What is the difference between solar panels and solar cells?

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What is the Difference Between Solar Panels and Solar Cells?

Everybody talks about solar energy these days and can be very confusing for the average person goes to the issue of speed. One of the questions people most commonly ask is: What is the difference between solar panels and solar cells? It's a fair question and the answer is very simple. A solar cell is a factor which takes sunlight and converts directly into energy. These devices are very small, hence their name and their production is also very low. This is one of the most common components of the solar system and without them the system would not work. The reason is that many solar panels solar cells.

The output of the group depends on the number, size and quality of their cell a rule, however, the average panel consisting of dozens of these small cells and does not function without them the system. The solar panels in homes is quite small and are intended for typical households and general amounts of electricity. Industrial panel is another story.

Industrial large solar panels are huge in size and power and is intended to power heavy machinery. The solar cells are made is extremely compact and is very expensive. The energy efficiency is much higher offer than you would, therefore, the average panel is ideal for finding widespread use. note that the overall performance of all solar cells depends largely on the amount of sunlight it receives.

Apart from the weather or cloudy days only, the function of both the cell and interferes with the table, leading to reduced operational capabilities. Despite the fact that even in these dark days a little sun reaches the number of units and a smaller amount of energy produced. Energy from solar panels is not processed, a sort of box useless. The first DC would be dangerous for electronics and systems after the conversion properly. Despite the differences between residential and industrial solar system is also the value of the equipment to be taken into account.

Not all are equal, solar panels and low-end models have a lower quality of the cells inside. With this kind of equipment you really get what you pay and the more you invest in your system, the better the system will be issued. Based on the cheaper models do not perform very efficient and reliable power for your home. You do not buy the more expensive models, either, and you should get somewhere in the middle. At this price, performance, durability and balance when you were a team that suits you buy only one. Of course, this is not as strong as it depends on your needs and your budget.

Resources: http://www.getsolarprices.co.uk/ http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-the-DifferenceBetween-Solar-Panels-and-Solar-Cells?&id=4391251

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