Reducing Energy bills by up to 25% William Dyer Electrical (UK) Limited
Reducing Energy Bills of Commercial, Industrial and Public Sector Organisations by up to 25% ‐ Energy Management Guidance Energy Management should be at the forefront for both large and small organisations as it is their responsibility to reduce their impact upon the environment by reducing their energy consumption and therefore their carbon footprint. It is essential for organisations to reduce their carbon footprint not only to comply with legal requirements but also to enhance their green credentials. According to The Carbon Trust, a large number of commercial, industrial and public sector organisations would be able to reduce their energy bills by up to 25% if they took energy management more seriously. They recently launched a guide which highlights a number of ways in which these organisations can significantly reduce their energy bills by implementing more effective energy management strategies across the board. When working with organisations on effective energy management, The Carbon Trust witnessed savings of up to 25% with payback timescales of as two years or less. Richard Rugg, Director of Carbon Trust Programmes, said: "Cutting overheads is rightly high on the agenda at the moment, but energy costs don't receive the attention they deserve. When it comes to managing energy, ignorance certainly isn't bliss. You could be missing out on savings of up to 25% on your energy bills." Energy Management is the process of monitoring, controlling and ultimately reducing the level of energy consumed within an organisation. Savings in energy not only improve your impact upon the environment from an organisational point of view, the savings can be seen as the “new profit”, a profit which can then be ploughed back into the business for other areas of improvement.
Steps that this can include:
Installing Smart Meters with a view to measuring the energy consumed and subsequently analysing the data to highlight problem areas or general areas that can be improved upon
Assessing opportunities for improvement within the organisation – this can include estimations of the level of energy that can be saved by making improvements to all the areas highlighted. These types of opportunity will become apparent once a thorough energy survey has been conducted
Once the data collected is metered, organisations will be able to highlight energy taxing equipment that could be replaced with more efficient installations for example dated lighting fittings can be replaced by low energy lighting installations
Once opportunities to make energy reductions have been highlighted, organisations should look for the best opportunities to tackle first i.e the “quick wins”
Thorough tracking and monitoring of energy usage within an organisation will demonstrate the improvement in energy management once all of these measures have been implemented
Staff Involvement is a must – energy managers within larger organisations have a duty to improve their energy consumption and ultimately reduce energy bills for financial gains as well as environmental reasons. If steps are taken to educate those that can contribute to the reduction of energy, staff will become more aware of their individual contributions in the workplace.
Significantly reduce your energy bills For more information on energy management and energy reduction, contact William Dyer Electrical (UK) Limited – one of the leading Electrical Energy Efficiency Contractors in the UK to find out how your organisation could save up to 25% on energy bills.
Electrical Energy Efficiency Contractors – William Dyer Electrical provide electrical energy management and energy efficiency solutions including Solar PV, Low Energy Lighting Installation and Smart Metering. These services allow their clients to significantly reduce their energy bills. For more information from William Dyer Electrical, visit the main site . You can
also follow WM D Dyer on Twitter @WM__Dyer or caall 01706 212815 to s peak to a C Contract Manageer. William m Dyer’s Serrvices: Power Diistribution, Low Enerrgy Lighting In nstallation, Emergen ncy Lighting Installation, Fire Alarm m Installation n, Data/ Strructured Cabliing, Closed Ciircuit Televisio on, Intruder A Alarm Installa ation, Electricall Heating Insta allation, Electricall Maintenancee, Ventilatio on Installation n, Smart Metering, Solar PV Installation
at speak forr themselve es Energy Reduction Results tha m Dyer Elecctrical (UK) Limited reecently com mpleted a large scalee energy re eduction William project with one o of the largesst air filtratiion manufacturers. The e project ennabled the client to make financial savvings of approximately £200,000 and see a tangible rreduction in n energy consumption at theiir manufactu uring facility in Haslingden. With thee assistance of William Dyer Electriccal, they con ntinue to mo onitor energgy usage and d identify priority areas wheree future savin ngs can be m made.
For morre informattion about this project,, please see e the following case stuudy. To speak to onee of the William W Dyeer Electricaal (UK) Ltd Contractss Managerss, email info@w uk or call 01 1706 212 8115
case study Client: Camfil Farr Ltd
Location: Haslingden Lancashire
Contractor: William Dyer Electrical UK Ltd
Completion Date: Ongoing Electrical Energy Efficiency Project
Sector: Industrial
Re-location of factory for UK’s largest Clean Air Filtration Manufacturer Camfil Farr Ltd About the project:
Camfil Farr Ltd are the largest clean air filtration company in the world, William Dyer Electrical UK Ltd were proud to be chosen to help with the re-location of their factory production machinery to brand new purpose built premises. Further to this we have been involved with an on-going energy efficiency scheme which has saved over ÂŁ200,000 to date.
Energy Efficiency Scheme Power Distribution Lighting Installation Emergency Lighting Installation Fire Alarm Installation Data / Structured Cabling Access Control Installation Closed Circuit Television
Project challenges:
Intruder Alarm Installation
The installation of a large scale sub mains distribution system to feed the production machinery as required around this large site. The installation and utilisation of smart metering, energy efficient lighting schemes and variable speed drives to upgrade plant and machinery.
Electrical Heating Installation Electrical Maintenance Ventilation Installation Small Power Smart Metering
WM Dyer are professional, pro-active and they consistently deliver to expectation - I would recommend this company to any organisation that is serious about Energy Reduction. Bill Wilkinson Managing Director - Camfil Farr Ltd
Unit 2 The Courtyard Grane Road Haslingden BB4 4QN
Tel: 01706 212 815