3 minute read

Bee-ing with God

By Loo Bee Eng, Nav-Community Ministry staff

Bee Eng developed a heart for the Chinese people and spent nine years in East Asia.


Having grown up two streets away from funeral parlours, I had a fear of death. When a Singapore Polytechnic (SP) classmate shared the gospel to me, promising eternal life and hope beyond death, I readily accepted it. But I kept my faith secret for nearly two years until I was convicted by God’s Word in John 15:16.

I’ve since had many Navigator mentors in various seasons of my life. I am what I am today because of the love and time they invested in me. Their selflessness influenced me to give the second half of my life to serve our Lord Jesus and invest in others as well.

Motivated by 2 Timothy 2:2, I’m committed to raising generations of disciples for Christ. One-on-One, or Man-to-Man, discipleship had helped me to keep a close walk with God. And now I do the same with the women God has brought into my life. Here are some of them:

Elizabeth Chia

My mother, my ailing father and I were attending church regularly, when I met Bee Eng. My elderly parents were both believers and I wasn’t, but I accompanied them to Sunday service anyway. When Bee Eng brought me to a Nav-Community Ministry evangelistic event in end2014, I accepted the Lord. She began meeting me to study the Bible … however, juggling between work and caring for family was tough.

Thankfully, I grew in faith and began to serve with our church’s Indonesian ministry. Recently I went on a trip with three other co-workers to visit the families of 11 domestic helpers from our ministry. It was heartening to know our labour of love paid off and the families were touched by our gesture.


These 10 years I worked in Singapore, I had gotten a bad impression of Christians, and that had hindered me from knowing God. Last November, I was feeling very down and so I took up my colleague’s invitation to attend church. I accepted Christ there and then and experienced such peace that I had never felt before. I regret not knowing Jesus earlier.

Two of my sisters came to visit a month later and both gladly received the Lord too! I’ve had basic spiritual follow-up from Bee Eng and have been passing on what I know to my sisters over social media, since they returned home. I am so blessed to have someone helping me in my spiritual growth. I return to my hometown soon, and I aim to influence the rest of my family and friends for Christ.

Eileen Chua

I’m a beautician. I was first exposed to Christ through a client who invited me to an Alpha Course. I went out of curiosity and, mostly, obligation. It was God’s divine appointment that I met Bee Eng, my client’s friend.

Bee Eng brought me to an evangelistic service, where God spoke to me through a timely message on having “no time, no time, no more time.” That day, I accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour. Everything I had heard at Alpha suddenly made sense too.

Since then, we have been meeting regularly for personalised Bible study before I open my shop. The more I know God and His salvation plan, the more I feel the urgency to share with my family and clients about Him.

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