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Curious Works. by



“A clothing brand with soul will always reflect the personality and style of the founder and, I guess, this is true of our brand at Universal Works.” [Keyte, D. 2013: online]

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Taking inspiration from numerous countries, Universal

Works is an independent, global, menswear brand that offers the quality-led everyday man, uncompromised personality and heritage for modern living in an understated way. ‘In a universally networked world, marketing is about participation and storytelling’ (Stylus [3] 2012: online)




As reported in the research portfolio, within recent

times the smaller independent brands are those which have prospered within the world of fashion, particularly within menswear. The advantage these brands have over the bigger retailers is a presence of community; an understanding and a true appreciation for creating products made with a design sensibility. This is true to the success of Universal Works. Research identified that the best way to achieve greater brand awareness to connect with the male consumer is through the vehicle of a collaboration.

As consumers are more connected than ever,

through increased technology and social media, brand transparency is no longer optional. Authenticity and product provenance have become an integral part of engaging with consumers today; exploring design strategies to sell a story, not just a product. In an initial briefing with owner David Keyte (Appendix 3: 68) he stated that, projecting Universal Works’ true insight, through his online journal is an integral part to his branding strategy. Keyte and his wife are global citizens of sorts, empathising with cultures of the numerous amounts of global locations they visit. On reflection it soon became apparent that there is currently a fundamental part of the Universal Works brand narrative missing; an underdeveloped exploration into the global inspirations behind the brands collections, something that is worthy of the brands attention. This global inspiration should be radiated from the brand; emulating the true aims and aesthetics of Universal Works.




In the initial briefing previously mentioned with

David Keyte (Appendix 3: 69) we were informed that due to its independent nature, the brand relies heavily on David’s built up connections within the industry and his 5 in-house staff. As a result, when exploring potential brand extension strategies, this was a detrimental factor to consider. In essence this implementation portfolio will explore how Universal Works can reinforce their authentic narrative by opening up the inspirations of the well-travelled brand. This will improve communication and create stronger relationships with the brands consumers, in an accessible and cost-efficient way.

Letting the consumers thoroughly in on the Universal

Works lifestyle will help the brand to evolve and achieve its global presence.





‘We don’t tend to follow trends, although

being exposed to them is inevitable so the product reflects our surroundings’ (Keyte for Drapers, 2012: online)






communicates that he wants to sell a lifestyle through Universal Works, in order to, engage with their consumers on a more personal level about the brand happenings. Although uploading the occasional picture of boarding tickets; primary research (Appendix 5: 74) showed that this insight into the brands narrative isn’t being projected across all platforms and does not showcase all of the global insight which impacts on the brands product offering. Opening up the brand more could be extremely appetising and engaging for their current consumer to seek out.

Although the brand is stating where they are in the world, this online message isn’t very insightful into their current inspirations in which they are deriving from each country.




An example of a brand thoroughly projecting their

inspirations and executing storytelling, to male consumers through an online platform is the brand TOAST, through the ‘TRAVELS’ section of their website.

‘Because our curiosity

extends far beyond clothing and home wares- the foundation of our business- to art, literature, film, books, cities, the countryside and food’ (Toast, 2013: online), this online platform interacts with consumers thoroughly to tell their story, true of the brands identity. This projected transparency breaks down the corporate images of the brands and gives a voice to the employees behind the scenes. Creating an online insightful dialogue encourages consumers to engage on a more personal level. As a result, it is essential for Universal Works to show the links between curiosity, final design and executions to project their true authenticity in order for consumers to understand why Universal Works is such a unique brand, and ultimately increase the brands awareness.

Although letting the consumers in on the brand and what David is currently up to the journal section of the website only posts on average once every two weeks, for consumers to thoroughly engage regularly this should be increased and give more of an insight into the inspirations.





WGSN, (2013) reports that 2014/15 will explore a

renewed ‘interest in folklore and storytelling from various countries and cultures’ this modern mythology trend explores a contemporary, multi-ethic world, filled with infinite stories.

This trend impact will influence exploration into

an undeveloped concept within the Universal Works brand; letting consumers in on the lifestyle with a renewed interest in storytelling to successfully sell the narrative of their brand to their male consumers. ‘Storytelling is still one of the most effective ways to relay important messages and entertain listeners; to captivate and inform’ (Stylus, 2011: online)








Curious Works is an online journal which acts as a

brand extension to the current Universal Works website www.universalworks.co.uk. This online platform aims to open up and reinforce a whole world of rich visual global inspiration, all of which currently impacts on the brand and its future collections. In turn, this enables the consumers to be let in on the currently hidden side to the brand. This uniquely inspired online platform aims to communicate the well-travelled influences of David Keyte and the curiosities of each employee within the company. The overarching aim of this is to engage consumers with the Universal Works ‘lifestyle’ on a more personal level. Alongside this, the concept has a simple aesthetic design which showcases and celebrates rare artisanal skills from unexpected places, from initial inspiration to final collection.


Logo branding Culinary Magazine

Curious Works


Curious Works. 1.

Curious Works.


3. -1. Primary Logotype -2. Secondary Logotype -3. Accent Colour Logotype


Curious Works. Curious Works.



-1. Primary Colour Palette -2. Accent Colour Palette



Title of post.

Prestige Elite Std

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?!12345@&


Helvetic Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?!12345@& 1. Header 2. Body

Inspirational Imagery



Body Ucium, officae consedi verum et re vendiasitem quae. Ut et milictas mossuntion ese dolora dolo omnit am faccuptam dolore

Providing clickable links from inspiration to final product,

the online platform enables the consumers to purchase the clothing through the journal. The journal is designed for those who recognize quality and seek something engaging; someone who is captivated by the calibre of design and inspired by the curiosities and soul behind the work. The success of this platform ultimately relies on its ability to tell the brands story, true to its identity, it will reflect the brands universal appeal.

In order to keep the Universal Works message consistent, the

brand will encapsulate a variety of short and long term concepts which aim to sell the story of their global inspiration. These versatile executions can be translated into any future concepts the brand will produce, in order to keep their brand message consistent.

In keeping with the style and tone of voice currently used across

the brands online platform this journal gives a voice to David Keyte and his employees behind the scenes, documenting their inspirations, curiosities and as a result informing the brand narrative. ‘I want it to be universal in its appeal and easy enough to work for men in everyday settings at work and play.’ (Keyte, Appendix 3: 69)







In the initial briefing with owner, David, he stated that Universal Works is an ‘ageless’ product, as a result two consumers have been outlined derived from stage one research and further primary research (Appendix 4: 73) to represent individuals of any age to help inform the branding and communication strategy of Curious Works.




Increased appetite for online platforms.

Likes brand narrative.

Fast paced lifestyle. Family man.

Strong interest within the exterior world inspiration.


Likes escaping from city life.

Engages thoroughly within brands at any opportunity.





Likes niche brands.

Interested in travelling.

Laid back.




s inspiration in the little things.

Immerses himself within culture.

Creative outlook.





CO M MUN I C ATI ON S T R AT EGY Curious Works is an engaging online platform that seeks to open up the current Universal Works brand strategy to engage new and current consumers previously outlined; extending brand loyalty and trust through its transparent communication. The journal will be launched in conjunction with the release of the 2014 S/S collection. Outlined over the next pages is the current communication strategy for the journal:


1 0 th J a nu a r y - 1 7 t h Febr ua r y : I n itia l intr igue

AIM: To gain excitement and awareness around the journal and narrative for Universal Works Press release launched to relevant online publications which engage with the current target consumer. The global stockists that Universal Works is currently sold in are integral to the success of the brand. As a result, it is essential to include them within the Curious Works concept launch to solidify brand relationships and achieve a seamless communication strategy. In the lead up to the launch, a series of cases of ‘Universal Works curiosities’ will be placed within three of the brands main stockists alongside the brands flag ship store. 1. Goodhood in London 2. Oi Polloi in Manchester 3. End Clothing in Newcastle The three above stores, have been individually selected due to their geographical location and heavy footfall. The case concepts will show the curiosities and inspirations of the latest Universal Works collection; this aims to generate intrigue and excitement around the new curious works online journal. In order to achieve a thorough brand communication and promotion strategy throughout all of the stockists, in the lead up to the launch, swing tags will be used to encapsulate the initial inspirations for each of the products. The previously noted will also inform consumers about the online journal thoroughly communicating the inspiration behind the products and the traveled aesthetic of the brand. The ‘Case of Universal Works Curiosities’ give consumers the chance to guess what the ‘curiosity’ item has informed, using Twitter to hashtag the guesses, this encourages conversation and informs other consumers who may not have necessarily heard about the journal. The cases and tags aim to create intrigue and a mysterious concept, something that the male consumers take interest in.








1 8 th Feb r u a r y to 4th M a rc h - Wh ic h Cur io s it y ? After the heightened intrigue and excitement around the ‘Universal Works Curiositiy’ cases concepttwo items will be placed within each case in the three stockists. Consumers will be informed that the two ‘curious’ items within each case were the initial inspiration for a partnership of two brands. Consumers are encouraged to enter their guesses of the product with the chance of winning the limited edition collaboration when launched, alongside receiving invites to the Curious Works launch party.

= 35.

5th M arch : S / S 1 4 co l l ec tio n a n d Cur io us Wo r k s o n l in e j o ur n a l go e s li ve. The event aims to explore the consumer curiosities alongside storytelling about the global inspiration of the brands products. The launch will feature global curiosities that inspire Universal Works the most and aims to introduce consumers to the journal to gain a greater insight into the Universal Works lifestyle. The curious works journal launch party will also boast a collaboration with established versatile footwear brand DIEMME. This collaboration will explore David’s curiosities of hiking, escaping his city life and going to the pub with his friends. Taking inspiration from this interest to produce a new boot extends the narrative of the product. The curiosities which influenced the product will be translated through to the packaging. This will also be promoted using a moving image look book launched at the opening; promoting the journal, its new narrative and Universal Works as a brand. This moving image will be placed on the Curious Works journal, encouraging greater consumer footfall to this platform. The collaboration will propel the Curious Works journal towards the consumer’s for greater brand awareness.


5. 37.

T HE V I D E O “Moving image is the future of fashion communication.” [Cordero, R 2012 online]

Taking inspiration from David’s love of the great outdoors






In order to best promote the Universal Works collaboration and the Curious Works journal, a video look book has been produced to reveal the narrative and inspiration for the products. Inspired by initial consumer research ( Appendix 4: 73) it was essential for this video look book to be ‘faceless’ and ‘ageless’ with an unidentifiable consumer, something that David Keyte also states is key to his brand. The overall aim of the video look book is to show the curiosities behind the product development, the versatility of the shoe and to show it within its native environment.



Same boots in a different environment shows the versatility of the shoe


This gives consumers an insight into the inspirations of the product and is essential because of consumer’s renewed ‘interest within narrative’ (WGSN, 2013: online).














Real people.






The collaboration video shows the product in numerous situations within the environment that it is inspired by, it explores the product provenance through moving image which helps encapsulate the true inspiration. Through being clickable the video allows consumers to buy the products and explore the ‘curious’ environment it is filmed in, alongside the options to share on networking websites. In the future this video concept could be applied to all Universal Works collections with the product being filmed in the initial location, truly exploring its inspirations and narrative. The videos will be used to explore the stories behind Universal Works products. It is inspiring and engaging for consumers to gain a visual representation of global places David Keyte visits to find inspiration.




To begin our creative process, test shoots were carried out along the canal (Appendix 8: 82) (Appendix 6: 78). This was to explore angle shots and locations in order to thoroughly plan story boards for the next test shoot. After gaining contact with videographer, James Gould, (Appendix, 7: 81) more test shoots were undertaken to explore the locations which were identified as best representing the curiosities of the product. Through the over layering of the videos, it not only shows the product in action but also in the environment the product took inspiration from. Calling scripts were produced in order to make best use of time. Unfortunately due to cost and time restrictions this film is just a best representation of what could have been produced if the brand adopted this concept.



6. 51.

F U T U R E R E COM M E N DATI ON S Alongside continuous journal entries by Universal Works employees, in order to thoroughly expand the Curious Works concept into the future, a communication strategy has been outlined below:

O N E TO T WO YE ARS CASE OF CURIOSITY- These cases will hold a piece of inspiration that David Keyte has brought back from his travelling which is the inspiration for the next capsule collection. From limited collections of knives to toothpicks, consumers can guess which product it will influence for the next season. Engaging consumers with the campaign and creates intrigue.

FUTURE PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGNS- Twice a year Universal Works will launch a video look book. Each will continue the visual aesthetic of the DIEMME collaboration video, taking place where the product has gained inspiration from. These videos will build up an archive of global inspirations and in essence keep the curious brand narrative consistent across all touch points.




TH R E E TO F I VE YE ARS BRAND MUSEUM- As the Lamb’s Conduit store currently has a small footfall in comparison to the Universal Works stockists, this store will be converted into a brand museum, ‘turning a brand space into an outright attraction’ (Stylus, 2013: online). The museum will have tokens from the places Keyte has visited to, entering the curious brand narrative and engaging the consumers with a true insight into Davids travels and his inspiration. MAP- The journal will feature an interactive online map for consumers to engage with the brand in real time and follow who is exploring which curiosities within the brand. Each individual’s line of curiosity can be tracked in order for consumers to gain an insight into the brand and a true connection to what is happening.






CO N CLUS I ON The Curious Works journal and surrounding campaign is a unique concept which Universal Works could adopt. It explores how the brand can engage further with their consumers through opening up the global inspirational side of curiosities and travel to its brand. The journal welcomes their consumers into the inspirations and curious thoughts behind the collections opposing that of the brands current journal narrative. The additional campaigns and in store materials will thoroughly communicate the journals message and the Universal Works brand narrative. The online platform and collaboration will broaden their reach without alienating their current consumer. The whole Curious Works concept epitomizes Universal Works; ageless, faceless and personal.






LIST OF ILLUSTR ATIONS FIG 1.-2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Universal works brand’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 2.- 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Current online activity’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 3. - 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Current online activity Two’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 4.- 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Trend Moodboard’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 5.- 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Trends Moodboard Two’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 6.- 2013. Clouston, A., ‘Branding Guidelines’ [ILLUSTRATION] FIG 7. - 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Curious Works’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 8. - 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Current Consumer’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 9.- 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘The intrigued one Consumer’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 10.- 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘The well travelled consumer’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 11.- 2013. Gibbons, S., ‘Box of curiosity’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 12.- 2013 . Gibbons, S. ‘Collaboration guess’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 13.- 2013. Gibbons, S. ‘Initial moodboard for film’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 14.- 2013. Gibbons, S. ‘Initial moodboard for film two’ [OWN IMAGE] FIG 15.- 2013. Gould, J. ‘The shoot stills’ [PHOTOGRAPH] FIG 16.- 2013. Gould, J. ‘Shooting for the film’ [PHOTOGRAPH] FIG 17.- 2013. Rose, I. ‘Making the film’ [PHOTOGRAPH] FIG 18.- 2013. Rose , I. ‘Stills from the film’ [PHOTOGRAPH] FIG 19. 2013. Gibbons, S. ‘Story board of film’ [ILLUSRATION] FIG 20, 2013. Clouston, A. ‘Brand Museum’ [PHOTOGRAPH] All visuals for mood boards and image complilations have been derived from numerous internet resources.


LIST OF REFERENCES BOF, 2013. Are we failing to fulfil the potential of fashion film? [online] US: The Business of Fashion ltd. Available at: www.businessoffashion.com/tag/quynh-mai [accessed on 20/03/2013] DAVID K., 2012. Ten Questions with David Keyte Founder of menswear label Universal Works [online]. Available at: http://the189.com/ten-questions/ten-questions-with-david-keyte-founder-of-menswear-label-universal-works/ [accessed on 02/05/2013] DRAPERS ONLINE, 2013. Universal Works- Brand Watch [online]. UK: Emap Publishing. Available at: http://www. drapersonline.com/news/brandwatch/universal-works/5011310.article [accessed on 15/04/2013] JACKET REQUIRED, 2011. Jacket Required, Universal Works [online]. Available at: http://vimeo.com/jacketrequired/ universalworks [accessed on 07/04/2013] STYLUS, [3] 2011. Consumer Lifestyle Modernising Vintage [online]. UK: Stylus. Available at: www.stylus.com [accessed on 01/04/2103] STYLUS, 2013. Menswear Autumn/Winter 13/14 Fashion and Accessories [online]. UK: Stylus. Available at: www. stylus.com [accessed on 01/04/2013] TED, 2013. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. US: Ted Conferences LLC [online]. Available at: www.ted.com [accessed on 14/03/2012] UNIVERSAL WORKS, 2013. Universal Works [online]. UK: Universal Works Available at: http://www.universalworks. co.uk/ [accessed on 05/04/2013] WGSN, 2011. WGSN footwear team Seoul Fashion Week: men’s footwear street shots [online]. Unknown: WGSN. Available at: http://www.wgsn.com/content/report/Trend_Analysis/Footwear/2011/December/SS12_Seoul_Fashion_Week_Mens_Footwear_Street_Shots.html [accessed on 12/12/2012]



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Full_Report/2012/January/AW1213_Bread_Butter_Footwear_Accessories_ Trends.html [accessed on 21/04/2013] WGSN [1], 2013. Men’s footwear emerging trend by Ella Hudson [online]. Unknown: WGSN. Available at: http://www.wgsn.com/content/report/Trend_Analysis/ Footwear/2013/January/The_double_monk_mens_footwear_emerging_trend. html [accessed on 01/02/2013] WGSN [2], 2013. January: Marketing Top Trends [online]. Unknown: WGSN. Available at: http://www.wgsn.com/content/report/Marketing/Communication_ Strategy/2013/January/2013_marketing_toptrends.html [accessed on 10/12/2012] WGSN [3], 2013. A/W 13/14: New York men’s trade show trend analysis [online]. Available at: http://www.wgsn.com/content/report/Trade_Shows/Full_ Report/2013/Jan/Trends/aw13_14_newyork_mens_trendanalysis.html [accessed on 04/02/2013]


APPENDIX 1 ME THODOLOGY Initial Discussion with owner David Keyte Two hour informal question and answer session with the owner of the Universal Works brand David Keyte, his insightful information and extra knowledge about the brand thoroughly informed initial primary research; due to the nature of the discussion it was great to get an insight into the brand from the owner. Collaborators After exploring various films and online look books collaborators were contacted in order to gain a professional edge to our outcomes. As a group we contacted numerous videographers in order to gain a diverse range of skills alongside ours that would have impact on the video look book that we wanted to produce. James Gould got back to us and wanted us to collaborate with him to produce our concept. Consumer insight and analysis Consumer insight and analysis was undertaken via Instagram- social networking website, to see exactly who the universal works consumer was, although this online platform may segregate those consumers who don’t use the online website it enabled not only insightful information about the consumer but a visual representation of what they look like wearing the Universal Works clothing. Journal and online platform analysis The Universal Works brand journal and social media accounts were explored in order to see how the brand is currently projecting their story, analysis confirmed that they do not consistently radiate the brands narrative across all platforms. Pinterest Pinterest and other only visual platforms such as vimeo were used in order to pin point key inspirations and points along the way, it also helped gain a true insight into the consumers. Secondary Sources Trend forecasting agencies were used in order to gain a great depth of analysis into the current timely market trends. Books aided the historical context of the menswear market alongside trends within niche branding and targeting a range of different consumers. Magazines such as Drapers were used again to analyse the current menswear market and what is currently happening within the latest and future analysis of the menswear market. These extensive research methods truly tested my research questions and helped gain a thorough understanding of the menswear market currently and current collaborations and brands doing things differently.




APPENDIX 3 I N I T I A L B R I E F I N G W I T H DAV I D K E Y T E Notes from first meeting with David Keyte (owner of Universal Works): - Has new collections twice a year, every s/s and a/w selling to independent retailers and both small and major boutiques - David started it up on his own for the first year but was joined by his partner for another year, then they got an accountant. Now they have two more staff. One for website, another for production. So they’re a tiny company. - they have one really small store in London Lamb’s Conduit Street - a really cool/ cultural street in LDN - UW has a Midland/ Northern aesthetic - website was launched late last year - aware that they’re marketing is lacking - David believes U. Works has the right balance between value/look/price - U.Works was pitched to retailers as a ‘cool’ brand that is commercial - not cheap, not high street but not high designer: It’s affordable for a great mass of guys who want to be stylish - 3 brands in a showroom that David wanted to sell alongside are Spencer, Margret Howell, Vanishing. They have an aesthetic synergy - UW has 5 agents across the world –Paris, Berlin, NYC, Tokyo, sort of LDN, small one in Copenhagen - distributor in Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Austria - less revolution, more evolution: classic menswear shapes, majority of modern menswear originates from Britain - wealth of experience influences his inspiration, aware of current surroundings, inspiration is everywhere - they have around 10 factories; Hucknall, Long Eaton, Deli; casual jackets are made in India - It is all about the product, if that fails marketing is a myth; getting the product out there in front of consumers is priority so that he can sell more - David likes old mediums like vinyl and print but he thinks is film is the most exciting because it is cheap and accessible - product isn’t aimed at a particular age, they showed their garments to consumers and covered up the face. When asked what age the consumer thought the clothes were aimed at, they all said their own age. Ageless product - Use older ‘non’ models and real people


- Stylish product for the wearer, David didn’t want an age limit - Collaborations and Co-branding: shoes with Mians a classic Spanish Summer shoe/ bag with Millican UK. Next winter they’re working with Smedley in Derbyshire - Wants to collaborate with New Balance because he likes their shoes, they manufacture in the UK - They’re competitors: Folk/YMC/Our Legacy/Norse - Share the same buyers and stockists in Scandinavia with Our Legacy and Norse - Menswear brands aren’t really enemies, they’re all friends and actually try to help eachother out as much as they can. Share a similar aesthetic. Male brands are complimentary of eachother. Albam are the exception, they’re apparently mean. - favours from them for smaller orders when he needs to, he realizes that this could be a bad move for his brand but in general it is getting the brand awareness out in the market to the right consumers. -UW are generally anti ‘big players’ want people to be interested in the product and they’re driven by profit margins. - His brand is about less revolution, more evolution - Commercial menswear is about 20% of what it could be in womenswear - Crazy things won’t sell - Understandable menswear, less places to go with it - Classic menswear shapes, majority of modern menswear originates from Britain


APPENDIX 4 FEEDBACK FROM TIM RUNDLE PRODUCT PROVENANCE I think that’s all-together a much clearer than when I saw it before, I think both in the way of your over-arching intention which is to reveal Universal Works as a well-travelled brand and then use this shoe as a vehicle to do that rather than the shoe being a means to the end, you know what I mean so I think that makes much more sense. And on the senses it is all a lot clearer on what the role that that collaboration has, so I think it was very clear to follow, I think that you have identified something that is very important and undeveloped within the brand which is very worthy of the brands attention, I think that you have shown some research to support that in terms of your trend research and how you want to wrap that up and capture through that some things that are also of the now and not just that any brand would like to be thought of as well travelled, so I thought all of that was good, and it all felt like a move forward in the right direction. And I like what you have deli-anted of how you are going to achieve that both short term and long term. So lots of positives there definitely, the things that I felt, really this strategy I think has to have more in place to achieve that and what I think what you just said at the end there which was a bit throw away where you said there could be somewhere in the store where there are some things that he bought from different places that can’t be left to chance that has to be a built in part of the strategy so you’ve done that, so the things that occurred to me when you were speaking these are not good ideas I’m just saying as a bad example, they should be at a glass map you know if you just showed me one year in his life you wouldn’t need to show me anymore, you just look the locations that those two people go to in one year you don’t have to tell anybody that they are well travelled you just look at a map and you’ll see it’s ridiculous, I mean they’re in a different location every week so I think first of all there should be a physical device online that shows the maps that they are travelling within that company and not just David line, Stef’s line and who else works in the company doing what, because I think it’s just really interesting for the consumer just to see that at a glance and realise that this is happening because people are running around all the time all over the world trying to make this happen for them, so that’s another layer of the information that I think should be there and I would have some kind of box of curiosity, cabinet of curiosity within the


store where Dave and his team undertake something to bring back it could be a match box, you see what I mean it could be a single shoe that goes into it, and it’s a constant changing display it’s not an object that you can buy but it’s part of sharing the brand, you need strategies like that, that can build this within the shop, there is something in the shop that is picking up on this story, there is something online, that is picking up on the story, you haven’t told me what’s going to be written on the swing tags, you haven’t said to me that as a result of that next time in next season, when I pick up a product something is going to say Universal Travels because I found this trouser, this is actually an original police man shape from the Japanese you see what I mean and these are old tools, people do it all the time, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, you’ll have your way of doing it, I just want to see how you’re doing this a little more 360 I have no problem with you core short term and long term but you now need to spin out around that and make sure that there are maps objects things on swing tags do you see what I mean? Things on receipt holders, how does it work, how do you somehow you know it’s a classic visual but you no know that you have put that drop of ink in the water it should really just start bleeding into everything. So I think you just need to run with it, don’t think ideas are too small, you have your big ideas just have 15 small ideas that are wrapped around it as well.














10.03.2013 India Rose, Sinead Gibbons, Alex Clouston: Hi James, We are contacting you today as we are looking to produce a film for our Universal Works menswear clothing implementation project, and as we admire the work you have produced before, we thought that collaborating with you on this, to produce a film for this project would be a great addition to not only our project but to your portfolio. Get back to us if you are interested in collaborating with us on this film as we have a lot of ideas lined up for this and your professional knowledge in this area would be of great asset in producing this film. Let us know your thoughts! Thanks Sinead, India, Alex 13.03.2013 James Gould: Hi Guys, Yes that would be cool with me, what sort of thing are you looking to produce? If you could send over some story boards maybe or some calling sheets, that I could look at the sort of thing that you are looking to produce and then we could go from there. I don’t have a lot of work on at the moment and therefore it would be great to actually get collaboration in, I can do stills or moving image so whatever you think would be good for your project, and the rest is up to you! Thanks James Gould 15.03.2013 India Rose, Sinead Gibbons, Alex Clouston: Hi James, Thanks for getting back to us so soon; we are really looking to produce a moving image look book and a look book, the ideas that we have at the moment are based around a shoe as it is a ‘faceless’ brand and we are producing a collaboration with DIEMME, we are in the midst of producing a few mood boards and also a few videos that we like aesthetically when we have these we will send them over to you so you can get an insight into the sort of things that we are looking to produce. Thanks Sinead, India and Alex


18.03.2013 India Rose, Sinead Gibbons, Alex Clouston: Hi James, We have sent you over the mood boards and the films that we are currently taking inspiration from in order for you to gain an insight, let us know if you have any inspirational ideas for this and the production of our film or around the concept then do let us know, we have attached the brand and the main findings from our last report in order for you to gain a true insight into the products that they are currently producing and there brand narrative. Let us know your thoughts and if you have any issues. Thanks Sinead, India and Alex 24.03.2013 James Gould: Hi guys, I have had a look into your project, the videos and the images that you have sent me over, they all look quite inspirational and relatively true to the brand, I am free to start filming whenever you are ready, have you thought about the shoes that you are thinking of using, as obviously that is a very important part of the video, also think about locations and story boards as they would be really useful! Thanks James 01.04.2013 Alex, India and Sinead: Hi James, We have sorted out story boards, locations and dates in which we want to film and we have attached these for you, let us know if you can stick to these dates if not we are happy to work around you as we appreciate you expertise we have access to a car and equipment, let us know if you think any tripods would be good to use for this concept. Let us know about dates and times etc! Thanks for working with us on this! If you would like to contact us we have attached our number! Thanks Sinead, India and Alex [Rest of communication with James Gould done via text messages]





APPENDIX 9 STORE VISIT Aesthetically pleasing layout, the small space really works and doesn’t seem too small, they have really laid out the inside of the store to a really good standard and have encompassed the Universal Works lifestyle where they can. The shop attendee was very nice, welcoming me into the store, and asking if there was anything he could help me with, I acted like a normal consumer and he told me abit about the brand and their narrative and where the brand started out, he helped me in choosing some key pieces out oftheir new collection and helped with sizing where needed. Overall the store has a generally aesthetically pleasing layout and music was calm in keeping with the brand aesthetic.



APPENDIX 10 TEAM MINUTES Team minutes taken along the process of this implementation project, including place, who attended, the agenda and what happened. DATE: 25/02/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: To discuss our progress from previous hand in and the brief for the implementation stage of the project. Assign roles. What happened: Discussed individual progression and the key elements of the previous portfolio that we deemed necessary to take forward in the implementation stage. Arranged next meeting for a few days For the future: As individuals go away and research the broader market trends. Produce individual mood board’s for the portfolio to start the journey for the reader. DATE: 26/02/2013 Individual Work: Started to produce mood boards based around the Big Idea. Went to The Designer Forum and researched the broader market trends. Started to mind map ways in which I could put my individual stamp on the group project. Researched into the shifts and trends that will impact on UW from the outside. DATE: 28/02/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Discuss progression from the last meeting. To discuss any issues and start initial tasks for the second part of the UW group project ‘the implementation stage’. What happened: Produced several mind maps and started discussing the routes that we could go down with the communication and promotion strategy to launch the collaboration into the market. Arranged the next meeting time and place. For the future: Carry on blogging images and adding pins to the group Pinterest boards, continuation of research into which brands have successfully launched collaborations not only into the menswear market but into a range of markets and how these were executed. DATE: 01/03/2013 Individual Work: Researched into consumer behaviour patterns. Researched into successful collaborations within the broader markets. Researched trends and tastes for the future of menswear. Pinned images to the group boards. DATE: 02/03/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Review progress from previous meeting. Discuss the execution of successful collaborations. Research which brands are successfully speaking and reaching the male demographic. What happened: Discussed the longevity of the collaboration concept and how it would be beneficial to UW to release a number of promotional videos running alongside. Researched on YouTube and Vimeo videos which we felt targeted the male consumers efficiently. Discussed successful collaborations and why they worked. Arranged the next meeting time and place. For the future: Individually research our ‘Big Idea’ and produce our aims and objectives to keep the project on track. DATE: 04/03/2013 Individual Work: Found aspirational videos on Vimeo and YouTube which as a group we could take inspiration from. Researched into the shifts and trends that will affect Universal Works as a brand. Produced individual aims and objectives for this project and the things that I want to get out of it. UNIVERSAL WORKS

DATE: 05/03/2013

Met: Library Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Discuss the progression from the previous project hand in and future thinking for the next steps and stages within this implementation project after the UW tutorial briefing for the implementation stage with Tim Rundle. What happened: Discussed each other’s strengths and weaknesses for the creative implementation part, grouped together and produced mind maps for the next stage and the tasks in which each of us need to do in time for the next meeting. Contacted people who we felt we could collaborate with on the project. Arranged the next meeting, time and place. For the future: Carry on adding pins to the group Pinterest boards and blog. To think of ways in which the collaboration could be launched to the market in order to gain as much awareness for UW as possible. Research what our consumers want, make this collaboration commercially viable. DATE: 07/03/2013 Individual Work: Contacted my personal contacts who we could collaborate with on a video. Researched into the Universal Works consumer and the ways in which to target and attract them. Added more pins to the group Pinterest board. DATE: 08/03/2013 Met: Alex’s Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Discuss progression from the last meeting. To arrange presentation for David Keytes owner of Universal Works who we were meeting with the next day. What happened: Produced presentation for meeting with David from Universal Works. Discussed potential communication strategies and the way in which to approach these. Practised presentation in order to get across the things that we needed to in a structured manner. Discussed the creative outcomes and potential collaborations with videographers, photographers and models. Arranged the next meeting time and place. For the future: Individually practise presentation. Continuation of creative thinking for potential outcomes and strategic approaches for the project DATE: 09/03/2013 Individual Work: Practised presentation and the articulation of the ideas. Went through Powerpoint presentation to add topic specific imagery and edited where necessary. DATE: 12/03/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Presentation with Tim Rundle and David Keytes from Universal Works What happened: Presented to Tim and David and the other students the stage that we were at with our project. Received constructive criticism back from this. Listened to the other group’s ideas for UW and the ways in which they are going to implement these. Learnt from other groups and the feedback which they received. For the future: Review and critique feedback from Tim and David individually. Think of ways in which we could take this project forward as stated by Tim and David. Research the ideas and up and coming trends for 2014/15 not only in menswear but within the communication and promotion arena.


DATE: 15/03/2013 Individual Work: Went to The Designer Forum to research the up and coming trends within the communication and promotion arena for 2014/15. Cut these down to present back to the group in a meeting later on in the day. DATE: 15/03/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Review the feedback received from the presentation to David and Tim and the ways in which we can take the project forward as a team. What happened: Researched and discussed the relevant trends and tastes for menswear for the next 18 months. Researched what is really different within visuals and experiential in store environments. Decided on the narrative of the collaboration in keeping with the brand and the ways in which we can show this. Mind mapped our big idea. Discussed which brands would be relevant and important for Universal Works to collaborate with. Discussed and researched the promotional campaigns that we felt could have impact on our project. Discussed and research the range of potential outcomes for our project. Overall review of the feedback that we received from Tim and David in regards to our project and presentation. Arranged the next meeting time and place. For the future: Research the future trends and tastes within the menswear market for the next 18 months. Research the longevity of collaborations. Research the brands which are targeting and speaking to the male consumers in an effective way. DATE: 17/03/2013 Individual Work: Researched trends and tastes for the menswear market for the next 18 months and came across trends within fitness and gamification, brands providing unique challenges to men, connectivity to consumers, technology treasure hunts, geocoaching, sustainability and sports. Produced a mini presentation to present back to the team about the routes in which we could take for our project. DATE: 18/03/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Discuss progression from the last meeting. Sinead to present the mini presentation she has produced to the rest of the team of the paths in which we could take. Other findings and trends to be analysed in order to gain the best insight. What happened: Trends were picked apart from Sinead’s findings in order to see which would be commercially viable for Universal Works and the collaboration in which we are proposing. Redefined our Big Idea and the aims and objectives of our project. Discussed ways in which these trends could be adapted and utilized to fit in with the message that we are trying to project as a team. Arranged the next meeting time and place. Divided up individual roles to complete before the next meeting. For the future: Research more vehicles for the promotion of Universal Works. Produce mini concepts focused around the trends linking with the collaboration to see how they would work. Research other ways in which we could tell the story of UW as a brand and push the idea of collaboration through different design strategies.


DATE: 27/03/2013 Individual Work: Produced mini concepts and strategies focused around the trends linking to UW and the collaboration. Researched more into successful advertising campaigns and design strategies for promotion. DATE: 29/03/2013 Individual Work: Wrote up team minutes and things discussed between the group. Looked further into how brands are speaking to male consumers. Researched into the phycology of producing a concept based around gamification and events and the positive impact that it could have on the UW consumers. Produced mood boards for the concepts we have previously stated to show the progression of the critical thinking so far. DATE: 30/03/2013 Met: Group Skype conversation Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Review each other’s individual progression from the last meeting. Discuss the mini concepts that each of us have produced and the ones in which we feel would be most successful to take forward. What happened: Discussed concepts and how these could be applied to the collaboration and the ones in which would be relevant for UW and the ones which weren’t. Discussed which roles each of us wanted to take for over the Easter break, and discussed the interim presentation that is happening on the first week back after the Easter break. Arranged the next meeting time and place. For the future: Take individual roles discussed and plan them out to benefit the team and the current project. Research more into events and collaboration launches as well as targeting the urban active man. DATE: 02/04/2013 Individual Work: Wrote up team minutes and things discussed between the group. Pined and blogged numerous inspirational videos that would have impact on our project, wrote up lists of the thing needed to be included within the interim presentation. Found a potential collaborator with DIEMME, for their walking and outdoor aesthetic contacted the rest of the team to let them know about this potential collaboration. DATE: 04/04/2013 Individual Work: Produced mood-boards for inspiration for the presentation. I discovered a trend on WGSN for 2014/15 to do with Digital Mythology that could be very relevant to the work that we produce. I researched more visual concepts that we could adopt. Blogged more inspirational videos and photo shoots from brands with a similar aesthetic of Universal Works. DATE: 08/04/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Review progression from individual work over Easter and from the last meeting. Brainstorm concepts to present in the interim presentation. Discuss what we could take forward within the stages of the project. What happened: Produced mood-boards along the themes of textures and fabrics, digital mythology, UW and India inspiration, these mood-boards will help us to get our concept of this idea across within the presentation. Planned out


presentation and researched into brand travel journals and the concepts that we could adopt. We have arranged casting days and location shots for video lookbook and photo shoot. Spoken to potential collaborators who would be willing to photograph and produce our film with us. Arranged the next meeting time and place. For the future: Produce scripts and practise presentation, along with time management plan for the next month to produce the concepts that we want to produce. DATE: 08/04/2013 Individual Work: Wrote up script for Universal Works presentation so that we can find any gaps and holes within the presentation so that it can be as solid as we need it to be. Blogged and Pinned more images to both the blog and Pintrest boards to keep them up to date with our new concept and big idea of travel and journey. DATE: 09/04/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, India Rose and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Review progression from the last meeting. Run through script. Go over presentation. Contact collaborators for dates. What happened: Reviewed the script and criticised it to make sure it was thorough and represented our idea in a positive light. Started to make the power point presentation to present to Tim the next day but presentation was cancelled due to illness. We ran through the presentation a few times to ensure we could be as confident for Tim. Emailed Tim about illness and contacted the collaborators about dates and when they could fit in with our group time plan for this project. Researched into different locations where we could shoot. Produced some story boards for video and photo shoots and the style we want to do them. Arranged the next meeting time and place. Back in touch with the collaborators to set dates, time plans and transport. For the future: Keep pinning and blogging individually, add any inspiration to group boards and blog. DATE: 10/04/2013 Individual: Found numerous images and videos for inspiration for photo shoot and video look book. Corrected script for our interim presentation and split up roles. Produced individual storyboards and contacted models for model casting day and shoot. DATE: 12/04/2013 Individual: Produced mood boards and storyboards for film and photo shoot concepts to present to collaborators the week after to get feedback on the things that would work. Contacted group to meet up to produce mood boards for each idea and stage of our process so far. DATE: 16/04/2012 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, Sinead Gibbons, India Rose Agenda: To produce mood boards for the process, map out and plan locations for video and photo shoot. Reproduce time scale and plan to fit in around the locations and collaborators we have chosen. What happened: Produced mood boards based around the theme of India, Travel,


Digital Mythology and locations. Brainstormed locations for the photo shoot and video alongside organizing a time scale and plan to fit in with collaborators and around individual projects. Hired cameras out to test which we wanted to use and which we felt would be best to use for Universal Works and the style we want to capture. Had a run through of the presentation and emailed Tim in order to find when we were presenting in the future. For the future: Keep pinning and blogging individually, add any inspiration to group boards and blog. DATE: 17/04/2012 Met: Arbouretum Park Nottingham Attendees: Alex Clouston, Sinead Gibbons, India Rose, James Gould Agenda: To do some test shots for the video concept, to make strong relationships with James, our videographer collaborator. Test and trail for location shots and also for concepts for our short promotional film. What happened: filmed and produced some short test shots in order to see what we could do with our resources, figured out ways to tell the story through film and also through photos, editing and concluded what works and what doesn’t. For the future: keep researching for inspirational ways to tell the story through video and photos, keep pinning and blogging individually, add any inspiration to group boards and blog. DATE: 18/04/2012 Individual: organize time plan in line with individual project, how can I have my own personal impact on this group project? Start looking for trends within layout and graphic design that will have an impact on the project and how I am going to lay out the report for the digital copy. Start thinking about how you can show this project off at the degree show as part of your portfolio. DATE: 19/04/2013 Met: Canal Attendees: India Rose, Alex Clouston, Sinead Gibbons, James Gould Agenda: To practise our filmography for moving image look book. Give us an indication of what will be needed when actually going to film the look book. Create a plan of action for the day of filming, keep in touch with James our videographer. What happened: Did numerous types of shots for the shoes and saw which looked best and which worked for the scene that we are trying to pursue. For the future: Analyse the collection of video’s as a group and see what we feel worked and would fit in with the Universal Works aesthetic. Continuously look for inspiration for the video on pinterest and VIMEO from things outside of fashion and footwear. DATE: 21/04/2013 Met: University Attendees: India Rose, Alex Clouston, Sinead Gibbons Agenda: To create and practise presentation for the following day with Tim What happened: Produced the presentation as a group and went through to see who could cover and explain which parts best, practised presentation numerous times in order to make sure we could get all our points across. For the future: Practise individual sections of the presentation, keep on the lookout for trends and impacting influences that could extend our idea and have impact on what we produce for the final outcome. Keep blogging and pinning on group boards.


DATE: 22/04/2013 Met: University Attendees: Alex Clouston, Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Universal Works presentation to Tim about our concepts and time strategy What happened: Presented to Tim about Universal Travels and also our new concept and ideas and received feedback on things to change and add to our big idea. For the future: Feedback from Tim, include a more wholesome communication and promotional strategy under the Big Idea, incorporate universal travels into the instore environment more and let the consumers in on the bigger picture of Universal Works. (See Appendix 1 for Tim’s feedback) DATE: 24/04/2013 Met: University for tutorial with Tim Rundle (See page for tutorial record sheet) DATE: 24/04/2013 Met: Facebook Chat Attendees: Alex Clouston, Sinead Gibbons, India Rose Agenda: Digital chat in order to organize dates with videographer and organize clothing and shoes for the shoot. Organize locations and the shoots that we thought worked best with the shoe and also for the background shots. What happened: Bought shoes for the shoot, organized a time plan with videographer to ensure we can all make every shoot at the different locations, planned cars and payment between the team. For the future: Research locations that would be possible to shoot in and accessible by car. Keep finding inspiration for portfolio and for the trends and tastes. Keep adding to the group Pinterest boards and blog. Keep each other up to date on locations and any other influences factors such as the weather. DATE: 26/04/2013 Individual: Find locations within the UK that are perfect for shoot location or could be an appropriation of what we would want the actual film to look like if UW produced it. Get in contact with David Keyte about where he has travelled and if he has any insightful information about any of his other employees who travel and what they currently do for the brand in order for us to expand our communication and promotion strategy for the brand with Universal Travel. DATE: 30/04/2013 Met: University library Attendees: Alex Clouston India Rose Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Discuss finalized details for the photo shoot for the following day, organize clothing and models and most importantly the location shoots and how we are going to get there to shoot the film. Sorted out group finances for details like shoes. What happened: Finalized all details in a lot of detail for the shoot the following day, produced story boards for the videographer in order to help describe to him which we thought worked best. Made sure the weather was going to be good for the next day. Produced a time plan so that we could measure our For the future: keep up to date with weather, bring everything that we need to shoot the next day. Bring report plans and chapter structures to discuss with each other on the journey the next day. Continuously pin inspiration on group Pinterest boards.


DATE: 31/04/2013 Met: Matlock Bath Attendees: Alex Clouston, Sinead Gibbons, India Rose, James Gould Agenda: Film and Shoot for promotional video and moving image look-book with videographer. Discuss chapter plans and report structure on the journey. What happened: Gained a clear idea of the individual report structure and chapter plans from speaking to each other and having a discussion in the car. Shot 3 location shots for the moving image look-book. Had fish and chips in Matlock bath. Passed home via visiting Alex’s pugs. Discussed on the journey home with James the next shoots that we have planned and where we want to do them and how we want them. For the future: Organize next meeting with James and the locations we want to shoot in. Look out for visual inspiration from everywhere and pin on boards if noted and found. Continuously pin inspiration onto group Pinterest boards. Keep in mind locations for the urban section of our project when walking around Nottingham. DATE: 03/05/2013 Individual: Start collecting images and laying out in InDesign for individual portfolio, keep on track of layout style and aesthetic for the visuals in keeping with Universal Works and the trends that we have discovered. What is a new way of showing this idea? Write up Tim’s tutorial record sheets. Write up minutes. DATE: 07/05/2013 Individual: Start getting images for portfolio and thinking about layout inspiration, starting writing up the concept and producing the logo and how you got to this final idea. Get on with own individual project until it is printed and then will meet with group again to discuss progress and ideas. DATE: 18/05/2013 Met: University Attendees: India Rose, Alex Clouston and Sinead Gibbons Agenda: Share all of information out and discuss the formats and layouts of the report, create a logo and produce the final concept for the film, go through and edit down images and also speak to collaborator James about the printed out look book. What happened: Organized a word document with all of the information within it, so that we can each go away and organize our own individual projects in keeping with the same brand authenticity. Went through images from James and organized them into dates and locations, alongside producing a logo and brand identity. For the future: Keep in touch via facebook and phones and share information where can, and also meet up within the next few days before the final hand in to exchange ideas and inspire each other. DATE: 21/05/2013 Individual: Continue with the progression of my own individual work, in order to get it fully rounded off before having to hand in.



School of Art & Design Tutorial Record Sheet 2012/13 Tutorial record sheets were filled in along the way to record progress and also to reflect back onto the explore the


ways in which to take concepts to the next level.


Module: Research Project Stage 2 Ref. no: FASH30002 Date: 28/02/2013 Name : Sinead Gibbons

Tutorial / Seminar Record Sheet Work to bring / prepare for session: Any arising initial problems or questions that you feel you will have in producing these stage two implementation outcomes for this project, any fears from the stage just handed in. Insight into what you think you will need to produce for this second stage and how you will go about it. Ideas for group interim presentation with David- brand owner and Tim.

Learning issues to discuss in session: What if we start implementing now what we previously handed in and then when we receive results back it states that it isn’t a good idea for Universal Works to move forward as a brand? If we want to produce a moving image film for the collaboration that we have suggested that Universal Works should do, how do we go about this? Do we design the shoe or just use one like it? Can we hire the clothes from Universal Works? What needs to be included in the interim presentation. Feedback from session: Your feedback wont state that it isn’t a good enough idea for Universal Works to do this, it will state that you didn’t have enough background research to contextually back this idea up. This project is a portfolio and needs to show the process, this portfolio should show the mood boards, the story boards, the model castings, the collaborator contact forms and should take the reader on a journey. It should be critical and have consumer and industry feedback about the visuals and films that you have produced, it is not a report. The portfolio should have about 40% shared art work the rest of it should state what you produced, who else in your team produced what, who you collaborated with and why. How can you put your individual stamp on this group project? If you didn’t want to call the brand that or do the swing tag in that way then change it and state why you have changed it. The films you produce will be a representation of what the brand could produce if they commissioned you the work to do; it needs to be as professional as possible but perception will not be expected. You can hire clothes from Universal Works and you can get in touch with them through David. The interim presentation with David will show what you are planning to do and why, your time scales, who you are collaborating with and how you have moved this idea forward since the last meeting. Tasks for next session: As a group produce a group critical path and designate roles within the team of who is going to contact people, who are going to commission the clothing and who is going to get in touch with collaborators. Start organizing model casting days and how you want the film and promotional material to look. Showing the process is key to this portfolio and hand in, it is the creative process that the tutor will be looking for, for the next session start producing mood boards around ideas for the concept and any outcomes that you will end up executing. Have a clear idea of what you want your outcomes to be and how you are going to achieve these. Please indicate progress to hand in (1 = Not ready / 5 = Ready and Prepared) 1 2 3 4 5 Signed (Tim Rundle) Signed (Sinead Gibbons)


School of Art & Design



Tutorial Record Sheet 2012/13 Module: Research Project Stage 2 Ref. no: FASH30002 Date: 12/03/2013 Name : Sinead Gibbons

Tutorial / Seminar Record Sheet Work to bring / prepare for session: Presentation for Universal Works owner David Keyte and Tim Rundle for our concepts, time plan strategy and any visual work already produced for this, bring ideas and content for feedback from both David and Tim. How have you come along from the last stage of the hand in? Bring any mood boards that you have produced that will show the visual aesthetic behind your plans. Any questions or queries about this stage of the project and any difficulties that you have come across maybe to do with collaborations or with the actual executions themselves. Bring any inspiration or feedback that you feel would be essential to the rest of the other teams in helping expand each other’s design process and context. Bring any questions for David as this is the last time you will see him before handing in this portfolio. Learning issues to discuss in session: We don’t feel that the brand we have chosen will represent Universal Works in the most positive light, from previous feedback we were told that it might seem that we are chasing the uber cool, so we have produced a collaboration scale with a few brands who we feel would provide endless opportunities for Universal Works and its values and meanings and looking to get feedback on these from David. We have looked into numerous video inspirations for this concept and have a few to choose from but unsure of which will be the most effective for the brand and the narrative that we are trying to tell. Struggling to get an overarching communication strategy and big idea to base around the idea of collaboration in keeping with the Universal Works aesthetic. Feedback from session: Great visual inspiration for the video and moving image look book, it is great that you have started planning out what you want your implementation aims and objectives to be. Do not stress too much about whom the brand should collaborate with, it is the over-arching aims and strategic design objectives that are the most important vehicle for brand promotion. You need to go away and start researching into the trends and tastes for 2014/15, from this you then should gain an idea about how this brand could adopt these in order to be on trend but still heritage and authentic in keeping with the Universal Works brand message. Look for great campaigns outside of the world of fashion and menswear look in food in drinks, what is reaching this consumer in the best way and how could you adopt this? Tasks for next session: Go through feedback from Tim and David as a group and critically evaluate where we could improve and what we could change. Take inspiration from other teams and how they have communicated the essence of Universal Works and their methods with an overarching aim and objective. Think of ways in which we could take this project forward as stated by Tim and David, how could we propel this collaboration and Universal Works into 2014/15. Research ideas and trends within visuals, marketing and campaign strategies for the up and coming years based around the idea and concept that we want to produce, look for trends within colors, overarching themes and outside of the communication and promotional area. Go back to the drawing board and get excited about this idea again, critically assess why you wanted to do this project and how your ideas will impact on the brand. Assess your individual strengths and weaknesses within the group and how these could be used to the best of their ability within this project. Please indicate progress to hand in (1 = Not ready / 5 = Ready and Prepared) 1 2 3 4 5 Signed (Tim Rundle) Signed (Sinead Gibbons)


School of Art & Design

Tutorial Record Sheet 2012/13



Module: Research Project Stage 2 Ref. no: FASH30002 Date: 22/04/2013 Name : Sinead Gibbons

Tutorial / Seminar Record Sheet Work to bring / prepare for session: Bring any design strategies developed from the previous presentation how you have gone away as a group and changed, developed and produced ideas in keeping with Universal Works. Interim presentation to Tim about your concepts the campaigns that you have produced and why, it is the last opportunity to get student and tutor feedback for your ideas so tell as much as you can through the presentation to the group. Bring any issues that you are currently having with the portfolio or with design, communication and promotion strategies in order to gain effective group feedback. Bring any feedback for other groups or any affecting trends which you think could have an impact on other groups ideas and tone of voice in order to give affective feedback. Learning issues to discuss in session: Currently still visualizing how to bring the trends researched into our overarching strategy, unsure of how to create this as a 360 communication and promotion strategy for Universal Works. Feedback from session: Overall a much clearer 360 degree communication and promotion strategy, to reveal Universal Works as a well-travelled brand and then use the collaboration as a vehicle to do this rather than the shoe being a means to the end. This strategy shows a lot clearer the role that the collaboration has in doing this. You have identified something that is underdeveloped within the brand which is very worthy of the brands attention you have shown great research to support this in terms of trend and how you want to capture this through some things that are also of the now and things that are relevant to the brand. I like how you have presented this the short term strategies against the long term ones. You need to consider how you can bring this idea into store, online and on the clothing, in the packaging etc. Look at other brands who are currently doing this, how could you communicate this opportunity and trend across all platforms for the brand? You need to build the strategy think about the 1-5 year plans for this brand how could it expand across all platforms? How is this story going to be thoroughly mediated across all the swing tags? What’s going on the packaging, what’s going within the in store environment and how and why? Overall very good presentation and it is great to see how you have moved on, know you need to drive this idea forward and think of all of the linking factors that factor into this idea and how could this be changed or directed in a different way? Think art direction and think branding. How will your video look book be a taste of the future and a taste of what is happening in the next few years? Tasks for next session: As a group think of ways to communicate a 360 degree communication and promotion strategy for the brand, how can this theme of travel be mediated across all platforms and within the retail experience? Within the portfolio you need to state why this is so important for the brand through showing that you know the brand and that you have spoken to the brand owners. Start designing and mediating the message across all platforms and engaging with the consumer through new means and also with this running trend of travel. Research for videos that will express the digital aesthetic to the project and how could this be incorporated into the video through the production methods or the filming? Keep on top of time management skills and group time plan and role designation. Please indicate progress to hand in (1 = Not ready / 5 = Ready and Prepared) 1 2 3 4 5 Signed (Tim Rundle) Signed (Sinead Gibbons)


School of Art & Design



Tutorial Record Sheet 2012/13 Module: Research Project Stage 2 Ref. no: FASH30002 Date: 24/04/2013 Name : Sinead Gibbons

Tutorial / Seminar Record Sheet Work to bring / prepare for session: Any issues about the portfolio hand in or the concept of what you will have to hand in for this implementation project. Any questions for Tim that arose from the feedback from interim presentations or if you are confused about any ideas or strategies then this is the opportunity to ask Tim about these. Bring any visuals or art work that you want Tim to go over with you as this is a good session for feedback from these, in order to get his opinion. Any additional research or information that you feel may be of value to fellow students within the other teams. Learning issues to discuss in session: Showing the process in some respects could look quite messy if we include all the prep work how can we achieve a slick portfolio in keeping with the brand in question if we show the journey to the best of its value and include all of the prep work? What are the learning outcomes for this portfolio hand in? Are they different to the ones from this stage of the report hand in last time or are they quite similar? Do we need to include any research about trends like we did in the previous report, or is this predominantly a visual portfolio hand in, so no market research background will be needed? Feedback from session: In essence a messy looking portfolio that shows a journey and the strategy very clearly and how you got from idea to final product is what is going to get you a first. A neatly organized finished polished portfolio which shows no process is not going to get a good grade. Include everything you can to take the reader on a journey. Start by putting all of your visuals into the document and then tailor the writing around this as your writing should mainly explain the process of why you did certain things with research not based on markets but on trends and feedback from visuals that you have produced. Learning outcomes have changed slightly but are very similar; Tim is emailing them over to us. Visuals are key, the research as such should back up why you have stated you should do things. What is your unique perspective on this project? Design the portfolio itself to best show off your compositional skills, as the portfolio will be a true reflection of yourself. The portfolio design should enable you to contain all the media variety, it needs to be controlled. You should state about what you think about your work, so if we had more money we would, or if we had better resources we would. The introduction should state your idea, and then the rest of your idea should go through the rest of your work and then take you on a journey through the process. You can hand in physical objects alongside your digital portfolio such as press packs or magazines. Tasks for next session: Start thinking about how your outcomes can be a true representation of the brand and will be ok to launch in 2014/15 as this is the date when they films will be viable for launch. Bring with you visuals that you have or are going to produce, bring with you report layouts which you feel are a true representation of yourself and the brands for collaboration. Think about how you are going to present this portfolio on your stand at the degree show and how you can get the message across with minimal words but through visual contextual information. Try and produce most of your visuals and mood boards to bring to the next session to get peer to peer feedback as this is essential for further development. Research the John Lewis family range because this should have impact on your ideas and show you what not to do. Bring any problems of issues arising to the next tutorial session. Please indicate progress to hand in (1 = Not ready / 5 = Ready and Prepared) 1 2 3 4 5 Signed (Tim Rundle) Signed (Sinead Gibbons)


School of Art & Design

Tutorial Record Sheet 2012/13



Module: Research Project Stage 2 Ref. no: FASH30002 Date: 09/05/2013 Name : Sinead Gibbons

Tutorial / Seminar Record Sheet Work to bring / prepare for session: Any team issues or problems that you are currently having with the creative work and the portfolio hand in alongside any personal issues around layout or report structure. Bring any questions or information which you feel may be of value to any of the other teams. Bring any visuals that you have or that you are going to produce, and also report layouts that you feel are a true representation of yourself and the work that you are going to produce. Bring any mood boards or any visuals which you would like to get tutor and peer to peer feedback on as this will be one of the last opportunities to do so. Bring ideas of how you think you will display your work at the degree show to get feedback from Tim and from other students as this will be a key opportunity to do so before the work piles up. Learning issues to discuss in session: We want our video to look professional, brand savvy and a true representation of what Universal Works could make if they were to commission us to do the work but we are struggling with this as we don’t have the resources that big brands have and therefore are struggling to make it professional. I don’t particularly want to display my stage one implementation on my degree show board as I don’t feel that visually it was a true representation of my abilities can I just display stage two work? Do we have to print a copy of this portfolio off to hand in alongside our other portfolios? It is difficult to make Universal Works a non-generic brand when that is what it strives to be. Feedback from session: Collaboration is key explore the resources and abilities that you have in order to achieve a professional addition to your portfolio. Tim does not want video look books if they aren’t relevant and are not in keeping with you brand communication and promotion strategy. That is the thing that is key, not a nice video. Explore the future, explore how this could have impact on the brand for the future and include this within your future recommendations. Go away and a team and take a deep look at your report from an outsiders perspective what will they think of this concept and how will it affect them? Think about the ways in which you can communicate these ideas in order to gain a true insight for your consumer’s point of view on the brand. Tasks for next session: Bring any issues that as a group you are currently facing, if you have any issues at all just call Tim and you can discuss the way in which these are impacting on your group work. As Tim is not in Uni if you have any major issues get in touch with one of the other tutors and they will be able to point you in the right direction of what to do or who to contact. Bring a thorough communication and promotion strategy that will influence your idea and propel it into the future of menswear, think of emerging technologies but in line with your concept and your idea. Bring visuals and layout of how you want your portfolio to look in order to get feedback on this from other peers and also tutors. IT is essential that this is a visual portfolio analyzing the images as you go along, behind the scenes, what worked well what didn’t. Please indicate progress to hand in (1 = Not ready / 5 = Ready and Prepared) 1 2 3 4 5 Signed (Tim Rundle) Signed (Sinead Gibbons)












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