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This year, I have taken on the mantle of Chairmanship from Kevin Sherris. Kevin has been a stalwart of organising the Championships since its incarnation in 1992, including chairing the event for 12 of those years. Our thanks must go to Kevin for his years of dedication and his guidance, wisdom and support in putting on this year's event.

My thanks must also extend to our committee and the dedicated team of volunteers who really make the Champs what they are and have done for many years. This year embraces change and transition to maintain the success of the WPGC into the future. The new partnership with the CPGA has provided in - valuable support with the registrations, shipping and administration side of the event. We are also grateful to the Islands’ Partnership for their organisational prowess behind the scenes.

We build on the success of last year's new format, with the additional races for the vets and super vets. This has seen a bumper entry of crews this year, totalling nearly 450. So whether you're racing to win a trophy or not, to all of you who have trained so hard in all weathers, made personal sacrifices and given up precious family time to get here - thank you. Thank you for helping to make this such an incredible weekend. Row well, row hard and enjoy every second.

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