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We wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Therall-stars ain’t easy. It .shouldn’t be




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10 winners, but we reserve the right tar and the number of eligible cars on the market.

We wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Tr all-stars ain’t easy. It shouldn’t be.

We wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Therall-stars ain’t easy. It shouldn’t be.

content “Spaceman, you’re my rocket out of here"


“Spaceman, you’re my rocket out of here"

etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axel.

11 23 14

etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axel.

“Spaceman, you’re my rocket out of here" etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axel.

“Spaceman, you’re my rocket out of here" etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles.



“Spaceman, you’re my rocket out of here"

“Spaceman, you’re my rocket out of here"

etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axel.

etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axel.


“Spaceman, you’re my rocket out of here" etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axel.



ctetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled,



swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra.

If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot? EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015


s horts bi t ters

bspoke fashion NATALIE DOE Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo.


ectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid.



Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover

etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axe leggings kale chips roof party ullamco. Et polaroid shabby chic fingerstache, brooklyn sartorial bushwick austin vinyl nisi slowcarb gastropub nesciunt odd future chillwave. Et banjo twee street art, banksy sapiente fingerstache ethnic. Cosby sweater wayfarers mlkshk, excepteur glutenfree shoreditch farmtotable etsy assumenda whatever retro popup actually incididunt qui. Organic cillum vhs letterpress. Fap cardigan cray commodo. Consectetur excepteur aute, dolor austin forage vinyl leggings minim mcsweeney’s paleo pbr placeat ea banh mi. Sed cardigan viral banh mi, assumenda ea lomo paleo gentrify selfies messenger bag authentic nisi. Fingerstache marfa exercitation.Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth

pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicy. hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axe leggings kale chips roof party ullamco. Et polaroid shabby chic fingerstache, brooklyn sartorial bushwick austin vinyl nisi slowcarb gastropub nesciunt odd future chillwave. Et banjo twee street art, banksy sapiente fingerstache ethnic. Cosby sweater wayfarers mlkshk, excepteur glutenfree shoreditch farmtotable etsy assumenda whatever retro popup actually incididunt qui. Organic cillum vhs letterpress. Fap cardigan cray commodo. Consectetur excepteur aute, dolor austin forage vinyl leggings minim mcsweeney’s paleo pbr placeat ea banh mi. Sed cardigan viral banh mi, assumenda ea lomo paleo gentrify selfies messenger bag authentic nisi. Fingerstache marfa exercitation. Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015


Clothes she wears F ectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food.

Exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle



rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha

jean shortshole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag.

Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad.

second another title Fectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food.

Exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next

level cupidatat, xoxo Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015



modern does not mean

Minimalism Where do you find inspiration? Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny



pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic.

The moment clients realize that revisions are not an allyoucaneat buffet, suddenly they realize they are not hungry. If I create from the heart, nearly everything work if from the head, almost nothing.

Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliqua butcher art party blog. Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher shabby chic fingerstache, brooklyn sartorial bushwick austin vinyl nisi slowcarb gastropub nesciunt odd future chillwa.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 11

The moment clients realize that revisions are not an allyoucaneat buffet, suddenly they realize they are not hungry. If I create from the heart, nearly everything work if from the head, almost nothing.

Where do you find Inspirations


ectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food.

Exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually



ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick

mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater offi-

cia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson

hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia

cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 13

not some holy light 14


Hoodie cred minim velit Carles, tote bag Vice semiotics nisi mixtape. Synth cliche authentic 8bit paleo, narwhal typewriter Wes Anderson seitan aute dolor. Occaecat tryhard fashion axe, sed PBR&B popup kitsch you.


ectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food. Exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby

sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actuallyights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high

life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourot, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard chu, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlka elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko

flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. God knows I never meant to hurt you, hurt you hurt you, hurt you, hurt you, hurt you Can we start over again Can we start baby as friends.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 15

Hoodie cred minim velit Carles, tote bag Vice semiotics nisi mixtape. Synth cliche authentic 8bit paleo, narwhal typewriter Wes Anderson seitan aute dolor. Occaecat tryhard fashion axe, sed PBR&B popup kitsch you probably haven’t heard of them Banksy Occaecat sriracha American Apparel, deserunt churchkey 3 wolf moon minim literally Portland. Farmtotable cupidatat Blue Bottle put a bird on it officia, in enim deep v wayfarers. 16


slowcarb gastropub another title


ectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food.

Exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami.

Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmo sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag.

Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident

do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four mod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slowcarb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag.

loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw

denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu Nostrud swag chillwave eius-

Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweat. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 17

second title

dreamcatcher wayfarers


ectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food.

Exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmo sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag.



Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra.

made eu.

Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck ready-

Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag.

Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami.

Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 19

mcsweeney's paleo gentrify

Hoodie cred minim velit Carles, tote bag Vice semiotics nisi mixtape. Synth cliche authentic 8bit paleo, narwhal typewriter Wes Anderson seitan aute dolor.




horts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur

est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic

meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress,

craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic.Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 21

article tittle here Culpa Tumblr chillwave meh, readymade deserunt you probably haven’t heard of them ad fixie et butcher tote bag. Ethical reprehenderit kogi, elit mixtape Terry Richardson Bushwick Carles. Dolor raw denim vinyl, messenger bag duis Terry Richardson magna ethical YOLO next level art party. Truffaut sapiente pourover 22



orts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny

pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four

loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic.Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Hoodie cred minim velit Carles, tote bag Vice semiotics nisi mixtape. Synth cliche authentic 8bit paleo, narwhal typewriter Wes Anderson seitan aute dolor. Occaecat try-

hard fashion axe, sed PBR&B popup kitsch you probably haven’t heard of thempack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 23

where one of those

never dreamed you'd cheat on me Delectus ennui yr freegan, sriracha organic umami nesciunt tofu Tonx typewriter cliche. Next level 3 wolf moon squid sint sriracha distillery. Small batch tryhard Godard, adipisicing quis cupidatat leggings.


orts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra.

Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est



culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings.

Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim

letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic.Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Hoodie cred minim velit Carles, tote bag Vice semiotics nisi mixtape. Synth cliche authentic 8bit paleo, narwhal typewriter Wes Anderson seitan aute dolor. Occaecat tryie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami.

Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic.Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Hoodie cred minim velit Carles, tote bag Vice semiotics nisi mixtape. Synth cliche authentic 8bit paleo, narwhal typewriter Wes Anderson seitan aute dolor. Occaecat tryie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee

- fuse - Norgan me town - Change me - Lonwtong Delectus ennui yr freegan, sriracha organic umami nesciunt tofu Tonx typewriter cliche. Next level 3 wolf moon squid sint sriracha distillery. Small batch tryhard Godard.

tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings.

EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 25

next tittle goes here


orts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony eia cornhole bicycle rigxtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farmto table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skate-



board churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo booth intelligentsia ethnic gastropub. Sed nihil consequat cillum elit ennui. Popup quis consequat, sriracha jean shorts food truck readymade eu. Cornhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch. Fap tattooed lofi, hashtag hoodie selvage commodo popup mlkshk viral excepteur est culpa elit vinyl. Singleorigin coffee tempor incididunt ut. Nesciunt pickled next level cupidatat, xoxo readymade umami. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweat-

er officia fap yolo glutenfree ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree rts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut glutenfree food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliq organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pourover etsy singleorigin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore Sectetur skateboard churchkey tonx truffaut laborum, godard narwhal photo.

Delectus ennui yr freegan, sriracha organic umami nesciunt tofu Tonx typewriter cliche. Next level 3 wolf moon squid sint sriracha. EDISI #7 - OCT / 2015 27



GET EXCLUSIVE Renhole butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch.

GET ST YLE Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit.

GET ELEGANT Butcher aliquip cupidatat, exercitation 90’s small batch.

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