Myco-Tectonics: a study on mycelium as an adhesive in bamboo construction

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my dissertation tutor, Martyn Dade-Robertson for introducing me to the fascinating world of Mycelium and for his moral support and encouragement over the course of my dissertation. Special thanks to Dilan Ozkan and the members of the Architecture, Planning and Landscape Workshop for their guidance through my project.



a giant woody grass


the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism


mycelium establishing itself in an area or substrate


making the mycelium growth composite impure by foreign organisms and particles


the hollow stem of the bamboo


the cultivation of mycelium cells in a substrate


to break down into smaller compounds


filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus


the period before the mycelium has fully colonised the substrate


a hollow container that you place the mycelium growth substrate material into (or) a fungi type


the branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi



related to fungi and mycelium


the process by which green plants use sunlight to produce their own food


(of a mushroom) to assist in mycelium cultivation


the mycelium of cultivated mushroom


the process of making something free from bacteria or other unwanted living microorganisms


the substance on which an fungal enzyme act to extract nutrients and develop


relating to building or construction


ABSTRACT Mycelium is an emerging biomaterial with a fascinating range of applications in design. Its capacity to adapt to new environments added to its rapid growth and ability to act as a natural decomposer has made it gain popularity amongst architects and designers. Bamboo, another material known for its sustainable properties and high strength, is also gaining popularity in research into how the material could be used in today’s architecture rather than being deemed a vernacular material. Although the two materials pose exceptional qualities, the lack of research on construction with the materials to its highest potential obstructs its use in architecture. ‘Myco-Tectonics’ deals with identifying the possibilities of Mycelium as an adhesive in wood construction, specifically in relation to Bamboo. Demonstrated through experimentation, this dissertation project focuses on the natural binding capacity of the fungi, to help support my original line of inquiry of formulating a connection between the two materials. This study provides the basis for using mycelium as a adhesive through a small scale testing to help contribute towards its research in biotechnology and identify the extents of the unexplored tectonic properties of mushroom Mycelium.


CONTENTS Acknowledgements







14 - 19


20 - 35

2.1. Background on Mycelium 2.1.1. Mycelium as a Organism 2.1.2. Mycelium as a Design Material 2.1.3. Mycelium in Construction 2.1.4. Mycelium as an Adhesive 2.2. Background on Bamboo 2.2.1. Bamboo as a Natural Resource 2.2.2. Applications of Bamboo 2.2.3. Disadvantages of Bamboo 2.2.4. Bamboo, Towards my Dissertation CHAPTER 03: EXPERIMENTATION 3.1. Priliminary Experiments 3.1.1. Methodologies Method I: Material Composite Method II: Dehydrated Mycelium 3.2. Main Experiments 3.2.1. Experiment One: Growing the Mycelium Aim Process Results

36 - 61

3.2.2. Experiment Two: Formulating a Connection Aim Process Test I, Dehydrated Mycelium Test I Results Test II, Material Composite Test II Results 3.2.2. Experiment Three: Quantifying the Strength Aim Process Results CHAPTER 04: CONCLUSION

62 - 65


66 - 69


70 - 75



“Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom.”

sourced from the living environment providing both structural and nonstructural functions in the building fabric.1 There are some technology

- Thomas Carlyle

trends that are paving the way for a Interdisciplinary connections between

futuristic built environment which

the artistic and scientific worlds allow

have lead to a novel ideology of using

for a combined exploration between

naturally sourced materials while they

the two realms. New technological

are still alive and growing, rather than

developments in the rapidly changing

using them once they are dead (like






devising new ways of design. While this innovation is imperative, it is also

Biobased materials are considered

important they contribute towards

a promising resource for buildings



in the twenty first century due to

addressing the concerns of climate

their sustainability and versatility as

change. There therefore exists an

they can be produced locally, with

urgency in creating new materials for

minimum transportation costs and in

which we go back to our roots, looking

an ecological manner.2 A biobased

to nature for inspiration to help us in

material or biomaterial could thus be

the innovation of new and sustainable

defined as a material intentionally made

elements of construction.

from substances derived from living



(or once living organisms). Polymers, A recent interest in this field has



plasma are some examples.








Biomaterials which are classified as a type of material that are naturally

Myers William and Paola Antonelli, Bio Design: Nature, Science, Creativity, (London: Thames and Hudson, 2014), p. 18 Anna Sandak and others, Bio-based Building Skin, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes (Singapore: Springer, 2019), p. 27. 1 2


This dissertation will explore the

and optimising its growth protocol. An

use of one such biomaterial, namely,

indication that mycelium can be used as

mycelium, not as a design material

an adhesive in this pilot study will spark

in its own right but as an adhesive in

the genesis of further investigations

wood construction, with particular

where it could be magnified up into

focus on bamboo. Whilst mycelium is

a larger scaled system. Ultimately

an emerging material and shows great

this will lead to new opportunities for

potential in design, there is almost no

design experimentation in architecture.

research on its tectonic qualities in an architectural application. The broad

The structure of this paper will be

focus is to achieve an understanding of

as follows. In conjunction with a

the mycology of mycelium tectonics,

literary review of mycelium and

which could potentially resolve the

bamboo case studies individually,


the fungi will further be analysed as








a living organism able to serve as a

properties through an unprecedented

binding material, adding context to

and original line of inquiry and

it as an emerging design medium,

experimental setup. This has never


been done before.

potential. Simultaneously, studying



its responsiveness and behaviours The core aim of this study is to

supported by experimentation and

establish a baseline for mycelium as an

personal experience with working

adhesive in wood construction. A clear

with the material will add to the basic

understanding of the role of mycelium

knowledge base of using mycelium

and bamboo in design through literary

in this manner. With the hope of

reviews which would help devise a

producing and demonstrating a novel

method for binding the two materials

innovation for construction, this project


will test the performance of mycelium as a low carbon emitting, concretefree cement connecting two pieces of bamboo with meaningful levels of strength. Studying its potential structural



tensile tests through a series of experiments




towards its research in biotechnology and








the of

mushroom mycelium.



2.1. Background on Mycelium

Fungi are heterotrophs, which means, unlike their autotrophic counterparts,

2.1.1. Mycelium as an Orgasm:




process by which green plants use

Phylum: Basidiomycota), often found

sunlight to synthesise nutrients from

sprouted on the earth’s surface, is the

carbon dioxide and water. However,

fleshy, spore-bearing, fruiting body

fungi do not require sunlight- on

of mycelium. Modestly hidden from

the contrary, they have a very low

view beneath the exposed earth or

affinity to light and their growth

layered within the bark of a tree, its

process thrives in darkness. In order



to sustain themselves, the fungal cells

inter woven fibres called mycelium.3

excrete enzymes to break down and

Mycelium is the vegetative part of the

absorb nutrients from organic and non-

fungus consisting of a network of long,

organic substrates as an energy source

microscopic threadlike filaments called

for development.5 In a natural setting,


mycelium colonise organic matter








(living or dead), by breaking it down Mycelium can be imagined as a

into simpler nutritional sources for other

bundle of hyphae in one single place

organisms of the living environment to

branching out repeatedly to give

consume, enabling the continuity of

rise to a network called (mycelium)

the circle of life, thereby building the

which can take on different forms

ever-thickening strata of soil that

and consistencies,4 depending on how


nutritious its breeding environment is.

evolutionary path.6





Paul Stamets, Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World (Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 2005), p. 1. Phil Ross, ‘Fungal Mycelium Bio-materials’, in Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialised Natural Resource for Architecture and Construction, by Dirk E. Hebel and Felix Heisel (Basel: Birkhäuser, 2017), p. 134. 5 Marcelo B. Bellettini and others, ‘Factors Affecting Mushroom Pleurotus’, Journal of Biological Sciences, 26,4 (2019), 635 -36 (p. 636). 6 Paul Stamets, Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World (Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 2005), p. 1. 3 4


Having first appeared on the earth’s surface around 700 million years ago,7 fungi have adapted and sustained itself since by means of this decomposing feat which deems the organism as important entity in the ecosystem. Its transformation through the centuries as the entangled network revolutionised itself over the earth’s surface and the ocean below or as mycologist Paul Stamens describes mycelium, “the Earth’s natural internet”.8 2.1.2. Mycelium as a Design Material: Mycelium has been experimented with over a range of scales and has a wide spectrum of useful properties. MycoWorks, a San Francisco based startup, have created a new kind of leather grown from mushroom mycelium.9 From mycelium packaging as a replacement to plastics by Ecovative Design to Dutch textile engineer, Aniela Hoitink’s take on re-thinking fashion and textile to

Ibid. p. 22. Ibid. p. 7. 9 Phil Ross, The Fungi in Your Future, online video recording, YouTube, 16 November 2016, <> [accessed 18 December 2019]. 7 8






mycelium,10 onto a much larger scale, The Living, Hy-Fi Tower designed by





Benjamin which is the first large scale structure to use this mushroom brick technology.11 To put simply, there are many uses of the material, many of which are still unexplored. The reason such a wide range of mycelium




could be made possible is primarily because of its unique capability to adapt and respond to the environment it is subjected

to, which has given

researchers the chance to manipulate its growth within the constraints of the designer. Depending on the type of substrate and species of mushroom used for cultivation, mycelium can be produced in a number of combinations. “..Soft or hard, light or heavy, strong and durable or weak and fracturing.”12 Fig. 1. Hy-Fi Mycelium Brick Tower by The Living

Aniela Hoitink, Why and How to Rethink the Fashion Industry, online video recording, YouTube, 18 December 2018, <https:youtube/h3waJr56FlE> [accessed 18 December 2019]. 11 Amy Frearson, ‘Tower of “Grown” Bio-bricks by The Living’, Dezeen, 2014 <> [accessed 18 December 2019]. 12 Phil Ross, ‘Fungal Mycelium Bio-materials’, in Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialised Natural Resource for Architecture and Construction, by Dirk E. Hebel and Felix Heisel (Basel: Birkhäuser, 2017), p. 139. 10


Rebecca Maloney, Hy-Fi Reinvents the Brick, digital photograph, Arup, 25 June 2014, <> [accessed 18 January 2020]. Fig.1


2.1.3. Mycelium in Construction:


With a more direct focus on mycelium

structural geometry for “low strength”

and construction in architecture with

materials could maximise its load

reference to the scope of this paper,

bearing capacity. The fungal building

The MycoTree Project by architect

blocks were able to withstand pressure

Dirk Hebel and engineer Philippe

and stabilise each other and was further

Block, and Mycelium Tectonics by

inferred that mycelium shows potential

Gianluca Tabellini act as the two

of bearing higher loads than steel.14

main precedents for this dissertation.


Tectonics, led at the University of Bologna,

bamboo grid as a supporting framework,




potential to make structures utilising

MycoTree demonstrates the possibility

mycelia infused with hemp strands

to hold up a building, or part of

supported by plywood and threaded

one, with mycelium construction.

rods. When mycelium development

This sustainability project was a between


A theory venture titled Mycelium

At 3 meters high, with a 4x4 meter



is seen through the hemp filaments,


the hanging strands become structural

at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

and the supporting rods are removed

and the Block Research Group at the

to make a self upheld structure

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,


Zürich.13 The two established designers




It is important to note that although

created a self-supporting structure

neither of the two projects test the

made entirely out of waste materials,

use of mycelium as an adhesive in

bound with mycelium.

construction, their results show that the

Felix Heisel and others, ‘Design of a Load-bearing Mycelium Structure through Informed Structural Engineering: The MycoTree at the 2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism’, (2016), <> [accessed 5 May 2019]. 14 Amy Frearson, ‘Tree-shaped Structure Shows how Mushroom Roots could be used to Create Buildings’ Dezeen, (2017), <> [accessed 18 December 2019]. 15 Gianluca Tabellini, ‘Mycelium Tectonics’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Bologna, 2015), in Database of UniBO Institutional Theses Repository <> [accessed 25 September 2019]. 13


material has meaningful levels of

2.1.4. Mycelium as an Adhesive:

compressive and tensile strengths,

P. ostreatus is widely found grown on

which can be experimented with in

hardwood trees due to its high affiliation

further studies and supports the inquiry

to wood, this is probably why this

of this intended project.

species also goes by the name of Oystertree mushroom making it all the more

Identifying what species of mushroom

a suitable choice for inoculation with

would be most appropriate to my

bamboo wood for this project.

project was a straightforward ignition towards my research. On carrying

Recent studies have experimentally

out literary reviews on a wide range

demonstrated the heterotrophic, nutrient-



absorbing property of mycelium where

Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), was

the fungal hyphae when cultured in

decided upon. Its mycelia are one

timber not only used the material as a

among the fastest growing species of

nutritional substrate but also formed

mushroom and is also considered to

a strong bond between two pieces of

be the safest for indoor cultivation as

timber, once dried and baked. This bond

it has been previously experimented

formation is a result of the mycelium


eating away a significant layer of the




substrate on which it seeks its nutrients

“The fungus is renewable; using it involves growing a resource rather than depleting one”

from, before it begins to grow into and engulf the material substrate wholly, thereby creating a firm attachment. This ‘eating away’ property of the mycelium

- Sabastian Cox


due to a possible chemical reaction

break down cellulose to simpler

set out by the enzymes unfolds an


interesting possibility of an adhesive

choosing a cellulose-rich substrate

property of the fungi.

would make a practical choice18 and



be beneficial to the mycelial growth. Owing to its innate instinct of serving

Plants generally have an antifungal

as a natural decomposer. mycelium

compound to prevent foreign growth

will grow on any substrate it is

within its cells. Hemp plants however,

subjected to. However, as seen in the

do not have this compound and use

literary works by Phil Ross, “there

a waxy layer as a measure against

are many ways to alter the quality of

infection, which can be easily worn

fungus-based materials as they are

out by sterilisation,19 thus making

growing, and many variables that can

hemp fibres a viable substrate. Added

be used to push/pull the organism

to this, hemp fibres are cellulose-rich



and research shows that fungi adhere

Different morphological results can

well to it. Ecovative Design, a biotech

be obtained by growing the mycelium

company that manufactures mycelium

in varied substrates, some common

byproducts, have successfully been

examples are cardboard, sawdust,

using dehydrated hemp fibres as their

paper, coffee grain. Key factors to bear

main mycelium substrate since 2007.20



in mind while choosing an appropriate substrate for the mycelium composite are as follows. Fungi gets its nutrients from glucose17 and has the ability to Phil Ross, ‘Fungal Mycelium Bio-materials’, in Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialised Natural Resource for Architecture and Construction, by Dirk E. Hebel and Felix Heisel (Basel: Birkhäuser, 2017), p. 139. 16

R.J.J. Lelivelt, ‘The Mechanical Possibilities of Mycelium Materials’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015), p. 74. 18 Tradd Cotter, interviewed by Tracy Frisch on ‘Mycoremediation’ (2014). 19 R.J.J. Lelivelt, ‘The Mechanical Possibilities of Mycelium Materials’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015), p. 74. 20, ‘Grow It Yourself Material’, 2016 <> [accessed 18 October 2019]. 21 Maxim Lobovikov and others, Non-Wood Forest Products: World Bamboo Resources, 18th end (Rome: FOA of The United States, 2007), p. 1. 17


2.2. Background on Bamboo

Bamboo is found grown in clusters throughout




2.2.1. Bamboo as a Natural Resource:

subtropical and mild temperate regions

The bamboos are evergreen perennial

and like mycelium, has the capacity

flowering plants in the subfamily

to adapt to its surroundings26 and can

Bambusoideae of the grass family

be harvested anywhere in the world,

Poaceae.21 In its natural form, bamboo

including extreme climatic conditions.

is a cylindrical pole or culm with over 1200 species worldwide. As a rhizome

Enhanced by the densely concentrated

(grass), with a rapid material growth,

fibres within the culm, increasing from

reaching unto a maximum height of 30

the centre outwards, the bamboo cylinder

meters within a year22 it takes between

is made stronger due to this high fibre

3-5 years, depending on the species, to

deposition at the nodal sections, enabling

reach its optimal structural properties.

it to withstand higher levels of stress. The efficiency of the cross section is the result

Holding a world record for being the

of millions of years of evolution and is

fastest growing plant, with a Japanese

an indication that bamboo is naturally a

species growing approximately 1.2

structural form.27

meters in a span of 24 hours23 the potential

This is a result of bamboo putting in all

to emerge as a suitable sustainable

its energy to in its height rather than girth.

substitute to timber24 whose increasing

To account for this lack of secondary


growth (thickness of the stem), the grass







deposits sclerenchymatous fibres along

exponential to its depletion rate.25

Walter Liese and Arthur Weiner, ‘Ageing of Bamboo Culms’, Wood Science and Technology, 30.2 (1996), 77-89 (p. 77). Dhenesh Raj and Bindu Agarwal, ‘Bamboo as a Building Material’, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, 1.3 (2014), 56-61 (p. 57). 24 Bhavna Sharma and others, ‘Engineered Bamboo: State of the Art’, Construction Materials, 168.CM2 (2015), 57-67 (p. 59). 25 Lloyd C. Ireland, ‘Is Timber Scarce?’, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 83.1 (2016), (1-97) p. 12. 26 Hossain M.F and others, ‘Multipurpose Uses of Bamboo Plants: A Review’, International Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 4.12 (2015), 57-60 (p. 57). 27 David Trujillo, Michael Ramage and Wen-Shao Chang, ‘Lightly Modified Bamboo for Structural Applications’, Construction Materials, 166.CM4 (2013), 238-47 (p. 238). 22 23


its culm to maximise its mechanical

Recently, a new generation of bamboo

support. This is what gives the bamboo

construction byproducts are being

stalk its high strength. This gives

developed and tested to be used in

bamboo superior tensile properties

different ways. However, it can be

over wood.28

argued that it is counterproductive to transform an already sustainable

2.2.2. Applications of Bamboo:

material though a series of energy

Every part of the bamboo plant, at

and resource intensive processes into

every stage of its growth cycle can be

creating these such byproducts in

used for human needs. No other plant is

construction.29 The aim is therefore to

more versatile than the bamboo when it

employ bamboo at its highest structural

comes to uses. Its pulp is used to make

performance in its natural form.

paper and handicrafts, young culms can

2.2.3. Disadvantages of Bamboo:

be used for gardening purposes while


older ones are used in scaffolding.




construction continue to increase,

In the east, where bamboo is grown

the use of the material in the design

abundantly, the people believe it to be

and engineering is limited by several

sacred. The applications are endless,

factors. First, the natural material

ranging from being a nutritious food

itself varies in geometry and material

source to being used as a weapon in ancient times.

properties, between species, within

“Bamboo is a symbol of the harmony between nature and human.”

culm.30 Additionally, the material is

- Michael Ramage

connections a challenge31 and in most

a species itself, and within a single round or elliptical in form, which makes joints and connections difficult. The stem is (generally) hollow, making

Michael Ramage, interviewed by Chris Smith on ‘Building with Bamboo’ (2014). David Trujillo, Michael Ramage and Wen-Shao Chang, ‘Lightly Modified Bamboo for Structural Applications’, Construction Materials, 166.CM4 (2013), 238-47 (p. 238). 30 Ibid. p. 241. 31 Tiejun Wang and others, ‘Encoding Bamboo’s Nature for Freeform Structural Design’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 15.2 (2017), 168-182 (p. 170). 28 29






of the culm is lost due to weak joint design. Traditional joinery techniques, although




weakness or deformation.32 Moreover, unlike other material construction, bamboo cannot be nailed down as easily as timber as that causes splitting, therefore weakening the culm. Successful bamboo design relies on the acknowledgement of its physical and mechanical properties to influence its joint detailing which can increase the efficiency of its overall architecture. Bamboo in its natural form is a light material that is comparable in strength to steel in tension and concrete in compression, yet acceptance is limited by the variance in cross-section and mechanical properties.33 As an

anisotropic material which

means a material having varied values of a property in all directions,34 it should be noted that its strength depends on the species and the direction of growth Jules J.A. Janssen, Designing and Building with Bamboo, (Netherlands: International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, 2000), p.90. 33 Adrian Beukers and Otto Bergsma, ‘Lightness: Light, Lighter, Bamboo?’, 2004), JSME International Journal, 47.4 (2004), 533-40 (p. 535). 34 Bhavna Sharma and others, ‘Engineered Bamboo for Structural Applications’, Construction and Building Materials, 81.1 (2015), 66-73 (p. 70). 32



that is considered. Bamboo’s strength is found in the longitudinal direction through lignin fibres, which makes it strong in tension and compression but weaker transverse to the fibre direction. In short, not all species of bamboo are suitable for construction, the ones that can be are difficult to use in connections. In a direct dialogue with architectural design, bamboo limitations include large overhangs, and congested clusters (figure 2) at the point of joint detailing, also that best results require skilled workmanship, which is expensive. It cannot be used in extreme climatic conditions as it will deteriorate faster. 2.2.4. Bamboo, Towards my Dissertation: Similar to mycelium, although the properties of bamboo list the material as a sustainable choice in building Fig. 2. Bamboo Pavillion at Shanghai Expo 2010 joint detail

construction, the lack of reliable research on its resources and utilisation limits their potential as a biomaterial.35 Bamboo contains starch and therefore

Ibid. Cathrine Warmann, Shanghai Expo 2010 Pavilions, digital photograph, Dezeen, 18 January 2020].




makes it delicious to insects, the material should thus be treated. Some species are sweeter than others and will therefore be more prone to insect attacks. Treatment can lower the starch content in the bamboo and make it durable for construction.36 It is also known that like any other organic material, bamboo is affected by fungi which means it requires to be treated before used. However, for the hypothesis of this dissertation, if manipulated well and with the correct species of mycelium subject to the bamboo, the bamboo-mycelium aim of this paper may be achieved.


Gernot Minke, Building with Bamboo, (Basel: Birkhäuser, 2012), p. 43.




3.1. Priliminary Experiments 3.1.1. Methodologies: One of the main advantages of mycelium as a material is that is easy to grow, therefore can be made available locally. As a first-time, home-grown



cultivator, however, it is important to realise that although easy to grow, mycelium cultivation requires practice and patience to familiarise oneself with the material and add to the theoretical growth protocol. My first experiment was to simply culture oyster mushroom mycelium in different substrates to add another layer of knowledge to the theory studied. Advancing from this, I will test what combination of the mycelium and substrate would yield positive results of mycelium growth. This exploration was carried forward in two methods: Material Composite and Dehydrated Mycelium.


•   Method I, Material Composite:

• Method II, Dehydrated Mycelium:

A patent on culturing mycelium by the

Another methodology, is a process by

material composite method involves

which hydrated mycelium composite

growing the mushroom (source) in an

containing a minimum of one substrate,

admixture of other materials (substrate)

mostly made of fibres, are enriched with

that the mycelium can feed off and

nutrients to encourage the initial tissue

develop from. The source and the

growth of mycelium. The composite is

substrate(s) eventually bond together

then dehydrated and weighed down to

to form a single material.37 The chosen

a moisture content <50% of its original

substrate is disinfected and later

weight and stored. This stops the growth

combined with the source, after which

of mycelium until the composite is

it is set aside for incubation. This is a

rehydrated. Once re-hydrated using a

straightforward method of mimicking

mixture of water and flour to activate

the natural growth cycle of mushroom

the mycelium, the composite may

in a controlled environment, with an

be cast into a desired form. This is a

ideal temperature range of 24-27°C,

method devised specially for mycelium

away from direct sunlight and with

product fabrication and can also be

adequate moisture content. Depending


on the species of mycelium and external

The entire substrate may be expected

conditions, mycelium growth may be

to be colonised within 2 weeks post

observed within 3-4 days and may take

rehydration. This dry composite is

up to 5 weeks before the substrate is

manufactured on a large sale by the

thoroughly colonised. This method

American company, Ecovative Design,

is generally practiced by small scale

who hold the patent to this product.38

farmers, fungi and garden enthusiasts for mushroom cultivation as gourmet food produce.





3.2. Main Experiments 3.2.1. Experiment One: Growing the Mycelium Irrespective of the method followed in mycelium cultivation, once the fungal network has wholly digested the substrate, the mycelium will sprout mushrooms if left beyond a 6 week period, continuing onto the next stage of its growth cycle. Therefore, when the mycelium has grown into a thick layer of densely interwoven fibrous network, it can either be used as a mycelium source for further cultivation, or it can be baked at a low temperature of 40-50°C to kill the mycelium, ceases further development and result in an end product. As part of my project, the material composite method was first carried out using oyster mushrooms as a source of mycelium cultured in a variety of




shredded paper, straw and coffee grain.

Fig. 3. Images showing mycelium growth on a range of substrates, from top left to bottom right: cardboard, coffee grain, paper and straw



This method was also then carried out using oyster mushroom spawns as a source of mycelium. The latter produced mycelium at a faster rate when comparisons were drawn. Note: the experiments were done in a home environment. • Aim: The aim is firstly to grow mycelium in






deeper understanding of how the material responds to its surroundings and then establish a relationship between bamboo and mycelium by testing bamboo as a viable substrate. • Process: The






autoclaved or sterilised. Since I did not have access to an autoclaving machine, I placed the substrate on a sieve, pouring hot water through it, to help kill any microbes, spores, or viruses that could contaminate the composite. Additionally, this provides the substrate with moisture required

Fig. 4. Mycelium growth observed as a thick cloud of hyphae,


for mycelium growth. Sterilisation

oyster mushroom spawns. Mycelium

is an essential step that further

growth was observed in each of the

gives mycelium the advantage over

samples at different growth rates and

competing organisms to germinate

at varying consistencies. Using this



method of cultivation was an effective

then left to cool down. Using 70%

way of understanding the morphology

Ethanol to sterilise any equipment,

and physiology of the fungus which

containers, gloves used, and ensuring

further helped in developing the next

that the environment is kept as sterile

phase in my experiment.




as possible, alternate layers of the substrate and mycelium source were

To support my intention of using

arranged into a sterile container. The

mycelium as a bonding agent in bamboo

container was then bound by cling

construction, the next step involved

film with punctured holes to allow the

examining bamboo as a suitable

sample to breathe.

substrate to culture mycelium. This was done by the material composite

In the tests that used oyster mushroom

method, using bamboo as the substrate

as the source, there were very sparse

to determine whether the mycelium

mycelium growth observed along

would show an affiliation with bamboo

with visible levels of contamination

as it does with wood. Inference from


this test would help identify whether




Due to contamination, the


further experiments to study bamboo-

batch of mycelium cultivation was

mycelium adhesion and if it would be

unsuccessful. The experiment was then


repeated using the same four substrates • Results:

individually, changing the source to

When subject to bamboo, mycelium


mycelium growth was observed as a

The experiment involves growing

thick white layer with thorough densely

the mycelium in a similar manner,



by designing a setup where the steel

engulfing the stem. When gently pulled

node and bamboo end reinforcement

apart, it was noticed that separation

are replaced with mycelium. This type

of the bamboo-mycelium bond was

of joint is one of the most common









steel architecture. It is important to 3.2.2. Experiment Two: Formulating

emphasise here that the connection

a Connection:

(if any) between the mycelium and

The approach towards this experiment

bamboo would not be as strong as in

setup was straightforward. In order

the steel joint system, but could lead to

to test bamboo and mycelium in

the investigation of using mycelium as

combination, a method was developed

a binder.

to allow for the mycelium to grow around bamboo, by which it would

• Aim:

also also attach itself onto the stem,

The main objective of this pilot

thereby creating a connection. For

experiment is to investigate whether

this, I studied traditional and modern

the crucial components of a main

bamboo joinery techniques.37 Drawing

study will be feasible. To formulate

inspiration from the simple single

a connection between two pieces of

planar joint design, which offers the

bamboo using mycelium.

bamboo pieces to be arranged on a single plane, using steel nodes and a

• Process:

bamboo end reinforcement system, an

To do this, parts of 40x40 mm boxes

arrangement connecting mycelium and

were laser cut from 4mm acrylic

bamboo is formalised.

sheets to create a mould (container) to

Wang, Tiejun and others, ‘Encoding Bamboo’s Nature for Freeform Structural Design’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 15.2 (2017), 168-182 (p. 173) 37


culture the mycelium in. Two opposite surfaces of the cube were cut with a 15mm diameter circle at its centre, to allow the bamboo stems ranging in diameter from approximately 8-10mm, 35mm in length

to be fed into the

container from either end, thus creating a linear junction. The dimensions of the acrylic mould was based on the size of the bamboo that was used, so as to maintain an appropriate proportion between the two materials. The individual acrylic surfaces were then taped together in place to create a top-open box, rather than gluing the pieces together using a plastic weld so the box could be easily detached by peeling off the tape once mycelium colonisation is achieved. Supported by Appendix I, in order to test any difference in the quality of adherence between the two surfaces and investigate factors that may increase or decrease this adhesion, a variable in the experiment directed

Fig. 5 & 6. Approximately 5cm long bamboo stem with flat end shape (type 1) and angled (type 2) shape, done using band saw and then sanded down



• Test I, Dehydrated Mycelium:

at identifying the factors influencing the adhesion was to use two different end cuts of the bamboo specimen,


where one bamboo end shape was cut






flat (type 1) and the other end shape was with a bevel edge (type 2). The


bamboo used in these experiments

appropriate to follow the cultivating

is garden bamboo with an average

method by Ecovative- with a faster and

diameter of 9mm. The bevel cut would

more consistent growth rate of stiff

maximise the internal cell structure

mycelium compared to the material

cross section exposed, thus increasing

composite technique. Reiterating the



intention to challenge mycelium as

exposed bamboo and the mycelium,

an binder, it is imperative to follow

which could possibly result in a strong

a cultivating method by which the

bond formation at the surface.

mycelium growth remained consistent






throughout the sample, which would The experiment was done twice as

then make it easier to quantify the

there was no success in mycelium

strength of the bond through further

growth at the first attempt. In the first

testing. After sterilising the acrylics

test, dehydrated mycelium method

with 70% Ethanol, the hemp fibre

was used, the second test followed the

composite was rehydrated by adding a

material composite method using the

mixture of water and flour to activate

dehydrated fibres as its source, thus

the mycelium and filled into the boxes

using a combination of the knowledge

with the two bamboo pieces separated

of both the methods studied in chapter

by a 5mm gap between them. Six

3.2.1. Growing the Mycelium.

samples of both types were repeated.




40x40mm acrylic mould

mycelium substrate

type 1 and type two bamboo Fig. 7. Illustrations showing the experiment steps using the two types of bamboo cuts







mycelium and bamboo set up

acrylic removed post colinisation

mycelium growth in the desired shape Fig. 8. Illustrations showing the experiment steps using the two types of bamboo cuts





Without distorting the bamboo, the sample was then carefully wrapped in cling film, concealing the box around its six surfaces with punctured holes on the top to allow gas exchange. The samples were stored away from direct sunlight, in the boiler room at a temperature range of 19-21°C. • Test I Results: Although Ecovative GIY pack was used, the desired and expected outcome was not retrieved. The batch was possibly faulty and the temperature may have been lower than desired for mycelium growth. There was no sign of mycelium growth observed even two weeks after set up. There was no indication of contamination. When the parts of the acrylic box were removed, the sample was found not to have taken the shape of the container and crumbled.

Fig. 8. Unsuccessful at mycelium cultivation, substrate disintigrated on removal of the acrylis mould


• Test II, Material Composite: Source: Oyster Mushroom Spawns. Substrate:



Mycelium. With the hope of achieving mycelium growth, the same experiment procedure was repeated. The material composite protocol was followed, using the Ecovative fibres as a substrate and oyster mushroom spawns were added into the composite as a mycelium source. After




was fed into the boxes with two bamboo



Six samples each of both bamboo end shapes were used. Wrapped in clingfilm, with holes to allow for gas exchange, they were stored away from direct sunlight, increasing the temperature range to 22-24°C. On full colinisation, once the acrylics were off, the samples were baked at 40°C.

Fig. 9. Repeating the experiment with extra mycelium spores to encourage growth


• Test II Results: Mycelium growth was observed within three days of setup and complete colonisation was seen after 25 days. When the acrylic box was removed, the material was found to have taken the form of the box, creating a mycelium cube, holding the bamboo stems in place. Although the mycelium growth was




found in the adhesion between the two different bamboo end cuts. All 12 samples showed some sign of bamboomycelium connection initially- when placed on a surface. When each sample was suspended by holding one end of the stem, all type 1 bamboo sticks detached itself from the mycelium and the connection was broken. Type 2 samples however, remained connected after being held by one end. The increase in cross sectional surface area of the bamboo possibly helped in creating a more intact connection. To check how strong or weak the connection of the type 2 samples were, tests were done to quantify their strength.

Fig. 10. Successful mycelium cultivation, in combination with bamboo to create a joint


3.2.3. Experiment Three: Quantifying the Strength: Appendix 4 demonstrates the next phase




strength tests on the samples that showed positive results of mycelium adhesion.




incrementally from the two ends of the bamboo, taking into consideration the weight of the bamboo and mycelium itself, the point at which the join breaks would help calculate the strength of the bamboo-mycelium joint. The samples were then put through a tensile pull test using the machine at Advanced Metallurgy Laboratory in Bangalore, India to accurately quantify the strength of the mycelium-bamboo bond. • Aim: To test the tensile strength of the mycelium and bamboo joint on a Tensile Test Machine. • Process: The test process involves placing the

Fig. 11. Images showing the ‘before’ and ‘after’ stages of mycelium colonisation


specimen in the testing machine and

y (N)

slowly extending it until it fractures. The two opposite ends of the bamboo are gripped on machine as shown in


the figures. At the rate of speed of 1


mm per minute, the force stretching the


specimen is incremental increased. The


force acting on the specimen to cause the rupture corresponds to the force the


specimen can withstand. The value of








x (mm)

Fig. 12. Graph sample A

the force acting on the specimen, at the point just before its rupture, quantifies

y (N)

its tensile strength. The test was repeated on three bevel cut end type 2


specimen to find an average reading of the tensile strength. Due to laboratory


restrictions, I was not allowed to take


photographs of the test on the machine.


• Results: Inferences from the experiment in



x (mm)

Fig. 13. Graph sample B

Appendix II showed that the type 2

y (N)

samples were able to bear a load up to 95g, much higher than what was expected. For the Tensile pull test,


the results, as seen in the graphs,

36 24 12 0


Fig. 14. Graph sample C


x (mm)

on average was equal to 49N. X-axis: displacement (meters), Y-axis: load (newtons). Where N = newtons and 1N is the force to accelerate one kilogram of mass at the rate of one metre per second squared in the direction of the force applied. This experiment showed that there was some level of strength in the connection in using mycelium as a binder for bamboo however it is difficult to draw comparisons in terms of the strength of this bond in relation to other materials, for example, steel. A study comparing the tensile strengths of steel and bamboo, stated that the tensile strength per unit weight of bamboo was three to four times higher than that of steel. For the purpose of my experiment however, there was clear evidence of adhesion seen in the bamboo-mycelium joint, with some levels of strength which is a promising start for further investigation.


Fig. 15. Series of photograph showing the bamboo-mycelium connection






Now that I have a clearer understanding

cultivating mycelium through this

of mycelium as a material and how

project allowed an understanding of

it grows, if I were to take this project

the tectonic properties of material. The

further, I would repeat similar versions

successes and failures in this paper


is the starting point of a new aspect

experiment using a slightly bigger

of mycelium that can encourage new

diameter of bamboo in order to be able

research on its material properties.

to shape the ends and length of the

Although there were parts of the

bamboo to maximise surface area for

experiment that could have been done

the mycelium to attach itself onto. The

differently, now that I know how things

10mm diameter bamboo used in the

work, the exploration showed that

experiments was too small to carry out

mycelium does have potential to be used

different techniques to test new ways

as an adhesive in wood construction

that lead to stronger joint connections.




with success. Overall, my experiments have shown that using mycelium as

Following that, it would be useful

an adhesive allowed the bamboo-

to conduct larger scale experiments,

mycelium joint to resist an average load

using the species of bamboo used

of 49 newtons. However, in terms of

in construction, for example, Moso

the strength of the bond formed, it was

bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) rather

difficult to understand it with respect

than garden bamboo, to see if the load

to appropriate comparisons as the

bearing capacity and tensile force

number of variables and possibilities

properties remain or are changed in

of the findings of papers published are

anyway, and if this adhesion system

relative to their own context, due to

works, it would be tested for real-size

research lacking on this specific topic.

structures in architecture.


Reflecting on my experiment results,


in terms of the strength of the bamboo-

potentially useful levels of strength- a

mycelium connection, the strength of

promising start for further investigation

the connection in the experiments may

of the tectonic properties of mycelium

have been due to the high cellulose

in architecture.

content in the mycelium composite, which comes from its cellulose rich substrate. Cellulose is a polysaccharide of glucose

molecules. Due to the

arrangement of its molecules, cellulose itself is a very strong and rigid material. The strength of the mycelium therefore relies on its cellulose content (the binder) to make it stronger, allowing for a successful bamboo-mycelium connection. It is therefore fair to say that the high strength of mycelium to withstand forces and having the potential to act as an adhesive possibly comes from the high binding capacity of the cellulose. For the first time, this project has demonstrated that there is a clear evidence of positive adhesion seen in





APPENDIX I Supporting Experiment 2 Aim: To check if exposing the internal structure of the bamboo stem would result in a more dense mycelium growth. Process: There are four samples set up as shown in the diagrams and photographs. Two samples use bamboo that has been skinned down and the remaining two use bamboo with the outer skin intact. Skinning down the bamboo exposes its internal layer and increases friction. Both samples look similar but the bamboo that has been skinned down is slightly lighter in colour. 8-10mm garden bamboo was used for this test. Step 1: Remove the cling film without disturbing the bamboo pieces. Step 2: Please samples on a sterile surface and remove acrylic box by first peeling off the tape from all its surfaces, the acrylic was then easily detach itself easily.

Fig. 16.Illustrations of diagram set up





Step 3: Cut a section through the centre of the

bamboo culm to increase adhesion and

bamboo along the length of the samples


as shown in diagrams. Step 4: Note the observations. Was there any difference between the myceliumbamboo connection in the two samples? Step 5: Ideally, there should be four cross sections along the length (two cross sections from each sample) unless the sample was damaged/ mycelium was not grown throughout. Step 6: If at least one cross section in each sample type is retrieved, the test can be repeated on the remaining samples for comparative purposes. Results: There was a higher deposition and density of mycelium network on the surface with the outer skin of the bamboo peeled off. This was possibly because of the frictional increase between the two materials. If used in a bigger scale, it may also be worth drilling holes into the





APPENDIX II Supporting Experiment 2 Aim: To check if bamboo-mycelium connection can resist a force. Process: The idea here was to suspend loads from the ends of the bamboomycelium sample by inceasing equal loads on both sides incrementally. Using an electronic weighing scale, I first noted the weight of the sample which was equal to 15g on average. Thus needed to support weights lower than 15g as a starting point. ‘Jenga’ blocks were used


as the load, which were equal to 5g.


Step 1: After complete colonisation, bake the mycelium sample at a low temperature till moisture level is down. Allow to airdry. Step 2: Please sample on a sturdy object as shown in the figure.

Fig. 17. .Illustrations of diagram set up





Step 3: Place sample on a sturdy object, higher than the surface level a as shown in the figure. Step 4: Tie a thread on either end of the sample on the bamboo ends equidistant from the end of the mycelium cube. Refer figure. Step 5: Tie the block to the free end of the string and adjust the distance of the string in the bamboo so the sample remains stable. Step 6: Add multiple blocks by the same process till myclium-bamboo connection breaks to find out its strength. Results: On adding the blocks as loads on either end incrementally, I found that the sample was able to withstand a load of 95g. This was higher than expected.







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