Connecting the dots in the Construction Industry

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Submitted by:


Guide: Prashansa Singh, Assistant Professor


Dissertation | Connecting the dots | 2018



This Dissertation is submitted by RANDEEP SINGH student of Fourth Year B. Arch. Session 2017-2018, at Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Gurgaon, as partial requirement for the Five-Year B. Arch. Degree course of Ansal University, Gurgaon.

Originality of the information and opinion expressed in the Dissertation are of the author and do not reflect those of the guide, the mentor, the coordinator or the institution.

Signature of the Student: Roll No.: 150BARCHI106 Name: RANDEEP SINGH

Signature of Coordinator Name: RADHA DAYAL Date:

Signature of Guide: Name: PRASHANSA SINGH Date:

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Checklist for Dissertation Preparation

1. Dissertation Title: CONNECTING THE DOTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. 2. Dissertation Guide was referred to for preparing this Dissertation 3. Specifications regarding Dissertation format have been closely followed as per the Template 4. The contents of the Dissertation have been organised as per the Template 5. The Dissertation has been prepared without resort to plagiarism 6. All sources used have been cited appropriately. 7. The Dissertation has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree.

Signature of the Student: ……………………………………………………………………………… Name: RANDEEP SINGH Roll No: 150BARCHI106

Dissertation | Connecting the dots | 2018

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The end outcome of this undergraduate dissertation research project required a lot of supervision and help from many people and I am extremely obliged to have their guidance and direction along the journey of my research paper. Firstly, I would like to my guide, Mrs.Prashansa for her constant support and involvement throughout my study. Her valuable inputs and expertise on the subject lead me to work to the best of my capabilities. The weekly discussions helped me from formulating the research question to executing the research work done. The completion of this research paper would not have been possible without her constant guidance. I thank her for the dedicated involvement and the systematic method of working on the paper, which encouraged me to work towards the best of my capabilities. Secondly, I am extremely grateful to Prof. Thiruvengadam for his consistent backing through the course of this study. His thoughtful insights and new ideas greatly influenced my work and motivated me to perform to the best of my abilities. His constant guidance and support helped me greatly in developing this dissertation Thirdly, I would like to thank our coordinator Prof. Radha Dayal for her active involvement through the course of this project and for always being available, when needed. I would like to give a warm thanks to Syed Faiz Ali, who has always ensured that the submissions reach the faculty on time. I would also like to thank Aarja Singh for constantly helping me with this research paper.A special thanks to Anirudh Rampuria, Aarush Matta and Ashutosh Sharma for the constant support and encouragement throughout my dissertation. The unwavering support from all these people brought the quality of this paper up much higher than it would have been without them.


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ABSTRACT “Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.� – Henry Mintzberg

The construction industries are often known to be disordered. The particularly unorganized sector is extremely vast and complex in its working with a network of varied individuals and organizations dealing with one single project. Designers, architects, interior designs, engineers, construction workers etc., all play a vital role in the process of inception and completion of one building. Today, architecture is becoming extremely complex with the increasing scale of projects and intricate technological interventions they house. This incoherence is augmented by the extremely specialization that is now available in every field. With so many experts dealing with the tiny aspects of one major project, providing their own expertise, a need for coordination and coalition of all these elements is what leads to the success of a building. A detailed, coordinated and standardized process is the need to fill the communication gaps within this sector to ensure a smooth running of the entire process.


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Fig. 1. Construction project with a project manager. ( Sabol 2009) Table. 1. Stages of construction in terms of Design Management (Source :- Author) Table. 2. Stages of construction in terms of Financial Management (Source :- Author) Fig. 2. Timeline (Source :- Author) Table. 3. Project overview (Source :- Author) Fig. 3. Generic Linear configuration of supply chain in manufacturing (Vrijhoef & Koskela, p.1999) Fig. 4. Typical Non-Liner configuration of construction supply chain (Negi, 2017) Fig. 5. Key SCM Issues (Adetnuji,2008) Fig. 6. Sample of a system of multiple supplier - client relationship(Papadopoulos, 2016) Fig. 7. Scope of SCM(, 2018) Fig. 8. BIM process (Boukara, A. and Naamane, A. (2015). A Brief Introduction to Building Information Modelling (BIM) and its interoperability with TRNSYS. Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (RESD.)


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Aim & Objective The aim of this dissertation is to understand the relationship and partnership between various fields or components that go behind the design and construction of a building and to further understand the incongruous problem of disconnect between planners, architects, engineers, construction workers etc. The objective is to find a solution to this incongruous problem of disconnect and work on a more functional system. Methodology 1. The paper first explains the two types of managements in the industries :- Design Management and Financial Management. 2. It then explains the different stages of the construction process i.e from the inception stage to the snagging stage 3. Further it explains the relationship and partnership between various fields or components that go behind the design and construction of a building by forming a timeline. 4. It then finds the disconnect caused and the reason for it with the help of two examples of different scales. 5. Further it gives a solution for the delays caused by the disconnect with the help of technology. Scope & Limitation The paper focuses more on the Design Management side of the Construction Industry and less on the Financial Planning. While there are many factors that can cause a delay in a project, the paper mainly focuses on the problem of miscommunication.


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TABLE OF CONTENT AKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................................................................iv ABSTRACT...........................................................................................................................v LIST OF FIGURES/ AIM & OBJECTIVE...........................................................................................................vii METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................................vii SCOPE & LIMITATION.....................................................................................................vii CHAPTER -1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1 1.1 DESIGN MANAGEMENT..................................................................................1 1.2 FINANCIAL PLANNING...................................................................................3 CHAPTER - 2 THE STAGES OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY......................5 2.1 INCEPTION AND FEASIBILITY STAGE.........................................................5 2.1.1 INCEPTION STAGE............................................................................5 2.1.2 FEASIBILITY STAGE.........................................................................6 2.2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT STAGE...................................................................8 2.3 TENDERING STAGE.......................................................................................10 2.4 CONSTRUCTION STAGE................................................................................11 2.5 SNAGGING/HANDOVER STAGE..................................................................12 CHAPTER- 3 THE LINK AND DISCONNECT BETWEEN DIFFERENT STAGE.13 3.1 TIMELINE.........................................................................................................13 3.2 CONNECTING DIFFERENT PROFESSIONALS ..........................................13 3.2.1 INTERVIEWS......................................................................................14 3.3 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT..................................................................17 3.3.1 CONCEPT............................................................................................17 3.3.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................19 CHAPTER - 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM..................21 4.1 SYPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ...................22 4.1.1 OBJECTIVE.........................................................................................23 4.1.2 SCOPE.................................................................................................23 4.1.3 ADVANTAGES....................................................................................23 CHAPTER - 5 BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING.......................................24


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CHAPTER - 6 CONCLUSION.........................................................................................27 BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................29 ANNEXURE:-1...................................................................................................................31


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Chapter 1: Introduction The world is constantly developing around us which means a constant need of new infrastructure, more housing developments and other services. This, by default, leads to a a flourishing and busy construction industry that is recognised at a Global level. It is India’s second largest industry and plays a significant role in this nation’s economy, it creates employment opportunities and adds to developing requirements. This industry is a vast network of different specialists that come together to achieve one goal. Due to the very nature of the industry, the way it works and the number of people involved, project delays are the most common hinderances that it faces. In developing countries like India, these hinderances cause serious issues in terms of financial loss, resource inefficiency thus effecting the overall economic growth. It is extremely important to understand the working of this wide spread industry in order to establish a more functional and reliable system that would overcome and prevent such inadequacies and result in a smooth running of the industry. To understand this, disconnect in the Industry, we first must understand the life cycle of a project. The Construction industry consists of largely 2 main components: •

Design Management (which includes construction)

Financial Planning

1.1 Design Management: This part of the industry focuses on the project brief i.e. designing and the solutions for the implementation of the design. It majorly consists of architects and engineers. This department has a “Project Management Consultant” who in many cases is the architect. His role includes; •

Co-ordinating site surveys.

Co-ordinate the preparation of information for the project brief.

Co-ordinating the preparation of designs and spécifications.

integrating different aspects of the design and their interfaces into the overall design.

Co-ordinating internal and external consultations and design reviews.

Defining the form and content of design information to be prepared. 1

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Reporting to the client on design matters and seeking approvals.

Co-ordinating the preparation of schedules of inspections, tests, mock ups and samples.

Co-ordinating consultations, negotiations and submissions to planning authorities and other statutory and non-statutory authorities.

Co-ordinating the preparation of tender documentation and reviewing submissions.

Co-ordinating quality control systems.

Co-ordinating the issue of production information to contractors and the review of designs prepared by contractors.

Co-ordinating procedures for inspections, commissioning, testing and client training.1(Shibani, D,2015)

With the architect at the centre of the process. He/she is liable for any flaws in the building, therefore he must be thorough with the process. To do this, an architect has to be in touch with all his engineers, stake holders, consultants, contractors etc. who are hired for their own expertise.

Fig.1. Construction project with a project manager.2( Sabol 2009)


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In the design management stage there are multiple stake holders and an end number of experts who are hired. This part of the construction industry is divided into 6 main parts, with each stage having their own set of experts. Feasibility Stage

Inceptio n Stage

Design Development Stage

Tendering Stage

Constructi on Stage





- owner






-Sales Team

- Architect

Contracto rs

Constructi on manager

- Structural Eng


- Labor & workforce

- Electrical Eng.

Landscape Contractor s

- HVAC Eng


Snagging/ Handover Stage

-Plumbing Eng - Landscape Architect. Liasoning Contractor

Table. 1. Stages of construction in terms of Design Management

1.2 Financial Planning: Financial Planning is the process of estimating the capital required and determining its competition. It is the process of framing financial policies in relation to procurement, investment and administration of funds of an enterprise. 3(Shinde, N. and Mata,2018) Financial planning is a must for a project to run a smooth course. Without finances a project will not be viable. The Stages of the design management side of the industry is largely influenced by the finances available. Therefore, it largely controls the timing of the project.


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Feasibility Stage

Inception Stage

Design Developme nt Stage

-Just the payment for the Agency hired -Owner Pays

Sales Strategy Payment of - Percentage of consultants sale . - For Example • 30% now • 70% Later Or • 30% now • 40% after one year • 30% after Completion Etc.

Tendering Stage

Construction Stage

multiple amounts of payments for the contractors And liasoning deals

Huge and multiple amounts of payments for construction

Snaggin g/ Handov er Stage

Table. 2. Stages of construction in terms of Financial Management By the end of the paper, the aim is to figure out the best and the easiest solution to a disconnect in a system that is in need of a change. But to get to the solution, it is important to discuss the problem, so first it is important to understand the relationship and partnership between various fields or components that go behind the design and construction of a building.


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Chapter 2: The Stages of The Construction Industry The construction industry is dependent on a variety of external factors; the important being the budget that is assigned for any particular project. To ensure that this limit is not exploited, the project needs to be planner, communicated, coordinated and executed via an accurate and carefully laid out plan. Once a hinderance occurs in one of these processes, it leads to inconsistencies in paperwork, loss of information, inadequacies in resource allocation and poor decision making. The construction industry follows a series of stages that retains some organisation in the entire process.

2.1 Inception Stage & Feasibility Stage Sometimes the inception stage is also referred to as the feasibility stage specially during small projects, as the main objective of these two stages is to define the objective of the client, and to achieve the stakeholder’s consensus regarding the objectives for the project and to obtain funding. 2.1.1 Inception Stage: The Key objective of this stage is to understand and realise “the need” of the project. The goal is the make a project initiation document/ mandate, as it is the initial stage of the project. The main resource of this stage is the Client team. This is the stage where the client decides with great assessment if investing into the construction /development project is viable or not, therefore it is usually a client driven process, but in some cases where the client’s requirements are complex, management consultants or a professional advisor is hired. (in-house or external). The final outcome i.e. the project mandate must:


of Practice for Project

Management for Construction and Development, 2014) •

be driven by needs

be based on sound information and reasonable estimation

contain rational processes

be aware of the risks associated

contain flexibility

maximise the scope of obtaining best value from resources


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utilise previous experience

incorporate sustainability cost-effectively

The Client team: •

Investment decision maker: senior managers / directors who monitor the progress. However, they are rarely involved in the project process, they tend to overlook the project through all stages of its construction process.

Stakeholders/investors: Including them in the inception stage is very important as to keep them confident of where their investment is going.

Clients advisor: The client may hire an agency or a consultant/contractor to help through the process. The client advisor can help the client in many ways such as:5 (Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development, 2014)


project mandate


investment appraisal


understanding the need for a project


deciding the type of project that meets the need


generating and appraising options (when appropriate)


selecting an appropriate option (when available)


risk assessment (when appropriate)


advising the client on the choice of procure route


selecting and appointing the project team


measuring and monitoring performance (when appropriate)

2.1.2 Feasibility Study: The Key objective of the study is to realise “if the need is Feasible”. The Goal is to make a project brief, signing off the business case and making a project execution plan. The main objective or purpose of a feasibility study is to: •

Establish whether the project is viable.

Help identify feasible options.

The key resources of a feasibility study are •

Client team

Project manager


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Specialist consultants/agencies.

During this stage, the client goes through different viable options available, to achieve the objectives set. The studies start with only a conceptual understanding of the requirements set by the client. It focuses on developing and defining these requirements, further giving viable options to the client. This process goes through 4 main stages: I.

Appoint an Agency as a consultant team:

Clients usually hire an external agency to run these preliminary studies. The Client/owner provides this team with a vision i.e. what the client is hoping to build, and the budget. The team then has to sit with the owner and his other advisers/stakeholders to make a detailed description of the project. II.

Developing the strategic brief.:

The strategic brief contains site appraisals. The team also focuses on gathering information that may be helpful to the owner to take some specific decisions, such as surveys, information on site services, it’s access conditions, existing planning consents , legislative constraints, additional expenditures etc. The team also co-ordinates this study to figure out, if the project is viable or not, and to figure out any alternatives. III. Preparing an options review report. Similar to a flow chart, an options review report is in the form of an option study, giving advice on what the market demands and what the client can actually get built there. In case of any additional information required by the client team, the client’s architect is also involved in the process. The client then reviews the options and chooses the preferred option or asks the agency to revisit the report. IV. Preparing a business case and project execution plan. Once the owner has decided the preferred option from the option review report , the consultant agency then assists the owner to prepare a full business model and project execution plan. The main outcomes of the feasibility stage are :•

definition of client’s objectives

appraisal of different options

a recommended best course of action to achieve the objectives 7

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demonstration of the financial viability of the preferred solution

confirmation of a project brief

business case (produced by the client)

client executive-level approval to project proposals (usually based on a business case)

client decision to proceed or not to proceed to the strategy stage

prepare core consultant scope of services

Once the main objective is achieved i.e. the client has identified and specified the project objectives, and selected the most suitable option keeping in mind the risk assessment, vape and sustainability of it, the stage is considered complete and then comes the Design Development stage.

2.2 Design Development Stage The stage includes the conceptual design of a project and by the end of the process have a dimensionally correct and coordinated design. Describing all the main components of the building. The detailed design should have sufficient information for applications for approvals for construction I.e. all required statutory and legal consents. Detailed design should include: 6(,2018) •

Overall layout.

Road layouts and landscape.

Operational flows and departmental operational policies.

Horizontal and vertical circulation routes, including accessibility requirements.

Schedules of accommodation, including occupancy numbers for each space.

Identification of standard and non-standard room layouts.

If appropriate, room data sheets.

Building dimensions and gridlines.

Architectural plans sections and elevations of buildings, parts of buildings and components

Outline specification including schedules of components, defining the performance and/ or material standards required (including colours).


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Elements of design that require specialist input or early choice of manufacturer. Designers should investigate suppliers certificates, warranties and compliance with standards.

Requirements for mock-ups, testing, samples or models necessary to satisfy performance or public relations requirements (including computer generated images).

Key assemblies, component drawings and schedules with special attention to junctions and interfaces between elements which will influence the structural or services designs or have an effect on the spatial allowances.

Initial schedules indicating:




Doors and ironmongery.


Sanitary fittings.


Room numbers and signage.

Structural plans sections, elevations and specifications

Building services plans, sections and elevations.

Define phases if the project is to be phased. This can be complicated by items that appear in buildings intended for later phases, but that are required for the operation of earlier phases, for example boilers or escape stairs.

Safety strategy.

Fire strategy.

Acoustic separation and acoustic conditions (reverberation times etc).

The use of materials and the potential for re-use, recycling and waste handling (see site wastemanagement plan).

Detailed cost plan showing the capital and lifecycle costs for all the components.

Risk assessment including operational issues such as; lifts (goods / passenger / fire and other equipment that may require a lifting certificate and cleaning cradles), cleaning of atrium roofs and facade etc 7 (,2018)


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2.3 Tendering Stage In construction the tender process is generally to hire a contractor for the construction work and create a framework agreement tender to hire a contractor for supple of goods and material. There is also an increasing tendency for suppliers to be aggregated into single contracts, for example, 'integrated supply teams' on public projects may include; the main contractor, designers, sub-contractors, suppliers, facilities managers, and so on. The main ways to finalise a tender are :1. Open tendering 2. Negotiated tendering 3. Serial tendering 4. Framework tendering 5. Single - Stage and Two- Stage tendering During this stage before construction can begin, the appropriate municipality must issue a building permit. Specifications and blueprints must be provided to the municipality's building department, along with the application for a permit. The period of time for a permit to be approved can be lengthy, especially in the case of new construction. The general contractor or owner may also be required to submit results of soil testing, environmental impact studies, and any other necessary testing or studies. Sometimes, a public hearing is mandated, if there is opposition to the project. In most cases, a permit is issued within a few months. The cost of the permit and any related studies may be the responsibility of either the owner or the general contractor.

2.4 Construction Stage The key goal of the stage is to “construct what has been designed”. The Key resources in the process are: •

Client team

Design team

Project team


Constructor team


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This process has the maximum expenditure with a lot of different teams playing a role in it. During this stage, the following things must be taken care of :‣

progress reports

contract management and administration

management of change

dispute avoidance/resolution (if necessary)

update Health and Safety Plan and File

record of construction works

This stage concerns with coordination and managing people and other resources to carry out the project plan. In the construction phase, execution and control are concurrent processes. Construction a the site of the projects is supervised and carried out by two separate agencies. These are : the client team led by the project manager, and the contractor workforce managed by the construction manager. Both the teams have the goal to complete the project in time within the allotted cost and quality specified.8(Chitkara, 2014) At the site, the contractor’s construction managers execute their assigned work. They operate to achieve the contractor’s objectives, which include optimising profits. Client project manager manages the contractors employed at site. It is the client project manager who plays a dominant role. He represents a client and acts as the boss at site. He manages the contractors employed at site, and the site activities. It is he who is accountable to the client for the construction of the project. At the site, the contractor’s construction manager manages the work execution as well as the resources, and the workforce. During the construction stage the project control aims to tract the progress of work as per the planned scheduled and take corrective actions including re- planing when necessary to achieve the projects objective.


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2. 5 Snagging/Handover Stage The handover of the site to the client takes place once the contract administrator has confirmed that the works defined in the contract are complete. However, it should be planned well in advance, and any special requirements included in appointment documents and contracts.Handover may take place during a handover meeting following an inspection of the site. During handover the client should be issued with: •

Keys, fobs and transmitter controls for the development.

The health and safety file.

The draft building owner's manual.

The building log book.

A building user's guide.

Up to date testing and commissioning data.

All certificates and warranties in respect of the works.

As-built drawings from consultants and specialist suppliers and contractors (or as manufactured and installed). Or an as-constructed building information model. C o p i e s of statutory approvals, waivers, consents and conditions.

Equipment test certificates for lifts, escalators, lifting equipment, cradle systems, boilersand pressure vessels.

Licences such as licences to store chemicals and gases and to extract groundwater from an artesian well.

The Project handing over stage is important but is often neglected. The various reasons for this neglect in the closing phase of a project include insufficient time, extra effort, lack of enthusiasm after completion of the project, etc.


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Chapter 3: Linking the different stages 3.1 Shift in timeline Construction is a complex process with different stages. These stages do not always follow a chronological order, but can overlap at multiple stages creating an intricate network

Fig.2 .Timeline During the inception and feasibility stage once the location/site is selected and an overview of the project is made, the conceptual design of the project has usually begun. During this initial stage the focus remains on the overall decisions of the project that need to be settled before the actual design process; after which the attention is shifted to refining and developing the final design. The process of tendering is intersected at this stage before the details are completely designed. This multitasking reducing the overall time and financial consumption that occurs in a project. By the time the design details are complete, the contractors have been hired who are ready to initiate the preparatory work on site. The detailed drawings of the design are sent on site where the work begins. There is a lot of back and forth between the two stages as any issues on site have to be dealt by the architect and his firm, resolved and communicated back to the contractor and on-site workers

3.2 Connecting Different Professionals In the construction industry, different activities require different professionals. This varied expertise that go into designing a building, have their own expert who, by default, have their own inputs and therefore operate independently. Invariably one professional makes 13

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decision without considering its impact on others. As a result, each professional is dedicated to the optimization of its own function with little regard to, or understanding of, its effects on the performance of the project. This mode of miscommunication leads to delays in projects causing inflation in cost, decrease in quality work, and it also creates a bad environment in the work place.9(Zambare and Dhawale, 2017) According to the NBC a minimum of at least 23 different teams / professionals are required in developing the design and the construction of the building.


BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 VOLUME 1. (2016) pg 5-6) it is the duty of the project manger to ensure smooth communication between every aspect and professional of the project; to ensure that all project related documents, drawings and information reaches its proper destination. The project manager has to also make sure that that the inputs and changes of one team or individual does not hamper the work of another. As mentioned before the miscommunication among different professionals, can be understood by knowing the number of revisions and change in orders that are made during a construction project. If a project uses “manual drawing delivery system” it can cause a lot of confusion among different consultants, as the number of revisions increases. For example, when a drawing made by a structural engineer goes to the plumbing engineer for further detailing, the drawing may need to go back to the structural engineer for some changes. Further when the drawing goes to the HVAC engineer, he may need the plumbing engineer and the structural engineer to change a few other things. Therefore, when all the 23 consultants are brought together and the sheets have to go to, all of them through a manual drawing delivery system, a lot of time, and money is wasted, and furthermore there is a very high chance of miscommunication, or a risk of missing out important information. 3.2.1 Interviews (Refer to Annexure 1) Two interviews for two different projects, of different scale, were taken to understand the ground reality of how big of a problem miscommunication can be. For comparison and full anonymity, the two projects are named “Project A” and “Project B”. Following is a table to compare the size of the Project and its typology.


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Project A

Project B


IT/ITES Project

Villa Apartments

Site Area :-

20 acres

100 acres

Total Built up area

7,20,000 sq.m

3,20,000 sq.m

Table 3. Project overview

Project A did not have a project manager as the in-house architect himself acted in that capacity. For consultancy, a team of 12 consultants was hired. The project was scheduled to be completed under a duration of 25 months but instead was completed in 33. The GFC drawings were approved by 6 out of the 12 consultants before going to site. Project Management Information System was not used. On an average, each set of drawing had 510 revisions. While in some cases it even went above 10. The change order was on an average of 11-15. The in-house design manager of the project was the main source of the interview. During the interview a lot of information was taken about why there was a delay in the project. The number of average revisions in this particular project were much higher than the average for the company; lack of planning and communication played a major role in the delay of the project. Regulatory changes and delay in delivery dates of the drawing (to the site) also added to the delays; this was due to the lack of a Management Information System. During the GFC approvals the drawings had to be sent to different consultants and there were a lot of last minute issues with wrong drawings were sent to the site sporadically. A delay of 8 months was a massive loss for the company, as the estimated cost of the project increased as well. The design manager also said that systems like BIMS are a must for projects these days. He stated that the approval of the GFC drawings was the most difficult part of it all, as there was a lot of changes at the last minute. The drawings were supposed to be approved again after every change by all the consultants, causing major delays. He said that BIMS as a software first and foremost saves time with the last-minute changes. GFC drawing become easier to obtain.


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“It all starts with the first delay in the delivery of the sheets to the site. One late delivery and you are already known that there will be a delay in the project. Specially in high rise projects when you have to go floor wise. If BIMS was used, at least these last-minute changes would have been spotted at an early stage.” Project B did have a project manager. For consultancy, a team of 11 consultants was hired. The project was scheduled to be completed in 36 months but was completed in 40. The GFC drawings were approved by 8 out of the 11 consultants hired. Management Information System was not used. On an average, each set of drawing had 5- 10 revisions. The architect of the project was the main source of the interview. A pre-cast system was used for the construction of this project. Careful measures were taken to make sure that no mistake was made in the drawings as it could be a problem due to the pre- cast system used and could cost a lot of money. The project architect believed that, a delay in statutory approvals, delay in vendor finalisation, change in specifications, and delay in award of contracts to various agencies were reasons for the delay. He believed that to complete the project under the scheduled time frame, the number of revision drawing needed to reduced to between 1-5. i.e a wellcoordinated project was the only solution to complete it in time. Having worked with Management Information Systems before, he said that to achieve revision drawings between 1-5, MIS was very important, it was next to impossible to achieve it by a manual drawing delivery system. Speaking very highly about “Aconex” (Aconex Limited provides mobile and web-based collaboration technologies for project information and process management, on a software as a service basis, to clients in the construction, infrastructure sector), he said that such MIS systems keep all the consultants in the loop of the drawings and there it gets easier for them to work. In his opinion, Building information Modelling System (BIMS) was another software that was the best way to save time and for maximum co-ordination. When asked why BIMS was not being used for this project he stated that, “Not all consultants are familiar with BIMS. Companies tend to work with consultants that they trust and have been working with for a long time.”


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He also estimated that the delay in the project would've been less if MIS was introduced. He said that regulatory changes, money flow, Marketing value, climate change, all affect the delay in project, but these delays are something they are already prepared for. It’s the delay due to lack of co-ordination that affect the company the most, as it is in their hands to save time on that part. The main inference of the interviews is that, for a well-coordinated project, the number of revisions need to be less than 5. If achieved, there is a less chance of delays (When regulatory changes and unforeseen factors not accounted for). To achieve such coordination integration of Management Integrated System are important. Hiring a project manager is also important as to plan and execute the project. Manual delivery system of a project is a very slow process. It undergoes a lot of paper work and is difficult to manage. It is the main source of a delay in a project. For example, in project A manual delivery system caused a lot of last-minute changes, which caused a massive delay in the project at every step. Even if MIS wasn't possible and manual delivery system was a must, hiring a Project Manager would have been a good idea as it would have helped them to plan and execute the project better. Even for Project B MIS would have been a good option as GFC approvals from 8 different consultants would have been easier to achieve on time, especially with the extra time and effort that wanted to put in during the design development stage (which had caused delays).

3.3 Supply chain management:In such a competitive market with the demand for top quality projects, within a certain time frame and maximum cost effectiveness, a proper supply chain is a must. Therefore to organise the process of breaking down and the tracing of products and services, logistics , activities, people, information and resources that help transform raw materials into a finished product, a Supply Chain Management system is required. 3.3.1 Concept:‘The network of organisations that are involved, through upstream and downstream linkages, in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate customer’(Christopher 1992).


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Fig.3. Generic Linear configuration of supply chain in manufacturing (Vrijhoef & Koskela, p.1999)

Fig.1 above shows the linear configuration in the manufacturing sector, but to the contrary, the construction industry follows a non-linear approach as shown in the figure below :18

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Fig.4 Typical Non-Liner configuration of construction supply chain11 (Negi, 2017) Fig.5 Key SCM Issues (Adetnuji, 2008)12 3.3.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 13(Serpell, n.d.) A survey was done in Chile of over 300 organisation with 50 different types of questionnaires across construction companies, suppliers, sub contractors and clients. The Summary of some of the findings of this survey are mentioned below :• Problems in the relationships with the supplier :I.

72.6% of the participants claimed that the suppliers don't confirm the delivery time.

II. 52.2% believed that the supplier don't confirm the quality requirement. III. 34.8% argued that there was lack go adequate communication with supplier IV. 30.4% said that the supplier lacked availability and capacity of the material. • Problems in the relationship with the client. V. 86.7% of the respondents claimed that there were a lot of design problems. VI. 49.3% blamed the client for unreal quality requirements. VII.46.9% believed that lack of communication was a big problem. VIII.46.9% said that there were a lot of issues with the contracts The respondents also blamed the participation of third parties (inspection, engineering firms, etc) to cause confusion with the client.

• Problems in the relationship between main offices and construction sites. IX. Lack of appropriate communication channels (100%), X. Inappropriate organisational structure (71.2%), XI. Lack of knowledge of information technologies (55.9%) XII.Inadequate management skills (55.9%).



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Fig. 6. Sample of a system of multiple supplier - client relationship 14(Papadopoulos, 2016)

The system of supplies-client relationships are comprehensively explained by the supply chain; these are necessary for the completion of any project. The uniqueness of this supply chain lies in the fact that unlike other industries, it generally deals with one client whose role ends with the end of the supply activity. Integration of supply chain management information system can be key to help solve these problems


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Chapter 4 : Project Management Information System Advances in information technology has revolutionised information management systems of modern projects. As modern projects increase in size and complexity, the need to obtain data and deliver information to different professionals in a project draft is very important. PMIS is a software used in the construction industry covers the information related to planning and controlling of scope, time, resources and cost of a project. It defines the team: people, organisations and their roles. It helps manage agreements: contracts, permits, approvals and commitments. It manages documents. It produces standard and custom reports. It guides collaboration and communicates best practices with policies, workflow diagrams and document management. Management Information System (MIS) is used as an important tool for systemised approach to furnish information. It comprises a system that collects, stores, sorts and analyses data to generate and communicate information. It may be a combination of manual and computerised systems. At the construction stage of a project, many different professionals, contractors, subcontractors are involved. In separate terms all these experts are divided into :-15(Obeidat, M. 2016.) •

Top lever management:- Take policy decisions


Middle level management :- Monitor the project


Lower level management :- day to day operations of the project.

Each level of management requires information of varying details, at different periods and in different formats. Project progress information flows from lower level to the top level management and policy decisions flow from top level to the lower level management. MIS integrates the work and information flow within each agency and flow of information between different agencies. In the construction stage of the projects, In construction stage of the projects, the information may be in the form of data reflecting status of project in terms of actual execution time for each activity, cost incurred, resources used, quality control, material management, bills, organisation management and other administrative aspects like disputes


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that may come up. This data should be analysed to understand the overall progress achieved and to update schedules of the project. Objectives of MIS :- 16(Nbc vol 2 part 7 page 15) A. Providing benchmark against which to measure or compare progress and costs, like time network schedules, cost estimates, material and labour schedules, specifications, working drawings. B. Providing an organised and efficient means of measuring, collecting, verifying and reflecting the progress and status of operations on the project with respect to progress, cost, resources and quality. C. Providing an organised, accurate and efficient means of converting the data from operations into information. D. Reporting the correct and necessary information in the required format and at the required level of detail to managers at all levels and to the supervisors. E. Identifying and isolating the most important and critical information at various stages to be communicated to the managers and supervisors for taking decisions. F. Communicating the information to the managers and supervisors in time so that decisions may be taken at the right time.

4.1 Supply Chain Management Information Systems :A supply Chain Management Information System has the ability to help increase the time and cost efficiency of the supply chain in a project. These information systems are used to co-ordinate information between internal and external customers, suppliers, distributors etc.17(MCLAREN, u.d) SCM consists of:-18( 2018) •

operations management



information technology

integrated business operations


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4.1.1Objectives :•

To decrease inventory cost by more accurately predicting demand and scheduling production to match it.

To reduce overall production cost by streamlining production and by improving information flow.

To improve customer satisfaction

4.1.2 Scope:-

Fig.7. Scope of SCM(, 2018) 4.1.3 Advantages of SCM:• Helps to give clear cut instruction to the supplier as well as cuts the use of paper as the date is organised and sent via online date transfer • There is easy accounting of stock and cost of stock • Clear business processes subject to fewer errors • Conformance of product and services to the clients requirements • Proper process helps in keeping exact inventory, therefore their is lack of wastage, which further saves cost.


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Chapter 5: Building Information Modelling System The National Building Information Model Standard Project Committee defines BIM as: “A digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. A BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from earliest conception to demolition.� BIM helps in improved communication, improved collaboration, higher quality project decision making, more comprehensive planning and scheduling.

Fig.8 BIM process (Boukara, A. and Naamane, A. (2015). A Brief Introduction to Building Information Modelling (BIM) and its interoperability with TRNSYS. Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (RESD.) BIM has played a significant role in changing the dynamics of the construction industry.It helps visualise the design by minimising errors, and it helps in better planning for the construction process. It provides a platform with immense data for facility operation and maintenance. Consolidating all the lifecycle phases of a project, BIM has the potential to benefit all the stakeholders. The facility team also benefits from BIMS as it allows data driven operations 24

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of the project through its life cycle.The figure above shows the life cycle process of the project.19(State of BIM Adoption and Outlook in India, 2014) BIM gives architects, engineers and contractors the ability to find functional relationships between different elements. The information put in by these professionals is fed into the design document and schedules for the building project. When any of these professionals makes a change to the building model, the plan , elevation detail , design documents , schedules and other drawings change accordingly.

The main advantages of BMIS are :-20(Boukara and Naamane, 2015) •

Improves information flow :- As in BIM a digital model is made which is accessible to all parties, it makes the flow of information through every stage of the construction process easy. The accessibility to the digital model helps architects, contractors, consultants , managers and even owners to modify or enter the information at one certain spot and then the information is available to everyone else. This helps in keeping a clear vision of the project, and therefore reduces the risk of errors and improves the productivity.


Better design visualisation :- The building model helps to visualise how an occupant or a visitor would react to the place. This helps in improving the design process for architects. With this building model it also helps engineers

for example a HVAC

engineer is benefited by understanding the layout of the HVAC system by getting a sense of the space. Whether to build a route piping system or do ductwork, the engineer is helped by gaining the ability to now virtually build the HVAC system and examine it in 3D. •

Improved Cost estimation :- As BIM also provides information related to material used and quantity, once the rates of the material and other cost related data is entered, BIM also provides a budget. When changes are made to the design, or material is changed, it also helps in proving a better impact on the change in budget, in the most accurate and fasted way.


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Improved energy analysis :- BIM helps to improve the accuracy of energy analysis as the date is a part of the building model.

Reduced construction cost :- BIM improves communication. When a clash is detected by BIM it shows which part of the space the clash is at. This reduces the need to make last minute changes, or changes in the field, I.e during construction therefore reducing the risk of delays which further saves the cost of the project. These clashes that are detected by BIM are done as it has the ability to help us model building components, such as ducts or pips. When any building components overlaps or is creating an hindrance to some other service, it shows the clash.

Building history :- BIM stores everything. If someday a part of the project is to be remodelled, the BIM can be used to identify hidden components like pipes, or ducts or any electrical equipments. This helps the remodellers to be informed and make an informed decision. Not only this, if a building component fails during its life cycle, BIM helps with providing information about it’s location, manufactured and even the model number, or any other parameters that have been fed in.


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Chapter 6: Conclusion A construction project is a mission, undertaken to create an end product within the specified scope, quality, time and cost. With the global market accounting for 6-9% of the GDP of many countries; the value of annual construction activity in the world is more than 1 trillion dollars. Unfortunately, the lack of efficiency, recurring loss of resources and untimely execution of the projects has led to passive losses, making it the primary industry to have a high number of business failures. At the beginning of any project, the period of completion and the financial budget are clearly specified. These numbers are affected when unforeseen delays occur ultimately leading to loss of time and money and even project failures Communication and coordination is the key to prevent such mishaps in an industry of many different professional, with their own set of expertise, working on a single project. This can be achieved by establishing a common point, which in the case of the construction industry is technology i.e. Project Management Integrated System and Building Information Modelling System. PMIS has previously been really successful and is proof that budgets and time barriers can be achieved with the help of technology. PMI’s 2017 Pulse of the Profession®: Success Rates Rise: Transforming the High Cost of Low Performance, declared, “More projects are meeting original goals and business intent while being completed within budget — and fewer projects are deemed failures.” The Project Management Institute had taken out a report on the success rates of companies using PMIS. The report is proof that PMIS is worthy to be a permanent part of the construction industry. Specifically, the report said that companies were utilizing approximately the same amount as they initially investing. This was achieved by more companies using PMIS. 21(Pulse of the Profession®: Success Rates Rise: Transforming the High Cost of Low Performance, 2017) Today with BIMS and PMIS software’s are helping the industry with cost efficiency in a huge way; it is imperative that India also starts to make these changes and encourage the use of these softwares in the industry.


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A study done in India in the regions of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmadabad and Pune which was done through an online survey, taken by 365 respondents and 40 interviews were found that 22 percent of the respondents currently use BIM; 27 percent respondents reported that they are aware and actively considering BIM usage. Surprisingly, 43 percent respondents claimed to be aware of BIM but are not sure about implementing of it in their organization in the near future. Additionally, 8 percent respondents are not aware of BIM. 22(State of BIM Adoption and Outlook in India, 2014) With 43 percent respondents claiming to be aware of BIM but not sure about using it, it is evident that there is a lack of knowledge about it. Therefore, it is imperative that PMIS and BIMS awareness become an important part of the curriculum of colleges related to the construction industry, so as to create awareness and therefore make it an essential part of the industry.


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Bibliography:• Adetunji, I. P. (2008). Achieving sustainability in the construction supply chain. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability:, 161-172. •

Boukara, A. and Naamane, A. (2015). A Brief Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its interoperability with TRNSYS. Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (RESD.

Chitkara, K. (2014). Construction project management. 3rd ed. New Delhi, India: McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited, pp.31,32.

Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development. (2014). 5th ed. John Wiley & Sons. (2018). Design management for construction projects.

MCLAREN, T. (u.d.) Supply Chain Management Information Systems Capabilities. DeGroote School of Business McMaster University.

NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 VOLUME 1. (2016). Bureau of national standards, pp.5-6.

NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 VOLUME 2. (2016). Bureau of national standards, pp15

Negi, M. (2017). SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN INDIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator. School of Construction, RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University, Noida.

Obeidat, M. (2016). The Role of Project Management Information Systems towards the Project Performance.

Papadopoulos, G. (2016). Supply Chain Improvement in Construction Industry. Sector of Industrial Management and Operational Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.

Pulse of the Profession®: Success Rates Rise: Transforming the High Cost of Low Performance. (2017). PMI 2017.

Sabol, L. (2009). Technology, change, and the building industry. New Delhi: Real Estate Review.


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Serpell, A. (n.d.). SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION: DIAGNOSIS AND APPLICATION ISSUES. Department of Construction Engineering and Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago.

Shinde, N. and Mata, P. (2018). Financial Planning in Construction Project.

State of BIM Adoption and Outlook in India. (2014). (2018). MIS Supply Chain Management. [online] Available at: h t t p s : / / w w w. t u t o r i a l s p o i n t . c o m / m a n a g e m e n t _ i n f o r m a t i o n _ s y s t e m / supply_chain_management.htm



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ANEXXURE :- 1 Interview 1 :- Project “A” Name (optional) :- Anshu Singh Company(optional) :Designation :- Design Manager 1.

Information about the project :- IT/ITES Project

• Area of Project- Site area 20 Acres • FAR :- 6,35,000 sqm • Total built up area :- 7,20,000 sqm • Area of site :- 20 acrs 2. Information on services

• Chiller Capacity :- NA • Water tank capacity :- 3000KL • Building Management System installed?:- YES • Green Building Consultant hired? :- NO 3. Consultants Hired :- Y/N

• Architect; Y • Civil engineer; Y • Structural engineer; Y • Geotechnical engineer; N • Electrical engineer; Y • Plumbing engineer; Y • Fire protection engineer; Y • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineer; Y • Lift, escalator and moving walk specialist; Y • Acoustics specialist; N • Information/communication technology engineer; Y • Health, safety and environment specialist; Y • Environment/sustainability specialist; N • Town planner; N • Urban designer; N 31

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• Landscape architect; N • Security system specialist; Y • Interior designer; y • Quantity surveyor; N • Project/construction manager; N • Accessibility and universal design specialist; N • Asset/facility manager; N 4. Who Delivers GFC at site? :-

• Architect • PMC • In house team √ 5. Before GFC drawing is sent to site, who all approve the drawing for GFC. YES/NO

• Architect; Y • Civil engineer; N • Structural engineer; Y • Geotechnical engineer; N • Electrical engineer; Y • Plumbing engineer; Y • Fire protection engineer; Y • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineer; Y • Lift, escalator and moving walk specialist; N • Acoustics specialist; N • Information/communication technology engineer; N • Health, safety and environment specialist; N • Environment/sustainability specialist; N • Town planner;N • Urban designer; N • Landscape architect; N • Security system specialist; N • Interior designer; N • Quantity surveyor; N


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• Project/construction manager; N • Accessibility and universal design specialist; N • Asset/facility manager; N 6. Are all GFC co-ordinated before delivery to site? Yes 7. How many revision numbers of each drawing A. R1-5 B. R5-10√ C. R > 10 8. How many change orders have been issue to the civil work

• 5-10 • 11-15√ • 15 > 9. What could have been done in order to minimize the change order and Revision? a. Hire Project Manager separately. b. Use of BIM or PMIS . 10. Do you use MIS system for drawing delivery/ Communication b/w consultants? N 11. Do you use manual drawing delivery system for your project and communication b/w consultants? Y 12. Any regulatory changes during construction. Y 13. If yes... Then what is the impact on the project a. Increase in cost of construction b. Delay in time of delivery 14. Anticipated overall project duration 25 months 15. Most likely achieved project duration 33 months 16. Cause of delay. a. Communication b. Change in specifications c. Delay in hiring consultants d. Change in Order


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Interview 2 :- Project “B” Name (optional) :- Hirdesh Sharma Company(optional) :Designation :- Project Architect 1.

Information about the project :- Villa Development

• Area of Project- Site area 100 Acres • FAR :- 2,50,000 sqm • Total built up area :- 3,20,000 sqm • Area of site :- 100 acrs 2. Information on services

• Chiller Capacity :- NA • Water tank capacity :- 2500KL • Building Management System installed?:- YES • Green Building Consultant hired? :- YES 3. Consultants Hired :- Y/N

• Architect; Y • Civil engineer; Y • Structural engineer; Y • Geotechnical engineer; N • Electrical engineer; Y • Plumbing engineer; Y • Fire protection engineer; Y • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineer; Y • Lift, escalator and moving walk specialist; N • Acoustics specialist; N • Information/communication technology engineer; N • Health, safety and environment specialist; N • Environment/sustainability specialist; Y • Town planner; N • Urban designer; N • Landscape architect; Y


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• Security system specialist; N • Interior designer; N • Quantity surveyor; Y • Project/construction manager; Y • Accessibility and universal design specialist; N • Asset/facility manager; N 4. Who Delivers GFC at site? :-

• Architect • PMC • In house team √ 5. Before GFC drawing is sent to site, who all approve the drawing for GFC. YES/NO

• Architect; Y • Civil engineer; N • Structural engineer; Y • Geotechnical engineer; N • Electrical engineer; Y • Plumbing engineer; Y • Fire protection engineer; Y • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineer; Y • Lift, escalator and moving walk specialist; N • Acoustics specialist; N • Information/communication technology engineer; N • Health, safety and environment specialist; N • Environment/sustainability specialist; Y • Town planner;N • Urban designer; N • Landscape architect; Y • Security system specialist; N • Interior designer; N • Quantity surveyor; N • Project/construction manager; N


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• Accessibility and universal design specialist; N • Asset/facility manager; N 6. Are all GFC co-ordinated before delivery to site? Yes 7. How many revision numbers of each drawing A. R1-5 B. R5-10√ C. R > 10 8. How many change orders have been issue to the civil work

• 5-10 • 11-15√ • 15 > 9. What could have been done in order to minimize the change order and Revision? a. Use of online project management softwares such as Aconex. b. Use of BIM to reduce the coordination time.

10. Do you use MIS system for drawing delivery/ Communication b/w consultants? N 11. Do you use manual drawing delivery system for your project and communication b/w consultants? Y 12. Any regulatory changes during construction. Y 13. If yes... Then what is the impact on the project a. Increase in cost of construction b. Delay in time of delivery

14. Anticipated overall project duration 36 months 15. Most likely achieved project duration 40 months 16. Cause of delay. a. Delay in statutory approvals b. Delay in vendor finalisation c. Change in specifications


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d. Delay in award of contracts to various agencies


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