8 minute read

Dr. Carolyn Love

It is with great honor and appreciation that I can pen the many radiant experiences that clearly explains, Favor Rewrote My Life. I share from a refreshing and reassuring experience driven and principle-based perspective. I candidly and openly invite you to follow me as I coach and prepare you to receive God’s favor to rewrite your life’s story.

Get ready for this journey with favor to begin right now. 1. God’s favor will erase some things and write some better things in its place. When favor finishes on your behalf, you will be a mighty force to be reckoned with.


2. I have lived to testify and be an example of what God’s favor can do. Favor is timeless, relevant, and an appointed time from the Lord.

3. The favor of God has been like an open window of my life, regardless of how my situations and circumstances looked.

4. I realize and know that the devil did not like this, he did not want me to live to see the needed moments of change.

The favor principle is one of the truths from the Word of God. It is just as important as salvation, healing, prosperity, and love. Favor is a blessing from the Lord. It is the same as fasting, prayer, tithing, and offerings. It is a biblical principle. When I understood that favor is a principle, then I understood that the Lord had ordained my season of favor for me to embrace and walk in throughout my life. I advise you to understand and refuse to miss this time of the Lord’s visitation. The Lord promises to visit you in this season of favor.

Favor releases and resurrects the born-again believer. Favor is not something that you can make the Lord do, but it is something that the Lord decided in His Word to do for you. Favor is scriptural.

At the age of five our house caught on fire and was totally engulfed in flames, and everyone made it out safely. My father did a head count and realized that I was missing, and he came back in the burning house for me. The firefighters advised him that it was too dangerous and there was no way that I could still be alive. But my dad came in and found me and brought me to safety. He sustained severe burns during the rescue and we both made it out. No matter what it looks like, you already have the advantage in the situation because favor is on your life.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and hope,” says the

Lord. The Lord said, “I had an expected end.” It was already cut out in my course of life. God had my future and everything that He had already purposed and planned for me had to happen. It could not end suddenly because of a house fire. Favor releases you for good purpose and will keep you positioned for the Master’s use. I am living today because Favor Rewrote My Life.

I am a living witness that the Lord will loose you from anything that will attempt to change the course of His directions for you. Down through the years of my life I have encountered many obstacles, setbacks, failures, betrayals, made major mistakes, and terrible decisions; but Favor Rewrote My Life. I have had health challenges, family deaths, financial, credit, relationships, and marriage challenges, and battles with suicide; but God’s Favor Rewrote My Life. In the times of my personal affliction, the Lord loosed me and set me free. You might be walking through something right now but, stay focused on the Lord. Do not sway to the right or to the left; just set your eyes on what you are believing and expecting the Lord to do. His favor will set your free for good purposes!

When you know that you know you are on track, yet you are experiencing the pain of going through test and trials, you may think, “Lord how can it hurt like this when I am on track? This stuff I am going through is incredible Lord and it doesn’t make any sense.” But He says, “What I’m doing for you on the other side also doesn’t make any sense, but I SHALL.” All the pains and disappointments lead me to this season of senseless favor. This is the kind of favor that does not make sense.

Because I have been there and He has delivered me, you too can allow favor to rewrite your life. I’ve been through a lot of things, and I choose to be grateful and not ashamed. Why? Because it was only the Lord that brought me through.

Just to be sure that it is truly clear that favor did not exempt me, but it protected and guided me through every struggle, just a few moments in time that favor walked me through and beyond the house fire at five years old:

- Molestation by a relative

- Dropping out of high school

- Brain injury, in a coma for seven days, in the hospital

- Death of an infant daughter

- Monetary crisis with repossession and bankruptcy

- Both husband and daughter diagnosed and in treatment for cancer in the same year (a five-year process to Healing)

You do not know what it has taken to get me to this point. You do know to whom much is given, much is required. It all has been a part of a refining process, maturity, development, and rising for:

- Wife of 50 years, a mother-of-three - Grandmother of nine grandchildren and great-grandmother to one - Pastor of a thriving congregation for thirty-two years - Founder of Truth Bible University for twenty-eight years - Greater Progressive Community

Development, Inc., a non-profit corporation for twenty-five years

Not to boast or brag, but just to indicate that favor WILL find its way to you and your seemingly hopeless situations and change things. God has a magnificent plan to prove that He has not forgotten you. You are engraved in His hands. Joseph, from the book of Genesis, shows how the Lord gave him favor and kept him through almost 14 years of struggle. When I read the scripture and saw how the Lord came through for Joseph, I was assured that He would do it for me. I encourage you to think about your prison experience and expect God to show favor to you. Expect the favor principle to work in your life. The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man. This revelation has protected me from the stand still that could have happened from the pains and fiery darts that were sent my way. Just as God commanded favor to do his job for Joseph, He is getting ready to command favor once again to show up on your behalf. God has chosen YOU to save many people lives! Favor is going to turn ALL that stuff around! Just declare, “Things are getting ready to change for me!” Today, in addition to the many different things that favor has positioned me to do, I am currently a:

- Marriage Counselor - International Speaker - Author - Pastoral Coach - Expansion Coach - Song Writer - Marketplace Strategist - Mentor & Spiritual Mother - Wealth Trainer - Certified Chaplin - Financial Developer - Life Path Finder

I am a living witness, and it is my sincere prayer that my story will be a blessing to you and that you will use the knowledge shared to help you expect and walk in God’s favor.


No matter how dim or bleak your situation may be today, tomorrow it can completely turn around all because God saw you and knew what He put on the inside of you. He will bring you from obscurity to notoriety. Favor is on its way to bring you to your wealthy, rightful, and promised place on this earth. Embrace this season in prayer, faith, and expectation. If He, did it for Joseph and me, He will do it for you. Embrace it. Don’t just get information, but receive the blessings, results, and benefits.

Let’s pray…

Faithful Father, thank You that Your Word revives my soul, gives wisdom to my mind, and produces joy in my heart. Your Word says that, If I abide in You, I will produce much fruit. Please help me to abide in You and experience Your favor. You can do far more abundantly than all that I could ask or imagine, according to the power at work within me. You have promised that if I commit whatever I do to You, then You will cause my plans to succeed. My success will come from aligning my plans with Your Will. Guide my path and show me favor. May I be granted the grace and mercy to see victory in my life. Remind me that there is no power greater than You. Nothing standing against me shall prosper. Now may the Lord of Grace show me always favor and in every way. Awaken my courage and confidence that I may receive all the blessings that You have prepared for me. In union with You, I ask for special favor today. Help me to trust in what is unseen. Remind me of the truth of your power that surrounds me and that You are fighting for me. Give me favor and breakthrough in my life. Now may You, the Lord of all, always give me success and in every way. In your mighty Name I pray. Amen. *This is only a portion of my story, but my E book and audio book, Favor Rewrote My Life, will tell more and will inspire you to allow God’s favor to rewrite your future and change your life.

There is nothing that you can sense, fathom, or experience that can compare to favor.

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