6 minute read

Maggie Bellevue


AChristian minister, international speaker, and women’s advocate. For the past 20 years, she has traveled throughout Europe, Africa, America, Canada, and the Caribbean, sharing God’s Word through her Kingdom Empowerment International Ministries, in the process also attending to the socio-economic empowerment of disenfranchised communities and marginalized populations, and advocating for the rights of women and children. In recent years, she has emerged as a major force for transformation in the lives of many through personal and professional development seminars and conferences that are uniquely designed, not only to empower people intellectually and economically, but to also help them identify their life’s purpose, and to propel them towards manifesting that purpose. This Chosen Woman has walked an incredible journey to a place of purpose, and that is why today, she is referred to as The Apostle of Purpose. In essence, her journey in ministry is an eloquent testimony to the fact that, even at an early age, God is already aware of what He created us to do. I am an Apostle of Purpose. I found myself immensely privileged, through my Kingdom Empowerment International Ministries, to work with many other ministries in countries as far flung from the United States as Nigeria, Haiti, Aruba, Canada, Dominican Republic, and Jordan. During this extensive overseas ministerial work, I realized that my greatest joy came from impacting and transforming lives and communities. For instance, my organization is at the incipient stages of establishing a 28-classroom K-12 Christian school in Haiti. I envisage a future rich in work that will strongly impact the spiritual and social lives of people in communities.


I realized that my greatest joy came from impacting and transforming lives and communities.

My organization has, additionally, provided a platform for major transformation in the lives of many through my personal development seminars that are uniquely designed to help people identify their life’s purpose, and to live in that purpose. Additionally, I have authored two books on the subject of ‘Purpose.’ My principal objective with these initiatives is to provide a solid intellectual and theological platform that will power the vision of my ministry to help millions of people all over the world arrive at the wellspring of divine resourcefulness that lies dormant in them as their treasure house of purpose. To reach this global audience more quickly, I have added an audiovisual component to that vision by establishing a YouTube channel called The Apostle of Purpose.

I teach that there are five reasons why we need to have and live a life of purpose. We place our ladder of life against the wall and start to ascend it. Often, for most people, that ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. Nothing can be more unfortunate than pursuing current goals for the next twenty years only to become disenchanted with the outcome and realize that this wasn’t what one wanted in the first place. Secondly, purpose allows us to develop a clarity on what is important and what is unimportant. Most of us are constantly engaged in activities that ultimately make little or no difference to the pursuit of our worthy goals. Purpose allows us to immediately see which goals are important and which are not. Thirdly, purpose allows us to live a life of meaning. we start to work toward a career that better fits our purpose. Instead of remaining exposed to people who are incompatible with our purpose and goals, we start to gravitate towards people who genuinely share the same values with us.

Fourthly, the pursuit of purpose will give us the burst of energy that will make each day a cauldron of steaming passion. Each morning, we will leap out of bed, excited at what we will achieve that day. At night, we may dread going to sleep simply because we would rather be living our purpose than dissipating eight hours into sleep! Most people, not living their purpose, barely endure each day.

Finally, purpose allows us to start to achieve success purely on our own terms. Rather than see success as an end, we tend to first identify what we truly care about, and then direct our energy into making that our ultimate reality. When we discover our true purpose, we will naturally want to devote our life to pursuing it since it is also the source of our greatest sense of fulfillment. I will wind up by asking you to start thinking of the legacy that will outlive your life journey. The desire to leave a legacy demand that you be genuinely grounded in offering yourself and making a meaningful and lasting contribution to humanity by serving a cause greater than yourself. The requirements of such a legacy are simply that you embrace your uniqueness, and passionately

immerse your entire self into life in such a way that your gift will be freely available to all, and that you take full responsibility for ensuring that your legacy will outlast your time on earth. Your legacy will speak into what you do between here and eternity. The legacy you leave behind is the life you lead. It matters because everything you say and do is a deposit into that legacy. When you shift to living in such a way as to leave a legacy, your influence comes from who you truly are at a deep place, and you measure your life purpose, no longer by an emphasis on accomplishments, wealth, and recognition, but by your core inner values.

Permit me to introduce you to the two books I have written about purpose. The first book is, Treasures Of The Soul - Unearthing God’s Purpose For Your Life. It is presented in a unique format called The 7 ‘Cs of Living In Purpose; the 7 ‘C’s being, Conceive, Confidence, Concentrate, Consistence, Commitment, Character, and Celebration, and it provides the framework for living life, and living it more abundantly. It also provides a system by which the book can be genuinely life transforming. Its overall message is that there is a living well deep inside of each one of us, and from which a river of living water flows into all aspects of our life. As we dig deeper, we will discover this treasure of our own soul. As soon as we discover this treasure, we have also discovered our purpose here on Earth, and by the same token, the precise reason for our creation. The second book, The Purpose Devotional - Biblical Illustrations of Those Who Lived In God’s Purpose, is a logical follow up to the first book. It uses God’s people in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible to illustrate how He deploys His divine Will to achieve His ultimate purpose in our lives. All the characters featured in the devotional, whether hero or villain, were called by God to do something that was merely a part of His overall purpose, both in the life of the individual, and for the unfolding destiny of Mankind. The book is both a devotional and a companion, being a handbook of action techniques for purposeful living. To this end, the book can be useful in three ways. One; it can be read wholesale, as one would any other book. Two; it fundamentally serves as a devotional. Three; If one has a problem, randomly opening the book after praying and meditating on the problem might lead one to the page that can offer sufficient insight and direction for confronting the problem. Naturally, this is spiritual guidance since the text is fundamentally derived from the Word of God. You can visit my website: www.Maggiebellevue.com Facebook: Maggie Bellevue Twitter: @MaggieBellevue Instagram: MaggieBellevue LinkedIn: Maggie Bellevue

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