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Singapore Book Awards
The Singapore Book Awards is an annual industry award for books published in Singapore. Held annually since 2016, the Book Awards shine the spotlight on the quality of published works and celebrate the achievements of the local publishing industry. For 2022, the award categories have been reorganised to 12 award categories to better reflect and recognise the range of books published in Singapore.
The categories of the Book Awards are: • Best Audio Book • Best Book Cover Design • Best Custom Publishing • Best Education Title • Best Illustrated Non-Fiction Title • Best Literary Work • Best Magazine Title • Best Non-Fiction Title • Best Picture Book • Best Professional Title • Best Young Persons Title • Book of the Year
The Book Awards was first launched in 2012 through the efforts of the Executive Committee led by then-SBPA President Triena Ong. Known then as the Publishing Awards, there were five award categories (Best Cover Design, Best Debut Work, Best Non-Fiction Title, Best Novel and Best Retail). The winners of the Publishing Awards were announced at a gala dinner at the Rendezvous Hotel during the Singapore Writers’ Festival 2012.
Between 2012-2016, the Association concentrated on building up the presence of the Singapore publishing industry at overseas book fairs.
The awards were relaunched in 2016 as the Singapore Book Awards with 8 award categories. In 2020, the number of award categories increased to 11 award categories with the addition of the Best Audiobook Title, Best Digital Marketing Campaign and Best E-Book Title. For the 2021 Book Awards, the Best Digital Marketing Campaign was adjourned and the Best E-Book Title was renamed as the Best Hybrid Book.

The winners for the 2021 Awards are: 2021
Best Audiobook Impractical Uses of Cake Best Book Cover Design Early Hawkers in Singapore: 1920s to 1930s
Best Education Title Under The Stars: Astrophysics for Everyone
Best Hybrid Book One Havelock Square
Best Illustrated Non-Fiction Title How to Cook Everything Singaporean
Best Literary Work And Softly Go the Crossings Best Non-Fiction Title lives and times of hrh
Best Picture Book Captain Green and the Tree Machine
Best Young Persons Title Sherlock Sam and the Seafaring Scourge on Sentosa Readers’ Choice Award 2021 think! Mathematics Textbooks 2A and 2B (8th edition)
Book of the Year 2021 And Softly Go the Crossings
Honorary Mentions were given to: 2021
Epigram Books Honorary Mention for Book of the Year Category Epigram Books Honorary Mention for Best Book Cover Design Category Tusitala (RLS), a company of Potato Productions Honorary Mention for Best Hybrid Book Category
The winners the past Awards are: 2020
Best Audiobook Title Penghuni Rumah Tua [Published by Pustaka Nasional]
Best Book Cover Design The Angel Tiger and Other Stories [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Education Title How to Build a Dragon: A Satirical Look at Cutting-Edge Science [Published by World Scientific Publishing Co] Best Illustrated Non-Fiction Title The Way of Kueh: Savouring and Saving Singapore’s Heritage Desserts [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Digital Marketing Campaign Storytel Singapore’s Digital Marketing Campaign [Published by Storytel Singapore]
Best Literary Work Fall Baby [Published by Penguin Random House SEA]
Best E-Book Title think! Additional Mathematics e-textbooks A and B (10th edition) [Published by Shing Lee Publishers]
Best Middle Grade/Young Adult Title Luminous Sword - Book 3, Keys of Archellos [Published by Armour Publishing]
Best Non-Fiction Title Homeless: The Untold Story of a Mother’s Struggle in Crazy Rich Singapore [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Picture Book Counting Sheep [Published by Marshall Cavendish International (Asia)]
Book of the Year 2020 The Way of Kueh: Savouring and Saving Singapore’s Heritage Desserts [Published by Epigram Books]
Special Mentions were given to: 2020
The winners the past Awards are: 2019
Pustaka Nasional Special Mention for the Adept Use of Technology in Creating Bilingual Resources for Best E-Book Title category
BAM! (In English and Malay) Let’s Play with Grandma (in English and Tamil) Ethos Books Honorary Mention for Book of the Year 2020 category
Loss Adjustment
Best Literary Work Lion City [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Non-Fiction Title Flying Sleeves — The Grandeur of Chinese Opera [Published by Simply Green]
Best Education Title The First of Everything [Published by World Scientific] Best Illustrated Non-Fiction Title Between the Lines: Early Advertising in Singapore 1830s–1960s [Published by Marshall Cavendish and National Library Board]
Best Children’s Picture Book The Incredible Basket [Published by Epigram Books] Best Middle Grade And Young Adults’ Title Big Tree in a Small Pot [Published by Marshall Cavendish]
Best Book Cover Design The Minorities [Published by Epigram Books]
Book Of The Year The Naysayer’s Book Club: 26 Singaporeans You Need to Know [Published by Epigram Books]
The winners for the past Awards are: 2018
Best Middle Grade/Young Adult Title Understanding Singaporeans (bundle) [Published by Epigram Books] Best Children’s Picture Book The First Journey [Published by Scholastic Asia]
Best Non-Fiction Title Stranger to Myself: Diary of a Bangladeshi in Singapore [Published by Landmark Books]
Best Education Title Mastering English with The Straits Times: The Secondary Edition [Published by Straits Times Press]
Best Book Cover Design The Gatekeeper [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Fiction Title The Gatekeeper [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Illustrated Non-Fiction Title Tomás Saraceno: Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions [Published by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore]
Book of the Year Robert Kuok, A Memoir [Published by Landmark Books]
Best Book Cover Design 扬声堂 (Speaker’s Hall) [Published by Global Publishing] Best Children’s Picture Book A Stray [Published by Marshall Cavendish International Asia]
Best Education Title Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary [Published by Marshall Cavendish Education]
Best Fiction Title Now That It’s Over [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Illustrated Non-Fiction Title Building Memories (People.Architecture. Independence)
Best Middle Grade/ Young Adult Title Mount Emily Revisited [Published by Epigram Books] Best Non-Fiction Title E W Barker, the People’s Minister [Published by Straits Times Press]
Book of the Year Building Memories (People. Architecture.Independence) [Published by Achates 360]
The winners for the past Awards are: 2016
Best Book Cover Design The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye (Special Cover Edition) [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Children’s Title 寻找 (The Search) [Published by Lingzi Media]
Best Digital Work 不只是彩色笔 (Colour Pencil) [Published by Candid Creation Publishing]
Best Education Title Singapore: The Making of a Nation-State, 1300-1975 [Published by Star Publishing]
Book of the Year The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Fiction Title The Ministry of Moral Panic [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Non-Fiction Title Through the Lens of Lee Kip Lin – Photographs of Singapore 1965-1995 [Co-published by National Library Board and Editions Didier Millet]
Best Young Adults’ Title The Rock and the Bird [Published by Epigram Books]
Best Debut Work Shadow Play (Kain Songket Mysteries Volume 1) [Published by Monsoon Books] Best Retail Annual Teach Yourself Promotion Prologue @ ION Orchard
Best Novel When All the Lights Are Stripped Away [Published by Marshall Cavendish International (Asia)]
Best Non-Fiction Title An Unexpected Journey: Path to the Presidency [Published by Editions Didier Millet] Best Cover Design The Devil’s Garden [Published by Monsoon Books]