Singel Publishers fiction + non-fiction fall 2017

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 Maximaal drie ankeilers - unique selling points - liefst in een regel

Rights Guide Bij een of twee ankeilers de overgebleven sterren weghalen Singel Publishers Frankfurt 2017

 Oplages, nominaties voor prijzen etc.

Vertaalde titel Tekst over het boek Offictiunt pore dolore, optatus desequosae dolenda nihillandent faces estibus magniae niat aspernat aut ut quiatur modi tem

Gustaaf Peek Godin, held

alibus in est, quam, consequam volo est lantinc ipsunto quatemquis sitiorita cumquia perferibus esti abo. Iqui dolupie netusdae lant ut laut exera sitiatu ribusandae consedisi occupta erovit fugitis eos expersp ernatioIl ipsae parcips untoribus utatur? Quiatis cimus. Milibus re pres namet fugitis andus re dolorest pro venes simaxim eos conest, aboreratis aliqui odit mos eum ilictem quibeaquiae sit et quam et repro qui.

‘Mooie quotes.’ Vrij Nederland ‘Ondanks de heikele kwesties die ’t Hart in haar karakter blootlegt, is het een liefdevol portret van een moeder met bizarre trekjes.’ De Morgen

Original title Godin, held

‘Verrassend liefdevol. Een prachtboek.’ HP de Tijd

Novel | 274 pages |Querido

n i j g h & v anRights d i sold: t ma r

Gustaaf Peek (1975) debuteerde in 2006 met roman s i n g e lde  P u bArmin. l i sDaarna h evolgden rs


English sample translation available

d e  a r b e i d e r s p e r s

Dover, genomineerd voor de bng Nieuwe Literatuurprijs, en Ik © Maria Hermes

was Amerika, dat bekroond werd met de bng Nieuwe Literatuurprijs en de F. Bordewijkprijs.

DVA (Germany)

Foreign rights:

a t hPatricia e nadeeGroot um | Maria Vlaar |

De geus

Martijn Prins |

Uitgeverij Q

literary fiction

Auteurs Naam

Roman Querido

 Bestseller in the Netherlands and abroad, with over 110,000 copies sold in Japan alone  Life’s major themes are broached in the moving and amusing encounters between animals  Tellegen’s books have been translated in 25 languages

l i t e r a r y f i c t i on on

Toon Tellegen What the Hedgehog Really Wanted One day the hedgehog, who often feels lonely, decides to invite everyone over. But at the same time it shies away from the idea, as it’s always afraid of doing something wrong. And what if the elephant really does show up, wouldn’t it break everything? And what about the frog’s croaking, will anyone even hear what the hedgehog has to say? What is actually worse, unexpected visitors or losing sleep over visitors you’re expecting? No, there’s a world of difference between wanting something and getting it. Maybe the hedgehog should just enjoy being alone.

‘Tellegen writes in a moving and entertaining manner. As much as he twists, exaggerates, shrinks and fools around, he never hides his subject matter: recognizable human behaviour and recognizable human emotions.’ de Volkskrant

Toon Tellegen (1941), a retired

Original title Het verlangen van de egel Novel | 136 pages | Querido

Rights sold:

family doctor, is a well read and acclaimed

Japanese (Shinchosha), Korean (Book 21), Complex Chinese

writer of poetry and prose. He first wrote

(Global Kids), Simplified Chinese (CITIC Press), Turkish

animal stories for children, then animal


novels for adults. All of life’s major themes © Keke Keukelaar

are broached in the moving and amusing

English sample available

encounters between animals, which also can be read as philosophical musings on the human condition.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Martijn Prins |

 Over 75,000 copies sold  ‘A monument novel.’ Author David Van Reybrouck  Awarded the prestigious Libris Literature Prize 2017 as well as the Henriëtte Roland Holst Prize 2017

l i t e r a r y f i c t i on on

Alfred Birney The Interpreter from Java For a Dutch cobbler’s daughter, a former military interpreter from the Indies and their son there is no present. Only a burdened past. The son haunts his parents with questions about the war in the DutchIndies that still rages in their family. Their stories are thrilling, hilarious, horrible, inconceivable, raw, but not without humor.

‘A masterful novel’ **** De Volkskrant ‘An impressive novel. What a meaningful story about a torn up country, father and son.’ ***** AD Magazine Original title De tolk van Java

‘Merciless novel.’ NRC Handelsblad

Alfred Birney (1951) is the author

Novel | 541 pages | De Geus

Rights sold: Indonesian (Gramedia)

of a great oeuvre of fiction and non-fiction, in which his family’s Dutch-Indies history

English sample available

has a central role. In his novels he writes

© Patricia Börger

about his youth, dominated by his father,

Foreign rights:

and the years he had to spend at boarding

Jolijn Spooren |

school. In The Interpreter from Java Birney

Martijn Prins |

describes both his parents’ histories and the impact their lives had on his own.

 Moving coming-of-age story, but also a gripping, unconventional detective novel, based on historical facts  Bestselling international author

l i t e r a r y f i c t i on on

Arthur Japin Kolya Kolya was eight years old and a deaf-mute when the brothers Modest and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky took him under their wing. They were companions for years and their travels throughout Europe freed the boy from his isolation. After the death of the famous composer in 1893, Kolya at once casts doubt on the official cause of death: cholera. The true circumstances are anxiously hushed up, but for a deaf man like Kolya, silence holds no secrets. He has three days—up until the state funeral— to unearth the truth. But while Petersburg roils with rumor, might he better serve the Tchaikovskys, who taught him to speak, by now holding his tongue? Did Tchaikovsky die a natural death or was he the victim of a conspiracy? What was in the letters used to blackmail him? What was the role of the secretive old boys’ club and their code of honor? Who pushed Tchaikovsky to his gruesome death, and why didn’t the czar intervene?

Original title Kolja Novel | 343 pages | De Arbeiderspers

Arthur Japin (1956) is one of

English sample available

Holland’s most famous authors. His great historical novels – The Two Hearts

Foreign rights:

of Kwasi Boachi, In Lucia’s Eyes, Someone

Jolijn Spooren |

Found and Vaslav – were worldwide successes. His books have sold more © Corbino

than one and a half million copies in the Netherlands alone, and have been published in more than twenty languages.

Martijn Prins |

 Winner of the European Union Prize for Literature 2017  ‘The most courageous novel in Dutch literature in decades.’ Jury report EUPL  Winner of the BNG Literature Prize 2015  Film rights sold

l i t e r a r y f i c t i on on

Jamal Ouariachi A Hunger Student Aurélie Lindeboom has the shock of her life when her boyfriend is arrested; the famous aid worker Alexander Laszlo has been accused of abusing one of his Ethiopian adoptees. Has Aurélie unwittingly shared her bed for over a year with a man who is a paedophile? Almost ten years later, when Aurélie is the mother of a young daughter and working as a journalist, Laszlo approaches her once again, with a proposal that will have far-reaching consequences. ‘A literary spectacle.’ ***** Het Parool ‘An immense book.’ ***** Algemeen Dagblad ‘The work of a born storyteller. Unmissable.’ **** De Standaard ‘In both style and content, A Hunger is a highlight of contemporary Dutch literature. Here we have a writer with something to say and who knows how to say it beautifully.’ ***** Noord Hollands Dagblad

Original title Een honger Novel | 592 pages | Querido

Rights sold:

Jamal Ouariachi

(1978) studied

psychology and made his debut in 2010. He writes stories and opinion pieces for a number of newspapers and weekly © Arnout Hulskamp

magazines. His second novel, Tenderness, was published in 2013 and shortlisted for the BNG Literature Prize and the Gouden Boekenuil. A Hunger was longlisted for the Libris Literature Prize 2016.

Albanian (Dituria), Bulgarian (Colibri), Czech (Bourdon), Hungarian (Vince), Macedonian (Antolog), Polish (Relacja), Serbian (Akademska), Slovenian (Mladinska), Spanish (Tres Hermanas) English sample available Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Martijn Prins |

 Autobiographical tale of Russia & Revolution  Published exactly one hundred years after the finale of the Russian Revolution  Waterdrinker is praised as the chronicler of modern Russia

l i t e r a r y f i c t i on on

Pieter Waterdrinker 40, Tchaikovsky Street In his latest, strongly autobiographical novel, Waterdrinker takes the reader on a dazzling journey through Russian history and through his own life. The starting point is his house in Saint Petersburg, in the middle of the neighbourhood that, a hundred years ago, was the epicentre of the Russian Revolution of 1917. The novel is not only a chronicle of this period, which was to have a profound impact on the course of twentieth-century European history, but also an account of the unusually adventurous life of the author, who has spent the past quarter of a century in the Soviet Union and Russia. In the hands of Waterdrinker, the master storyteller, this results in a literary rollercoaster ride. A novel of breath-taking beauty, an ode to the divided soul of Russia and to the perpetual internal conflict this creates. It is also magnificent for the way Waterdrinker describes his own struggles with life, his writing, and love.

Original title Tsjaikovskistraat 40 Novel | 352 pages | Nijgh & Van Ditmar

© Julia Klotchkova

Pieter Waterdrinker (1961) is

English sample available

the author of big, panoramic novels such as The German Wedding and Poubelle. His work has been translated into English, Russian and German, winning international acclaim. He has been nominated several times for awards including the Libris Literature Prize and the prestigious IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2011.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Martijn Prins |

 Gift of the Dutch Book Week 2016, printed at 700,000 copies  Gerritsen was awarded the Frans Kellendonk Prize for her oeuvre in 2014  Gerritsen's books have been translated in 12 languages

l i t e r a r y f i c t i on on

Esther Gerritsen Brother Minutes before Olivia has to speak at an important meeting of shareholders, her brother calls. His leg might have to be amputated. Marcus and Olivia hardly ever see each other, but the amputation has an unexpected impact on her, as if she’d be losing her own leg. She immediately drops everything in a hopeless attempt to save her brother. But is he really the one who needs to be saved? On Brother: ‘The amputation-story genre has gained a fine new example.’ NRC Handelsblad ‘Lively, amusing, and riveting— a typical “Gerritsen”, with a great many scintillating sentences and sharp observations.’ Trouw On Esther Gerritsen’s oeuvre: ‘It is difficult to imagine the literary world without Esther Gerritsen. She has originality, and she's here to stay.’ Daniëlle Serdijn in Hollands Diep ‘Esther Gerritsen writes witty, raw novels about human shortcomings.’ De Volkskrant

© Keke Keukelaar

Esther Gerritsen (1972) is an established novelist and playwright. Her

Original title Broer Novella | 96 pages | De Geus

Rights sold: German (Aufbau), French (Albin Michel), Turkish (Paris)

successful novels Craving (shortlisted for the Vondel Prize) and Roxy (nominated

German translation available

for the Libris Literature Prize) were published in English and for both books film

Foreign rights:

rights have been sold. In 2014 Gerritsen

Jolijn Spooren |

was awarded the Frans Kellendonk prize

Martijn Prins |

for her body of work.

 Over 15,000 copies sold and based on a true story  Previous novel La Superba won the Libris Literature Prize and sold over 75,000 copies  ‘Peachez is already the most romantic book of the year.’ **** de Volkskrant

literary fiction

Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer Peachez, A Romance Peachez, A Romance is based on the true story of a professor in the United States who fell in love with a photo model he met while surfing the internet. He develops a transcendent love for her, which starts to mess up his life. Eventually his love turns out to be based on a fantasy. But isn’t that true for every love relationship? Peachez, A Romance covers the modern phenomena of catfishing as well as the eternal theme of searching for happiness in love. But it is also a philosophical novel that reads like a thriller.

‘Pfeijffer dances with reality and fiction.’ Het Parool ‘A clever and funny variation on Ovidius’ Pygmalionstory, in which a sculptor’s perfect woman is brought to life.’ De Groene Amsterdammer ‘In Peachez, A Romance, Cupid is beaten up with a pair of velvet boxing-gloves.’ De Standaard

Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer (1968)

Original title Peachez, een romance Novel | 176 pages | De Arbeiderspers

English sample available

writes novels, stories, poems, columns, essays, theatre plays and lyrics. He has lived and worked in Genoa for many © Stephan Vanfleteren

years. He is highly praised for both his poetry and his novels. His awardwinning novel La Superba was published in the United States (Deep Vellum), Germany (Aufbau) and Macedonia (Antolog).

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Martijn Prins |

 A graphic memoir; a creative approach to menopause  Prose debut for adults by award-winning children’s books author  Over 20,000 copies sold, number 2 on the general bestseller list

non l i t e -rfai r cy tif on iction

Francine Oomen Riding the Wave. A Journal of Change Puberty, pregnancy: hundreds of books have been written about these great hormonal shuffles in a woman’s life. As author of the How to Survive…series, which helped thousands of teenagers through a difficult time, Francine Oomen knows what she is talking about. But menopause, the second big hormonal shuffle, has never truly been on the map. So when Oomen experienced this firsthand, she was totally ambushed by the symptoms, from brainfog to mood swings to all kinds of strange ailments. And a writer’s block. But the greatest challenge was perhaps her inner battle with Shrew, her inner critic and slave driver. Her struggle has led to this magnificent graphic memoir. Informative, aesthetically pleasing, comforting, confronting and hilarious, a book that documents a personal journey through an unknown and often challenging territory. A story that also opens our eyes to an

Original title Oomen stroomt over

important medical and social issue.

© Gerlinde de Geus

Francine Oomen

Graphic Novel | 232 pages | Nijgh & Van Ditmar


Rights sold:

is a writer, illustrator en designer.

Norwegian (Gyldendal), Swedish (Wahlström & Widstrand),

She started designing, writing and

Spanish (Ediciones B)

illustrating children’s books in 1990. Her big breakthrough came with the

English sample available

award-winning How to Survive…-series. Her books have been translated in 12 languages and made into a movie and television series.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Martijn Prins |

 Number 1 bestseller, over 200,000 copies sold  International television rights sold  By the uncrowned queen of literary non-fiction

l ilti etrearrayrnon y f i- c f itcitoi on n

Annejet van der Zijl The American Princess On 13 April 1927, Allene Tew boarded the Mauretania in the harbour of New York. She was leaving behind everything she’d ever dreamed of as a young country girl – fame, fortune, motherhood and the love of her life. She’d lost almost everything. Tew was known as ‘the richest and saddest widow in town’, but she had a whole new life ahead of her: a family, a future as a real princess, Russian countess and godmother of the Dutch queen Beatrix. The American Princess is a reconstruction of a fascinating life, set in America and Europe, Victorian and modern times, industrial and Russian revolutions and two World Wars. But above all it’s the personal story of an exceptional woman who had the courage to follow her own, inimitable path to the bitter end. ‘With The American Princess, the Dutch ‘queen of literary non-fiction’ has outdone herself.’ ***** nrc Handelsblad ‘A heartwarming book.’ De Volkskrant

© Anja van Wijgerden

Annejet van der Zijl has written several bestselling titles since 1998.

Original title De Amerikaanse prinses Literary non-fiction | 280 pages | illustrated | Querido

Rights sold: World English (AmazonCrossing) and German (WBG)

2004 saw the publication of Sonny Boy, of which more than 600,000 copies have been

English sample available

sold in the Netherlands alone. The book has been published in many languages and has

Foreign rights:

been made into a hugely successful major

Jolijn Spooren |

movie. The American Princess was shortlisted for the Libris History Prize 2016.

Martijn Prins |

 The sad story of the self-chosen death of the author’s brother  Provoked an international discussion, including interviews with the BBC and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

l non i t e r-af ri c y t fi ion ction

Marcel Langedijk We’ll Always Have the Memories Right after his first daughter is born, Marcel speaks to his brother Mark for the first time in years. The reason they lost touch was Mark’s severe alcoholism. Mark has some news for Marcel: he’s been busy all year arranging to qualify for euthanization. Recently he has eventually received permission and it will happen soon. In We’ll Always Have the Memories Marcel Langedijk describes the inevitable death of his brother. Mark kept a diary in the final phase of his life. Excerpts from that diary show the heartbreaking moments of someone who cannot live without alcohol, but who also can’t bear to live with the drinking, his severe depression and anxieties with no prospect of recovery. This book is an extremely touching personal story on the loss of a loved one: the incredulity, the memories, the sorrow, the farewell, but it also raises the question: how well can you really know someone?

Original title Gelukkig hebben we de foto’s nog Non-fiction | 220 pages | Uitgeverij Q

© Jesaja Hizkia

Marcel Langedijk (1972) is a journalist and author. He has worked for numerous

Foreign rights:

magazines and has (co-)written

Jolijn Spooren |

six books, the most recent being

Martijn Prins |

The Dad, a parenting book for fathers.

 Everything you want to know and the things you can do to live an eco-neutral lifestyle  Provides tools to make a difference, including an Impact Top 10  Includes an online tool to calculate your own eco-impact

non - f i c t i on

Babette Porcelijn

Babette Porcelijn Hidden Impact This book gives insight into our ecological impact on the planet. This impact takes place mostly out

Dit boek geeft inzicht in onze impact op de planeet. Die impact vindt grotendeels plaats buiten ons zicht en hij is groter dan we denken. Als je weet waar de grootste problemen zitten, kun je pas echt effectief verduurzamen. De verborgen impact biedt houvast voor mensen die hun negatieve impact op de planeet willen ombuigen in een positieve.

Begin 20 had gele containe als álle a was verb per dag terwijl b schrok ik

of sight and it is worse than we think. If you know what the biggest problems are, you can make more effective improvements. Hidden Impact helps people

Babette Porcelijn heeft Industrieel Ontwerpen gestudeerd aan de TU Delft. Daar heeft zij kennis van industriële processen en ketenanalyse opgedaan. Babette heeft een ontwerpstudio voor design en communicatie.

Rick had verder ve wereldbe Nederlan buiten o de hand.

who want to reverse their negative impact on the planet and make it a positive one.


‘Ontzettend goed, bewogen en zinnig boek. Het zet mooi op een rijtje waar we het meest vervuilen en zet de zin en onzin rond consumeren en produceren naast elkaar. Van sommige cijfers val je gewoon van je stoel’

De consu gebruikt andere k aanricht. niet een


De beslis gemaakt

Het boek geeft je zowel de 'grote inzichten' als de vertaalslag naar jouw dagelijks leven. Omdat je het complete plaatje ziet, in de juiste verhoudingen, maakt het heel duidelijk welke keuzes je kunt maken.'

En zo be


‘Babette Porcelijn schreef handboek voor een betere wereld’ JOOP BOUMA, TROUW

Babette Porcelijn

‘As a kind of Alice in Wonderland, Babette Porcelijn has examined how things stand with the

Original title De verborgen impact

environment.’ De Volkskrant

© Johannes Abeling

Babette Porcelijn

Non-fiction | 200 pages | Uitgeverij Q


English translation available

Industrial Design Engineering at the Technical University Delft. That’s where she gained knowledge of industrial processes and life cycle analysis. Babette has a studio for design and communication and is nominated for the Dutch Design Awards 2017. She is a popular blogger and speaker on sustainability.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Martijn Prins |

 On the unique collaboration between music and the brain  Top ten bestseller with over 25,000 copies sold  By the author of bestseller Keep Your Brain Running, over 75,000 copies sold

non - f i c t i on

Erik Scherder Singing in the Brain Erik Scherder plays the violin. He isn’t that good at it, yet, but practicing music stimulates his brain and makes him fit – and happy. Music, experienced in any way, professionally or for fun, passive or active, can do wonders. In Singing in the Brain Scherder describes how. A number of remarkable people are introduced: the violinist who survived an earthquake, the girl awakened from a coma by her favourite music, the paralysed guitarist turned composer, the identical twins who can’t follow a tune, but are rhythmic geniuses. Why does a song become a hit? Why do we love sad music? Alternating captivating science with unique case studies, the Netherlands’ most enthusiastic professor answers all questions as only he can: with pace, skill and great empathy. ‘The author is contagiously enthusiastic – as always.’ Trouw

Original title Singing in the brain Non-fiction | 232 pages | Athenaeum — Polak & Van Gennep

Erik Scherder

is professor of

English sample available

neuropsychology at the VU in Amsterdam and professor of Human Movement Sciences at the

Foreign rights:

University of Groningen. Together with former

Jolijn Spooren |

Olympic skater Ard Schenk and bestselling author Dick Swaab, he gives lectures. In 2013, he was voted best teacher in the Netherlands and he is a regular guest on De Wereld Draait Door, the biggest Dutch talk show.

Martijn Prins |

 The importance of invisible life  Collaboration with the only microbial museum in the world

non - f i c t i on

Remco Kort Microbe Man Man is a walking ecosystem. During our lifetime, our body provides the right conditions for a giant community of microorganisms. Yet we see microbes primarily as the cause of diseases and decay and we try all we can to eliminate them with antibiotics and disinfectants. The truth is, from the colonization of our body at birth to the dissolution after our death, bacteria play an essential role in our lives. Microbe Man takes a clear and close look at this crucial role, which leads to atonement for these little organisms. We are repeatedly, and each time from a different perspective, brought into this invisibly tiny world that proves to be bigger than ever imagined possible.

Original title De microbe-mens Non-fiction | 320 pages | Athenaeum - Polak & Van Gennep

Remco Kort (1970)

English sample available

is an endowed professor of Microbial Genomics at the Vrije Universtiteit Amsterdam, microbiologist at TNO, co-founder © Sacha de Boer

of the Yoba for Life Foundation, and professor of ARTIS-Micropia, the world’s only microbial museum.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

Arnon Grunberg The Man Without Illness  Over 50,000 copies sold, international film rights sold  A rnon Grunberg was declared most influential international artist of The Netherlands in 2016 In The Man Without Illness, the young Swiss architect Samarendra travels to Baghdad to work on a design for a new opera house. He is convinced that the duty of the architect is to make people’s lives easier and more beautiful. The Man Without Illness deals with the Western illusion of comfort and security. Sharply and sometimes sardonically, Grunberg depicts a world in which nothing is as it seems and human beings are playthings of powers that they cannot control.

Rights sold: German (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), French (Héloïse d’Ormesson), Hebrew (Hakibbutz), Hungarian (Gondolat), Portuguese (Rádio Londres), Turkish (Alef) English sample and German and French translation available

Original title De man zonder ziekte Novel | 224 pages | Nijgh & Van Ditmar

b e s t s e l l e r

Annelies Verbeke Thirty Days  Winner of the F. Bordewijk Prize for Best Novel 2015, the NRC Book Award for Best Dutch-language Novel of the Year 2015 and the Opzij Literature Prize 2016  O ver 25,000 copies sold  Verbeke’s books are translated in 24 countries Alphonse moved to the Flemish Westhoek with his girlfriend Kat, away from the hustle and bustle of Brussels and a precarious living as a musician. He is content now, working alone as a handyman. His clients are pleased with his work; they are even more impressed by his presence and open themselves up to him and seek his advice. But Alphonse does not want to be a Jesus figure, a guru. Original title Dertig dagen Novel | 320 pages | De Geus

Rights sold: English (World Editions) and French (Fleuve Editions) English translation available

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

Marente de Moor The Dutch Maiden  Winner of the European Union Prize for Literature 2014  ‘Great narrative talent.’ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung  Over 70,000 copies sold In the summer of 1936, Janna, a young Dutch fencer, is sent away to stay with her father’s old friend, a German, Egon von Bötticher. Egon has returned injured and embittered from the front at the end of the First World War, and now teaches fencing, and organizes bloody duels. In this strange world, Janna, intrigued by her unfeeling maître d’armes, starts looking for answers. What happened between Egon and her father? Which of them has old scores to settle? Rights sold: Albanian (Dituria), Bulgarian (Izida), Croatian (Naklada Ljevak), English (World Editions), German (Suhrkamp), Hungarian (Libri), Italian (Del Vecchio), Macedonian (Antolog), Polish (Relacja), Serbian (Heliks), Turkish (Alakarga)

Original title De Nederlandse maagd Novel | 300 pages | Querido

English and German translation available

b e s t s e l l e r

Jaap Robben You Have Me To Love  Winner of the Dioraphte Prize, the ANV Debut Prize and the Dutch Book Seller Award  Film rights sold and over 40,000 copies sold  ‘This is a bold, tender and ambivalent narrative, raw and disturbing, with moments of painful beauty.’ The Irish Times Mikael lives with his parents on a small, remote island. At the age of nine, his father disappears into the sea. Mikael keeps silent about what actually happened. Guilt and inner conflict torment and consume him, but then his mother forces him to do the impossible…

Original title Birk Novel | 256 pages | De Geus

Rights sold: English (World Editions), German (Ars Vivendi), Turkish (Kahve), Czech (Vyšehrad) English translation available

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

Renate Dorrestein A Heart of Stone  Over 200,000 copies sold  ‘A triumph.’ Kirkus Book Reviews. ‘A striking and finely tuned novel.’ The New York Times. ‘Moving, chilling, powerful.’ Tracy Chevalier Twelve-year-old Ellen van Bemmel is the only one of the four siblings in her close-knit family who looks towards the birth of their new baby sister with great anxiety. What if the curse she cast actually becomes a reality? Twenty-five years later, Ellen is the last surviving member of her family when she returns to her childhood home. She is pregnant and looking for answer to the questions her unborn child is bound to ask when it grows up: ‘Don’t I have a grandmother, mummy? And a grandfather? Don’t I have a family? Why not?’ Translated in 14 languages

Original title Een hart van steen

English translation available

Novel | 220 pages | Querido

b e s t s e l l e r

Marcel van Ool From Nature  T he influence of the landscape of the Netherlands on the work of Mondriaan – and vice versa Mondriaan was one of the most famous artists of the Western world. He gave us beautiful images of the Dutch countryside and remained innovative when he no longer depicted nature and visible reality. Appreciation for the abstract Mondriaan derived with difficulty in the Netherlands. But when it happened, he was embraced. His work is as Dutch as the polder. Art historian and employee of State Forrestry Marcel van Ool takes us along the places where Mondriaan worked. He discovered his spirituality and his humor. He also looked for the influence of Mondriaan on the new Netherlands: after the Second World War seventy percent of our country was redeployed. Critics were talking about the 'Mondrianization of the Original title Uit de natuur Non-fiction | 246 pages | Illustrated | Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep

landscape'. What does that mean? And is that correct? Van Ool comes to surprising conclusions, proving he is right by using many beautiful works by the great painter.

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

J.J. Hermsen Melancholy in Times of Turmoil  Essay of the Philosophy Month 2017 by bestselling author  Number 1 on the general bestseller list, selected for the Dutch Foundation for Literature’s ‘Ten Books’ brochure Man is a homo melancholicus who knows about loss and transience and tries to turn this realization into hope and creativity. However, in times of misery when our melancholy is pulled to the dark side of loss through turmoil and fear, it can turn into depression. Besides peace, love and attention, we also need social affiliation and a flourishing politicalcultural world to alleviate our fears and to keep our melancholy ‘healthy’. In this essay, Hermsen investigates with philosophers like Hannah Arendt, Ernst Bloch and Lou Andreas-Salomé when man still has sufficient courage, power and hope to get past the loss and seek a new relationship with the world and himself.

Original title Melancholie van de onrust

English sample available

German and Spanish rights are represented by SvH Literary Agency

Essay | 156 pages | De Arbeiderspers

b e s t s e l l e r

Olav Mol How Formule 1 Works  Everything you want to know about the Formula 1  80,000 copies of Olav Mol’s books on Formula 1 sold to date Formula 1 is much more complicated than it seems - the teams use the most advanced techniques and strategies. Everything is well thought out and practically every aspect of the sport is constantly being developed to get the very best out of the cars and the drivers. How Formula 1 Works is a beautifully illustrated reference work, which is both suitable for the novice viewer and the seasoned lover of the sport. Topics covered include: • The technique of a Formula 1 car • The current rules • The cost of running a Formula 1 team Original title Zo werkt de Formule 1 Non-fiction | 192 pages | Illustrated | Uitgeverij Q

• Training of a driver • A look behind the scenes at the teams

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Martijn Prins |

b e s t s e l l e r

Fik Meijer Gladiators  By the widely read and highly praised author of numerous books on ancient history, with over 100,000 copies sold in total  Gives a complete and clear view of what was probably the most popular public entertainment in ancient Rome. Gladiator shows were atrocious and cruel, but immensely popular in Rome. For centuries millions of spectators gazed with admiration on the game of death in the arena. In Gladiators Meijer describes the gladiator fights and all that they involve. Central issue of the book is an account of a day-filling programme: in the morning wild animals were either made to fight each other or they were hunted by gladiators, around noon innumerable people were killed by brutal and artfully designed executions, and in the afternoon gladiators fought each other for life or death. Original title Gladiatoren. Volksvermaak in

Translated into 11 languages

het Colosseum | Non-fiction | 256 pages |

English translation available

Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep

b e s t s e l l e r

Guus Kuijer The Bible for Unbelievers  Over 80,000 copies sold  Part 2 shortlisted and part 3 longlisted for the AKO Literature Prize 2014  Retelling of Bible stories by one of the Netherlands’ most popular writers The Bible is a fascinating book. Western culture is unimaginable without the Christian holy book. However, many people, particularly those who did not grow up within the Christian tradition, have never read it. And that is a great shame, as it contains some of the most beautiful stories in world literature. Guus Kuijer retells these tales for both non-believers and believers, relating them from the points of view of the women, the slaves, the have-nots and the underdogs.

Original title De Bijbel voor ongelovigen 288 pages Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep

Rights sold: English (US, Seven Stories Press), German (Antje Kunstmann), Italian (La Nuova Frontiera). Guus Kuijer’s books have been translated into 21 languages. English and German translation available

Foreign rights: Jolijn Spooren | | Martijn Prins |

Other titles (in alphabetical order by author’s last name) Kader Abdolah

Robert Anker In This World - Anker proves

Abdolah’s books have

that a novel can be historical

been translated in more

and modern at the same time *

than 25 languages *

Over 5,000 copies sold * ‘This

Over 100,000 copies sold

last novel by Robert Anker is

* English translation

a poignant farewell.’***** Het

available * Nominated for

Parool * ‘This book could have

NS Prize 2008

been hundreds of pages longer.’ ***** NRC Handelsblad

Abdelkader Benali

Stella Bergsma

Wedding by the Sea – A

Pussy Album – A female

modern classic for a new

Bukowski * Leaving Las

generation of readers *

Vegas meets Notes on a

Over 100,000 copies sold

scandal * Uncompromising

* A novel full of humour,

debut * ‘The kind of

passion, shame and cultural

existential despair Madame

confusion * Rights sold to

Bovary and Anna Karenina

13 countries

would envy.’ Humo * ‘Prose with balls.’ de Volkskrant


Marion Bloem Out of Mind – Award-winning

No Ordinary Indo Girl –

author * Over 750,000 copies

Bestselling debut novel from

sold * ‘A remarkable study

1983 * Lends a powerful voice

in the mental dereliction

to the second generation of

of oldish age.’ The Sunday

Indo-Dutch people * Depicts

Times * Rights sold to

tensions between the Indo

17 countries * English

home environment and the

translation available

Dutch outside world

Merijn de Boer

Louis Paul Boon The Hunting Lodge – Voted

Minuet – One of the greatest

as one of the greatest

Flemish writers of the twentieth

literary talents of the

century * Minuet has been

Netherlands * Masterful

described as ‘the sublime

love story * ‘You seldom

pearl in Boon’s crown’ * Blackly

come across a writer with

comedic novella * A captivating

such boldness.’ **** NRC

book about our loneliness and

Handelsblad * ‘Completely

helplessness in a hostile world *

original.’ **** Het Parool

Rights sold to 10 countries

f i c t i on

The Messenger –


Maria Dermoût The Ten Thousand Things – Classic

masterpiece * Has lost none

that inspired readers across the

of its power and readability

world * ‘An offbeat narrative that

75 years after publication

has the timeless tone of legend.’

* The film adaptation of

Time * ‘A mesmerizing list of

Character won an Oscar *

objects and events, memories and

Rights sold to 9 countries *

thoughts, with the distant archipel-

English translation available

ago as their source.’ NRC Handelsblad * Rights sold to 13 countries * English translation available

Anna Enquist

Kees ‘t Hart Counterpoint – One of

Reciprocal – An equally

Holland’s best-loved writers

hilarious and haunting

* Psychoanalyst and a

novel * ‘Kees ‘t Hart delivers

classically trained pianist *

yet another successful

In the stunning short novel

comedy’ **** de Volkskrant

Counterpoint, Bach’s music

* ‘Hilarious, topical satire on

forms the backdrop to a story

the complaining, assertive

about motherhood and loss *

citizen. No Dutch author

Rights sold to 10 countries *

has mastered this genre like

English translation available

Kees ‘t Hart.’ Trouw

Kristien Hemmerechts

Luuk Imhann

The Woman Who Fed the Dogs

Paradise – Debut * A contemporary

- Hemmerechts was awarded

answer to William Golding’s Lord

the Flemish State Prize and the

of the Flies, a possible prequel to

Frans Kellendonk Prize for her

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

complete oeuvre * Based on a

and the first part of a new trilogy

true story * 15,000 copies sold

* ‘Right away an attempt to

* English, French and Swedish

stand next to literary giants’ NRC

rights sold * Film and theatre

Handelsblad * ‘Paradise is a real

rights sold * English translation

page-turner’- Trouw * English


sample available

Atte Jongstra

Frans Kellendonk On Open Sea – By the winner

Mystical Body – Kellendonk’s

of the Constantijn Huygens

work is widely regarded as

Prize 2016 * Pageturner *

among the best writing in

Literary novel that reads like

modern Dutch * A modern,

a thriller * Denmark and the

literary classic * An iconic

East Sea as decor of a most

novel about the AIDS

up-to-date, disturbing novel

generation * Rights sold

* Tiny island inundated by a

to Scritturapura (Italy) and

tsunami of events * English

Gallimard (France) * English

sample available

sample available

f i c t i on

Character – Bordewijk’s

Lieke Kézér

Natalie Koch Untraceable University -

confident debut * For fans

Three magical novels, one

of Jennifer Egan * Winner

gripping family history * The

of the ANV Debut Prize

final part of the trilogy went

2017 * Lifelike characters

straight into the bestseller

that get under your skin *

lists * ‘Natalie Koch picks up

‘An exceptionally strong

where J.K. Rowling left off.’

and balanced debut.’ *****

Pink Bullets * English sample

Noordhollands Dagblad

and summary available

Bas Kwakman

Joke van Leeuwen Tales from Hotel

A Song of Inexperience

Rooms – Artist and

– Van Leeuwen’s books

director of Poetry

have been published in

International * A

over 15 countries * A

world tour in 40

compelling and thought-

stories * Illustrated

provoking migration novel

with hotel room

* Shortlisted for the Libris

drawings by the

Literature Prize 2016 *

author * English

English translation available

sample available

Tessa de Loo

Nescio Love in Pangea – Author

Amsterdam Stories – A

of a multi-faceted and

small, refined body of work

internationally acclaimed

* Proven classic – the

literary oeuvre * Her novel

best of the treasure trove

The Twins sold over 1,000,000

of Dutch literature * ‘A

copies * 7,500 copies sold *

significant Dutch writer.’

English rights sold * Tessa

Publishers Weekly * Rights

de Loo is represented by the

sold to 18 countries * English

Susijn Agency

translation available

Richard de Nooy

Gustaaf Peek All the Little Heroes – For

Goddess, Hero – Honest

fans of David Mitchell

and poignant love story

and David Szalay * A

told backwards * Shortlist

kaleidoscopic novel

Libris Literature Prize 2015

on little lives of great

* Longlist Gouden Boekenuil

significance * His work

and ECI Literature Prize 2015

has been translated to

* Over 40,000 copies sold *

English and South African

Rights sold to DVA (Germany)

* English sample available

* English sample available

f i c t i on

Absences – Convincing and

Roos van Rijswijk

Thomas Rosenboom Public Works - Over 400,000

columns, plays and stories

copies sold * Made into a

* Nominated for the Anton

major movie in 2015, available

Wachter Prize 2016 * ‘Subtle

worldwide on Netflix as A Noble

and daring novel about a

Intention * The only author

bond as fragile as a cobweb.’

to have won the prestigious

**** de Volkskrant * ‘A subtle,

Libris Literature Prize twice *

understated, idiosyncratic

Magnificent literary novel on

novel.’ **** NRC Handelsblad

nineteenth-century Amsterdam

* English sample available

K. Schippers

Elfie Tromp First Impressions –

Underdog – Writer of

Highly original novel *

novels, columns and plays

A modern classic * The

* Nominated for the BNG

memories of a three-

Literature Prize 2015 and

year-old girl * Schippers

the Dioraphte Literature

was awarded the P.C.

Prize 2016 * ‘Sneaky sharp

Hooft Prize for his oeuvre

formulations, tragicomic sentences you won’t find with anyone else.’ NRC Handelsblad * English sample available

Christiaan Weijts

Ivan Wolffers

A Dissonant Season * A novel

Brother of God – Wolffers is a

like a string quartet. Compelling

medical anthropologist and

and intimate. Intense and

emeritus professor Health

polyphonic. * ‘A rich, classic

and Culture * Fifty years of

novel, reminiscent of the

experiences in the medical

masters like Thomas Mann and

world incorporated in an

Simon Vestdijk, far removed

immersive novel on the rise

from all popular philandering.’

and fall of a physician * Tenth

Trouw * Longlisted for the Libris

novel by bestselling author

Literature Prize 2017

Koos van Zomeren

Joost Zwagerman

Otto’s War – Van Zomeren is

Gimmick! - Over 200,000

the author of a large oeuvre of

copies sold * By the 2008

literary novels, autobiographical

winner of the Gouden

prose, short stories, poetry,

Ganzenveer oeuvre prize *

thrillers and nonfiction, with

Modern classic and a must

nature as the most important

read * Film rights sold *

theme * Breakthrough novel of

Zwagerman’s books have

a literary writer * Over 20,000

been published in many

copies sold


f i c t i on

Unholy – Van Rijswijk writes


Hester Knibbe

Night Rudder – Winner

Archaic the Animals – Has pub-

of the Herman de

lished fifteen books of poetry

Coninck Prize for the

to date * Winner of a number

best Flemish debut * On

of prestigious Dutch prizes in-

previous poetry collection

cluding the Herman Gorter Prize

Chameleon: ‘A precocious

(2000), the A. Roland Holst Prize

but certainly not prema-

(2009) and the VSB Poetry Prize

ture debut that regularly

(2015) * Archaic the Animals is

makes us turn a different colour.’ **** De Morgen *

about guilt, shame and other uncomfortable emotions, but

English rights sold

also about vitality in all its forms

Leonard Nolens

Maud Vanhauwaert

po e t r y


Charlotte Van den Broeck

Pagina 1

nde spreekstem, de verhaal van zijn eigen aal van zijn generatie en maken Bres tot een hoogjke dichter.’ De Morgen

kt aan zijn dichtbundel e buitenstaander die zijn d om hem heen scherp k.’ de Volkskrant

Leonard Nolens Bres

b Poëzieprijs 2008:

Leonard Nolens


gend, ritmerend, bezwen hartstochtelijke poging

t oeuvre. Naamloos in at verbonden zijn Nolens’ it maniëristisch, geeft en ik en de ander.’ n r c

bundels en dagboeken, ntijn Huygensprijs en Een fractie van een kus, en sublieme introductie’ ).

Gedichten Querido

Breach - Nolens received

We Are Paral-

many prizes for his work,

lel – Winner of

including the Constantijn

the prestigious

Huygens Prize for his oeuvre

Hugues C. Pernath

in 1997 * Published in French,

Prize 2015 and the

German, Polish, Italian *

Herman de Con-

Winner of the VSB Poetry prize

inck public award

2008 * Considered a landmark

* Also nominated


in contemporary Dutch poetry

for the VSB Poetry Prize and the Ida Gerhart Prize * English,

* English sample available

French and Spanish translation available

Britta Bolt

Bram Dehouck A Sleepless Summer – 15,000

driven detective series, set in

copies sold * Two-time win-

the city of Amsterdam * Written

ner of the Golden Noose *

in English by Amsterdam-based

Nominated for the Crimezone

authors * Rights sold to Mulhol-

Best Thriller Award * ‘Very

land Books (UK), Hoffmann und

few Dutch thriller authors are

Campe (Germany) * TV rights

able to touch his authorship.’

sold to Endor Productions *

– Trouw * English, German

English manuscript available

and French rights sold

Anna Levander

Charles den Tex The Morten Trilogy – For

Bot – Highly acclaimed

lovers of series such as

author, whose work has

Borgen and House of

been compared to that of

Cards * Written by two

John Grisham, Michael

Dutch political journal-

Crichton and Michael

ists and spin doctors *

Ridpath * Three-time win-

A political trilogy with

ner of the Golden Noose *

thriller-like elements *

Over 15,000 copies sold *

TV rights sold

English sample available


Posthumus Trilogy – A character-

Marjolein Uitzinger

Hilde Vandermeeren

The Partisan – Political

Silent Ground – Flemish author

thriller set in Berlin * Fourth

with international appeal * A

thriller by journalist and

gripping psychological thriller

former radio and television

about family ties and a past

presenter, now living in

that can never be buried *

Berlin * Nominated for the

Vandermeeren published in

Diamond Bullet * ‘A book

Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine

that extends well above

* Movie rights sold * Shortlisted

ground level.’ **** AD-

for the Golden Noose 2016 *


English sample available

Jeroen van Bergeijk

Machiel Bosman The Predator King – Shortlisted

Journalist, writer and

for the Libris History Prize 2016

founder of publishing

* Military adventure set in the

house Fosfor * Pilgrimage

glorious Golden Age * Successful

to Santiago de Compostella

combination of history and

* Recognizable for men

thrilling literature * Innovative

with a midlife crisis (or

research in combination with

their wives)

a compelling literary style * English sample available

Martin Bossenbroek

Victor Broers

The Boer War – Winner of the 2013

The Power of Narratives – In

Libris History Prize * The full story

search of new economic

on the Boer War * Never before

thinking * Broers described

has the Boer War been described

the changes taking place in

in such a vivid and comprehensive

present-day Europe and starts

manner * Rights sold to Jacana

a search for a new leading

(South Africa), C.H. Beck (Germany),

concept * He started the

Seven Stories Press (US) and Seuil

project ‘Redesigning Europe’ *

(France) * German translation and

English sample available

English sample available

Sara van Duijn

Thijs Feuth It’s All Biology – Simple

Behind God’s Back – By a

examples from the animal

physician living in Finland,

kingdom to complex

on a search for a way of

matter on DNA * Perfect

living in the snow cloaked

introduction in the world of

and remote Lapland * Life

biology, giving insight into

questions inspired by nature,

the world surrounding us

the villagers, isolation and

* By biologist finishing her

severe winter * English

PhD on Alzheimer’s disease

sample available

non - f i c t i on

Love, Suffer, Resolve –

Renske de Greef

Hella S. Haasse Moments in Valois – Describes the

– Graphic columns * Written

changing ‘old’ France and offers

and drawn by hand, word and

an image of the author herself

image perfectly complement

* ‘Few authors have put Dutch

each other * Reflects the

literature on the international

Zeitgeist in a distinctive

stage with such grace and

and original style, which

certainty, as Hella S. Haasse.’

bursts with bizarre asides

Jury report Prijs der Nederlandse

and subtle (self) mockery *

Letteren * Haasse’s work is

English sample available

translated into 25 languages

Maarten ‘t Hart

Martin Hendriksma The World of Maarten ‘t

The Rhine – Biography of a

Hart – Surprising and quirky

river * By a journalist and

essay anthology covering

true narrator * Roaring book

subjects like literature,

that changes our view of the

biology, religion, feminism

river forever though vibrant

and music * Author of more

style and surprising and

than 30 books * Classic

unforgettable anecdotes

novel A Flight of Rainbirds sold over 1 million copies

Abel J. Herzberg

Marcel Hulspas Amor Fati – Highly personal

Mohammed and the Birth of Islam

essays * Includes some

– Hulspas is a science journalist,

of the earliest and most

columnist and reviewer who

impressive reflections on

has written extensively on the

the Holocaust * Translated

subject of pseudo-science * A

into German, English,

nuanced and realistic picture of

Hebrew and Italian

the Prophet * A new, unique view of Mohammed * German rights sold to WBG * English sample available

Krijn van der Jagt

Onno Kleyn

The Way Up – Anthropologist

Vacation Cookbook – France,

who worked as a translating

Spain and Italy * Recipes, tips,

consultant for the World

information on local cuisine,

Association of Biblical

culinary glossaries and help with

Societies * An anthropological

groceries * Kleyn is culinary and

reading of the Bible * A Bible

wine journalist, author of over 40

for Darwinists

books, teacher of culinary history and founder of the Academy for Culinary Writing

non - f i c t i on

Why I’m Not an Axe Murderer

Elisabeth Leijnse

Mariët Meester The Tribune of the Poor – Every

professor of literature at the

year during the Easter proces-

University of Namen * Over

sion in Semana Santa a convict

20,000 copies sold * Winner of

is released from the prison in

the Libris History Prize 2016

Málaga * Meester unravels this

* Biography of two sisters,

ancient and unique tradition *

daughters of a progressive aris-

On the longing for humanity

tocratic family, freules as well as militant women, who made very different choices in life

Dik van der Meulen

Lidewey van Noord

The Children of the Night

Peter Sagan – Portrait of the

– On wolf and men * By

Tourminator * ‘Since 2012 it has

the winner of the AKO Lit-

become increasingly clear that

erature Prize 2003 and the

Peter Sagan is, as the French

Libris History Prize 2014

would say, un cas à part – in a

* ‘An accessible study on

class of his own.’ The Guardian *

what connects humans and

Van Noord writes for several cy-

wolves.’ **** De Morgen *

cling magazines and has written

English sample available

a daily column for de Volkskrant during the Tour de France

Henk Schulte Nordholt

Erik Schumacher

China and the Barbarians –

Mau en Gerty – A Jewish

Schulte Nordholt is a sinol-

love story during mass

ogist * He lived and worked

migration and world wars

in China for years * ‘A clever

* A double biography *

and astute book that shows

Schumacher is a journalist

how the Chinese Commu-

and historian * German

nist Party is using classical

sample available

culture to redesign society.’ ***** NRC Handelsblad * English rights sold to LUP

Liesbeth Smit

Barbara Stok I’ll See If I Can Make It – The

Vincent - Graphic novel

silent revolution of introverts

about one of the greatest

* Recognizable and full of

Dutch artists ever * Over

humour * Handy tips, expert

10,000 copies sold in the

input, lists, gadgets for intro-

Netherlands * Rights sold

verts, introvert lingo and vari-

to 15 countries * English

ous introvert struggles * Beau-

translation available

tiful, witty and recognizable illustrations

non - f i c t i on

Cécile and Elsa – Leijnse is

Henk van Straten

Peter Teffer Dieselgate – How the

Here – Memoir on grow-

industry fiddled and Europe

ing up with three older

failed * Teffer is a freelance

half-brothers * Brutal and

journalist writing articles

expressive: an entire life in a

for the New York Times, the

childhood * Humorous and

Deutsche Welle and NRC *

poignant * Sharp and emo-

Follows European energy

tional observations * English

and environmental politics

sample available


Ewald Vanvugt

Christoph Vekeman Predator State – What every

Johnny Paycheck – Untold

resident of a trade nation

story of one of the most prom-

should know * Over 10,000

inent and talented artists in

copies sold * Film rights

the history of country music *

for television series sold *

The story of a hardcore version

Also available in a compact

of Johnny Cash * On the spirit


of country music and the ‘outlaw movement’

Ben van der Velden

Sidney Volmer

Fair Deceivers – How Italians

On/Off – Balancing your

and the Dutch feel about

life on- and offline * How

taxes * Van der Velden

to feel more human in a

worked as a journalist and

digital world * Personal

foreign correspondent at

and candid * Suggestions

NRC Handelsblad for many

and principles to tackle


our dependence on modern digital technology * Vollmer is a communications strategist

Ysbrand van der Werf

Frank Westerman

Everybody Sleeps – Everything

In the Land of the Nodding

we know about our night’s rest

Pumps – By the maestro of

* Focus on the combination of

reporting * Fifteen stories on

fundamental research and its

the feasibility of the Neth-

applicability * German rights

erlands * One on the most

sold (Patmos) * Over 5,000

translated Dutch authors *

copies sold

‘The name Frank Westerman represents a new kind of literature.’ FAZ

non - f i c t i on

We Don’t Say Half-Brother

 Maximaal drie ankeilers - unique selling points - liefst in een regel n i j g h & v an d i t ma r Querido

 Oplages, prijzen etc. s i n g e l  nominaties P u b l i s h e r s voor d e  a rbeider spers a t h e na e u m D e de g e overgebleven us  Bij een of twee ankeilers sterren weghalen Uitgeverij Q

Publishers Vertaalde titelSingel Weteringschans 259 1017 XJ Amsterdam The Netherlands Phone: (0)20 optatus 760 72 10 Tekst over het boek Offictiunt pore+31 dolore,

desequosae dolenda nihillandent faces estibus Foreign rights

magniae niat aspernat aut ut quiatur modi tem

literary fiction

Auteurs Naam

Gustaaf Peek Godin, held

Jolijn Spooren

alibus in est, quam, consequam volo est lantinc

ipsunto quatemquis sitiorita cumquia perferibus esti abo. Iqui dolupie netusdae lant copies ut laut exera Reading

sitiatu ribusandae consedisiMartijn occupta erovit fugitis Prins eos expersp ernatioIl ipsae parcips untoribus utatur?

Quiatis cimus. Milibus re pres namet fugitis andus re Translation grants

dolorest pro venes simaxim eos conest, aboreratis

translations of books by Singel Publishers

et repro qui.

may apply for a subsidy towards the translation costs. The Dutch Foundation for Literature exists to promote interest in

‘Mooie quotes.’ Vrij Nederland

Dutch language literature abroad. Further

Roman Querido

Foreign publishers wishing to publish

aliqui odit mos eum ilictem quibeaquiae sit et quam

and application form are ‘Ondanks de heikele kwestiesinformation die ’t Hart inan haar be foundon karakter blootlegt, is het eentoliefdevol portret van

een moeder met bizarre trekjes.’ De Morgen Contact details

for the Dutch Foundation ‘Verrassend liefdevol. Een prachtboek.’ HP de Tijd for Literature:

Original title Godin, held Novel | 274 pages |Querido

Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam The Netherlands t +31 (0)20 520 73 00

Peek fGustaaf +31 (0)20 520 73 99

(1975) debuteerde in 2006 met de roman Armin. Daarna volgden Dover, genomineerd voor de bng Nieuwe and Literatuurprijs, en Ik Fiction poetry: Victor Schiferli © Maria Hermes

was Amerika, dat bekroond werd met de bng Nieuwe LiteratuurFiction: Barbara den Ouden prijs en de F. Bordewijkprijs.

Non-fiction: Mireille Berman

Rights sold: DVA (Germany) English sample translation available Foreign rights: Patricia de Groot | Maria Vlaar | Martijn Prins |

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