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Calling all lifeguards!

Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation wants YOU to work as a certified lifeguard during our year-round swimming season. We’re excited about building a great team of professional lifeguards and therefore reserve the right to hire only the most qualified applicants for all positions and do not guarantee employment based on training completion. All lifeguard candidates must be at least 15 years of age in order to qualify for employment with SFPR Aquatics. For more information on this program, contact the Midco® Aquatic Center at (605) 367-POOL. Detailed course information available at www.midcoaquaticcenter.org/certifications COURSE 1: SEP 11–13, FRI 5 P.M. TO 10 P.M. | SAT–SUN 8 A.M.–6 P.M. $185 PER PERSON | MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER COURSE 2: OCT 16–18, FRI 5 P.M. TO 10 P.M | SAT–SUN 8 A.M.–6 P.M. $185 PER PERSON | MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER INDOOR SWIMMING LESSON REGISTRATION FALL SESSION | OCT 5–NOV 7 REGISTRATION IS OPEN 6 P.M., TUESDAY, SEP 22, THROUGH 6 P.M., TUESDAY, SEP 29. | MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER You also have the opportunity to sign up on the first day of swimming lessons if openings for lessons are still available. For specifics on levels, schedules, etc., visit www.midcoaquaticcenter.org/swimming-lessons

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