Issue 2.

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Sincerely Yours Volume 1, Issue 2

September 2010



Mallory Varnum page 6

Alexander Shamiri page16

Desi Guay page 24

Lauren Kristin page 32

Karen Castillo page 42

Cover Photo

by Karen Castillo




Staff Photographer ANGELA MARKSBERRY


Mallory Varnum Photographer Age: 17 Camera: Canon Rebel XSi Flickr link: maluhre/ How did you get started in photography? Well, I've always loved art, I started taking painting lessons when I was 9 for about 4 years, that was all I did. When I first started taking pictures, I would just photograph my friends for their MySpace. I took awhile until I started seeing photography as an art form. When I was 15, I took a photography class at my school and signed up on Flickr, that's when I started really seeing the creative side of photography and getting more into it. What inspires you? Oh gosh, so many things! I'm inspired by books, movies, music, light, colors, my friends and other photographers; the list goes on. Are you going to school for photography or is it a hobby? It's just a hobby. I considered going to school for it for awhile, but I've always been afraid that if photography becomes something I'm forced to do to make a living, I won't feel the same way about it. What does photography mean to you? It means a lot, it's a way to connect with people and express ideas and emotions. I've made a lot of friends through it. What influenced you to become a photographer? To be honest, I took pictures because there was really nothing else to do (I come from a pretty small town,

there's not much here or anywhere close by). When I started becoming more serious though, I would say I was inspired by all the photographs I found when I signed up for flickr. The people I remember adding first were Beth Retro and Joy Newell, I wanted to take pictures like them so bad. I guess that's when I started trying to get more serious and creative with my work. Do you have a favorite photographer? Sure, I have a bunch; Joy Newell, Ann He, Mike Bailey-Gates, Nirrimi, Lauren Withrow, and Alexandra Sophie are just a few. Who/What is your biggest influence? I think people in general, their emotions, thoughts, dreams, styles, fashion... whatever makes them unique. That's why I love photographing people because they're all so different and I'm in love with trying to capture that. If you could pick anyone to shoot for a day, past or present, who would it be and why? There are a ton of people I'd love to shoot but if I had to pick one it would be Emma Watson, not only because I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd and have always loved Hermione, but I also think she's incredibly beautiful and real and I would love to meet her. What's your favorite photo that you've taken? This is a hard one. I think it's a photo I took where I painted a rainbow on my friends back and wrote the words, "Imagination encircles the world," and took pictures of her during golden hour. If I just answered

this question based on the way the photo looks then it definitely wouldn't be my favorite. The reason I chose it is because prior to that picture, I was completely stuck when it came to my photography, I had no ideas, and every picture I had taken for weeks before that I couldn't find satisfaction in. That picture completely got me back on track and started me on, I think, a different style of photography. Aside from that, it was just taken on a really good day that I have some pretty good memories of. What are your views on editing photos? I'm not a fan of manipulations, but I love editing the colors and tones of a photo. I think post processing can enhance a picture in many ways and give it a different feel than what you're able to achieve with just a camera. You're given plane tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would want to go everywhere! But if I have to pick one place, it would be Italy. My dad and I were planning a trip there years ago and have never been able to take it. It's a trip I would like to take with him because I think it would mean a lot to both of us. What is a dream of yours that you hope comes true? I would love to travel. That's such a cliche answer, but really, that's the thing I would most like to do in my life and I hope I'm able to.

Alexander Shahmiri Photographer Age: 20 Camera: 5d Mark II Link: When did you first pick up a camera? I would probably say when I was around 6 years old or so. It was a small plastic red camera my mom brought home for me one day, I'm sure it's somewhere around my house still too. What inspires you? That's a tough one for me. I've always had trouble figuring out what really inspires me because there's really nothing that comes to mind when I think of what inspires me. Essentially, everything does in some way, I kind of just get into my own mind and find my inspiration there. I pull pieces of my memory and imagination to create what I desire. How would you define photography? Photography doesn't really need a true definition because for me, it's just what I do and love. I'm sure that changes for each person. What influenced you to become a photographer? My sister, hands down. I don't know why or how she influenced it, but I know that she did. I guess it was from always seeing photos that she took when I was a kid. I just picked up a camera and fell in love with it without even realizing it. Do you have a favorite photographer? I don't have a single favorite photographer. There are too many photographers out there to pin point a favorite, it would be like trying to

figure out who my favorite musician is.

job for a student.

What/Who is your biggest influence?

Just about everything except for country, metal, and rap. I've got stuff ranging from Ray LaMontagne to Lyrics Born then all the way to Seu Jorge. My 160gb iPod gets treated well.

Another thing that I can't pinpoint. To me there is no one thing that acts as a bigger influence than another, everything influences my work in some way and most of it equally. I mean, if we really want to get technical it would have to be the environment I'm in because it's what changes each of my photos for the most part. If you could pick anyone to shoot for a day, past or present, who would it be and why? Jeff Buckley, something just seems so haunting about the way he died and his music. He woud just be interesting to sit down with and get to know. Maybe even Kurt Vonnegut would be interesting to sit down with. There are plenty of people I would love to shoot, but I think I'll stick with Jeff Buckley for now. Your favorite photo by another photographer? It's always changing, currently there is a photo series by Thomas Hoeffgen that is basically a series of photos of soccer fields in Africa and some of the players. It just tells a simple story, but tells it very well. Is photography your career or a hobby? As of right now it's my career, if you look at it in the sense of where the majority of your income comes from. When did it become more than just a hobby? As soon as I started shooting seriously, which was about 4 years ago and got my first check. It's a good

What's on your iPod?

Your favorite place to shoot? Anywhere up north pretty much. I have a lot of places to still see but there's something about the pacific northwest and even northern California. Something you'll never forget? This past summer. I went on tour with the band, Young The Giant, as their tour manager/photographer and it has made me want to get on the road again more than ever. Where did you get your inspiration for your "Army of Me" series? It was rather simple. I was handed a gas mask and it kind of went on its own way. In a way it's supposed to be about PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in soldiers and how they have trouble relating to anyone. I don't know why I chose to go with that path, my mind just set itself on that. Each photo shows a form of isolation be it within time or space. I still need to finish it though.

Desi Guay Photographer Age: 15

it through a picture.

Camera: Canon Rebel T1i/EOS 500d

If you could pick anyone to shoot for a day, past or present, who would it be and why?

Flickr link: the_dino/ When did you first pick up a camera? Oh man, I couldn't tell you exactly when. I've always loved having a camera with me and taking pictures with friends, but I never became serious about it until the summer of 2009 when I realized I could turn this into art. What inspires you? So many things inspire me, but a great majority of my ideas spring from song lyrics, movies or the styles of other photographers. What influenced you to become a photographer? I never fully understood the power of a camera until I went to a presentation by a photojournalist named Ron Haviv. With his work, it's his goal to open people's eyes to what's going on outside of their own bubble. After I heard his presentation, I realized that photography wasn't just making something look pretty to appeal to people, it was about being honest and raw and stripping away the superficial because you never know who that piece will connect and resonate with. Do you have a favorite photographer? Ron Haviv, Lauren Withrow, Caiti Anne, Ryan Jay and Anna Szczekutowicz . What/Who is your biggest influence? Words are my biggest influence. When I'm inspired by song lyrics or by a quote in a movie, I want to try and put my mark on it by expressing

Kristen Stewart. She's got such a free vibe about her, but she's brilliant and serious when it comes to her job. You don't even have to try to make her look gorgeous, I'd love to photograph her. Who's a photographer you'd like to know more about? Ron Haviv. He's the one who really inspired me to be serious about photography, I'd love to know more about his life and his work. Do you prefer film or digital? I prefer film, I wish I was better at shooting it. How do you feel about the 365 project you're starting, compared to the other times you've tried one? I feel like I'll go far with this one. I said that about my other projects, too, but I really feel it in my heart this time. I feel like I'm growing as a photographer and a person and I want to push myself to be better. Do you plan on photography as your career? I honestly have no idea, but I'd love to. I'm also really interested in cinematography, I'd love to go to school for that. What's on your iPod? Everybody and their mother is on my iPod. I have the most obscure foreign indie things, but never doubt my knowledge of Top 40 songs. I like a little of everything. My favorites are Bobby Long, Dave Barnes, Ludovico Einaudi, Mika and Marcus Foster. Top 3 favorite movies?

Bright Star, Remember Me and A Walk To Remember. I'm generally a happy person, but I love depressing things. If you could collaborate with anyone on flickr, who would it be? Anna Szczekutowicz, I envy her talent. Your day 71 photo is different from some of your other photos, what inspired you? I was so inspired by the movie Speak. That picture was so out of my style and my comfort zone, but I'm glad I did it.

Lauren Kristin Photographer Age: 16

definitely up there.

Camera: Nikon d70, Canon film

What/Who is your biggest influence?

Flickr link: How did you get started in photography? It was mostly out of boredom. I picked up my dad's camera and started fooling around with it, taking pictures of raindrops and I instantly fell in love with the fact that I could essentially, capture time. Seconds that would never happen again were instantly in my hands.

Everyday occurrences in my life and the people around me. I keep a journal and write about many things and often, I will go back and read my entries and be inspired to take a picture. I'm influenced by the tide in the ocean of experiences surrounding me. If you could pick anyone to shoot for a day, past or present, who would it be and why?

It's a big world out there and there is more to this life than you. And these things.. things things things. What's the point? I have yet to understand why money and objects hold so much importance to some people. It makes me sick sometimes to see people so hung up. Best piece of advice you've ever been given? Stop living for yesterday. What would you do with a million dollars?

I think it would be the coolest thing ever to shoot Morrissey from The Smiths. He seems like such an interesting character, plus, I love their music.

Oh wow. I have no idea. I know I would give a lot of it to my parents, they deserve it. Travel the roads aimlessly and pursue freelance photography because I have the means to do so.

What is your view on editing photos?

If you had to listen to one song for 24 hours, what would it be?

Why is photography important to you?

I think it enhances the beauty already in a photo.

Because I live with the fear of forgetting moments. I have a habit of being awfully sentimental and photography helps ease that. Photography is also among the only ways I know how to express myself, it's such a release to pour everything I have of myself into a single frame until it's teeming with my emotions. I feel like I make more sense with a camera than without one.

Right now? Laundry Room by the Avett Brothers. It's one of those songs where the lyrics just hit me. It's really a beautiful song.

I remember going to the doctor's office a long time ago, and I picked up a National Geographic magazine. I saw a picture of this afghan girl on the cover with the most striking eyes I have ever seen. The picture made my heart ache, it was so beautiful. Since then I've wanted to take pictures that make people feel.

What inspires you? Well honestly, everything inspires me. People and how they act, dreams I have, nightmares, music and writing, everything. I've come to notice that I tend to be awestruck by even simple things.

Your favorite photo by another photographer?

What influenced you to become a photographer?

Do you plan on making photography your career?

I'm not good with talking, spoken words are very difficult for me and always have been. Through photos I can show people the colors of my mind and the places my thoughts take me.

That is my ultimate dream. To do what I am so passionate about, as a career, would be amazing.

Do you have a favorite photographer? Oh I have so many. Chadwick Tyler is

What advice would you give to someone starting a 365? It's a beautiful ride, so just hang on. Biggest pet peeve? Ignorant and materialistic people.

Describe you/your photography in three words. Ambiguous. Introspective. Imperfect.

Karen Castillo Photographer Age: 16 Camera: Canon Rebel XSI & Canon AE-1 Flickr link: How did you get started in photography? I was in 7th grade and I had a friend who used to do self portraits for MySpace. They were cliche but there was something different about them and we used to have photo editing competitions. She moved to Colorado and I decided that I wanted to capture what I saw in others. I wanted it to be meaningful. It was really nothing more than a beautiful accident. Serendipity, right? What inspires you? I’m easily inspired by everything. Since "meaning" plays such an important part in my creative method, I look for things to help create an element of symbolism. Music, films, books, people, and just everything that my senses can grasp serves as inspiration. Why is photography important to you? I don’t know who I would be without it. Nearly every photo on my stream has some sort of meaning or symbolism and it is literally the best way of releasing my thoughts. I give myself to Flickr everyday and it doesn’t get much more personal than that. I’m sure you know how that is, when words just don’t cut it? What influenced you to become a photographer? I wanted to be passionate about something. I wanted something in my life to mean EVERYTHING. I was in 9th grade when I came across Alexis Mire’s stream and I had just gotten a Flickr. She was certainly an

early inspiration. She lived near me and she gave me such a different perspective on photography. She became my best friend and my biggest influence. It wasn’t commercial and it wasn’t to be cool. It meant something to her.

with my work . I would like to not use photoshop as often as I do. Although, I’ve been told that every photo can be improved with photoshop. Eventually, I would like to be able to have a balance. It’s important to me.

Do you have a favorite photographer?

What's your favorite photo that you've taken?

On Flickr? Berserker, Alexis Mire, Anna Amphigorously, Olivia Bee, Mike Bailey-Gates, and just far too many to narrow down. Outside of Flickr? Gregory Crewdson, Frederic Fontenoy, Ryan MicGinley, Desiree Dolron, and many many more.

Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis.

What/Who is your biggest influence? My mother. She influences everything that I do. My parents are the two most important people in my life. I try really hard to make them happy because they are two of the most beautiful and selfless people that I’ve ever known. I admire them and I hope that someday I can be half as good a person as they are as individuals. If you could pick anyone to shoot for a day, past or present, who would it be and why? Past? Albert Einstein because I’ve had some of the best conversations during shoots and I would just love to speak to him. He’s always inspired me as a person and I think he’s beautiful. I would want to capture that kind of beauty. Present? Devendra Banhart because he’s both attractive and interesting. He’s actually my celebrity crush and I would love to listen to him speak about the things that he cares about. What is your view on editing photos? I wish I were more comfortable

The times change and we change with them. – William Harrison It’s an earlier photo on my stream. I took it at a catholic church that I used to attend when I was younger. An older woman standing by a child. I’m assuming that their relationship is that of a grandmother and her grandson. They’re strangers but I love them and I believe in their rights and I believe in their potential. I love them. I will always wish them well. Your favorite photo by another photographer? I’m sure that you’re familiar with the photo of the Afghan girl on the June of 1985 issue of National Geographic. It impacted me as a child and the story behind her eyes is beautiful. It will always be my favorite. Do you plan on making photography your career? I would love to say, "YesYesYes!" and not have to think twice but I’m unable to do so. I’m afraid of depending on it economically. I don’t want to have to conform to what others ask of me. I want it to be entirely mine and that would be hard to do if I make a career of it. I want to be an independent film director and a writer. It’s always a burning idea in the back of my mind. I just want to

to take photos for the rest of my life and I plan on doing so regardless of whether or not I’m making money for it. Do you think you'll be able to keep up with your 365 now that you’re in school? I don’t plan on giving up. I know it will be hard because it has been rather difficult. I’ll get through it. That’s what the challenge is all about, right? How would you describe your photos to someone else?

Oh gosh. It’s always a little hard to FULLY explain my work to others but I just want my photos to tell stories. I want to create the kind of work that will shake people’s perception of reality and what they think they know. I want my work to make people both question and smile. I want it to mean something and I want it to matter. Who's someone you'd love to meet from the present day? Noam Chomsky is brilliant. Michel Gondry is one of my favorite directors. Natalie Portman because she’s

my favorite actress. Dave Chappelle is really funny. Favorite movie? My favorite films are City of God and Wristcutters. I feel that, not only every photographer, but every person in general should be familiar with the film City of God.

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