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Dirty Money

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Smart Easter

Dirty Money

War! What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing.

Where is the outrage?

We know all this and yet we keep on supporting these businesses. Shame on us! Hold these businesses accountable.

We also knowingly accept the energy suppliers our own governments offer us, now leaving those supplies perilously low!

Actually, the invasion of Ukraine by Putin, should make us stop and think about how we spend our money, where and why?

Many of our much-loved, much-coveted brands sunk their teeth into Russia, China and beyond. Oligarchs keep their dirty money in our own communities, hiding in plain sight! Billionaires, whose governments are well known for human rights abuses, often own the brands we love so much. Stolen money from countries where their own people don’t even have a voice! No one seemed to care where the money came from because we are greedy consumers and it is convenient not to know!

Isn’t it time we stopped supporting countries like Russia, China and the Middle East to name a few? Absolute rule, corrupts absolutely? Yes it does, but we already know this! It’s time for change. We shouldn’t be finding excuses to invest in these countries nor should we take their money.

Fast fashion? How do you think it’s made so cheaply? Children and adults working long hours, in poor conditions for just a few pence a day make them, and yet we turn a blind eye.

Check before you buy, before you unwittingly fund these thugs. Stop! Yes, you can make a difference to the world and help stop senseless wars, like the one we are sat watching in horror today.

It’s time to buy consciously. Hold yourself and others accountable.

People matter. People power works.THINK BEFORE YOU BUY!STOP WAR


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