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Commercial Island
Philips, Minneapolis, MN
Spring 2022
Instructors: Athar Mufreh
This project is a challenge to create systematic design strategies that could transform the urban structure but also the building structures.
Commercial Islands is an urban concept in which most daily necessities can be accomplished by either walking from residents’ homes in 15 minutes. This is a concept that could be integrated into various NCDs (Neighborhood Commercial Districts) around the city catering to the existing conditions, ultimately creating a walkable, sustainable city that supports small businesses and all different types of neighborhoods.
This NCD was vastly spaced out and over dominated by car traffic and the wide streets, as well as excessive vacant commercial spaces that weren’t being utilized. It could have a better ecological impact and a better human scale, by closing off the streets and making this a walking or biking-only “Commercial Island.” The end goal is to turn this into a vibrant center of a currently wasted space in the Phillips neighborhood.

With the priority becoming walkability, the NCD blocks off streets from car traffic. It also reprograms and diversifies the commercial district more to have a more inclusive range of available services in the area. Lastly, it adds a park and a community garden to improve ecological conditions.

The new NCD brings a multitude of possibilities for use, whether it is for living, working, commerce, education, or entertainment which are all the necessary elements to a 15-minute city. The big idea is to introduce these elements into various NCDs around the city catering to the existing conditions of each district.


The final product is an urban plot with meaningful gathering spaces, communal engagement that meets all of the requirements of a sustainable, 15-minute city.