okullarıipkb erciyeshotelbluradisson gazprom rezidansoptimist towerg kulesihtkhavalimanı3üncü assn.polou.s. centerzorlu RBHİPKB
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble, Grenoble, FR M.Sc., Ædification, Grands Territoires, Villes Mémoire / Kentsel Politika: İktidarın Mekânsal Örgütlenmesi, İstanbul-Kahire-Paris
K,G: Mimarlık, İstanbul, TR Ofis Stajyeri Deloitte Genel Müdürlük Binası / uygulama ve detay çizimleri
İstanbul, TR telefon 00 90 532 590 10 69 e-maillinkedin.com/in/sinemboyacisinemboyaci@gmail.cominstagram.com/sinemboyaci
TEB – BNP Paribas Ortaklığı, İstanbul, TR Proje Yöneticisi RMJM İstanbul, İstanbul, TR Proje Yürütücüsü Gora Mimarlık, İstanbul, TR Proje Yürütücüsü Geomim, İstanbul / Moskova / Kiev Proje Yürütücüsü EAA – Emre Arolat Architects, İstanbul, TR Mimar K,G: Mimarlık, İstanbul, TR Şantiye Stajyeri T-Bank Genel Müdürlük Binası Şantiyesi / şantiye kontrolü ve shop-drawingler
AutoCAD, Revit, Sketch-Up, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, MS Office Düzce Umut Atölyesi Düzceli Kiracı Evsiz Depremzedeler İçin Katılımcı Konut Tasarımı Workshop: Grenoble, FR Grenoble – İstanbul: Habitat [Des] – Habiter [Les] Territoires Métropolitains Workshop: Lyon, FR A Comparative Study of The In-between Places To Urban Life ‘Passing, Passage, Arcades’ As Semi-public Spaces TÜBİTAK Araştırma Projesi Sarıyer Gecekondu Mahalleleri Örneğinde Kentsel Dönüşüm Süreçleri ve Bu Süreçlerin Sosyoekonomik ve Fiziki Etkileri Workshop: Grenoble, FR Le Genre Métropolitain: Le Projet d’Architecture Comme Processus de Qualification des Trois Polarités de la Région Grenoblois 2014 – 2015 2012 – 2014 2002 – 2008 Ekim ‘20 - devam ediyor Nisan ‘19 - Ekim ‘20 Kasım ’17 – Ocak ‘19 Ağustos ’15 – Ağustos ‘17 Ocak ’14 – Şubat ‘15 Temmuz ’11 – Eylül ‘13 Eylül ‘09 – Haziran ‘11
Türkçe (Anadil) İngilizce (İleri) Fransızca (Orta) Aralık ‘12 - Ağustos ‘16 Ekim ‘14 Mart ‘14 - Nisan ‘14 Aralık ‘12 - Ocak ‘14 Eylül Ağustos‘13 ‘07 - Ekim ‘07 Ağustos ‘06 - Eylül ‘06
Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul, TR M.Sc., Kentsel Tasarım Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul, TR BArch., Mimarlık Sabri Paşayiğit Mimarlık, İstanbul, TR Proje Yöneticisi Jeyan Ülkü Mimarlık, İstanbul-Minsk Proje Yöneticisi

İPKB OKULLARI - ÜMRANİYE MTAL konum / ümraniye, istanbul sene / 2021 durum / ihale aşamasında 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

İPKB OKULLARI - VALA GEDİK ÖEMO konum / tuzla, istanbul sene / 2021 durum / ihale aşamasında 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

RADİSSON BLU HOTEL konum / erciyes, kayseri sene / 2022 durum / tamamlandı 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

GAZPROM ÇOK AMAÇLI KOMPLEKS konum / minsk, belarus sene / 2020 durum / inşaat halinde 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

(+142.80ENVY kotu)

(+138.60PASTIS kotu)
Belarus Akdeniz Japon


OPTIMIST REZİDANS konum / fikirtepe, istanbul sene / 2016 durum / onay aşamasında 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

Optimist salonuticarialışverişharicindeKonutkullanımlıoluşankonuttoplamdaRezidans,554dairelikbloklarındankarmakomplekstir.bloklarıiçerisindemerkezi,alanlarvesporbulunmaktadır. avludan görünüm

Ulaşım akslarına yürüme göstermektedir.Konutarterlerekonumlanmışmesafesindeolankomplekstenanadekolaycaulaşılabilmektedir.tipleri1+0’dan4+1’ekadarçeşitlilikBloklarıbirbirinebağlayanbazakısmındasakinlerinealışverişimkânısunanticarialanlarbulunmaktadır. avludan görünüm

G TOWER konum / güneşli, istanbul sene / 2016 durum / yapım aşamasında 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

G Tower, zemin katı ticari alanlar ile işlevlendirilmiş bir konut projesidir. Etrafını çevreleyen brutalist mimarinin aksine, proje ile insan ölçeğinde bir ‘‘mahalle’’ yaratılması amaçlanmıştır. cephe detayı

Geniş BöyleliklebalkonlaravebüyükKonutlarındakapalıortakkulealanlarınkamusalyanısırasakinlerineaçıkvealanlarsağlanmıştır.herbiripencerelerbağımsızsahiptir.her konut doğal ışık, şehir ve kabuğailemaksimumvebahçeleriKule,yararlanmaktadır.maksimumdamanzarasındansahildikeycephedeşeffaflıkkendinehasbirsahiptir. girişten görünüm


3üncü HAVALİMANI HTK KULESİ konum / arnavutköy, istanbul sene / 2015 durum / yarışma 2.lik ödülü 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

*The lighting shown for the purpose of illustrating the fenestration. Emitted light will be dampened for operational safety reasons.

Pottery – Body of Tower
An air traffic control tower the absolute symbol of aviation industry, of traveling, of welcoming and of wishing good bye. The highest building the airport is as important as first impression as any. signals arrival or departure, safety and watch over the complicated and definitely not earthly experience of flying. In other words although not gate in shape undoubtedly the metaphor of one.
The main body of the structure more molded than sculpted, the way the curves evolve on the neck and complete themselves on the top are reminder of Turkey’s pottery are, do represent the art of creating and open the object to different translations. The pot container of life, a protector of the valuables and conservatory of the fragile. The walls of the pot are also the structure that holds together as well as the insulation that protects The concept that the body of the tower will not anymore be prisoner to the column and will break the conventional structure values by using an exoskeleton to hold and contain. The body of ATC the structure, the shape is it’s reality and is what holds together. The architectural truth of the building exactly what we see.
The Air Traffic Control Towers around the world are defined from their function and more or less they all end up with an unproportionally large volume on top of very thin core. Sometimes we see them trying to break their geometry but always remain solid guardians of the passen gers and the crews with clear and always recognizable form. We believe that in this specific site, in this specific location and this spe cific airport the spirit of the ‘watchtower’ can extend itself and become symbol of warmth, of technology and a clear declaration that this not only the largest but also the most welcoming airport in the world.
The last element we decided to involve in the design the detail of loom. As a reference to the huge textile heritage of Turkey the woven skin is added to the object. Delicate horizontal louvers allow full visibility the lower floors and open up where large public spaces exist. At the same time they protect from the direct sunlight. This transparent skin also generates a parallel effect that has to do with the reaction of the ATC time. During day the tower purely white with obvious delicate details protecting from the sun, the onlooker cannot see inside the activity. During night time the internal illumination expressed on the skin and the constant 24h activity of the Tower is ‘written’ on the skin. Positive and Negative unite on the façade. Summary Spirit of flying, body of molding and skin of expression are the three architectural metaphors that create this ‘container and protector of life’. clear to us that this project has to be unique; this is the flag that will be raised to symbolize the new, vibrant, global Turkey. As witnesses to this amazing transformation we aspire this building to be far more than an ATC Tower, we are designing thinking of a new symbol for this coun try, the pinnacle of the landmark airport and above all the “Welcome to Turkey” moment.
-8,00 (+70,00) -4,00 (+74,00) 0,00 (+78,00) +5,00 (+83,00) +9,00 (+87,00) +13,00 (+91,00) 27369 LEVELLEVEL T0LEVEL T-1 27369 -8,00 (+70,00) -4,00 (+74,00) 0,00 (+78,00) +5,00 (+83,00) +9,00 (+87,00) +13,00 (+91,00) 27369 metaphor noun a figure of speech in which word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which is not literally applicable: from French métaphore via Latin from Greek metaphora from metapherein to transfer
Loom Skin of Tower
The fluidity of the flying expressed on the aerodynamic form of the structure that stops being building and becomes an object. The ob ject barely touches the ground. The neck extends to the highest level and the 360 degrees eyes watch, control and direct the perpetual aerial movement of airplanes and people.
Bird Spirit of Tower

U.S. POLO ASSN. konum / çeşitli sene / 2011-2013 durum / çeşitli 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB


ZORLU CENTER konum / zincirlikuyu, istanbul sene / 2011 durum / tamamlandı 3HKGTOR ZCUS.PGÇKRBHİPKB

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