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Just what is decarbonisation?
Shipping all at sea when it comes to defining decarbonisation
The industry has no agreed definitions for what net-zero vessels and decarbonisation actually mean
Shipping has no clear understanding of what decarbonisation means in real terms for the industry, a poll carried by this title suggests.
Prompted by Greg Atkinson, the chief technical officer at Japan’s Eco Marine Power, the latest MarPoll, our quarterly survey, gave readers seven definitions of of the word ‘decarbonisation’, asking them for the one that best matches their understanding of what the term means and/or encompasses. The first four available responses were taken from the websites of a university, a major automaker, a research paper and a safety and standards board. The last three available responses were definitions Atkinson proposed.
Atkinson’s argument made repeatedly in recent months has been to question how can targets be set for reducing emissions and achieving decarbonisation when terms such as decarbonisation and zero emissions ships are not clearly defined. For example what exactly is a “How can targets be set for reducing emissions and zero emissions ship? Some would say achieving decarbonisation it’s a vessel onboard which, propulsive power is provided by a solution that when terms such as emits zero airborne emissions. But decarbonisation and zero what about shore-based emissions? Could a zero emissions ship using emissions ships are not electrical propulsion and batteries still be considered “zero emissions” if the batteries are recharged from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, or clearly defined ” electricity generated by a coal-fired just CO2? What about discharges into power plant? If the ship uses alter- the ocean? Are they not a concern? native fuels (including biofuels) are Regarding decarbonisation this land-based emissions that result from is defined in many different ways the production of these fuels taken ranging from simply meaning the into account? Can a ship be deemed reduction of CO2 emissions to vague to be zero emissions if CO2 emissions statements about removing carbon are offset by planting trees or via car- from economies and societies. bon sequestration? Yes? No? Maybe? Therefore to gain some under-
Even the term “emissions” standing of how people view can mean different things. Does it decarbonisation Splash and Maritime mean all airborne emissions includ- CEO canvassed our readership. ing for example lead emissions, or With more than 700 votes cast
the results (see chart, right) show no clear leader, albeit a majority going for Atkinson’s own created three unofficial terms. The lack of a uniform comprehension on the terminology highlights the trouble shipping – and its regulators – face as they get down to negotiating the best way forward to meet environmental goals laid down by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for 2030 and 2050.
The IMO does not have its own formal definition for decarbonisation but has adopted a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy. In November, the IMO will hold an important gathering of its Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) to try and thrash out short-term measures to cut the sector’s carbon footprint.
Richard Klatten, CEO of Future Proof Shipping, a Dutch outfit that has plans to construct 10 zero-emissions inland and short-sea vessels in the next five years, has clear views on these all important green definitions for shipping.
“We understand the confusion too much information and too many interpretations, definitions and theoretical viewpoints can bring,” Klatten says.
Klatten’s company looks at zero-emissions through an operational and practical lens, and not so much from a theoretical viewpoint, because ultimately, they are in the process of building a zero-emissions fleet. “To set our sustainable bounda“We understand the confusion too much ries, we have subscribed to the Global information and too many Maritime Forum list of zero carbon energy sources and align our energy interpretations, definitions sourcing with the hydrogen and and theoretical viewpoints synthetic non-carbon fuels category, which means zero GHG emissions,” Klatten explains. can bring ”
To enable the transition to a criteria for marine fuels, applying decarbonised shipping sector, the these criteria to assess the alternative phrase ‘zero carbon energy sources’ fuels currently being explored for should be understood to cover energy zero-emission shipping. The critesources and fuels that collectively ria will also feed into a number of have the potential to be scalable for decarbonisation initiatives across supply of all of shipping’s energy the maritime and energy sectors. demand in 2050,” the Dutch CEO SSI will subsequently engage with argues. certification bodies to facilitate
With regards to the sailing the development of a sustainability and fuelling of Future Proof’s ships, standard or certification scheme for zero-emissions means zero GHG marine fuels. emissions. Andrew Stephens, executive
As shipping scrambles to find its director at SSI, says the new partfuture non-polluting fuel no official nership will contribute thought sustainability standards or related leadership to the broader debate certification schemes are in place to currently underway in the maritime ease the confusion. sector.
This missing part of the fuel “Today, we have no clarity nor conundrum could be set to change consensus on the sustainability however with news that the issues surrounding the fuels being Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) explored for shipping’s decarbonisaand Copenhagen Business School tion, and the criteria to assess their (CBS) are partnering to define sustainability remain undefined. This criteria for new fuels’ sustainability work will contribute to this debate credentials and to facilitate their and ultimately, inform the selection certification. of one or more winning options for
The partnership will see the zero-emission shipping,” Stephens development of a set of sustainability says. ●
Which of the following definitions of ‘decarbonisation’ best matches your understanding or perception of what the term means and/or encompasses?
The reduction of carbon inputs to socioeconomic metabolism or of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions such as CO2 or CH4 13%
The reduction of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions per unit of energy generated 9%
The conversion to an economic system that sustainably reduces and compensates the emissions of carbon dioxide 16%
The elimination of carbon from industrial use 4%
Reducing, and ultimately eliminating, carbon dioxide emissions 18%
Reducing, and ultimately eliminating, greenhouse gas emissions 24%
The reduction of all carbon and carbon dioxide related to human activity 16%
A total of 716 Splash readers took part in this survey
John Su
p.37 Magnus Halvorsen
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Maritime CEO’s 17 correspondents around the world have been in touch with many of the world’s top shipowners. Highlights are carried over the next 17 pages
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