3 minute read

\u60A8\u597D Hello From Formosa

The RP-NYP ministry team at Tunghai University. (L-R) Siew Siew, Joy, missionary couple for the campus, Andson and Bifen with their son John, and Adrian

Bifen—Faith to Ask, Believe and Act Upon


Joshua 10:14 “There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a man. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!”

One of our objectives was to lead five persons to Christ. When we started talking to students and saw the condition of their hearts, I felt this was quite impossible. But God urged me to depend on Him like Joshua did. During our prayer walk one weekend, I asked God for two students. I was thankful to meet Siew Ling, who came to Christ. That day, Andson also led a male student to Christ.

A few days in, I was tired and aching but God reminded me to be a fighter. I partnered my daughter, Joy, for witnessing. I asked God to allow her to experience His grace in leading someone to Christ despite the hard ground. We were rejected by many until we met You Zhen. Joy brought her to Christ and assured her of her newfound salvation. Later that day, Joy, Siew Siew and a missionary, brought Sheanice to Christ.

The overall spiritual condition of the youths reminded me of the desperate need of the hour—an army of soldiers dedicated to Christ. We need people who not only believe He is God, but that He can fulfil every promise ever made. Nothing is too hard for Him. Praise God for the seven souls saved during this trip!

Sheanice (left) having lunch with Siew Siew, a missionary Mrs Lee and Joy when she chose to receive Christ.

Joy brings You Zhen to Christ when she witnessed to her on campus.

Bifen (left) brings Siew Ling (middle) to invite Christ into her life. Heaven rejoices when one more soul is back in God's kingdom.

Joy—Obedience Begets Blessings

Malachi 3:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,

that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”

On the last day, I was really tired and found it tough witnessing for six hours in the cold of winter. However, I continued witnessing passionately because after reading God’s Word, I had promised to bring my whole tithe into His storehouse.

That day, a girl I spoke with received Christ into her life with much tears. Such a sincere and vulnerable response to the gospel was unique to me. I was moved when she thanked us and said she felt as if God hugged her when she prayed to accept Christ.

This trip was a hundred-fold blessing from God (see Mark 10:29-30). He showed me what it meant to hold fast to His Word. I would not have held to His promises as desperately if He had answered my faith goal early on. God is a promise keeper and answers immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. I can’t be more assured of the fact that only through abiding in Christ will we bear much fruit (see John 15:5).

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