Over 10% return for Commercial Solar PV William Dyer Electrical (UK) Limited
Organisations that invest in renewable energy technologies generate over 10% returns. According to The Carbon Trust Advisory analysis, organisations across the UK that take the step to investing in renewable energy technologies such as Solar Photovoltaics (Solar PV) could make returns of 11 – 12% and in some cases potential for returns is in excess of 20%. With the clear indication that energy prices will continue to increase, it is becoming more important for organisations to make significant changes to their energy management policies. These changes are being put in made with the objective of making savings in energy thus reducing their emissions and utility bills. Large companies are responsible for around 10% of the UK’s emissions and ultimately, they have an obligation to meet Carbon Reduction objectives which will in turn reduce these emissions and their impact upon the environment. Due to changes in the energy market and building regulations it is becoming extremely appealing for organisations to make the move to generating their own energy from renewable sources such as Solar PV. The Government is currently incentivising organisations that are keen to invest in Solar PV by offering them a cash back scheme known as the Feed‐in‐Tariff (FIT). This has been set up to encourage organisations to move forward with their investment in renewable energy technologies and subsequently benefit from the capped funding that is currently available. The FIT Scheme guarantees a payment for all electricity that is generated and a separate Export Tariff will also be paid for surplus electricity that is sent back to the grid for use by others. In April 2012, the Feed‐in‐Tariff (FIT) is set to change and it is likely that those that register for the scheme after that time will receive a lower payment. Organisations that register for the scheme before April 2012 will receive the current incentive rate the 25 year period. Those organisations with Solar PV installations will experience reduced energy bills and they will also be paid the Feed‐in‐Tariff and Export Tariff.
Reducing Energgy Usage and Carb bon Emisssions in line with TThe CRC Energy Efficiency Schem me The Carrbon Reduction Committment Energgy Efficiency Scheme (CRC EES) is ddesigned to improve energy eefficiency an nd cut emissions. It is aim med at large e organisatio ons with eneergy bills in e excess of £500,0000 a year. By instaalling Solar PV, organisa ations will ssee a significant reducttion in enerrgy bills and d carbon emission ns thus takin ng steps to m meeting their r Carbon Red duction respo onsibilities.
In brieef, what arre the ben nefits of innstalling So olar PV?
Solar PV red duces energyy bills Solar PV red duces CO2 em missions: Eleectricity gene erated throu ugh Solar Phootovoltaics is classed as ‘renewab ble’ once the installation’’s payback time is accoun nted for Reduction in n energy billss for 25 year s Electricity generated through Solarr PV can be exported ba ack to the G Grid if the system s is producing m more electricity than requuired. Reduce Carb bon Footprin nt Excellent Reeturn On Inve estment Installing Solar PV enables you to meeet environm mental targetts (CRC EES)
Choosing William Dyer Ellectrical fo or your So olar PV Insstallation William Dyer Ellectrical (UK)) Limited are e Microgenerration Certifiication Schem me (MCS) accredite ed installers of solar panel systems. Thee MCS is an internattionally reco ognised qua ality assuraance scheme which demonstrates our co ompetency tto install Solaar PV to the highest quality every tim me. Installerrs that carryy the MCS mark m are seeen as the preferred option in thee market place. The Microgeeneration Certifications SScheme is lin ked to manyy of the key ffactors drivinng demand, ssuch as: • Feed in Tariff (FiT)) – the funding scheme ffor electricityy generating g renewable technologiess such as Solar Ph hotovoltaic and Wind Turrbines • Code for Sustainaable Homes – Sets stanndards for energy efficie ency and ennergy usage for new homes me – Fundingg scheme for installation n of renewabble technologgies • Low Caarbon Building Programm
In addition to this esteem med accrediitation, we are REAL Approved A ntractors andd NICEIC Ap pproved Elecctrical Contrractors guarranteeing Con thatt we are com mmitted to delivering a service of tthe highest standard every tim me. As an ap pproved member of the e Microgene ration Certiffication Sche eme (MCS) yyou can restt assured that William Dyer Electrical will install a PV ssystem to su uit your requ uirements th at will stand d the test of time. m for your ssite. Our PV systems Our Acccredited Solaar PV Installers can desiign the optimum system range frrom 1kw to 1 100kw so wh hether domeestic or commercial, we can offer ann installation to meet your req quirements.
Aboutt William Dyer Electrical Lancashire based William W Dyer Electrical (U UK) Limited have been traading for over 20 years and have a progressive track record ffor providingg a service of excellencce to clients on a local and d national baasis. William Dyer Electtrical are fully f accreddited by all the regulato ory bodies you would expect froom a repu utable electricaal contractorr you can have peace of mind knowiing all your neeeds are being taken care e of by professsionals. The ey are accreditted by NICEIIC for our Electrical Conntracting and are also Miccrogeneratio on Certificatio ons Scheme (MCS) accre edited installerrs of solar panel systems.. By conssolidating th heir experien nce in all eelectrical building services over the past 20 years, they have beecome one o of the North West’s premium p electrical en e nergy efficciency contracttors. William Dyer Electrrical offer en nergy savingg electrical installations for the inddustrial, com mmercial, public aand residen ntial sectors. We are aa progressivve, modern company tthat embraces new technolo ogies which are complimented byy our wide ranging tecchnical expeertise, contin nued re‐ investment and our belief in qua ality training..