Contents 6 Contributors 7 Nanjing Nomads 8 Editorial 9 Poem; Progenies 10 What’s Another Year?
Fear and Respect for Birthday Rituals
12 Gift-Giving Traditions A Cultural Dilemma of Receipt
16 Midway Upon the Journey of Our Life... 20 Great Nanjingers (6)
China’s Walt Disney & Animation Industry Pioneer; Wan Laiming
21 Strainer
Don’t Put in Your Pipe and Smoke It
22 Down to the Stalls
Studying the Surge in China’s Street Markets
26 For Art’s Sake
Mao Yan; Out of the Shadows
28 Sense & Sustainability The Big “C” Welcomes the Big “P”
30 Our Space 36 The Gavel
The Perks of Having Two Birthdays
37 Metro Map
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All of the above are owned and operated by HeFu Media, the Chinese subsidiary of SinoConnexion Ltd;
By M ait iu Bralligan ‘2 0
Our first took their time, hours of trepid expectation, Our second comparatively popping into being Our third, slapped like blue meat On his mother’s belly. Three offspring, perfect; boys born of love; Of our greatest hopes; our darkest horrors. We had no idea how it might work out, then, Only dreams for what they might one day become; Fearful of the myriad possible futures they might face. Through each scene, we gave them all we possibly could Every head-start we might in their early, eventful lives Those long late nights, stern words, tearful embraces... So it was our mortal coils knew love without condition. .
By Frank Hossack
China’s Walt Disney & Animation Industry Pioneer; Wan Laiming
Bar B Q 26 September, 2020
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