Singel Publishers fiction + non-fiction fall 2015

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literary fiction

Rights Guide Singel Publishers Frankfurt 2015

de  a r b e i d e r s pe r s at h en a e u m s i n g e l  P u b l i s h e r s

nijgh & va n dit m a r Querido Uitgeverij Q

 A compelling and thought-provoking migration novel  By the winner of the 2013 ako Literature Prize  Van Leeuwen’s previous novel sold over 30,000 copies

literary fiction

Joke van Leeuwen The Greenhorns 1847. Luck is against the young and impoverished Odile and her husband, Koben, and they have to abandon their farm. So why not accept the offer from the Society for Overseas Settlement, who are dangling the prospect of a golden future on the other side of the ocean? Together with fifty fellow countrymen, they dare to make the crossing, full of hope, only to be abandoned to their fate in a tropical land following an exhausting boat journey. Will they adapt or stick to their old habits? Will they succeed in making a new and better life for themselves? About Feest van het begin (Celebrations of a New Era): ‘With sublime ease, Van Leeuwen puts her finger on the cause of her characters’ suffering, affectionately revealing their silent, desperate hopes. Because how can you see the future clearly when you’re being swept along by a flow of events that proves to be history? Van Leeuwen’s language is subdued and yet it sparkles. It shows us, with immense sophistication, the moral issues of history.’ Jury report, 2013 ako Literature Prize

Joke van Leeuwen (1952) writes prose and poetry, is an illustrator and a performer.

Original title De onervarenen Novel | 272 pages | Querido

Rights sold: Joke van Leeuwen’s books have been published in over 15 countries.

Her multi-faceted oeuvre has won numerous prestigious

English sample available

© Koos Breukel

awards. Van Leeuwen is the chair of

pen Flanders.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Maria Vlaar | Martijn Prins |

 Received stellar reviews from the press  Selected for the Dutch Foundation for Literature’s ‘Ten Books’ brochure

literary fiction

Jamal Ouariachi A Hunger Student Aurélie Lindeboom has the shock of her life when her boyfriend is arrested; the famous aid worker Alexander Laszlo has been accused of abusing one of his Ethiopian adoptees. Has Aurélie really shared her bed for over a year with a man who, without her knowledge, is a paedophile? Almost ten years later, she is the mother of a young daughter and working as a journalist. Laszlo approaches her once again, with a proposal that will have far-reaching consequences.

‘A literary spectacle.’ ***** Het Parool ‘An immense book.’ ***** Algemeen Dagblad ‘The work of a born storyteller. Unmissable.’ **** De Standaard

Original title Een honger Novel | 592 pages | Querido

Jamal Ouariachi (1978) studied psychology and writes stories and opinion pieces for a number of newspapers and weekly

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren |

© Koos Breukel

magazines. His second novel, Vert-

Maria Vlaar |

edering (Tenderness) was published

Martijn Prins |

in 2013, and shortlisted for the bng Literature Prize and the Gouden Boekenuil.

 A must-read story that operates on the boundary of reality and fantasy  ‘A colourful and intense comedy that gives reality a good slapping’ De Standaard

literary fiction

Christophe Vekeman Hotel Rozenstok Finally, Christophe Vekeman has decided to put down his pen: he means to write no more books. As a result, he now has to find a place for himself in the job market and in ‘real life’ –no easy task for an ageing eccentric. To reflect on his future, he decides to travel to the town of L. in the north of the Netherlands, where he moves into the run-down Hotel Rozenstok for a planned stay of seventeen days. From that point on, the line between his fantasy and reality appears to become more and more blurred. Or is that, too, just the way it seems?

‘Vekeman’s arsenal of humour is awe-inspiring.’ ***** De Standaard ‘His stylistic trapeze act is a real breath of fresh air in Dutch literature.’ **** De Morgen

Christophe Vekeman

Original title Hotel Rozenstok Novel | 208 pages | De Arbeiderspers

English sample available

(1972) has published ten books and writes articles for the Belgian newspaper De Morgen. He is also in

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren |

© Koos Breukel

great demand as a guest at literary

Maria Vlaar |

events. His novel Een uitzonderlijke

Martijn Prins |

vrouw (An Extraordinary Woman) was nominated for the 2013 Libris Literature Prize.

 New novel by one of the Netherlands’ wittiest authors  Humorous story about love and loss

literary fiction

Nicolien Mizee The Half-Brother When life suddenly smiles on you, it can prove confusing. Unexpected success at work and an equally unexpected romance force Marly Sanders to rethink old family values and to enter unfamiliar territory. In cabaretlike scenes and with a healthy dose of self-mockery, Nicolien Mizee describes her life and her family at times of blossoming love and imminent separation. Her father is slowly losing his grip on life and his growing confusion is touching to see. Almost in passing, a family secret is unravelled – who is the half-brother of the book’s title? ‘A particularly captivating book’ **** nrc Handelsblad ‘A witty, polished style, full of memorable sentences’ **** de Volkskrant ‘The scenes are packed with accurate observations’ **** Het Parool ‘The family novel as an antidepressant […] A gem of fine writing’ Trouw

Original title De halfbroer Novel | 240 pages | Nijgh & Van Ditmar

Nicolien Mizee (1965) made her debut in 2000 with Voor God en de Sociale Dienst (For God and the Social Services), which

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren |

© Koos Breukel

was well received. It was followed

Maria Vlaar |

by Toen kwam moeder met een mes

Martijn Prins |

(Then Along Came Mother with a Knife, 2003), shortlisted for the 2004 Libris Literature Prize.

 The thunderous final instalment of the Posthumus trilogy  A character-driven detective series, set in the city of Amsterdam  Written in English by Amsterdam-based authors

literary fiction

Britta Bolt Project Phoenix Shortly after his arrival in Amsterdam, a young man is attacked and left for dead. He has no documents, and no one knows who he is. But Pieter Posthumus discovers the identity of the unknown man: Ben Olssen, a Swedish expert in oil and gas production. He was visiting Amsterdam for the international Earth 2050 conference, which has just begun, accompanied by vehement protests from environmental activists. As Posthumus becomes ever more entangled in the Olssen case, another murder takes place in the Red Light District... Project Phoenix is the third part of the spellbinding Amsterdam-based thriller series about the unconventional detective Pieter Posthumus. The previous titles in the series are Lonely Graves and Lives Lost. ‘A page-turner full of suspense and surprising twists and turns… Phenomena like home-grown terrorism make this novel just that much more exciting.’ Ayaan Hirsi Ali Original title Barmhartig

‘An atmospheric and glorious Amsterdam crime story.’ jan

Commercial fiction | 272 pages | De Arbeiderspers

Rights sold:

Britta Bolt

is the pen name of writing

duo Britta Böhler and Rodney Bolt. Britta Böhler

English (Mulholland Books, UK), German (Hoffmann und Campe), tv rights sold to Endor Productions

(Germany, 1960) is a criminal lawyer who first became known to the public for defending Abdullah

English translation available

Öcalan. Rodney Bolt (South Africa, 1957) writes © Koos Breukel

regularly for the international press (including The

Foreign rights:

Daily Telegraph and Condé Nast Traveller). His book

Jolijn Spooren |

Lorenzo da Ponte, the Librettist of Mozart’s Life was

Maria Vlaar |

nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize.

Martijn Prins |

 A Flemish author with international appeal  A gripping thriller about family ties and a past that can never be buried

literary fiction

Hilde Vandermeeren Silent Ground Glasgow, 1983. One stormy November night, six-yearold Rosie Thompson disappears from the bedroom she shares with her twin sister. No trace of her can be found. Her younger sister, Eve, grows up in a family that’s suffered great loss. Thirty years later. Eve is working as a maths lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Her life is turned upside down when someone leaves a message in a chapel: ‘I’m sorry about what happened to Rosie Thompson. May God forgive me.’ The police investigation draws a blank, so Eve decides to take action herself. It becomes a quest for survival.

‘Excellent, excellent, excellent! I enjoyed every moment!’ Josh Pachter, American crime writer and translator

Original title Stille grond Thriller | 288 pages | Uitgeverij Q

Hilde Vandermeeren

English sample available

(1970) has written over forty books for children and young adults, winning many literary awards in the Netherlands and Flanders. She © Koos Breukel

began her career as a thriller writer with her first psychological novel Als alles duister wordt (When Everything Becomes Dark).

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Maria Vlaar | Martijn Prins |

 A modern literary classic  An iconic novel about the aids generation

literary fiction

Frans Kellendonk Mystical Body Mystical Body describes a year in the life of the broken Gijselhart family, who serve as a model for Dutch society at the end of the twentieth century. Father Gijselhart, an elderly widower, is driven by money and by power over those closest to him. Daughter Magda, also known as Prul, deliberately chooses to become an unmarried mother, but is ultimately reunited with the Jewish father of her child. Son Leendert, an aids patient who was an art dealer in New York, returns to the bosom of his family, but is not really welcome there. None of these characters escapes the author’s ridicule and sarcasm.

‘Kellendonk is a sensitive stylist and an acute observer. There is a spark in his lithe, restrained sentences. He is a pleasure to read.’ de Volkskrant ‘Mystical Body is brilliantly written and composed.’ Vrij Nederland

Original title Mystiek lichaam Novel | 192 pages | Querido

Rights sold:

Frans Kellendonk (1951–1990) was an author, translator and lecturer in English literature. He won the Anton Wachter Prize for Bouwval (Ruin), and in 1987 the F. Bordewijk Prize for Mystical Body. Kellendonk’s work is widely regarded as among the best writing in modern Dutch.

Italian (Scritturapura), French (Gallimard), German rights for Letter en geest sold to Lilienfeld Verlag English sample available Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Maria Vlaar | Martijn Prins |

 What do we really know about Jesus?  Based on Biblical and non-Biblical sources


Fik Meijer Jesus and the Fifth Evangelist In his new book, Fik Meijer writes about the truth behind the stories of Jesus’s birth, the role of Mary Magdalene, the meaning of exorcism, the violence of Gethsemane, crucifixion as the ultimate punishment, and Jesus’s resurrection from the dead. New light is thrown on Biblical characters associated with Jesus – John the Baptist, Pontius Pilate, Barabbas, Judas Iscariot and Jesus’s brother James – as Meijer brings the historical Jesus to life. The four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John describe the life of Jesus. Flavius Josephus also contributed a lot to our knowledge of this subject. Meijer uses all these sources to paint a convincing portrait of Jesus the man.

Original title Jezus en de vijfde evangelist Non-fiction | 352 pages | Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep

Fik Meijer (1942) is the widely read and

Rights sold: Fik Meijer’s books have been published in 15 countries

highly praised author of numerous books and articles on ancient history. Over 25,000 copies

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren |

© Erik van ’t Woud

of his books were sold. He is in

Maria Vlaar |

high demand as a guest on radio

Martijn Prins |

and television for his knowledge about maritime history.

 A nuanced and realistic picture of the Prophet  A new, unique view of Mohammed


Marcel Hulspas Mohammed and the Birth of Islam Who was Mohammed? What was his message? And how did Islam gain so many followers in such a short period of time? Marcel Hulspas presents a subtle and realistic picture of the Prophet and the world around him. He compares the stories about Mohammed with verses from the Koran, arriving at a view of the Prophet’s life and the birth of Islam that is new and original in many ways, and convincingly incorporating this view within the turbulent history of the region during the first half of the seventh century.

Original title Mohammed en het ontstaan van de islam Non-fiction | 625 pages | Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep

Marcel Hulspas

English sample available

is a science journalist, columnist and reviewer for de Volkskrant. He studied physics and astro-

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren |

© Ernest Mettes

nomy before going on to work

Maria Vlaar |

for Intermediair and the Alge-

Martijn Prins |

meen Dagblad. He has written extensively on the subject of pseudo-science.

 The gripping story of author Arnon Grunberg’s mother


Hannelore Grünberg-Klein As Long As Tears Remain Hamburg, 1939. Nine hundred and thirty German Jews, including Hannelore Klein and her parents, board the St. Louis. The Cuban government refuses to allow the passengers to enter the country. The ship turns back and finally Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Britain declare themselves prepared to accept the refugees. The Klein family ends up in the Netherlands, where they are given shelter at the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam. However, this is no more than a stop on an ill-fated journey that will take them to Westerbork, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and Mauthausen. Hannelore is the only survivor. After months making her way back to the Netherlands, all alone through Germany and France, she finally returns to her ‘home port’ of Amsterdam.

‘Significant addition to Holocaust literature.’ nrc Handelsblad

Original title Zolang er nog tranen zijn Non-fiction | 176 pages | Nijgh & Van Ditmar

Hannelore Klein

(Berlin, 1927 –

Amsterdam, 2015) survived Auschwitz and

Rights sold: German (Kiepenheuer & Witsch)

gained Dutch nationality in 1956. In around

© Pascalle Bonnier

1990, she wrote her memoirs about her

Foreign rights:

childhood in Berlin and the subsequent

Arnon Grunberg is represented by

war years in a no-frills style, just for herself, so as to get it out of her system. Her son, author Arnon Grunberg, recently discovered a copy of her typescript.

the Arnon Grunberg Agency. Contact Oscar van Gelderen or Elik Lettinga at:

 Unique: passionate, world-renowned researchers write about the study of Alzheimer’s disease  A disease that affects people all over the world


Wiesje van der Flier & Philip Scheltens The Alzheimer’s Mystery Research into the origin and treatment of Alzheimer Alzheimer’s disease is this century’s greatest challenge in healthcare. The World Health Organization predicts that the number of patients worldwide will triple to 105 million by 2050. However, we know little about Alzheimer’s, and there is as yet no cure. Researchers Wiesje van der Flier and Philip Scheltens are working towards a future when a cure, and maybe even prevention, will become possibilities. The Alzheimer’s Mystery shows what the disease involves, how it differs from dementia, how to treat it, and what can already be done to prevent it.

Original title Het Alzheimermysterie Non-fiction | 232 pages | illustrated | De Arbeiderspers

Wiesje van der Flier (1975, on the right) is the head of research at the VUmc © Mark van den Brink

Alzheimer’s Centre.

Philip Scheltens (1957) is the centre’s director.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Maria Vlaar | Martijn Prins |

 The Encyclopaedia has been published in 17 countries  A light-hearted study with a clever approach to foolish things


Matthijs van Boxsel The Portable Encyclopaedia of Stupidity For over thirty years, Matthijs van Boxsel has been working with obvious delight on The Encyclopaedia of Stupidity, in which he explores stupidity in all its facets. In a very appealing style and citing plenty of illustrious examples, he writes about how stupidity manifests itself in all fields, in all individuals, and at all times. Van Boxsel has taken his series of previously published volumes and selected the finest delusional theories (so absurd that they’re almost literature in their own right), the most ingenious of foolish sages and wise fools, the funniest anecdotes about stupid towns, jokes and crazy stories, all richly illustrated. In short, an eclectic encyclopaedia that’s stupidly good fun! ‘A bizarre, extremely creative, erudite, glorious, subversive, hilarious, and amazing book.’ nrc Handelsblad

Original title De draagbare Encyclopedie van de Domheid Non-fiction | 304 pages | Querido

Matthijs van Boxsel (1957) graduated (cum laude) in

Rights sold:

stupidity from the University of

The Encyclopaedia of Stupidity has been published

Amsterdam. The first of the three

in 17 countries

© Hans Vermeulen

volumes of The Encyclopaedia of Stupidity was published in 1999, and has since been translated into many languages, including Japanese and Korean.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Maria Vlaar | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

Abdelkader Benali Wedding by the Sea  A modern classic for the new generation of readers  Over 100,000 copies sold On the evening before his sister Rebekka’s wedding, Lamarat discovers that Mosa, the bridegroom, has run off. His father instructs him to track down the runaway bridegroom in Morocco, and an omniscient taxi-driver helps Lamarat on his way. Wedding by the Sea is a novel full of humour, passion, shame, and cultural confusion, which captivatingly recounts the conflict between traditions from ‘back home’ and life in the West.

Rights sold: English (Phoenix, uk; Arcade, us), French (Albin Michel), German (Piper), Italian (Mondadori), Spanish (Marcos y Marcos), Danish (Fremad), Greek (Kedros), Serbian (Laguna), Romanian (Curtea Veche), Portuguese (Teorema), Norwegian (Det Norske Samlaget), Hungarian (Gondolat), Hebrew (Babel)

Original title Bruiloft aan zee Novel | 160 pages | De Arbeiderspers

b e s t s e l l e r

Gustaaf Peek Goddess, Hero  Over 30,000 copies sold  Shortlisted in 2015 for the Libris Literature Prize and longlisted for the Gouden Boekenuil and the ECI Literature Prize What is love? The heart is unpredictable, and humans are contradictory creatures. Tessa and Marius have been in love all their lives. They meet at school and are unable to forget one another. For years they get by on secret meetings in hotel rooms. A romance with many names: infatuation, affair, obsession. She is his goddess, he is her hero. This is their story unveiled, told from end to beginning, from the final touch to the first meeting, from the final word to the first glance. An honest and poignant novel about the mysterious and all-too-human aspects of love. Original title Godin, held Novel | 274 pages | Querido

Rights sold: German (dva) and French (Phébus) English sample available

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Maria Vlaar | | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

Maarten ’t Hart Magdalena  An absolute hit: on the bestseller list since publication  Over 75,000 copies sold ‘After my death,’ Maarten ’t Hart’s mother often said, ‘you can write whatever you like about me, but spare me as long as I live.’ That’s why, in his books, ’t Hart kept his religious mother out of sight as far as possible. However, as she passed away in 2012, the author can now subject his mother’s wondrous peculiarities and unwavering faith to closer scrutiny. With the necessary sense of perspective, Magdalena draws a loving portrait of these two people – a universal story, recognizable to every mother and son.

Rights sold: German (Piper Verlag)

Original title Magdalena

English sample available

Novel | 254 pages | De Arbeiderspers

b e s t s e l l e r

Guus Kuijer The Bible for Unbelievers  Over 45,000 copies sold  Part 2 shortlisted and part 3 longlisted for the ako Literature Prize  Selected for the Dutch Foundation for Literature’s ‘Ten Books’ brochure The Bible is a fascinating book. Western culture is unimaginable without the Christian holy book. However, many people, particularly those who did not grow up within the Christian tradition, have never read it. And that’s a shame, as it contains some of the most wonderful stories in world literature. Guus Kuijer retells these tales for both believers and non-believers. Part 4 has recently been published, following up on the great success of the first three volumes: Genesis (part 1), Exodus to Judges (part 2), Ruth/Samuel (part 3) – and now a fourth part, about David and Solomon. Original title De Bijbel voor ongelovigen 288 pages Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep

Rights sold: English (Seven Stories Press, usa) and German (Antje Kunstmann) English sample available

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Maria Vlaar | | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

Erik Scherder Keep Your Brain Running  About how exercise keeps our brains young  Over 50,000 copies sold When children exercise, it stimulates the parts of the brain that ensure optimal intellectual development, the same parts of the brain that are the first to degenerate with age. Now it turns out that exercise is equally important for adults. It isn’t just good for keeping us in shape but also for our mental fitness. Keep Your Brain Running describes the rewards we gain from exercise, and the negative impact on our physical and mental health if we don’t exercise. In this captivating and convincing argument, scientist and public speaker Erik Scherder shows that we mustn’t let our brains sit still. Original title Laat je hersenen niet zitten Rights sold: German (C.H. Beck)

Non-fiction | 176 pages | illustrated

English sample available

Athenaeum—Polak & Van Gennep

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Maria Vlaar | | Martijn Prins |

Other titles (in alphabetical order by genre) Amir Chitzan


Hyenas and the Moonlight

attempts to seduce her teacher

Girls – Not only a gripping eye-

and tells the wildest stories.

witness account of the radical

The local villagers are quick to

Islamization of Iran, but

accuse him of sexual abuse.

also a magnificent yet tragic

How can he defend himself

love story (for fans of Kader

against a lie that has got so

Abdolah and Khaled Hosseini).

badly out of hand?

Naomi Rebekka Boekwijt

Hans Dorrestijn

Plateau – In the Swiss village

Even Christ on the Cross

of Feldi, a young woman

Had It Better Than Me –

on the desolate mountain

This book is a collection

plateau is challenged by her

of Dorrestijn’s best pieces

work on a farm and by an

about his trials and

unexpected love. When they

tribulations. His 75 years

have to confront the danger of

of experience guarantee

flooding, the people of Feldi

a book full of wisdom,

show their true faces.

self-deprecation and compassion.

Hans Boland

Robert van Eijden The Gentle Hero – A man’s

Book: 256 pages – Van Eijden

search for his native Indonesia

keeps a firm grip on his life.

turns into a heartrending story

A self-absorbed defeatist, he

about the torrid love between

works hard, with the help of his

a man and a boy.

friend, the wisdom of his blind neighbour and plenty of glasses of Witte Trappist, to avoid any kind of conflict.

Désanne van Brederode

Alex van Galen

Falling Frost – Three men

Michiel de Ruyter – At the end of

who don’t know one another

the Golden Age, the Netherlands

all heed a new calling. One

is at war with England. In spite

appoints himself as a helper

of the odds being against him,

of a friend whose lover has

Admiral Michiel De Ruyter suc-

been cheating on her for a

ceeds in winning spectacular

long time, the second saves a

victories at sea. Meanwhile, his

motorcyclist, while the third

wife, Anna, tries to protect her

loses himself in a project for

family from the growing threat

victims of war.

of civil war.


An Innocent Girl – A young girl

Arnon Grunberg

Michiel Lieuwma A Post on the Horizon – When

beautiful, perfect reality than

he hears that his ex is hiking

the physical world we know?

through the south of France,

At a cybersecurity company,

a young man comes up with

Lillian gradually comes closer

a ruse to bump into her along

to her ideal: life without a body,

her route. He awaits her

being nothing more than pure

arrival at a Dutch at-one-

intelligence, and leaving the

with-nature commune.

animal kingdom behind.

Marente de Moor

Tjitske Jansen Forever for the Last Time – With

Fireside Stories – After her

her sharp gaze and a fine sense

great novels, De Moor has now

of detail that is both touching

ventured into stories, which

and unnerving, the author paints

are no less intense and imagi-

a picture of a childhood when

native than her previous work.

big decisions had to be made.

The people she describes in their everyday lives all long for intimacy, but it’s not that easy to find.

Renske Jonkman


Gibraltar – Two lovers with a

Amsterdam stories (De uitvreter/

seemingly perfect existence

Titaantjes/Dichtertje) – Nescio

leave everything behind and

published only 350 pages during

take a trip south. They seem

his lifetime. Nevertheless he

so close, and yet constantly

built a reputation that has con-

skim past each other. Just as

tinued to grow over the years.

Africa and Europe almost come

His stories are characterized by

together at Gibraltar. Almost,

their melancholy perspective on

but not quite.

ideals, high expectations and revolutionaries.

Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer

Tomas Lieske East Indiaman – A modern

La Superba – This masterful

Madonna fan sails to the east

multi-voiced novel about

to escape her problems. Fol-

love and about the fate of

lowing a mutiny, some Chinese

people who are trying to find

men take her on board and

themselves is also a monument

transport her to a stranded and

to a city unlike any other: La

fully rigged ship of the Dutch

Superba, Genoa the Proud.

East India Company, complete

Winner of the 2014 Libris

with sailors. Has she travelled

Literature Prize. Rights sold to

through time?

Deep Vellum and Aufbau.


The File – Is there a more

Arthur Umbgrove

Rutger Pontzen

Paradise Village – A father

fifty-five, a man realizes how

and his eleven-year-old son

to channel his fears, he finally

travel through the western

dares to face his childhood,

United States in a Ford

his parents, and how that

Mustang. On their trip, the

happy time came to an end.

father discovers that he

The protagonist tells his story

doesn’t actually know his son.

in a feverish way, in a trancelike rhythm, with humour and lightness.

Nyk de Vries

A.N. Ryst The Harpy – It all starts with

Renger – In this kaleidoscopic

a fallen angel who, together

journey, the story unfolds of

with a wandering poet, is try-

a thrifty father, a construc-

ing to find his way in a world

tion worker who collected

that is as yet unspoilt. With its

everything he could lay his

magic-realist narrative style

hands on. Following his death,

and rich poetic imagery, this

his son has no idea what to do

stunning novel reads like a

with this inheritance.

European counterpart of One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Coco Schrijber

Robbert Welagen The Air Sweepers – Minnie Tik-

In Good Hands – Erik

ker is an eight-year-old girl who

Bergmans is struggling to

has no idea what her wonder-

work out if he should become

ful father sees in her distant

a father. Then he spots a

mother. When her father dies,

man at the station who is

she’s left with that pressing

his spitting image. Is the

question, and with two brothers

similarity just a trick of the

and a mother who knows

eye or is there more to it? He

a hundred words for “cold”.

decides to follow himself.

Lucas Zandberg

Toon Tellegen A Previous Life – Tellegen

The Forgotten Prince – In

presents a picture of the

Paris, Prince Willem fills his

small town where he grew

days by seducing beautiful

up and the people who lived

women. But then he falls for

there. One of them being the

a Dutch countess, a woman

exceptional Jacob Laagwater,

beneath his station. Will he

who reads stories from the

choose love – or the throne?

Bible, stories that are very different from the real Bible.


Now Me – When, at the age of

Bart Meuleman

Robert Anker

My Kind of Music – Tenderness

Faithless Time – In his new

and futility go hand in hand.

collection, Anker explores

In this collection, Meuleman

loss – an empty heart, a lost

tentatively goes in search of a

childhood, a lost self – but,

sound for sadness, words for

avid poet that he is, he also

the loss of a father.

explodes with powerful rage and bursts into an ode in praise of unexpected beauty.

Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer

Lut de Block Temporary Shelter – Here,

Idylls – In the classical form

shelter is given to a poetry that,

of rhyming alexandrines,

as is usual in De Block’s work,

which come and go like waves

takes nature and the passing

over pebbles, more and more

months and seasons as its

certainties wash away. Winter

subject, charting the emotional

is coming. These may well be

landscape, rather than the

the last idylls we shall ever

scenery itself.


Charlotte van den Broeck

Ineke Riem

Chameleon – Van den

All Seas are Patient

Broeck takes a road trip

– Not every mermaid

to a possible female

washes up on the shore.

identity, constructed

Occasionally one finds

somewhere between

herself in a soulless

body and language.

Dutch residential district and has to hibernate all year under a layer of her own thoughts.

Victor Schiferli

Luuk Gruwez The Endless Ones –

The Man from Before – A tight

In this volume, the

and thematic series of poems,

boundary between the

as melancholic as they are

finite and infinity is

witty, written in an extremely

blurred and paper-thin.

concise and controlled form.

This is a collection about

The poet’s own black-and-

all our limitations, how

white photos in this collection

we should hate and love

reveal his inspiration: the un-

them as ourselves, yet

expected beauty of everyday

often fail to do so.



Unforgettable Devoted

Leo Vroman

Lans Stroeve

Each Time I Shall Weep – The

heartfelt way, language is

best, most touching and most

created from the distress

Vromanesque poems have been

of the individual left

selected for this substantial

behind when a loved one’s

anthology of his work. So that

life comes to a dramatic

it will remain available to read

end. The “unspeakable”,

for everyone who has ever been

is captured in wondrously

moved by his poetry, even if only

clear poetry in an ever-

by that one magnificent line.


Olympic Swimmer – In a

changing form and shape.

Lex Pieffers

Anna Levander

Pittsburgh – Jake is trying to

ambitious politician Morten

make a new life for himself.

Mathijsen is heading for

Why did he pull the trigger? He

an election victory when

wasn’t even all that interested

an obscure case from the

in politics. Pittsburgh is

past threatens to ruin his

a fictional thriller about

reputation. For lovers of

Kennedy’s assassin.

series such as Borgen and

English translation available.


The Morten trilogy – The

House of Cards.

Sandra van Aalderen et al.

Celal Altuntas But She’s Your Sister! – True-

authors take us on a journey

life “honour” crimes, in which

into the world of brain scans.

the author presents the views

What can scans actually reveal

of both the victims and the

to researchers? How do they fall


short? What are some promising future applications? And what more lies within the realm of neuro-science fiction and fantasy?

Machiel Bosman

Diana Albrink New York in 40 Dates – Diana is

The Robber King – The biggest

single when she moves to New

military operation in the

York, so she joins a dating site.

Republic’s history. The Prince

The author takes the reader

of Orange is about to embark

along on her personal journey

on an uncertain adventure

of exploration through New

with potentially disastrous

York and, in particular, the New

consequences: an invasion in

York dating scene.

autumn, when the season for war is over.


Looking into the Brain – The

Barbara van Erp & Femke Sterken

Hafid Bouazza

This Is the Book For Parents

Bouazza demonstrates that the

with a Life – Familiar, witty and

rigid masculine norm within

gently cynical book. Journalists

Islam still holds sway, even in

and bloggers Van Erp and

the Netherlands. He pillories

Sterken manage to make

the politically correct attitude

mothers (and fathers) laugh

of Western intellectuals, which

about their new life, which

thwarts the liberation of Muslim

no longer revolves around


themselves, but around their children.

Herman Chevrolet

Kester Freriks

The Art of Winning – Herman

Echoes of the Indies – The time

Chevrolet discusses

and the consequences of the

unconventional strategies for

Proclamation of Indonesian In-

achieving the ultimate goal.

dependence have never before

After all, anyone who plays

been explored so extensively.

entirely fair is never going to

The Proklamasi left deep marks

win the Tour de France... A book

on millions who are connected

that’s as entertaining as the

to the former colony, and

most exciting race.

Sukarno’s words continue to resonate even today.

Jaap Cohen

Johan van de Gronden The Inescapable Origins of Eli

Philosopher in the Wild – We’d

d’Oliveira – Under the Nazi re-

better get used to the sight of

gime, a person’s origins often

beavers, sea eagles, elk and

meant the difference between

wolves. In this book, Van de

life and death. A gripping fami-

Gronden presents surprising

ly history that throws new light

perspectives on humans

on more than three centuries

and nature, and shows

of Portuguese-Jewish life in

himself to be a passionate

the Netherlands.


Hein L. van Dolen

Henk-Jan Grotenhuis & Tim Duyff

Passion, Intrigue and Politics

Red Card: Football and Violence

– For over eleven centuries,

– Football in the Netherlands

no fewer than ninety-nine

used to be a rough pastime

empresses sat on the throne of

that caused respectable

the Byzantine empire. Exciting,

citizens to frown. But rules

riveting and amusing biogra-

were introduced to the game,

phies of ten female rulers of

and the players learned to

Constantinople who had a great

keep their aggressive impulses

influence on their contempo-

in check. Although that doesn’t

raries and future generations.

always work, even today…


The Field and the Cloak – Hafid

Joke Hermsen

Martin de Haan

Kairos – We know Chronos, lin-

Houellebecq – In some thirty

ear, measurable time, but we

pieces, which read like excerpts

have forgotten Kairos, the god

from a diary, Houellebecq’s

of the “opportune moment”.

regular Dutch translator, Martin

Hermsen finds Kairos in the

de Haan, explores questions

works of Nietzsche, Arendt,

that the French author brings

Bloch, Benjamin, Heidegger

up in his work.

and others, and links it to concepts such as enthusiasm, inspiration and empathy.

Dennis Honing & Nikki Sterkenburg

Meltem Halaceli My Grandfather’s Forgotten

Unworthy of Belief – Honing

History – The discovery of the

provides a sharp and incisive

memoirs of Sulayman Hadj

analysis of why ten years of

Ali, an Alawite, which were

debate about Islam and public

believed lost, prompts his

policy have thus far been

granddaughter to go in search

counterproductive, leading to

of a hidden history. In order to

further radicalization. And this

understand what war is, the

convert answers the question

author travels to Beirut.

of why he ultimately turned his back on orthodox Islam.

Léon Hanssen

Arjeh Kalman Creating Paradise on Earth –

Have a Happy Life! – The members

Hanssen presents Mondrian’s

of a well-to-do Jewish family from

life and work in the period

Amsterdam are now dead, but

1919–1933, the years of

their diaries, poems and hundreds

his classic abstract style

of letters have been preserved,

of painting. The book also

from before, during and after the

provides a striking picture of

war. Arjeh Kalmann, the son of

a turbulent era.

one of the main characters, has composed portraits of the Cohens in the picture.

Yves van Kempen

Kees ’t Hart Happy Writing – ’t Hart attempts

Sir, Sir! – There’s no better

to identify what exactly makes

teacher than the students’

good, “happy” writing. Who’s got

own initiative. This is a

it? And who hasn’t? With a large

personal, inspiring and

dose of enthusiasm, knowhow

heart-warming book, written

and humour, ’t Hart works his

by an enthusiastic teacher

way through the literary world.

who has an unconventional view of education.


At the Edge of the World: Michel

Willem van Toorn

Ton Langendorff

Emanuel Querido – A biography

Precise? – Mathematicians

of the famous publisher, also the

always present us with the final

founder of Querido Verlag. Born

result, the clear-cut formulas

into Amsterdam’s Jewish com-

that most of us are unable to

munity, a background from which

fathom. We don’t hear anything

he struggled to break away. New

about what it took to arrive at

archive material has allowed the

that result. The beauty of maths

author to present a complete pic-

is the final product; this book

ture of Emanuel Querido, who was

shows us the “way there”.

murdered in Sobibor in 1943.

Henk Schulte Nordholt

Mark Traa

China and the Barbarians –

The Fairest in the Land – The

A surprising portrait of China,

previously untold story of the

twenty-five years after the

pre-war generation of Dutch

brutal suppression of the

beauty queens. Traa also

protest on Tiananmen Square.

explains how these women

The history of a country

fared in their later lives.

struggling with its identity in a shrinking world.

Pauline Slot

Rutger Vahl Museums: The Agony and the

Wally Tax – The first Dutch rock

Ecstasy – Why do we actually

idol. With fame come money,

visit museums? And what kind

groupies and madness. Vahl

of experience do we have when

follows Tax on the path from

we’re there? Slot was tempted

adulation to social security in

by spectacular buildings, saw

this account of Tax’s struggle

the back of people’s heads in

with depression and addiction.

front of the most popular paintings, and checked out museum shops and restaurants.

Joost Zwagerman

Barbara Stok Vincent – The Netherlands’

The Silence of Light –

most widely translated

Zwagerman goes on an

graphic novel, about the

inspired search for the

life of Van Gogh during the

different facets of the

brief, intense period that the

“intensity of silence”. For all

artist spent in the south of

artists, light is an important

France. Sold to 12 countries.

tool for expressing the atmosphere of silence.


Are Mathematicians Really That

de  a r b e i d e r s pe r s at h en a e u m s i n g e l  P u b l i s h e r s

nijgh & va n dit m a r Querido uitgeverij q

Spui 10 1012 WZ Amsterdam The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)20 760 72 10 Foreign rights Jolijn Spooren Maria Vlaar Reading copies Martijn Prins Translation grants Foreign publishers wishing to publish translations of books by Singel Publishers may apply for a subsidy towards the translation costs. The Dutch Foundation for Literature exists to promote interest in Dutch language literature abroad. Further information and an application form are to be foundon Contact details for the Dutch Foundation for Literature: Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam The Netherlands t +31 (0)20 520 73 00 f +31 (0)20 520 73 99 Fiction: Victor Schiferli Barbara den Ouden Non-fiction: Mireille Berman Poetry: Thomas Möhlmann

literary fiction

Singel Publishers

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