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Portfolio | Simon Tumler Freie Universit채t Bozen, Fakult채t f체r Design und K체nste


A few sentences about the editor I was born on December 1st, 1987 in Schlanders (BZ / Italy). After attending elementary and middleschool I went to a highschool with focus on languages. In this period I made my first steps on the field of visual communication and graphic design. After graduating this increasing passion lead me to the Free University of Bozen. After almost two years attending this University I feel that’s time for a change of scene to upgrade skills and to collect experience.


A poster-campaign against the over production of print media Low production costs are just one reason for the highly increased amount of flyers and posters circulating since a while. Nowadays you can materialize your creativity on 5000 duplex flyers (A6) for just about 50 €. The printed posters, brochures and flyers become inflationary and with it the work of the graphic designer who stands behind the printed paper. But that’s not the only problem washed up by this sea of printed medias. Where do I have to put this chemical pieces after their short lifetime? Waste paper basket or resiudal waste? How sustainable are ink and paper which give the medium its face? During my first term project at the Free University of Bolzano (Visual communication, “Macht Sichtbar” with Simone Krois) I tried to get answers regarding this questions, find a clean and intelligent way to do something against and to point at the growing print-jungle. Along this lines I started a whole fictive organisation called think.in under which name I created a poster campaign that almost does without ink. This cut-posters, made of recycled paper, cadge the colors of existing print media on one hand and critizise them on the other. To show this idea and campaign to a vast public I built up a website too (www.thnk.in) where the topic is explained and pictures of the applied posters are shown to signalize that there are alternatives to cheap print objects..


T채glich werden Drucksachen produziert um dann wieder nach kurzer Lebenszeit entsorgt zu werden. Erfolgt diese Entsorgung aber wirklich sorgenfrei?


Die Quantit채t visueller Umweltverschmutzung ist gestiegen. Das einizig r체ckl채ufige ist ihre Lebensdauer.




A rearrangement of the absentee For my second term-project I chose to do Product design at Dominik Harborth, Gianpietro Gai and Gerhard Glüher. The project was called “Ganz Schön Hässlich”, “Pretty Horrible”. The main goal working on it, was to create and develop objects combining beautiful aesthetics in components with some ugly aspects and elements, in order to achieve a certain result: the user simply not knowing how to judge such objects. In my researches I was looking for traces that explain and show, how and why objects become ugly and therefore useless by passing of time and usage.


In old churches you’ll often find scales of marble, which are deformed by the shoes of uncountable people who consumed them in hundreds of years. The deformation and the ugliness of this object are caused by the material that has been damaged, and is not present anymore. In fact all deformed and used objects are characterized by wear and tear of material. So all the material, whose degradation is responsible for deformation and ugliness had been used the most and is actually an essential part of the object. I mean, why not adjust such deficiencies of material and reduce the object to the volume created by the consumption? Resulting out of that, I should get objects with different curves, surfaces and volumes and a new radical way of functionality. For the realization of my idea and communication of the theory I chose consumed objects, for instance an old school-chair, a deformed spoon, a butcher-knife, a rubber and a scale taken from an old house as models. The variety of my choice should point out the different ways ugliness just “happens”, influenced by time, material, usage and physical factors.


The “refilled” forms have been taken from the objects, been digitalized, printed by the 3-D-Plotter and coloured with a fluorescent red. The unused parts of the objects are displayed by a white coloured metal-wire following the outlines of the volume. What was once responsible for the ugliness, is now fitting a new role and outlook, becoming a central part of the object; unused parts now work as a passive and secondary role.

Research In search of absent volumes I found simple objects in my near ambience and tried find out what wasn’t present anymore

Reconstruction The next step was to put the absent in one and the remained matere in an othe category and viusal language

• school-chair I found the original model for this reconstuction in a local elementary- school. It was used for about twenty years by 6-8 year old pupils.


• butcher-knife Found in a butchery I got the original as a bizarre object with little from its former shape. The blade was worn away by the sharpening and usage over a couple of months.


• scale This rearranged volume derives from an old basement stairs. I took the form with cement and rebuilt it using a lighter plastic-sheet.


• spoon There does not really exist a model for this rearrangement but pictures and oral descriptions helped me to reconstruct the abraded part of the object and to understand how a simple spoon can simply disappeare by time and usage.


If design becomes a passion, it’s simply impossible not to be active on the field outside the university.

freeworks and jobs

Learning by doing. About 6 years ago I started to create the brochures, posters and flyers for the local youth center. This voluntary job gave me the possibilty to show my increasing passion to a relative vast “audience�. So one thing leads to the other and therefore I got other possibilities to communicate visually. The next pages show a collection of selected freeworks and remittance works.

Ber端hrung (2008) I designed this poster for the diploma (a culural magazine) of a graphic design student. The two crosses display contact trough ligation, uniformity and perspective.


Unplugged (2007) The present flyer is composed by a rastered image of a guitar which’s reproduced and arranged to form a humanoid creature. This interaction expresses the “teamwork” of musicians that establish trough simple tools one whole unity.


Diploramaparty (2008) After every degree exam at our faculty there is a big party afterwards, organized by the students. Last year I was privileged to design the event-poster.


Skyscrapers (2007) To fight boredome I sometimes think about a topic and try to put it down on paper. The topic that lead to the present result was “Architecture Convention�. There are reasonable ways to kill time.


(BRIGHTON / UK) myspace.com/alliedproductions


is built up of Ali, Ed and L. From playing in bands & DJing for sometime they felt ready to take the next step forward and began experimenting with sequencers, synths & samplers to create their own take on the music they loved. Influenced by the well known Konflict sound their aim is to produce innovative, twisted techno- driven grooves to create the soundtrack to a darker future.

(VALENCIA / ESP) myspace.com/malsumdnb


have created their very own style in the neurofunk scene. Combining a different twist of real soulful and tangent drum and bass the famous live and DJ sets increase to a complete madness. Malsum know how to put a funky driven thread in the technoinfluenced sound... So go and check this exciting clash of styles.


(VINSCHGAU / ITA) myspace.com/insomniac_dnb

proudly opens the next level of cutting edge drum & bass music in Vinschgau valley. Revoltekk hits the crowd with a deep, impulsive neuropunk set to ignite a futuristic, technoid atmosphere. Get loaded folks...




Tinnitus (2009) Since about a year I develop visual communications for the drum & bass collective Revoltekk. Tinnitus is a serie of events where electronic music with dark and industrial charcter is played. I tried to unify this sound elements in forms and colours on flyers and posters.


Tinnitus Outsourced (2009) Industry, bass and darkness are fondamental characteristics of drum & bass. Another time i tried to give music a face.


Bassilikum (2009) Creating this flyer I worked with the material which gave the event its name: basil (german: Basilikum). After transforming and arranging the organic material by hand I continued the elaboration with digital tools.

Jamaican Scorchers (2009) The main goal regarding the creation of this poster was to communicate that the music played on this event derives from a sunny place and that its artists nowadays are legends. Yellow stands for warmth and the two coloured, abstract photograph of the famous Reggae-Dj Lee Perry gives the whole poster a smell of something classic and legendary.


Rock im Stadtl (2008) Soft colors and babies normally do not appear on rockposters and that’s where I wanted to point at: controversity. The first image does not say anything about the content, but from a nearer point of view you see a bad baby which rocks the town. And the same scene you can observe at every rockfestival: Amused teenagers not knowing how to behave.

The Revenge (2008) A friend of mine gladly creates posters with dazed, manually drawn birds, often eaten by more dazed guys, on it. After the tenth, similiar poster I took the opportunity of a Metal-Party to turn the table and let him be the victim of his own creation. And he liked the poster.


A comic about the Transformation and Relocation of the White House



During the term-project “Macht Sichtbar” in groups we participated at a contest called “White House Redux” organized by Storefront for Art and Architecture. The competition asked how the White House would look like if built nowadays. Our group (Aki Kiefer, Werner Gasser, Catherine Senoner and me) created a comic. This comic investigates in strategically based ideas of Trans-forming and the Re-location. The new residence of America’s political power will be brought in a terrestrial orbit, closer to god, in between the earth and the moon. Dislocating the building from an earthbound to a space borne condition will preserve all the requirements for control and security. At the same time the building acts as a stepping stone between the old world planet and the new territories in outer space – awaiting land, to be conquered and to proselytized. “The White Star” in the fi rmament creates a new ubiquitous image of power. The best 500 works were published in “White House Redux - The Book”. Luckily our group-project was chosen from over 1000 projects and was published in the book.


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