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Solo Travel Tips
For some people, enjoying a solo trip comes naturally. Others have to work at how to travel alone. Most who do, fall in love with it. Here are a few things you can do to ensure a great solo adventure.
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1. Be flexible
When suggestions or opportunities arise from these chance encounters, be flexible enough to act on them. There are times when flexibility must reign and the schedule should be thrown away.
2. Be flexible
It can be difficult arriving in a new city alone. Take your time. Take a day to relax, watch the city function, and settle in. Read Tips for Solo Travel Confidence.
3. Don’t over-plan
It is only by having extra time in your itinerary that you can spend a little more of it at the market, linger over a coffee at an outdoor café, or take that trip into the mountains you hadn’t considered.
4. Eat locally
There is nothing like exploring the local cuisine. It gives you a new way into your destination’s culture, history, and geography. There is always a reason, historical or geographic, for a specific cuisine that can be explored through your taste buds and your mind.
5. Learn to chat with strangers
Starting conversations with strangers can be a challenge, especially when you’re an introvert like I am. However, these conversations can be trip-changing, if not life-changing. There are many skills that can be developed for this and, what I have certainly found, is that you are never too old to learn them.
6. Visualize the trip you want
Start thinking about the opportunities that are present when you travel alone long before you leave. Is it down time you really want? Build that into the plan. Are you after a creative travel experience? Research the opportunities before you go and then dream on them until you get there.
7. Shop where the locals shop.
Are you into home renovations? Then a hardware store in another country could be quite interesting. Are you a foodie? Go to the grocery store or the street where all the specialty vendors are located. Are you into fashion or interior decorating? Again, explore (you don’t have to buy) where the locals shop.
8. Know which way is up.
Study a map of your destination. Get to know it. Get a sense of direction using major landmarks like Central Park in New York City or the CN Tower in Toronto. This will help you explore cities happily, with greater confidence. Read How to Navigate a New City Solo.
9. Find people who share your passion.
Whether it’s chess or poetry or badminton or books, there will be hubs or groups that share your passion at your destination. Google search or find them on meetup. com. What a great way to combine your love of travel with your love of other things.
10. Take day tours and classes.
When you punctuate your independent trip with city tours, cooking classes and the like, you create ways to better experience your destination and spend some social time.