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7/1-9/30/2022 Captain Rachel Van Beek, Fire Fighter Chris Lohan and Andrew Biggs traveled to Missoula, MT to attend Swiftwater Spill Response Technician Class July 10th-15th.
Division Chief Michael Koopman traveled to Independence, Mo., to attend the Int’l Association of Fire Chief’s annual conference July 12–15.
EMS Educator Amy Marsh traveled to Louisville, Ky., to attend the NAEMSE Conference August 1–7.
Captains Greg Lacey and Rocky Foster traveled to Missoula, Mont., to attend Swiftwater Spill Response Technician Class August 14–19.
Fire Fighter Eric Dieren traveled to Alpharetta, Ga., to attend ROHVA training August 14–19.
Battalion Chief Jason Marzolf traveled to Aberdeen, S.D., to attend the State Hazmat Task Force Meeting August 31.
Battalion Chief Mike Top, Fire Inspectors Tyler Tjeerdsma, Mike Schmidt and Barry Maag traveled to Chamberlain, S.D., to attend the DSIAAI conference September 7–8.
Captain James Rahm traveled to Emmitsburg, Md., to attend NFA classes September 10–24.
FAO Mark Olson and Fire Fighter Natalie Van Whye traveled to Missoula, Mont., to attend Swiftwater Spill Response Technician Class September 11–16.
Emergency Manager Regan Smith traveled to Huron, S.D., to attend and give a presentation at the South Dakota Emergency Management Conference September 14–15.
Captain Darryn Deck and FAO Brad Vosburg traveled to Huron to present SDTF-1 at the South Dakota Emergency Management Conference September 15.
Division Chief Steve Fessler traveled to Sioux City, Iowa, for Fire Strategic Planning September 23.
Captain Ian Stark and Fire Fighter Chris Lohan traveled to Camp Ripley, Minn., to attend Tactical EMS School September 24–30.