Sioux Falls Seminary A North American Baptist Seminary
2100 S. Summit Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105 #SFSeminary
prayer provision
god’s sufficient grace 2011-2012
annual report
Sioux Falls Seminary
President’s Report 2011-12 was a good year in many ways for the ministry of Sioux Falls Seminary. We started classes in Omaha on a full-time basis. We stood for review with our accrediting bodies and passed. We added a full-time faculty member in Dr. Nathan Hitchcock. We participated in the North American Baptist Triennial in Orlando. We widened our impact through our 33 graduates. At every turn of the year, we advanced with prayer. Our reminders came at 9 a.m., 12 noon, and 3 p.m.—but every person in our ministry or in contact with our ministry through conversations, sermons preached, or visits made was reminded that we were seeking the Lord’s face in prayer. We grew in dependence on our God. This note is actually a tribute to the Lord for his goodness to us. His grace is sufficient.
prayer and provision Thankful for God’s Sufficient Grace by
G. Michael Hagan President Sioux Falls Seminary
Psalm 131 tells us in three verses that no matter what we face, God is our hope. As we mature in dependence, we go forward with hope in the living and active God. Our desire is to be in step with what God is doing in the world, and the faithful provision from God says we are. Sometimes we kid around and say our God could choose to work with “abounding grace” instead of “sufficient grace,” meaning we could endure some relief from always being on the edge. But it has been our lesson to learn—in our weakness God is made strong. Our dependence on a sufficient God goes far beyond what we deserve. Thanks, Lord, for your sufficiency. And thanks to all of you who have been partners with the Lord and with us in the ministry of Sioux Falls Seminary.
Clarence & Kay Ostercamp Memorial Scholarship Virginia Peasley Memorial UMC Scholarship Pearl Pierce International Scholarship Alice Mayhack Pohl Scholarship Dorothy Powell Memorial Fund Eugene & Erma Precheck Scholarship Roland J. & Violet R. Rolfs Memorial Scholarship Rose of Sharon Scholarship Joy Harris Sauers Memorial Scholarship Herbert & Mary Schauer Scholarship Evelyn Seib Scholarship John Freeman and Dorothy Burrow Shaw Memorial Scholarship Endowment Christel Spletzer Endowment: Encouraging Women in Ministry Adel Stabbert Scholarship Grace Sturtz Memorial Scholarship Bert & Verona Terveen Scholarship Bernard Thole Endowed Scholarship Charles & Dorothy Thole Scholarship Truhlar Scholarship JoAnne Tschetter Memorial Scholarship Tschetter-Telker Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. H. John Vanderbeck Scholarship Frank & Otila Veninga Memorial Scholarship Charles Wagner Scholarship Fund Warren & Darlys Weeldreyer Memorial Scholarship Alfred & Eunice Weisser Christian Education Award Carl & Eva Weisser Scholarship
grant and financial aid scholarships Alumni Association Scholarship Alfred & Melita Brachlow Scholarship Breitkreuz-Stander Scholarship Kenny Brenner Memorial Scholarship Marie Brenner Memorial Scholarship H. Scott Bridgman Family Memorial Scholarship Peggy L. Burkle Memorial Scholarship Minnie Crain Memorial Scholarship Dunger Family Endowment Jacob & Helen Ehman Scholarship Pearl Faszer Scholarship Herman & Elizabeth Fluth Memorial Scholarship Richard, Clara, & Stanley Grenz Memorial Scholarship William & Avis Heerts Scholarship Phyllis Mae Hoffman Scholarship Kenneth Jung Memorial Scholarship Dr. Katschke-Jennings Ordained Women in Ministry Scholarship Ralph & Jesse Martin Kahle Scholarship Elton O. Kirstein Scholarship F. William Knowles Scholarship Edward & Adeline Kopf Scholarship Jacob Kraenzler Memorial Scholarship Jerry Kramer Family Scholarship Gladys Kramlich Memorial Scholarship Lang Family Endowment Walter H. Larson Memorial Scholarship Ellen Lehr Scholarship Anna Leischner Memorial Scholarship Hugo Lueck Scholarship Deborah Mack Scholarship James McGladdery Scholarship Ed & Elizabeth Meister Memorial Scholarship
Harry Mollhagen Scholarship Modern-Day Paul Scholarship Minnie Pankratz Scholarship Martha Pfaff Scholarship Ruth Poerschke Fund Adam & Nellie Potratz Memorial Scholarship M. B. Potratz Memorial Scholarship Presidential Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Pritzkau Scholarship Harley Radel Memorial Scholarship David J. Reese Memorial Scholarship Rev. O. K. Ringering Memorial Scholarship Minnie Schmertman International Missions Scholarship Esther Schultz Scholarship Josephine Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Rose Storz Living Memorial Deborah & Elvin Strickland Scholarship Herbert Sturhahn Memorial Scholarship Larry Terveen Memorial Scholarship Edwin Van Holland Scholarship Rev. E. Wolff Memorial Scholarship Mark Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship Ziulkowski Memorial Scholarship
operating endowments Harry & Helen Arends Operating Endowment Ewald Bartel Family Endowment William & Caroline Barsh Operating Endowment Edith Baudisch Operating Endowment George & Esther Breitkreuz Operating Endowment Raymond & Edith DeNeui Endowed Chair Freda Dirksen Missions Teaching Endowment David & Betty Draewell Operating Endowment Ben Engbrecht Stewardship Endowment Fehr Family Operating Endowment Walter & Eva Gooden Operating Endowment Douglas & Bernietta Graf Operating Endowment Henry J. Hammer Operating Endowment Harris-Behm Family Chair of Biblical Studies Herman & Lucile Hildebrand Operating Endowment Herbert Hiller Lectureship in Pastoral Care MarJean Johnson Annual Fund Endowment Signie Johnson Operating Endowment Helen Steele Kannwisher Operating Endowment Ewald & Dorothy Kanwischer Operating Endowment Kapteina Family Operating Endowment Robert & Blondena Krueger Operating Endowment Flor Lindaman Operating Endowment George & Alma McCullough Operating Endowment New Generation Operating Endowment Elmer & Myrtle Olthoff Family Operating Endowment Pearl Pierce Operating Endowment Clinton & Elizabeth Reif Operating Endowment Franklin Roehrman Operating Endowment Ed & Sena Schrader Operating Endowment Harold E. Schrader Operating Scholarship Esther Schultz Operating Endowment Herb & Adel Stabbert Operating Endowment Vert & Doris Voigt Operating Endowment Walter & Blanche P. Weber Operating Endowment Jack H. Weeldreyer Operating Endowment Westerman Family Operating Endowment Zimbelman Stewardship Operating Endowment
funding u d g
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make an impact help students prepare for ministry for generations to come
Planned Giving Options Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT’s) Charitable remainder trusts, often referred to as trusts or CRTs, can provide an immediate income tax deduction and return annual income to a donor. Support through a charitable remainder trust is a generous way to make a legacy gift as they significantly enhance the seminary’s ministry while providing lifetime income for the investor. In the right circumstances, it is truly a win-win for both the donor and the seminary. Depending on how a donor funds the remainder trust, it is possible to reduce capital gains and even estate taxes. CRTs are funded with cash or appreciated property (stocks, bonds, land). The trust payments are paid to the donor on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis until the trust ends.
Estate Plans If you would like to help students prepare for ministry for generations to come without it costing you a single cent during your lifetime, consider including Sioux Falls Seminary in your estate plans. One option is to endow a scholarship that will benefit students for years to come. For example, you can choose to make a $25,000 designation in your will or trust to establish a scholarship endowment at the seminary. After your life, that money would be invested and the interest would provide $1,000 each year to a deserving student. It’s a great way to put your money to Kingdom use after you no longer need it.
Learn More Contact Benjamin Lee in the Leadership Foundation at Sioux Falls Seminary at 800.440.6227 or If you have already included the seminary in your estate plans, please let us know so we can celebrate your generosity.
named endowment scholarships Clara Anderson Scholarship Aplington Baptist Endowment Fund Earl Backhaus Scholarship Cecil & Bertha Bainbridge Scholarship William & Caroline Barsh Memorial Scholarship Ewald Bartel Financial Aid Endowment Edith Barton Scholarship Baudisch Endowment for Missions Training Orville & Lois Behm Scholarship Walter Bender Memorial Scholarship Bergman Family Scholarship Hanna Bertuleit Memorial Scholarship Adolph & Mary Hildebrand Bill Endowed Scholarship Herman Bleeker Memorial Scholarship Borchert Scholarship Cal & Leona Brachlow Scholarship Bert & Ruth Braun Scholarship Fund Ewald Breitkreuz Family Endowment Dale E. Burroughs Scholarship Paul & Rhoda Carpenter Scholarship Christiansen Family Scholarship Cone Endowment Scholarship Martha DeBoer Scholarship Clara DeGroot Memorial Scholarship William Harry & Ada Downs Memorial Scholarship Daniel & Hinreka Feske Scholarship First Baptist Church of Mitchell, SD, Memorial Scholarship Foerster Scholarship Alvin C. Foster Scholarship Edith A. Fox Scholarship Leland Friesen Scholarship Douglas & Bernietta Graf Scholarship Stanley Grenz Scholarship Fred A. Grosser Memorial Scholarship Carolyn Hansum UMC Memorial Scholarship William & Mary Harms Scholarship James G. Harris Memorial Scholarship George Hensel Scholarship Heringer Haas Memorial Scholarship Helling-Floren Scholarship Jacob M. & Fern A. Heringer Memorial Scholarship Charles M. Hiatt Scholarship for Church Leadership Hiatt Family Scholarship Minnie Witt Hildebrand Endowed Scholarship Jacquelyn Howell Endowed Scholarship Adam Huber Memorial Scholarship Paul & Joy Huisman Scholarship Elmer & Alvina Jucht Memorial Scholarship Kern Family Endowment Herman Kesterke Family Scholarship Otto E. Krueger Memorial Scholarship Dr. George A. & Esther Lang Memorial Scholarship Vera Leischner Gaskill Scholarship Isabelle Long & Esther Christiansen Memorial Scholarship Harold H. Luiken & Sons, Inc. Scholarship Mehlhaff Scholarship Michelson Scholarship NAB Men’s Auxiliary Scholarship NAB Seminary Women’s Auxiliary Endowment North Sheridan Baptist Church Scholarship Elmer & Myrtle Olthoff Family Scholarship Edmund F. & Viola C. Ost Endowment
Board of Trustees Sioux Falls Seminary Class of 2013
Class of 2016
Mrs. Marian DeWerff Ellinwood, KS
Mr. Deane Barker Sioux Falls, SD
Mrs. Jackie Howden Parkville, MO
Rev. Elton LaBree Aplington, IA
Dr. Dave Thomas Sioux Falls, SD
Rev. Dr. Kevin McDonald Omaha, NE
Leadership Foundation
Dr. Chuck Weber Wheaton, IL
Dr. Wes Nord Sioux Falls, SD
Class of 2013
Class of 2015
Ms. Marilyn Schaer Elgin, IA
Mr. Darrel Bartell Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Kerry Bender Minneapolis, MN Rev. Bill Gould Apple Valley, MN Rev. Greg Kroger Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Steve May George, IA Rev. Brian Russell Winnipeg, MB
Mr. David Wesseler Lorraine, KS Dr. Kirby Wilcoxson Sioux Falls, SD By Virtue of Position Dr. Rob McCleland Folsom, CA
Board of Directors Mr. Darrel Bartell Sioux Falls, SD Mr. Dale Jans Sioux Falls, SD Class of 2015 Mr. Jeremy Bill Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Steve May George, IA Ms. Kathy Thorson Sioux Falls, SD Class of 2016 Rev. Leon Bill Sioux Falls, SD
Mr. Matt Smith Sioux Falls, SD Class of 2017 Mr. Deane Barker Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Dr. Kevin McDonald Omaha, NE By Virtue of Position Dr. G. Michael Hagan Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Brian Russell Winnipeg, MB
Dashboard Reports
giving by constituency
enrollment trends (based on total headcount)
we asked;
debt retirement update
doctoral students for credit
July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
you answered!
masters students for credit auditors/non-degree students (not enrolled for graduate credit)
When SFS requested contributions to help lower its mortgage, nearly
In the
past six months, $440,000 was
trends @
100 gifts were received.
given toward debt relief. What a
sfseminar y
Much thanks to all who gave. If $200,000
you’d still like to participate, please
year, which consisted of Fall 2011
call Benjamin Lee at 605.336.6588.
and Spring 2012, enrollment at
boards: trustees/directors
churches/religious organizations
blessing and answer to prayer!
Sioux Falls Seminary increased 20% overall with a near 26%
increase 2007-08
semester to Fall 2011 semester.
Dashboard Reports
giving by constituency
enrollment trends (based on total headcount)
we asked;
debt retirement update
doctoral students for credit
July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
you answered!
masters students for credit auditors/non-degree students (not enrolled for graduate credit)
When SFS requested contributions to help lower its mortgage, nearly
In the
past six months, $440,000 was
trends @
100 gifts were received.
given toward debt relief. What a
sfseminar y
Much thanks to all who gave. If $200,000
you’d still like to participate, please
year, which consisted of Fall 2011
call Benjamin Lee at 605.336.6588.
and Spring 2012, enrollment at
boards: trustees/directors
churches/religious organizations
blessing and answer to prayer!
Sioux Falls Seminary increased 20% overall with a near 26%
increase 2007-08
semester to Fall 2011 semester.
make an impact help students prepare for ministry for generations to come
Planned Giving Options Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT’s) Charitable remainder trusts, often referred to as trusts or CRTs, can provide an immediate income tax deduction and return annual income to a donor. Support through a charitable remainder trust is a generous way to make a legacy gift as they significantly enhance the seminary’s ministry while providing lifetime income for the investor. In the right circumstances, it is truly a win-win for both the donor and the seminary. Depending on how a donor funds the remainder trust, it is possible to reduce capital gains and even estate taxes. CRTs are funded with cash or appreciated property (stocks, bonds, land). The trust payments are paid to the donor on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis until the trust ends.
Estate Plans If you would like to help students prepare for ministry for generations to come without it costing you a single cent during your lifetime, consider including Sioux Falls Seminary in your estate plans. One option is to endow a scholarship that will benefit students for years to come. For example, you can choose to make a $25,000 designation in your will or trust to establish a scholarship endowment at the seminary. After your life, that money would be invested and the interest would provide $1,000 each year to a deserving student. It’s a great way to put your money to Kingdom use after you no longer need it.
Learn More Contact Benjamin Lee in the Leadership Foundation at Sioux Falls Seminary at 800.440.6227 or If you have already included the seminary in your estate plans, please let us know so we can celebrate your generosity.
named endowment scholarships Clara Anderson Scholarship Aplington Baptist Endowment Fund Earl Backhaus Scholarship Cecil & Bertha Bainbridge Scholarship William & Caroline Barsh Memorial Scholarship Ewald Bartel Financial Aid Endowment Edith Barton Scholarship Baudisch Endowment for Missions Training Orville & Lois Behm Scholarship Walter Bender Memorial Scholarship Bergman Family Scholarship Hanna Bertuleit Memorial Scholarship Adolph & Mary Hildebrand Bill Endowed Scholarship Herman Bleeker Memorial Scholarship Borchert Scholarship Cal & Leona Brachlow Scholarship Bert & Ruth Braun Scholarship Fund Ewald Breitkreuz Family Endowment Dale E. Burroughs Scholarship Paul & Rhoda Carpenter Scholarship Christiansen Family Scholarship Cone Endowment Scholarship Martha DeBoer Scholarship Clara DeGroot Memorial Scholarship William Harry & Ada Downs Memorial Scholarship Daniel & Hinreka Feske Scholarship First Baptist Church of Mitchell, SD, Memorial Scholarship Foerster Scholarship Alvin C. Foster Scholarship Edith A. Fox Scholarship Leland Friesen Scholarship Douglas & Bernietta Graf Scholarship Stanley Grenz Scholarship Fred A. Grosser Memorial Scholarship Carolyn Hansum UMC Memorial Scholarship William & Mary Harms Scholarship James G. Harris Memorial Scholarship George Hensel Scholarship Heringer Haas Memorial Scholarship Helling-Floren Scholarship Jacob M. & Fern A. Heringer Memorial Scholarship Charles M. Hiatt Scholarship for Church Leadership Hiatt Family Scholarship Minnie Witt Hildebrand Endowed Scholarship Jacquelyn Howell Endowed Scholarship Adam Huber Memorial Scholarship Paul & Joy Huisman Scholarship Elmer & Alvina Jucht Memorial Scholarship Kern Family Endowment Herman Kesterke Family Scholarship Otto E. Krueger Memorial Scholarship Dr. George A. & Esther Lang Memorial Scholarship Vera Leischner Gaskill Scholarship Isabelle Long & Esther Christiansen Memorial Scholarship Harold H. Luiken & Sons, Inc. Scholarship Mehlhaff Scholarship Michelson Scholarship NAB Men’s Auxiliary Scholarship NAB Seminary Women’s Auxiliary Endowment North Sheridan Baptist Church Scholarship Elmer & Myrtle Olthoff Family Scholarship Edmund F. & Viola C. Ost Endowment
Board of Trustees Sioux Falls Seminary Class of 2013
Class of 2016
Mrs. Marian DeWerff Ellinwood, KS
Mr. Deane Barker Sioux Falls, SD
Mrs. Jackie Howden Parkville, MO
Rev. Elton LaBree Aplington, IA
Dr. Dave Thomas Sioux Falls, SD
Rev. Dr. Kevin McDonald Omaha, NE
Leadership Foundation
Dr. Chuck Weber Wheaton, IL
Dr. Wes Nord Sioux Falls, SD
Class of 2013
Class of 2015
Ms. Marilyn Schaer Elgin, IA
Mr. Darrel Bartell Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Kerry Bender Minneapolis, MN Rev. Bill Gould Apple Valley, MN Rev. Greg Kroger Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Steve May George, IA Rev. Brian Russell Winnipeg, MB
Mr. David Wesseler Lorraine, KS Dr. Kirby Wilcoxson Sioux Falls, SD By Virtue of Position Dr. Rob McCleland Folsom, CA
Board of Directors Mr. Darrel Bartell Sioux Falls, SD Mr. Dale Jans Sioux Falls, SD Class of 2015 Mr. Jeremy Bill Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Steve May George, IA Ms. Kathy Thorson Sioux Falls, SD Class of 2016 Rev. Leon Bill Sioux Falls, SD
Mr. Matt Smith Sioux Falls, SD Class of 2017 Mr. Deane Barker Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Dr. Kevin McDonald Omaha, NE By Virtue of Position Dr. G. Michael Hagan Sioux Falls, SD Rev. Brian Russell Winnipeg, MB
President’s Report 2011-12 was a good year in many ways for the ministry of Sioux Falls Seminary. We started classes in Omaha on a full-time basis. We stood for review with our accrediting bodies and passed. We added a full-time faculty member in Dr. Nathan Hitchcock. We participated in the North American Baptist Triennial in Orlando. We widened our impact through our 33 graduates. At every turn of the year, we advanced with prayer. Our reminders came at 9 a.m., 12 noon, and 3 p.m.—but every person in our ministry or in contact with our ministry through conversations, sermons preached, or visits made was reminded that we were seeking the Lord’s face in prayer. We grew in dependence on our God. This note is actually a tribute to the Lord for his goodness to us. His grace is sufficient.
prayer and provision Thankful for God’s Sufficient Grace by
G. Michael Hagan President Sioux Falls Seminary
Psalm 131 tells us in three verses that no matter what we face, God is our hope. As we mature in dependence, we go forward with hope in the living and active God. Our desire is to be in step with what God is doing in the world, and the faithful provision from God says we are. Sometimes we kid around and say our God could choose to work with “abounding grace” instead of “sufficient grace,” meaning we could endure some relief from always being on the edge. But it has been our lesson to learn—in our weakness God is made strong. Our dependence on a sufficient God goes far beyond what we deserve. Thanks, Lord, for your sufficiency. And thanks to all of you who have been partners with the Lord and with us in the ministry of Sioux Falls Seminary.
Clarence & Kay Ostercamp Memorial Scholarship Virginia Peasley Memorial UMC Scholarship Pearl Pierce International Scholarship Alice Mayhack Pohl Scholarship Dorothy Powell Memorial Fund Eugene & Erma Precheck Scholarship Roland J. & Violet R. Rolfs Memorial Scholarship Rose of Sharon Scholarship Joy Harris Sauers Memorial Scholarship Herbert & Mary Schauer Scholarship Evelyn Seib Scholarship John Freeman and Dorothy Burrow Shaw Memorial Scholarship Endowment Christel Spletzer Endowment: Encouraging Women in Ministry Adel Stabbert Scholarship Grace Sturtz Memorial Scholarship Bert & Verona Terveen Scholarship Bernard Thole Endowed Scholarship Charles & Dorothy Thole Scholarship Truhlar Scholarship JoAnne Tschetter Memorial Scholarship Tschetter-Telker Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. H. John Vanderbeck Scholarship Frank & Otila Veninga Memorial Scholarship Charles Wagner Scholarship Fund Warren & Darlys Weeldreyer Memorial Scholarship Alfred & Eunice Weisser Christian Education Award Carl & Eva Weisser Scholarship
grant and financial aid scholarships Alumni Association Scholarship Alfred & Melita Brachlow Scholarship Breitkreuz-Stander Scholarship Kenny Brenner Memorial Scholarship Marie Brenner Memorial Scholarship H. Scott Bridgman Family Memorial Scholarship Peggy L. Burkle Memorial Scholarship Minnie Crain Memorial Scholarship Dunger Family Endowment Jacob & Helen Ehman Scholarship Pearl Faszer Scholarship Herman & Elizabeth Fluth Memorial Scholarship Richard, Clara, & Stanley Grenz Memorial Scholarship William & Avis Heerts Scholarship Phyllis Mae Hoffman Scholarship Kenneth Jung Memorial Scholarship Dr. Katschke-Jennings Ordained Women in Ministry Scholarship Ralph & Jesse Martin Kahle Scholarship Elton O. Kirstein Scholarship F. William Knowles Scholarship Edward & Adeline Kopf Scholarship Jacob Kraenzler Memorial Scholarship Jerry Kramer Family Scholarship Gladys Kramlich Memorial Scholarship Lang Family Endowment Walter H. Larson Memorial Scholarship Ellen Lehr Scholarship Anna Leischner Memorial Scholarship Hugo Lueck Scholarship Deborah Mack Scholarship James McGladdery Scholarship Ed & Elizabeth Meister Memorial Scholarship
Harry Mollhagen Scholarship Modern-Day Paul Scholarship Minnie Pankratz Scholarship Martha Pfaff Scholarship Ruth Poerschke Fund Adam & Nellie Potratz Memorial Scholarship M. B. Potratz Memorial Scholarship Presidential Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Pritzkau Scholarship Harley Radel Memorial Scholarship David J. Reese Memorial Scholarship Rev. O. K. Ringering Memorial Scholarship Minnie Schmertman International Missions Scholarship Esther Schultz Scholarship Josephine Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Rose Storz Living Memorial Deborah & Elvin Strickland Scholarship Herbert Sturhahn Memorial Scholarship Larry Terveen Memorial Scholarship Edwin Van Holland Scholarship Rev. E. Wolff Memorial Scholarship Mark Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship Ziulkowski Memorial Scholarship
operating endowments Harry & Helen Arends Operating Endowment Ewald Bartel Family Endowment William & Caroline Barsh Operating Endowment Edith Baudisch Operating Endowment George & Esther Breitkreuz Operating Endowment Raymond & Edith DeNeui Endowed Chair Freda Dirksen Missions Teaching Endowment David & Betty Draewell Operating Endowment Ben Engbrecht Stewardship Endowment Fehr Family Operating Endowment Walter & Eva Gooden Operating Endowment Douglas & Bernietta Graf Operating Endowment Henry J. Hammer Operating Endowment Harris-Behm Family Chair of Biblical Studies Herman & Lucile Hildebrand Operating Endowment Herbert Hiller Lectureship in Pastoral Care MarJean Johnson Annual Fund Endowment Signie Johnson Operating Endowment Helen Steele Kannwisher Operating Endowment Ewald & Dorothy Kanwischer Operating Endowment Kapteina Family Operating Endowment Robert & Blondena Krueger Operating Endowment Flor Lindaman Operating Endowment George & Alma McCullough Operating Endowment New Generation Operating Endowment Elmer & Myrtle Olthoff Family Operating Endowment Pearl Pierce Operating Endowment Clinton & Elizabeth Reif Operating Endowment Franklin Roehrman Operating Endowment Ed & Sena Schrader Operating Endowment Harold E. Schrader Operating Scholarship Esther Schultz Operating Endowment Herb & Adel Stabbert Operating Endowment Vert & Doris Voigt Operating Endowment Walter & Blanche P. Weber Operating Endowment Jack H. Weeldreyer Operating Endowment Westerman Family Operating Endowment Zimbelman Stewardship Operating Endowment
funding u d g
t h e
Sioux Falls Seminary A North American Baptist Seminary
2100 S. Summit Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105 #SFSeminary
prayer provision
god’s sufficient grace 2011-2012
annual report
Sioux Falls Seminary