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Chinese Immersion at SAS
Early Learning Center Chinese Immersion Program at Singapore American School
According to research, children have an innate ability to acquire languages at a young age. Through an immersive model, children are able to learn language the same way they learn their first language and develop better metalinguistic awareness, leading to higher academic achievement.
Chinese is the most spoken language in the world and with a set of over 50,000 characters (3–5,000 needed for literacy in daily life), it is probably one of the most complex languages to learn. With the introduction of the Chinese immersion program, students have opportunities integrated into every moment to develop high capability with the language while learning in the language.
The Chinese immersion program at Singapore American School is a highly successful program that promotes strong bilingual opportunities in English and Chinese for students. The program was launched in the 2017–18 school year and has expanded significantly since that time. Third grade Chinese immersion student Lauren F. muses, “I enjoy being able to learn academically, but also being able to learn Chinese at the same time. I can help my mom order Chinese food; I can speak Chinese with my grandparents as they do not speak English; I can watch shows that are in Chinese; and I can probably speak to the 1.4 billion people living in China! 在中文沉浸班,我 喜欢的是既能学习中文,又同时能用中文学习各种 科目。我能帮妈妈点中国菜;我的祖父母不会说英 语,我能用中文和他们交流;我也能观看中文节 目;另外,我还能和生活在中国的14亿人聊天:)”
SAS is excited to announce that beginning next school year, the Chinese immersion program will expand to include students in the early learning center (ELC) and intends to open two classes with the same learning community structure. This will be a unique opportunity for our youngest learners to begin their language development skills at a very formative time in their lives and benefit from all the advantages of Reggio’s emphasis on developing capable and competent learners, curious about the world around them.
Immersion in the early years builds children’s oral Chinese language skills and ensures greater success in literacy skills. Here are five ways children can reap the benefits of bilingual learning:
1. Cognitive development
Problem solving, memory, multi-tasking, and decision-making are all components that can be strengthened through immersive education and the ability to switch between two languages. Students of immersive education learn to process and manage two languages, which are simultaneously activated whenever one of the languages is used. Over time, this strengthens their memory capacity and the ability to multi-task.
2. Academic achievement
Research suggests that English-proficient immersion students are capable of achieving as well as, and in some cases better than, nonimmersion peers on standardized measures of reading and math. In studies covering six states and 37 districts, Thomas and Collier found duallanguage students to have higher test scores and greater academic achievements. Bilingual students could perform better academically.
3. Employment opportunities
Being proficient in more than one language has multiple employment benefits. Many jobs and careers require involvement with international companies that require an additional language.
4. Cultural appreciation
Mastering another language assists in the understanding of and the experience of other societies and cultures. Bilingual and multilingual people have access to foreign media, literature, and the arts. They are able to connect with other people in a new and different way due to their expanded worldview and learning to be accepting of the worldview of others.
5. Social development
Bilingual people are known to have better communication and listening skills. In order to be bilingual, you have to pay attention to other people and the language they are speaking to you in. Being able to say “good morning” to your English-speaking teacher, and “bonjour” to your French-speaking mother requires skills of inhibition and task switching which are subsets of an ability called “executive function.”
Would you like to know more about the Chinese immersion program at SAS? For more information, contact sasinfo@sas.edu.sg or sign up for our virtual admissions tour here.