and prudent woman with a beautiful smile that can brighten up any room. She is always ready to make everyone around her laugh and smile. She has a personal relationship with the members of the church, making it seem like a second home for them. Since I’ve known her, she has taught me how to be a strong woman in Christ, encouraging and pushing me to be great in every aspect of my life. She sends me random encouraging texts that tell me she loves me, and which seem to come right when I need to hear such words. Without Apostle Ferguson, I don’t know where I’d be in life today. When I felt lost and wanted to give up, she helped me to see that God has a plan for my life. She also runs classes that help with our everyday concerns, such as financial growth and marriage matters. She truly walks the path of a Christian and she is a gift from God to me! I’ve always referred to her as my angel, because, she is always there for me. Apostle Shirley is a beautiful and phenomenal woman who God has placed here to do great things for Him and his people. I am so glad I am a part of her life.”
As Apostle Shirley Ferguson continues to impact positively on the lives of others, she also proves that life in ministry can be used to edify one’s entrepreneurial inclinations. She also validates the concept that financial empowerment is a natural accompaniment of kingdom dominion, and that economic power is supposed to be a natural birthright of the children of God
Apostle Shirley H. Ferguson, Founding President, Living Waters Deliverance Ministries, Inc. Fairfield, California. You can contact her at 707-384-1362 x2, www.lwdm.org, apostleferguson@lwdm.org”