MCVP AIESEC in Norway 19.20 Application

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Member Committee Application AIESEC in Norway Term 19.20

Preface Sindre, MCP elect Dear Potential Applicant, Congratulations for taking the first step towards becoming a part of the national team of AIESEC in Norway 19.20. I am very glad you opened this package as it means you possess the courage to go the first step towards an experience that is rather unique in the world. One year ago, I was going through the same process as you, I remember I had a goosebumps when I opened the application for AIESEC in Norway. Being part of MC Norway is a responsibility to serve the impact of the organization. AIESEC in Norway is on the verge of unlocking this massive potential. Next year will require a lot of solution orientation, resilience and open-mindedness. This experience is a journey to transformation. Before going through the application, ask yourself, if challenges are what you came for, if you are willing to go through the most interesting, exciting and vivid team experiences of your life, if you are ready to question yourself everyday and transform yourself for a better AIESEC in Norway. If the answer is yes, I am humbled to go through this journey with you.

‘Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home’

Being an MC Norway 19.20 will push you to your limits and craft a new reality for you. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions during the process. Welcome to this life-changing and crazy roller coaster ! I am so looking forward to your application! Sincerely, Sindre


MC Profile

General Requirements

Living and Understanding AIESEC Values

Candidates need to represent core competence: growth, empathy, eagerness, agility. Candidates need to conduct self-reflection over values, strengths, passion, purpose. Candidates for specific positions need to possess functional competence required for the function.

Strive to master Leadership Qualities 2

MC Selection and Timeline Selection committee will ensure to keep the selection process fair, transparent and challenging enough for the applicants. As an advising body to the MCPe the committee members will follow the entire application process. The committee includes: MCP Current

MCP Elect

BOD Member

LCP Current

of February

25 – 26th of February

Application Opening

Functional Task


MCVP Current

2 – 5th of March

Personal Interviews

23rd of February

27 – 28th of February

7th of March

Application DDL

Vote of Confidence



MC Living and Working Conditions MC office: The AIESEC office is currently located in the modern college ‘Høyskolen Kristiania’ in the city centre of Oslo. Each MC member will be provided with a desk and equipment necessary to fulfil the role. Working hours: 37.5 hours in a week and 25 days of vacation according to Norwegian Law. Work days are from Monday to Friday, though some weekends will require work due to mandatory conferences. Office hours will be decided upon during team planning. Salary: The monthly salary for each MCVP should be sufficient to cover all housing and living expenses in Oslo. Monthly salary for MCVP positions will be 4500 NOK post-tax, accommodation, inner transportation and phone bill will be covered by the MC budget. MC members will be allocated in MC Flat. Term duration: August 1st, 2019 to July 31st, 2020 (physical transition will start on July 15th). Travel: All travel expenses connected with MC members roles during their term and part of team days is paid by AIESEC in Norway, prior approval by MCP. 4

The Application Package

1. Video: Maximum 3 minutes, where you present yourself, your motivation to apply for AIESEC in Norway and a key message to the plenary. Include the URL to the video in your questionnaire. 2. Questionnaire: Please answer all the questions in the general questionnaire and the functional questionnaire (max. 10 pages incl. cover). For TM/OD applicants both people management & organizational health need answers. 3. Blank paper challenge: Here, you are completely free to show your creativity, vision and/or plans for your term as MC member of AIESEC in Norway 19.20. 4. CV: Including both AIESEC and Non-AIESEC experiences (max. 2 pages) 5. Endorsement letters: • From someone you LED about your Leadership Style; • From someone who LED you about your Working Ethics; • From a co-worker, about your Team Work; • From your current MC home, for international applicants. 5. Legal Documents: • Work permit procedure explanation in one page (for intl. applicants only) 6. Picture for announcement in .PNG 7. Test Results: 16 Personalities, Holland Code, Barrett Values Centre Assessment and DISC test. 5

MC Structure MCP PD





The final MC structure of AIESEC in Norway will consist of the positions in this application form, however the final allocation will depend on the applicants’ profiles, preferences and previous experiences.

Contact Information •MCPc: Teona Kvantchiani: •MCPe: Sindre Aatland: •MCVP PD: Sindre Aatland: •MCVP CXY: Karoline L. Johansen: •MCVP ICX: Ovidiu Poghirc: •MCVP TM/OD: Samuel Rodríguez: •LCP BI: Judith Mairi: •LCP NHH: Augusta Alfnes: •LCP Trondheim: Vetle André Remme: •LCP UiO: Sean Aguinaldo: •LCP OsloMet: Dominique Dong:





• Lead outgoing exchange performance towards plan and MoS fulfillment • Developing new partner country partners aligned to the strategic direction of AIESEC in Norway • Managing and coordinating outgoing exchanges on a national level • Ensure exchange standards delivery to every exchange participant • Managing and coordination physical attraction phase on a national level

• Lead incoming exchange performance towards plan and MoS fulfillment • Developing new partner country partners aligned to the strategic direction of AIESEC in Norway • Extending all existing partnerships through regular interaction • Managing and coordinating local teams of incoming exchange • Ensure exchange standards delivery to every exchange participant

• Improving applied to approved conversion rate

• Shortlisting the candidates for a national partners

• Operational plan fulfilment • Absolute and Relative growth in outgoing exchange products

• Operational plan fulfilment • Absolute and Relative growth in incoming exchange products 7

TM/OD • Sustainable growth through a balanced organizational performance and health management • Managing organizational education including educational cycle • Implementing TM processes • Facilitating the implementation of team standards • Planning, tracking and reporting youth talent recruitment • TM commission management • Evaluation & Implementation of organizational development model


• Productivity rate (Exchange/Member) • Absolute and Relative growth in all exchange products

BXP/DM • B2B & B2C digital marketing strategic development and implementation • Brand development strategies and implementations • Managing digital channels of AIESEC in Norway • Co-Creating the attraction campaigns for exchange products including visual material and content • Tracking and reporting on engagement statistics and conversion rates • Marketing commission management

• Market reach in Norway • Absolute and Relative growth in all exchange products 8

PD • Ensures Financial sustainability of the MC • Acquisition of national partners • Developing new Partnerships aligned to the strategic direction of AIESEC in Norway • Screening for new funding opportunities • Screening developments in the corporate sector • Selling national AIESEC products towards existing partners and new clients in Norway • Selling GV, and general sponsorships • Managing national iGT sales


• •

Revenues received through National Partners Financial result of AIESEC in Norway 09

1.Who are you and what drives you as a person? 2.Why do you want to become MCVP in AIESEC in Norway? How does it contribute to your long-term plans?

General Questionnaire

3.Which are your key strengths and key weaknesses and how would these help or challenge you during your MC term? 4.What will be your unique contribution to the MC team 18.19? 5.How can AIESEC in Norway play a more active role in Norwegian society and why should we do so? 6.What kind of leadership does AIESEC in Norway need in 18.19 and how does your leadership style align to that?


Specific Questionnaire

Strategic Partnership Brand Positioning 1. Please provide a start/stop/continue analysis of our current digital channels. 2. How can we ensure that our brand content is relevant, in an era where there is content overload. 3. What is the biggest bottleneck in the attraction & conversion phase of our current costumer flow, and how would you tackle this? 4. How will you ensure a strong synergy between yourself and your individual team members?

1. Please provide a start/stop/continue analysis of the current partnership development of the entity. 2. What sales activity can be implemented on local level, to create partnerships that directly lead to exchange. How will you support your commission in acquiring these partnerships? 3. Suggest activities from at least 2 other AIESEC entities regarding partnership development that could boost exchange in AIESEC in Norway. Explain how. 4. Describe the Norwegian business culture. What will you do to effectively adapt to it? 5. Develop a sales strategy for oGV scholarships and/or iGT national sales. Which department would you sell to, which companies/organizations would you pick and what would be the value proposition for each of them?

5. Evaluate your hard skills from 0 to 12 in a prioritized order: • • • • • •

Market research Facebook adds Survey creation Video editing Content creation SEO

• • • • • •

Website development Wordpress Virtual team management Synergy work Events marketing Marketing analytics 11

Specific Questionnaire 1. What is the role of TM on a national and local level?

People Management

2. What would be your 3 main strategies for the term and why? 3. How will you ensure delivery of team standards in the entity? 4. Please assess the current conference cycle of the entity and provide 3 suggestions to improve it. 5. Which synergies will be the most important to you as MCVP TM, and what will you expect from them?

1. Please provide a SWOT of AIESEC in Norway, and explain your priorities as MCVP OD during the first semester.

Organizational Health

2. What should be your 3 main focuses for the next year and why? 3. What would be your role towards the sustainable operational growth in the entity? 4. What kind of organizational behaviors does AIESEC in Norway need to grow disruptively? 5. What would be the key indicators you would measure from all LCs to know how healthy AIESEC in Norway is? How would you collect data? What analysis would you make with the data? 12

Specific Questionnaire

1. What is the relevance of our exchange products to Norwegian youth and to Norway as a country? 2. Please assess the current outgoing exchange performance of AIESEC in

Outgoing Operations

Norway. What are the main bottlenecks in the CX on LC-level, and what will be your solutions? 3. Please create an outgoing operational timeline for AIESEC in Norway for the term 19.20. What should be the focus product, to which markets, and why? 4. Evaluate the current B2C synergy on both LC and MC level. What would the main improvement points be? 5. What would be your 3 main focuses/drivers for growth for the upcoming term?

1. What would be your 3 main strategies to grow incoming operations next year? 2. Please create an incoming operational timeline for AIESEC in Norway for the term 18.19? Which product should we focus on and why? 3. What is the role of the MCVP B2B on the MC team, and how does your synergies with the other functions look like? 4. How will you manage your local teams, and why?

Incoming Operations

5. How is AIESEC in Norway positioned in iGT globally? What would a strong IR in iGT look like? Suggest at least one entity partner, and describe the impact of the relationship. 13

Final Check List         

CV (max. 2 pages) General questionnaire Specific questionnaire Blank paper challenge Video (max. 3 minutes) Endorsement letters (4) Visa requirements (if applicable) Picture for announcement (.PNG) Test results (4)

Please submit your application as to before February 23rd at 23:59 (GMT+1) with the following name: Name_Surname_AIESECNorway_MCV Any late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Make sure you create separated files for all documents.

The application must be written in english. You will receive confirmation within 48 hours validating your application. In case of any questions about the process do not hesitate to contact MCP current, MCP elect or MC Elections Manager.

If you have a questions about the process, do not hesitate to contact us: MCPc: MCPe: Elections manager:

Good luck and enjoy the process! 15

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