Tramline 26 termination points research

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26 Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen,

Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easter

Tram line 26 Divoká Šárka Vozovna Vokovice Nad Džbánem


Nádraží Veleslavín Červený Vrch Sídliště Červený Vrch Bořislavka Na Pískách Hadovka Thákurova

Trams are an integral part of public transportation within the city of Prague, with 142km of tram network extending across the city today. 25 different lines run throughout the day and 9 during the late-night hours. Cutting through the city within their own confines and speed, riding trams gives the city a different size and reachability since the early 18 hundreds. Developing from horse-drawn to electric trams Prague has for a long time valued public transport. Tram line 26 runs from Divoka Sarka to Hradcanska but due to reconstruction is currently stopping at Kubanske Namesti. The line cuts through several districts and leads the rider from a national reserve, to a university campus, to a flourishing community of coffee shops, to the city centre, to familial community residential blocks further east of the city. Within this research, we analyse both the travel on the 26 as well as the final end stops on an urban scale.

Dejvická Vítězné Náměstí Hradčanská Sparta Korunovační Letenské Náměstí Kamenická Strossmayerovo Náměstí Dlouhá Třída Náměstí Republiky Masarykovo Nádraží Hlavní Nádraží Husinecká Lipanská Olšanské Náměstí Olšanská Nákladové Nádraží Žižkov Želivského Želivského Vinohradské Hřbitovy Krematorium Strašnice Vinice Vozovna Strašnice


1 300

2 600 m

Strašnická Průběžná Kubánské Náměstí


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Emotive Section of Tram line 26

Nádraží Hostivař-Divoká Šárka Divoká Šárka 145m


450m 800m

Tram 26

Hradčanská 46m



Lipanská 56m




Kubánské náměstí 30m





Červený vrch 119m

Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše 1m above river level

Nákladové nádraží Žižkov 74m



Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Historical Analysis Divoká Šárka


Historical Analysis Kubánské Náměstí



Most development in the area until 1840s were mills that took advantage of the areas natural water power

Very little urban development by 1840. Mostly rural, large plots of land with few roads for access

1944- 1920s

1944- 1920s

through 1950s showed development mainly south of the large natural park Divoka Sarka to preserve it for recreational use. Suburban garden homes and apartment blocks developed. Tram 26 was opened in 1961, bringing easier access to the area from Pragues city center

through 1950s showed more development. Mainly multi family residential buildings and schools with plenty of open space



The area is still mainly known for its natural park. The remaining land today is fairly evenly split between suburban residential, light industrial/warehouses and a university

Fairly densely developed neighbourhood today. Mainly multi family residential buildings and schools still. Much of the open space is reserved for recreational activities. The larger and later developments include university and medical campuses and important postwar housing estates

Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte



8 Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti 1 300 2 600 m

Pedestrian Traffic Greenery



Automobile Traffic

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte

Kubá nské ná



Želiv ského Vinoh radsk é hřb Krem itovy atoriu Vozo vna S m Strašnic traš e Straš nická nice Průb ěžná

měst í Olšan ská Nákla dové nádra ží Žiž Mezi kov Hřbit ovy

Olšan ské n á

Lipan ská

Husin ecká

Hlavn í nád


ěstí R epub liky rykov o nád raží Masa


Spa Leternta sk Kame é náměst í nická Stros smay erovo námě Nábř eží K stí apitá na Ja roše Dlou há tříd a


Vítěz né ná měst í

Thák urova Dejvic ká

H ad o vka

Na Pís k ách

Nád r aží Ve leslav ín Červe ný Vr ch Sídliš tě Če rvený Vrch Bořis lavka

rk a Vozo vna V okov ice Nad D žbán em

Divok á Šá

Analytical research of Tram line 26


Tram Occupancy


First Impressions Collage of Divoká Šárka Station

Known for its beautiful rolling hills and large lake Divoka Sarka is a national park located at the edge of the capital city Prague. The gateway to the city in a way the area is a key connection to the airport with buses continuing on from the end tram stop. The area is also a vivid residential area, with semi-detached homes, apartment buildings as well as dormitories for the Technical University. Located on the cusp of the natural reserve is also an international primary school. The McDonald’s acts as a meeting point of the area for hikers, summer bathers, travellers and locals alike.


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Surrounding of Divoká Šárka Station


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Key moments in Divoká Šárka Station N


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Panorama of Divoká Šárka Station


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Site Plan of Divoká Šárka N N



Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Section of Divoká Šárka Divoká Šárka Section 1:1000



Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


View of Divoká Šárka National Park


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


First Impressions Collage of Kubánské Náměstí Station

Located within Prague 10 the station is surrounded by a mixture of apartment blocks and schools. A section of the buildings of the area are listed under historical preservation. The site has a large staircase guiding visitors around the site towards the high school sports hall. Curiously, a small birdhouse has been set up within the little forest inside the tram circle green space, quite close to the kindergarten. The area has it’s own community with extensive sports facilities, schools, potravinys and a cafe.


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Surroundings of Kubanske Namesti


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Initial Impressions of Kubánské Náměstí N


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Kubánské Náměstí tram stop forest


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Site Plan of Kubánské Náměstí N



Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Kubánské Náměstí stop central point


Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


Section of Kubánské Náměstí

Kubánské náměstí Section 1:1000



Tram line Divoka Sarka - Kubanske Namesti

Urban site analysis and research produced by Hannah Holmen, Kate Sinelnikova + Conley Easte


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