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Faculty of Management of Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey interior design of offices
The project is located next to a historical Police Station and an Ottoman Armory building. Today, these two buildings hold a strong space in the memory of Istanbul and their existence strongly influence the facade. Mesh and stone defines a modern lightness and silence. The geometric simplicity of the building aims for disappearance among the historical context.
The movement, flowing from celular spaces into wider common areas, allows social encounters between students, lecturers, research assistants and administrative staff.
Microclimate Interventions on Piazza sant’Antonino in Piacenza, Italy
Since the bus routes were unchangable, the traffic problem is solved by redirecting the cars. The seperation of bus and pedestrian zone is emphasized by the tree line and the change in pavement.
The space is re-defined by two architectural characters. The Church Square is now a garden with a dense canopy whereas the Opera Square is defined by the colorful shading structure.