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Employment, including Diversity & Equal Opportunity

a) Installing Solar PV Panels at the terminal to provide clean energy, b) Extending the Air Dryers’ operating cycle to reduce power consumption for regeneration, c) Embarking on a hydro power feasibility study, d) Reducing Boil off Gas generation by reducing LNG circulation to Open Rack Vapourisers to maintain coldness in the system, e) Implementing a higher energy efficiency lighting replacement programme, f) Participating in the Energy Efficiency Opportunity Assessment, g) Launching an Energy Campaign to create awareness and generate ideas for energy efficiency; and h) Digitalising our energy management system to automate the collection and reporting of data to authorities and develop a dashboard to identify energy inefficiencies.

Future Targets

In FY 2021, a more concerted effort will be made to identify opportunities to reduce SLNG’s carbon footprint by reducing consumption, waste and implementing 3R (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) initiatives; at the Corporate Office and the SLNG Terminal. Going forward, our target is to materially reduce our Carbon emissions by 30% by 2030 as compared to a base-case growth scenario from an equivalent 2019 carbon emissions level.


[Non-GRI factor]

The SLNG Terminal is a critical infrastructure to ensuring and continuing Singapore’s energy security. It is important that SLNG understands and manages the physical climate change risks that the Terminal’s infrastructure and operations are exposed to.

Future Targets

Moving forward, we will be conducting a physical climate change risk assessment of the Terminal in FY 2021. We will then determine detailed targets based on the assessment and the corresponding action plans.


[GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016; GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016]

In support of the Singapore Green Plan 2030, SLNG aims to incorporate both environmental and social considerations into procurement with the purpose of reducing our environmental and social impact and managing ESG- related risks, hence adopting Sustainable procurement practices are important to us. Currently, we use the Management of Change and Procurement Evaluation Matrix to incorporate energy efficiency criteria as required by NEA. We also evaluate our vendor’s safety records before registering any vendor into our system and commencing any labour work at Terminal.

Future Targets

SLNG aims to formalise both environmental and social considerations into our procurement policies by FY 2021.

S O C I A L "

People development and training are important to us as we look to nurture future talents & ensure business continuity.

People are SLNG’s key asset. Not only are we committed to safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, we also value creating a working environment that is diverse and inclusive. Additionally, people development and training are important to us as we look to nurture future talents and ensure business continuity.


[GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018]

At SLNG, we are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our employees, customers, contractors and terminal users. We do so by implementing world-class health and safety standards and practices, wherever possible.

We have various occupational health and safety policies, safe work practices and procedures in place to protect all employees against possible occupational risks and prevent accidents from happening in the workplace.

We hold monthly workplace safety and health committee meetings and safety inspections with representation from staff and in-house contractors. During these meetings, we will disseminate information on any new policies, and guidelines. After the meetings, to reiterate the discussion points, the minutes of meetings are distributed to all staff and in-house contractors.

We carry out monthly safety inspections and regular audits to ensure that SLNG meets the relevant safety requirements. We conduct regular fire drills and also provide our employees with occupational first aid and AED training s as part of equipping them to readily respond to emergencies and life-threatening situations.

Should an incident occur, it will be thoroughly investigated, with root cause analyses and preventive action plans developed by trained and qualified staff. We also encourage all our employees to report all incidents especially near misses and incidents for the prevention of similar incidents, and for knowledge retention. The information is recorded in the incident management system which is accessible to all SLNG employees.

In FY 2020, SLNG was certified to the ISO 45001 standards for Occupational Health and Safety management system standards, which replaced the OHSAS 18001 standards to which SLNG was also certified. We also attained our certification in SS651:2019 Safety and Health Management System for the Chemical industry. As per the Ministry of Manpower’s Safety Case Technical Guide, we also conducted a human factors gap analysis to account for risk factors that can prevent incidents and mitigate consequences arising from human factors. We also identified and addressed potential gas leaks (including fugitive emissions) to prevent loss of containment, by implementing a six-monthly inspection programme.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, SLNG not only adhered closely to the Singapore Government’s guidelines and advisories, such as implementing safe distancing measures, temperature screening and split team arrangements, we went beyond that to further ensure the safety of our staff, such as arranging dedicated “door-to-door” transport for Terminal-based employees. We also increased the frequency and thoroughness of cleaning and disinfection at the Terminal and HQ, and provided our employees with hand sanitizers and masks, care packages, and support packages to help staff be more comfortable when working from home. In FY 2020, SLNG had zero workplace fatalities, recordable workplace injuries, work-related ill health fatalities and recordable work-related ill health incidents.

Future Targets

On the occupational health and safety front, SLNG aims to meet the following targets: ·Continue to achieve zero workplace fatalities, recordable workplace injuries, work-related ill health fatalities and recordable work-related ill health incidents; and comply with all regulations.


[GRI 401: Employment 2016; GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016]

As part of our efforts to create a positive and inclusive work culture at SLNG, we have always focused on providing equal opportunities within our diverse pool of employees, which has in turn helped to strengthen our employees’ commitment to the organisation. A positive and inclusive culture will also help us to attract and retain the right talent for SLNG’s business continuity. Our employment practices support the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (“UN SDGs”) of Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, Goal 5: Gender Equality and Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

We support a positive work environment by creating career development opportunities for our employees, cultivating a strong team culture underpinned by core values of Forward-looking, Courageous, Collaborative, Energising, Engaging and Enterprising. We implemented various schemes such as cross-training and interdepartment transfers to support our employees’ development.

We also have an open appraisal system for employees to set goals and receive feedback, as well as annual Individual Development conversations to align and assess employees’ growth and development. During this exercise, targets, plans and performance are discussed and documented to recognise and chart the progress of each individual. The Human Resources (“HR”) team provides employees a variety of platforms to clarify policies, raise concerns to Management, and initiate discussions on areas for improvement. In FY 2020, we embarked on a phased approach, an Executive Coaching program for our Senior Management Team members to strengthen our leadership capabilities.

Our remuneration policy for full-time employees is competitive and includes a wide variety of staff benefits such as medical and flexible benefits, insurance, and leave schemes. All our remuneration and benefits are benchmarked against relevant market reports and compensation surveys. Salary and any variable benefits are reviewed and approved by Management periodically to ensure fair rewards, while benefits policies are reviewed periodically to ensure relevance.

When employees leave SLNG, exit interviews are conducted to understand their reasons for leaving, and follow-ups are scheduled if necessary. We continuously collect feedback from our employees and benchmark it against industry practice and government initiatives, so as to improve our staff policies and initiatives.

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